View Full Version : WF Divine Trickster?
07-13-2009, 08:51 AM
I'm going to join a pure WF static group where everyone is going to be heavy multiclassed (three classes) and be able to manage self healing.
I was thinking about making a Cleric/Rogue/Monk in order to primarily be able to handle traps, UMD (reconstruct, stoneskin etc), buff, spell DPS. Melee DPS is not really any aim, but it would be nice to be able to help out a little bit now and then.
I was thinking Cleric 15/Rogue 3/Monk 2 with starting stats (32 pts) Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 15 (16 with +1 tome), Wisdom 14 and Charisma 6. Level-ups in Wis.
Anyone got any experience of a similar build or got any advice? Should I do something differently? :) Not really looking for the optimum build here, since the aim is to have fun even though it might be a bit gimpy.
07-13-2009, 12:45 PM
UMD will be very tough to manage with a 6 Cha as you are already in the hole.
Clerics only get 2 skill points + 3 for your Int modifier. That will be tough to keep your Rogue skills up along with UMD since it will be cross classed. Even if you space out your Rogue levels for maximum skills, you will be hard pressed to find traps, and disable them even with the Find Trap spell.
Not sure about the 2 levels of Monk though. You only need 1 if you plan on using the Water stance for an extra 2 wisdom but with a starting Con of 12 I would advise against it. Evasion is gained with 2 levels of rogue along with the ability to at least wear light armor, so I am not seeing the benefit here for Monk.
An extra 2 levels of cleric can net you level 9 spells if you drop Monk.
An interesting build for certain.
07-13-2009, 04:27 PM
Thanks a lot for the input Krago and for seeing the obvious flaws! :)
I will probably redistribute the levels to Cleric 13/Rogue 6/Monk 1 instead. I think that will give me enough skill points to at least get a decent UMD plus enough points to cover quite a few of the trap monkey tasks (although not the most difficult ones). At lvl 16 I'll have (naked) UMD 18, DD 22, OL 20, search 20 and spot 20 according to the char planner (so with items I should be able to get up the trap skills to a bit above 40).
I kind of need to gimp the build a bit using three classes (house rule). Hence I choose the monk splash. I might take something else; haven't really calculated on the AC yet for what would be most beneficial. I think that HP will be around 350ish (with items and toughness) at lvl 20.
07-13-2009, 05:01 PM
Anyone got any experience of a similar build or got any advice?
I've been running a Warforged 14 Cleric/2 Rogue for a while (since module 4.2, so before monk). The stat distribution I used was:
12 STR
15 CON
17 INT
14 WIS
At the time I had a +1 INT tome on hand, so that was used to bring it up to 18. With 6 skill points per cleric level it allowed me to keep Concentration maxed, Search and Disable Devices up pretty well, Spot and Open Locks with moderate ranks (on average per level 1 rank in Concentration, 0.75 in Search and Disable Devices, and 0.5 in Spot and Open Locks). With a high INT and the spell Find Traps I could afford to skimp a bit on the Search and Disable Devices ranks.
Level up points went towards WIS and primarily acts as an offensive cleric who can take out traps with ease. The character generally carries a shield and longsword (Sovereign Host for proficiency) for when I need to melee. The fairly poor damage means I don't often get weapon-based aggro, which is usually for the better as the character is usually in the 26 AC range.
Feats were taken to counter the need for DEX (as AC was not anywhere near an aim for the character) and enhance the combat casting insanity aspects:
1 - Insightful Reflexes
3 - Extend Spell
6 - Maximize Spell
9 - Empower Spell
12 - Quicken Spell
15 - Empower Healing (Planning on Radiant Servant, and this may be required)
18 - (Planned for Heighten or Toughness or Spell Penetration)
I find that, overall, this character has few issues in terms of survivability or capability. The clerical arsenal of spells, evasion with good unbuffed saves, trap disarming, melee in a pinch, it brought a set of abilities that was quite useful back in the day and still retains good use now. This is usually the cleric I use when new content comes out due to its versatility.
Cleric/Rogues are viable characters so long as you can get over how much you tend to have to devote to INT.
07-13-2009, 05:06 PM
dont go cleric instead go wiz and dont go monk go as many lvls as it takes to get recon the 2 rog for evasion and traps then the rest into rngr so you can you use wands for arcan adn dvine as well as get twf so you can have dps self buff and heal use scrolls and wands of arcan ane divine get traps and have evasion
07-13-2009, 05:09 PM
How about a 17 cleric 1 monk 2 rogue character with a decently high int? At the current cap 13 cleric 1 monk 2 rogue.
Stats: Str 14, Wis 14, Int 16, Con 12, Dex 12 Cha 6.
You could actually get a pretty good ac while wielding a two hander like a q staff.
07-13-2009, 05:12 PM
just again i read the other replies ahah the cleric is good and monk is kinda useless but you can screw the wisdom and put your stat points into str dex con and int and all ready have a con boost from being WF and also the wis 13 i think it takes to get recon 2 rog and 5 rngr will work better DPS will be fair along with ac being ok evasion from rog you cna use light armor self heal self buff along with rngr spells divine wands arcan wands adn rngrs wands ect solo will be good along with being able to provide haste and buffs to party and with the int being your SP source skill points source and rog skill source taking the wizzy will be better then claric in my eyes
07-14-2009, 07:24 AM
Thanks a lot everyone for the advice!
I'll discuss with the others in the group and perhaps try to skip the monk splash, and dumping dex, getting a build similar to MrCow's.
07-14-2009, 08:34 AM
If you need to gimp him in some way, drop the 1 lvl of monk and go barb. This way when you rage, you cannot heal anyone. As good of a gimp I can think of just using 1 level.
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