08-06-2009, 01:00 AM
The Servants of the Silver Flame are again offering their services of guidance and protection to pilgrims of the Flame on pilgrimage in Xen'drik. Templars and Inquisitors are also welcome to travel with us.
Sarramark de Torquand, paladin of the Silver Flame
(ooc) Servants of the Silver Flame is a themed roleplaying guild based on the Church of the Silver Flame, its traditions of pilgrimage, as well as the various factions and orders within the Church. If you are a roleplayer and have a character who is a follower of the Silver Flame, feel free to either contact any of us in game, or PM me here in the forums. To see our enty in the guild listings click here. (
Sarramark de Torquand, paladin of the Silver Flame
(ooc) Servants of the Silver Flame is a themed roleplaying guild based on the Church of the Silver Flame, its traditions of pilgrimage, as well as the various factions and orders within the Church. If you are a roleplayer and have a character who is a follower of the Silver Flame, feel free to either contact any of us in game, or PM me here in the forums. To see our enty in the guild listings click here. (