View Full Version : The Immobilizer: A Build concept-- reposted

07-22-2009, 03:43 PM
This is a repost from the FvS beta thread as I wanted to give it more exposure as not everyone may be reading beta threads.

There has been a lot of talk about FvS as the new battleclerics or superb healbots. A few have attempted to go outside those bounds and so do I.

Concept: Good but not great healer because the party won't need much when opponets can't fight back.

Human 20th level FvS

Stats-- Statring Ending
Str 8 14 (+6 item)
Dex 10 16 (+6 item)
Con 14 20 (+6 item and better if +2 or better con tome found)
Intel 10 10 -- enhanced as needed
Wis 18 36-- (+3 enh, +5 lvls, +2 tome, +6 item, +2 exceptional)
Chr 14 24 -- (+4 enh, +6 item)

level 1-- toughness and extend
Level 3-- spell focus enchantment
levle 6-- Spell focus necromancy
level 9-- Spell pen
level 12-- maximize
level 15-- greater spell focus enchantment/necromancy/edit likely to be greater spell pen based on responses so far
level 18-- heighten/empower depending on performance

Enchancemetns-- only listing the crtical ones to the build
All spell pen enhancements
Human adaptability and greater adaptability (wis and chr)
FvS wis II
FvS chr III
Full enhancement line for positive/negative spells

Key Spells (again not all just the one key for this build and purpose)
hold person
greater command
symbol of stunning
comet fall

major spells used--- greater command and symbol of stunning since both are will based
depending of rates of saves may switch heighten to level 15

So any suggetions to improve this?

07-22-2009, 03:45 PM
I like evocation over necro and enchantment because it covers both implosion and blade barrior. I would make an evoker/enchanter over a necro/enchanter character.

07-22-2009, 03:48 PM
This is a repost from the FvS beta thread as I wanted to give it more exposure as not everyone may be reading beta threads.

There has been a lot of talk about FvS as the new battleclerics or superb healbots. A few have attempted to go outside those bounds and so do I.

Concept: Good but not great healer because the party won't need much when opponets can't fight back.

Human 20th level FvS

Stats-- Statring Ending
Str 8 14 (+6 item)
Dex 10 16 (+6 item)
Con 14 20 (+6 item and better if +2 or better con tome found)
Intel 10 10 -- enhanced as needed
Wis 18 36-- (+3 enh, +5 lvls, +2 tome, +6 item, +2 exceptional)
Chr 14 24 -- (+4 enh, +6 item)

level 1-- toughness and extend
Level 3-- spell focus enchantment
levle 6-- Spell focus necromancy
level 9-- Spell pen
level 12-- maximize
level 15-- greater spell focus enchantment/necromancy
level 18-- heighten/empower depending on performance

Enchancemetns-- only listing the crtical ones to the build
All spell pen enhancements
Human adaptability and greater adaptability (wis and chr)
FvS wis II
FvS chr III
Full enhancement line for positive/negative spells

Key Spells (again not all just the one key for this build and purpose)
hold person
greater command
symbol of stunning
comet fall

major spells used--- greater command and symbol of stunning since both are will based
depending of rates of saves may switch heighten to level 15

So any suggetions to improve this?

If you are intent on immobilizing your targets I would say drop the spell focus necro and get the greater spell pen feat, you will need it to get through the SR of the devils in Shavarath. At 18th make sure that you take heighten so that your lower level spells have the same oomph as your higher so that you can cycle through them and have them be effective.

Edit - don't forget that the Dreamspitter adds to enchantment spells DC.

07-22-2009, 03:58 PM
You can save some APs on the Charisma enhancement by going Favored Soul CHA 2 and taking your capstone. (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=2263793&postcount=10)

07-22-2009, 04:27 PM
You can save some APs on the Charisma enhancement by going Favored Soul CHA 2 and taking your capstone. (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=2263793&postcount=10)

He he I'll admit I forgot about the capstone given +2 charisma... thanks.

I'll address the other point raised so far as well:

As to going evocation over necro/enchantment... that defeats the point of the build. I don't want anything getting anwywer near me or my party. Enchantment allows me to command, greater command, and hold....let the meelee do their job and have some fun and kill them I don't need to do that. Necro is for harm, poison and destruction... also I will have to check but I thougth implosion was negative energy as well.

Its a good thought about adding greater spell pen feat I will have to think about that.

07-22-2009, 05:06 PM
He he I'll admit I forgot about the capstone given +2 charisma... thanks.

I'll address the other point raised so far as well:

As to going evocation over necro/enchantment... that defeats the point of the build. I don't want anything getting anwywer near me or my party. Enchantment allows me to command, greater command, and hold....let the meelee do their job and have some fun and kill them I don't need to do that. Necro is for harm, poison and destruction... also I will have to check but I thougth implosion was negative energy as well.

Its a good thought about adding greater spell pen feat I will have to think about that.

implosion is evocation.

07-22-2009, 06:32 PM
implosion is evocation.

Thanks saves me looking it up.

07-22-2009, 06:46 PM
Its a good thought about adding greater spell pen feat I will have to think about that.
I got gr spell pen on my casting cleric. I think it's worth it if going that route on FvS.

07-29-2009, 04:13 AM
I got gr spell pen on my casting cleric. I think it's worth it if going that route on FvS.

The spell pen feats are the best feats available to any non-damage-focused caster.

Generally +1 spell pen is worth more than +1 save DC for increasing the chance of spells to land (maths explained below). But you don't get +1, you get +2 for a single feat, compared to the alternative of +1 DC to 30-50% of the spells you cast (i.e. one school).

The maths:

If you have a 30% chance to beat SR on a tough mob, and a 60% chance for them to fail their save (both typical figures for Elite endgame raid content and choosing a spell that the mob has a poor save against):

Base chance to land a spell: 18%

Chance with +1 Spell Pen: 35% * 60% = 21%

Chance with +1 spell DC: 30% * 65% = 19.5%

07-29-2009, 05:20 AM
I thought you only need a 19 to get every spell. If so, move those points to something else. It would give you a little more flexibility in maxxing out your other crit enhancements.

Swap Toughness and Spell Pen.
Swap Maximize with Greater Focus.
Drop Necro for Evocation.

Why make these changes? So you can access to the spells full potential earlier.

Look to get an item that increases your DCs (ie Napkin is decent). Your probably going to want to use necro items in hand for drain, poison and destruction.

07-29-2009, 09:12 AM
Thanks all

07-29-2009, 09:32 AM
Just want to point out that I think the high level content (the Shavarath stuff) provides a +4 save bonus to enchantment spells.

Worth noting.