View Full Version : New Players, New Guild

07-17-2009, 02:26 PM
Hi there. Myself and a bunch of experienced gamers have joined you folks in DDO on the Sarlona server. We're an eclectic group that generally puts fun above everything else, but we also sure like being good at what we do. We'll have light recruitment, so if you have any interest in the guild, here is a copy of my beta recruitment post:

We come to DDO from other games. We have an amazing history of different MMOs, as well as other types of gaming experience. Some have PNP backgrounds as well. We are an active group, looking to add some new people to our circle.

Playtimes are all day, but generally focused on US evenings/early mornings. We have at least a full group on every night, and tend to play for fun. We do like to advance and find challenge, but are not particularly into min/maxxing or powergaming. Currently most of us are still finding classes we really like, and most are around levels 4-6.

We really have a good time, so if you are deathly serious about games or things in general, you probably will not fit in. We're very competent as well, we don't mind new players, and are happy to teach and help, but we don't like people that refuse to learn or contribute to the group. We're not a "everyone gets along and hugs" kind of group either. If you fit in, we'll all have fun, but life is too short to have people that can't play nice together having passive aggressive angst on vent. Oh yeah, I more or less expect people to be on vent if they're grouped with guild mates, even if you don't have a mic.

We do have a vent server, we do have dedicated forums.

We intend on playing f2p + purchased content on live.

Post here, PM me, or catch me in game as Wylker if you're interested.


Guild name: To the first point
Server: Sarlona
Guild Forums: http://onmyinternets.com
Vent and IRC info can be found on the forums.

07-17-2009, 03:26 PM
Welcome to DDO! :D

07-17-2009, 03:54 PM
Welcome to DDO! :D

I REALLY like this guy

07-28-2009, 09:23 PM
so you all will pretty much start at lvl 1 when servers go live, the 6th? I'd be interested in that, I don't want a guild where everybody has 4 lvl 16 characters and I'm the mascot :)

07-29-2009, 07:27 PM
so you all will pretty much start at lvl 1 when servers go live, the 6th? I'd be interested in that, I don't want a guild where everybody has 4 lvl 16 characters and I'm the mascot :)

Yes, we've been messing around on live, and have some level 7-8s but I think all will be rerolling on the 6th.

07-30-2009, 04:12 PM
so you all will pretty much start at lvl 1 when servers go live, the 6th? I'd be interested in that, I don't want a guild where everybody has 4 lvl 16 characters and I'm the mascot :)

F2P starts on the 4th, according to the Turbine announcements. I'd also be interested in joining your guild as well. Send me a tell to one of the toons I have listed below and we can set up something. If you need any help in the meantime feel free to give me a shout, I'm usually available.