View Full Version : Character makeovers!

07-19-2009, 09:10 PM
Some other MMOs have begun to offer the ability to change your character's looks after you create them. In DDO things that could be changed are your hair, skin color (how about a nice tan?), your eyebrows may need some work, or maybe you want to get rid of those bags under your eyes or change your eye color, or maybe you want to add a scar from that wicked Ice Flenser incident last week or maybe get some piercings?

Characters in DDO have to stay exactly the same the entire time, which can be a drag.

So why not have an NPC with the ability to give you a magical makeover? A simple Fred-like guy with the "Polymorph Other" spell would be great. Pay a small fee, maybe a dragonshard, and viola, it's the new you!

09-22-2009, 04:22 PM
This, please. I realized after hitting level seven with my main that his eyes and eyebrows are hideous and they can look so much better. Pretty prease?