View Full Version : Easily Implemented Classes

07-13-2009, 01:29 AM
After the FvS coming out, and the whole "Druid's Wild Form is taking time to code" stuff, what easily implemented class would you guys like to see?

(Nin) Ninja wouldn't take anything new, would it? Ki and Sneak Attack are already there.
(Swb) Swashbuckler's Insightful Strike is the only thing I could see as difficult.
(WM) Warmage's Edge is the same as Insightful Strike basically.
(DB) Duskblade would only need the increasing armor usage done.
(Beg) Beguiler would only need Cloaked Casting and Silent/Still Cast.
(Mar) Marshal would just need expanding upon the Paladin Aura code.
(Sam) Samurai would just need to get the Frightful Presence reworked.

Those are the ones I can think of.

07-13-2009, 01:37 AM
Mystic Theurge.....

Especially now that we have Favored Soul....

Favored Soul + Sorceror = Pwnage.

07-13-2009, 12:33 PM
Mystic Theurge.....

Especially now that we have Favored Soul....

Favored Soul + Sorceror = Pwnage.

Now why don't they add that, Arcane Trickster, Eldritch Knight, and make all PrEs requirement/ability based instead of class based?

07-13-2009, 12:37 PM
Now why don't they *snip* make all PrEs requirement/ability based instead of class based?

We've asked that same question for YEARS now.

07-13-2009, 12:39 PM
how hard would it be to make a usable version of warlock? use the sneak attack from rouge but aplay it ot a MM animation with consistant damage, with a 6sec cool down. for the abilities i dont know just turn them all into enhancment clickies.

07-13-2009, 12:40 PM
how hard would it be to make a usable version of warlock? use the sneak attack from rouge but aplay it ot a MM animation with consistant damage, with a 6sec cool down. for the abilities i dont know just turn them all into enhancment clickies.

I didn't list it because it takes things to be added, namely the Eldritch abilities. Hexblades aren't up there because of their curses.