View Full Version : So which guilds are the good guilds on this server

07-17-2009, 10:37 AM
I am honestly asking this question because I truly don't know which guilds are real good. When I say good, I mean they complete anything and everything they run.

07-17-2009, 10:38 AM

07-17-2009, 10:47 AM
Everyone except chaosknights :D

07-17-2009, 10:53 AM
While not on this server per se (I have some token toons on it). I would offer this general opinion.
Most all guilds complete quests they start.
Many guilds will complete even the most challenging quests on the hardest settings.
A few guilds might do that routinely.

The biggest difference in guilds tend to be the mindsets.
For some it is all about being the best, by that I mean working at whatever you need to do to obtain the best gear, the best stats, the best of whatever.
For others, it is more about the comraderie and interplay during play. Not to say those guys lack top end gear, but it is more a side effect than a main driver.

What you really need to do, is decide for yourself what type of play you are looking for, and then you will be more likely to find a home with like minded players. Most of the time I see any drama or issues, is when someone tries to make themselves fit in with a group of players (cause they seem like the cool kids on the block at the time) but the way they do things does not mesh well with how that player enjoys playing. Conflicts arise, and often people need to move on. Do NOT force it. The point of the game or any game for that matter, is to have fun playing it.

Good luck.

07-17-2009, 11:02 AM
I am honestly asking this question because I truly don't know which guilds are real good. When I say good, I mean they complete anything and everything they run.

we do complete quests, even while driving guild leader crazy with cartoon voices.


Dark know that you're advertising that we are "good" and/or "nice"

Everyone except chaosknights :D

true story.

07-17-2009, 11:25 AM
I never said we are nice and I guess good would be assumed but I was just saying we complete.

Alright let me clarify, for a guild full of Gimps and a$$hats we manage to complete what we set out to do.

07-17-2009, 11:33 AM
I never said we are nice and I guess good would be assumed but I was just saying we complete.

Alright let me clarify, for a guild full of Gimps and a$$hats we manage to complete what we set out to do.

alright that's more accurate.

"simmer down KK." sorry had to do dark impersonation, but can't sound like 12 year old girl.

07-17-2009, 11:36 AM
LOL, I'm fine no worries. Actually I am great today. It's a awesome day, Harry Potter tonight, one day closer to vacation, what could be better.

07-17-2009, 11:37 AM
LOL, I'm fine no worries. Actually I am great today. It's a awesome day, Harry Potter tonight, one day closer to vacation, what could be better.

all Hanna Barbara cartoon voice shroud!

07-17-2009, 11:44 AM
all Hanna Barbara cartoon voice shroud!

You got me there Yogi.

07-17-2009, 11:53 AM
id have to say avoid MyLittlePhwny and Bloodlords at all costs, they cant do anything right. yes the H in MLP was intended.
Chaosknights claim to be a$$hats themselves so you can take that to heart.
Ordos Drackonum or however it is spelled just plain suck.
Aces Over Kings.......if you dont know then you dont wanna find out.

all in all id have to say that Archmagi is hands down the only good guild on the server. we have tink. nuff said

on a side note i heard that there is a guild on Lama server that is extra uber. Rhymes with Mipples is their name. their guild leader is really great.

07-17-2009, 11:57 AM
id have to say avoid MyLittlePhwny and Bloodlords at all costs, they cant do anything right. yes the H in MLP was intended.
Chaosknights claim to be a$$hats themselves so you can take that to heart.
Ordos Drackonum or however it is spelled just plain suck.
Aces Over Kings.......if you dont know then you dont wanna find out.

all in all id have to say that Archmagi is hands down the only good guild on the server. we have tink. nuff said

on a side note i heard that there is a guild on Lama server that is extra uber. Rhymes with Mipples is their name. their guild leader is really great.

i'm confused, so you're saying there are no good guilds other than Archmagi? wow, people are gonna be hunting for you.

i bet pwnys are in here soon. you just brought down the thunder

07-17-2009, 12:00 PM
I think your best bet Is the Red Skullz. Granted there is only one member and he's the grandest of Pikers on Argo, but his dual box raid skills are solid! :p;)

07-17-2009, 12:00 PM
I am hoping that the post was meant in jest but my sarcasm meter isn't working today. If not wow way to call some people out.

07-17-2009, 12:06 PM
id have to say avoid MyLittlePhwny and Bloodlords at all costs, they cant do anything right. yes the H in MLP was intended.
Chaosknights claim to be a$$hats themselves so you can take that to heart.
Ordos Drackonum or however it is spelled just plain suck.
Aces Over Kings.......if you dont know then you dont wanna find out.

all in all id have to say that Archmagi is hands down the only good guild on the server. we have tink. nuff said

on a side note i heard that there is a guild on Lama server that is extra uber. Rhymes with Mipples is their name. their guild leader is really great.

You missed all those Up with People movies in school, didn't you?

I run a pretty good cleric in a good guild, but I'd never say that there aren't any other good clerics or good guilds out there.

07-17-2009, 03:55 PM
Looks like a couple of peeps failed their sarcasm checks.

Of course; Tard sucks ( and there is no sarcasm attached here :D ).

07-17-2009, 06:50 PM
I guess some people don't read very well, I just asked what the best guilds are on Argo. I dont care about the guilds you don't like, just the ones you have a positive experience running with as far as completions and smoothness goes.

07-17-2009, 06:56 PM
if u have to ask then you arent running with them

07-17-2009, 09:07 PM
Well according to my own post Darkside is not "good".

In the past I have collected people to my Friends list and then look later to see how many are from what guilds.

As of late I have been adding people to my friends list who were Alliance members.

Some Alliance member-guilds I have enjoyed running with as of late have been Warrior's Soul, Order of the Silver Dragons,
Bloodline Dynasty, and Eberron Dwarf Tossing League.

I also enjoy the Bearded Badasses, Celestrial Knights, Golden Horde.

I can not think of any specifics but I am pretty sure Chaosknights and Bloodlords are good too.

I know I have run with many others but I have only been paying more attention as of late.

07-17-2009, 09:20 PM
if u have to ask then you arent running with them

That sounds about right.

07-17-2009, 09:22 PM
I am honestly asking this question because I truly don't know which guilds are real good. When I say good, I mean they complete anything and everything they run.

You probably want to be a tad more specific. Are you looking to powergame? Raid hard, raid fast, raid often? Do you prefer brain or muscle in quest styles? Hawt elf chicks only?

A good strategy might be to look up some of the guilds in the forum guild list, see what they have to say, then make a point to run with some of their members, and see if you click.

07-17-2009, 10:59 PM
I guess some people don't read very well, I just asked what the best guilds are on Argo. I dont care about the guilds you don't like, just the ones you have a positive experience running with as far as completions and smoothness goes.

All of the "these guilds suck" posts in this thread so far should be taken with a large pinch of sarcasm brand salt...

So far, Mr_Ed7 is about the only poster talking about guilds with a straightforward post.

07-18-2009, 04:30 PM
i will admit that all the guilds i bagged on are ones that i almost exclusively run with and i was just having a little fun. but that Rhymes with Mipples guild really is the best on lamania server hands down.

07-18-2009, 07:29 PM
'Joe John & The Rofac', 'loveyouone' and 'its my life' are hands down the best guilds on the server.

07-18-2009, 08:12 PM
I guess some people don't read very well, I just asked what the best guilds are on Argo. I don't care about the guilds you don't like, just the ones you have a positive experience running with as far as completions and smoothness goes.

I'll go ahead and give you a straight answer. I am not going to answer our question but I will explain why I am not going to and why I think others will not either.

If anyone where to put up an honest list of their opinion of who the best guilds are, then there will be a forum fight. Some good guilds will get named, and some may be left out, also a bad guild may be named. Then all you will see here is mudslinging and you will not be that much closer to knowing who the good guilds are.

So in all honesty the best responses you will find will be full of sarcasm or jokes. You may have better luck getting your question answered in game then in the forums.

07-20-2009, 02:09 PM
All of the "these guilds suck" posts in this thread so far should be taken with a large pinch of sarcasm brand salt...

So far, Mr_Ed7 is about the only poster talking about guilds with a straightforward post.

I try, I try.

07-20-2009, 02:16 PM
I'll go ahead and give you a straight answer. I am not going to answer our question but I will explain why I am not going to and why I think others will not either.

If anyone where to put up an honest list of their opinion of who the best guilds are, then there will be a forum fight. Some good guilds will get named, and some may be left out, also a bad guild may be named. Then all you will see here is mudslinging and you will not be that much closer to knowing who the good guilds are.

So in all honesty the best responses you will find will be full of sarcasm or jokes. You may have better luck getting your question answered in game then in the forums.


A serious discussion who who is good and bad will only result in the Cube showing up to hand out infraction points and lock the thread.

Plus there is the issue that what is a good guild for one person's playstyle will suck for another (uber powergamer guild vs casual smell the roses guild for example).

The best way to judge is to group with a variety of people, and when you see someone you really like/hate make a note of their guild name. You will learn quickly enough.

I do however agree with Kobold Killer, avoid Chaos Knights at all costs, we suck :D

07-21-2009, 08:58 AM
Hawt elf chicks only?

Where's this guild? I want in. I like hawt elf chicks!

07-22-2009, 02:25 PM
there are no good guilds anymore, just channels and channel runs

07-22-2009, 02:41 PM
there are no good guilds anymore, just channels and channel runs


I almost replied with the exact same thing (with "good" being in the context of the post) after reading about halfway through the posts..

glad I read to the end

07-22-2009, 10:56 PM
there are no good guilds anymore, just channels and channel runs

I know of 1 good guild that doesnt have a private channel

08-06-2009, 12:47 AM
Well according to my own post Darkside is not "good".

In the past I have collected people to my Friends list and then look later to see how many are from what guilds.

As of late I have been adding people to my friends list who were Alliance members.

Some Alliance member-guilds I have enjoyed running with as of late have been Warrior's Soul, Order of the Silver Dragons,
Bloodline Dynasty, and Eberron Dwarf Tossing League.

I also enjoy the Bearded Badasses, Celestrial Knights, Golden Horde.

I can not think of any specifics but I am pretty sure Chaosknights and Bloodlords are good too.

I know I have run with many others but I have only been paying more attention as of late.

Wow you just managed to name only the guilds in your "Alliance"... way to go for advertising

08-06-2009, 01:15 AM
Avoid Smurfs.

Keep Freedom of Movement on around PWNYs...

Bring lots of plat to Ransacked raids...

Expect the middle of shroud part 2 to be pulled ten seconds after part 1 is complete with Archmagi...

NEVER run with anyone who has a 200 per day Haste Potion problem...

And lastly...

Tots on Lifeguard duty so...


08-06-2009, 01:23 AM
The guild I'm in is the best, but we don't recruit, so you're SoL on this one.

You could join my guild though. We have our name on the founder's memorial (if it's working this week?) and nobody from it plays at all. Good time.

08-06-2009, 12:30 PM
Wow you just managed to name only the guilds in your "Alliance"... way to go for advertising

Way to make false statements about what you know. 2 or 3 mentioned are definitly not.

Additonally, I can only make statements on guilds I am familiar with running with.

By making statements that you do not have information on deems you a "hater".

You have made several negative statements now.

Troll begone.

and if I was advertising...so what...it works ;)

08-06-2009, 03:13 PM
Wow you just managed to name only the guilds in your "Alliance"... way to go for advertising

I can not think of any specifics but I am pretty sure Chaosknights and Bloodlords are good too.

I can't speak for any other guilds he'd mentioned, but these two are in no way, shape, or form associated with their "Alliance".

I'd even volunteered to join the "do not group with" list that one of the alliance members evidently maintains on their website. (Although I don't think that's an alliance thing per se.. Just that specific guild and a couple of their partnered guilds)

08-06-2009, 03:20 PM
ChaosKnights has an alliance with another guild?

I thought we were doing a pretty good job of making sure we were on everyone's DNG list.

08-06-2009, 03:23 PM
ChaosKnights has an alliance with another guild?

I thought we were doing a pretty good job of making sure we were on everyone's DNG list.

no we do not. we have no allies at all of any sort.

08-06-2009, 09:40 PM
Wow you just managed to name only the guilds in your "Alliance"... way to go for advertising

Duh-duh duh duuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh....

08-06-2009, 09:41 PM
The other funny thing is that I actually color coded the aligned guilds at the time...lol.

08-06-2009, 10:01 PM
The other funny thing is that I actually color coded the aligned guilds at the time...lol.

/Hi Welcome.

08-06-2009, 10:04 PM
There are tons of good ones but if it really all comes down to the way you play and want to play. If completion is the only limiting factor, there are a bunch of guilds that know their stuff and a few that don't. Argo has a bit of everything; casual, perma-death, and a bunch that have "power gamers" and Casual players mixed.

My advice is to pug around for a bit (especially until EU is released as people are spread on Argo and Lama), take note of the guilds you group in and whether you like or dislike what you see. Just don't be one of those people that judge a guild by one member as there are (just like all servers) the ignorant and arrogant players in every guild.

Tot also makes a good point that many good players for all different guilds get together and run the tough stuff regularly. I personally know that one of these groups already beat the beta raid (ToD) on Elite (<- waay out of my league on that one ATM, good job tho guys!).

Good Luck on your search! :cool:

08-07-2009, 03:39 AM
Best Guilds:

Akong, Loveyouone, AC Guild, Darkside & the Alliance Guilds, Warriors Soul, Warrior Soul Honour Guards. All good for some long raid action.

08-07-2009, 08:44 AM
no we do not. we have no allies at all of any sort.

Whew, for a minute there I though I had switched guilds or something. :D

08-21-2009, 05:17 PM
Every single guild on this server SUCKS BALLS.

So either lick the sweat from the proverbial sack or head on over to one of those "other" servers


09-10-2009, 06:41 PM
Ok Well IF you want a good guild to run with where there will be kool people and smooth runs. I am going to have to go with THE ANCIENTS. We have been around the longest and still going strong. Although hard to join because of recruitment process it has been real great with them.

09-10-2009, 07:01 PM
there are no good guilds anymore, just channels and channel runs

Who let tot put his thinking cap on & make a very intelligent comment?

PS: A Universal Mind used to be the definitive guild.

PPS: /signed for Tot's WoW (Words of Wisdom) moment.

09-12-2009, 04:31 AM
Ok Well IF you want a good guild to run with where there will be kool people and smooth runs. I am going to have to go with THE ANCIENTS. We have been around the longest and still going strong. Although hard to join because of recruitment process it has been real great with them.

Umm...no you haven't.

I remember when the Ancients formed on Mabar man. That statement's not true by a long shot.

Still; Lots of good peeps in that guild.