View Full Version : About solo-only quests...

07-18-2009, 08:08 PM
Any chance we can get the option to ramp them up on elite? The exp is attrocious, and the loot worse, so its not like anyone would farm these. Heck they USE to be completeable on elite, so why take away our options?

Plus, it screws up the favor log to see all those blue "solo" thrown in :(
If favor is a concern, make it 0 for solo, 1 norm, 2 hard, 3 elite. Thats a whole 5 favor more than you currently get.

07-18-2009, 08:12 PM
If favor is a concern, make it 0 for solo, 1 norm, 2 hard, 3 elite. Thats a whole 5 favor more than you currently get.

Umm, wat?

While at it, please also remove thwarting the threat altogether from the favor list as it is non-existant to characters rolled postmod.

07-18-2009, 08:24 PM
Umm, wat?


Currently the solo-only quests give 2 favor each IIRC. If they made elite worth 3, and there are 5ish solo-onlies, then thats 5 more favor. Might be only 4 quests though as I can't get in game to check right now.

Lets see:
Millers debt
Haverdasher hunt
Running with the doggies
Explosive situation
Don't break the coffins
I forget any?

While at it, please also remove thwarting the threat altogether from the favor list as it is non-existant to characters rolled postmod.

OMG yes.