View Full Version : Ranged Battlecleric Looking for a multiclass friendly strategic guild.
07-06-2009, 02:23 PM
I'm getting tired of all the pugs that play with absolutely no strategy at all because they rely too much on heal bots.
I tell people to consider me as a ranger that can backup heal and they still dont seem to get it.
My build will eventually be 15 cleric 3 pally 2 monk. my starting stats were 8/16/6/10/18/16. It is a defensive repeating crossbow build.
my ingame name is Zeromus. Im currently 3/3/2
07-06-2009, 02:33 PM
OK, well good luck with that....
07-06-2009, 02:36 PM
OK, well good luck with that....
and the point of your post is, say it with me! TROLL
This is a good time for me to add i would like a mature guild please.
07-06-2009, 04:14 PM
and the point of your post is, say it with me! TROLL
This is a good time for me to add i would like a mature guild please.
I'm not sure about the maturity part(not being in their guild), but it seems to me that your character might be a good fit for warrior's soul.
I believe they have a thread going around here somewhere.
Your build is terrible, just like my 8/2 cleric/ranger with many shoot and soon to have improved precise shot. Both builds are purpously gimped for a character feel....a little pizaz. As long as you are aware of that and recognize everyone will look at a mostly cleric as a healer when the only cleric in group, it is all good. Hope your enjoying yours as much as I'm liking mine. We are rightfully obligated to heal first though......either that or solo.
07-06-2009, 05:01 PM
Your build is terrible, just like my 8/2 cleric/ranger with many shoot and soon to have improved precise shot. Both builds are purpously gimped for a character feel....a little pizaz. As long as you are aware of that and recognize everyone will look at a mostly cleric as a healer when the only cleric in group, it is all good. Hope your enjoying yours as much as I'm liking mine. We are rightfully obligated to heal first though......either that or solo.
mines not gimped when you treat it as a ranged dps. if you treat it as a healer, yes its gimped. its **** near impossible to heal with a repeater. im not going to explain the build, but i carefully planned it out. level 15 cleric enhancement is huge for repeating crossbow. you can figure the rest out from there.
07-06-2009, 06:29 PM
and the point of your post is,
To say that if you PUG all the time then nobody in their right mind is going to accept you into their group with that build. It may work in a guild or static group -- but not in a PUG.
In a PUG the expectation is that the cleric will heal, at least most of the time. Your attitude towards "strategy" means that you are not interested in what most PUGs are interested in -- rapid completion for loot and XP so that they can move on to the next quest. What you are looking for isn't found in PUGs as a general rule.
I'm sure that your build will be playable to L20. Most builds are. But not in PUGs, not with a repeater, not with a cleric who doesn't think their primary responsibility is to help with healing.
You are not a true battle cleric. You are not a true ranger. You have a gimp build that you expect people to love which isn't going to happen.
"I'm getting tired of all the pugs that play with absolutely no strategy at all because they rely too much on heal bots."
Obviously you are much smarter than the rest of the DDO community because they are tired of clerics who whine "I don't heal." We're clearly in the wrong on this since there are so many other character classes with healing power. Heck, I even read about a Sorcerer whose UMD was so good he was casting Heal.
"I tell people to consider me as a ranger that can backup heal and they still dont seem to get it."
Because your build doesn't make any sense and you are not a ranger. Yeah, I can see how they don't get it.
"My build will eventually be 15 cleric 3 pally 2 monk. my starting stats were 8/16/6/10/18/16. It is a defensive repeating crossbow build."
It looks more to me like a piker build. Possibly great AC, evasion, great saving throws, has to always run around behind everyone else because it can't take a hit. What do groups need with a defense like that? Yeah, 5 players getting the snot beat out of them and you running around kiting with your repeater, self-healing, and generally contributing nothing to the group's success.
"my ingame name is Zeromus. Im currently 3/3/2"
Thanks for the warning. Now people know who to avoid.
Seriously, the build concept stinks -- especially for PUGs. No wonder you wrote, "This is a good time for me to add i would like a mature guild please."
Doddering would be more accurate. Senile, perhaps. That way they'll forget what happens every quest with Zero (they'll probably just think it is the meatloaf giving them indigestion again). :)
07-06-2009, 06:36 PM
To say that if you PUG all the time then nobody in their right mind is going to accept you into their group with that build. It may work in a guild or static group -- but not in a PUG.
In a PUG the expectation is that the cleric will heal, at least most of the time. Your attitude towards "strategy" means that you are not interested in what most PUGs are interested in -- rapid completion for loot and XP so that they can move on to the next quest. What you are looking for isn't found in PUGs as a general rule.
I'm sure that your build will be playable to L20. Most builds are. But not in PUGs, not with a repeater, not with a cleric who doesn't think their primary responsibility is to help with healing.
You are not a true battle cleric. You are not a true ranger. You have a gimp build that you expect people to love which isn't going to happen.
"I'm getting tired of all the pugs that play with absolutely no strategy at all because they rely too much on heal bots."
Obviously you are much smarter than the rest of the DDO community because they are tired of clerics who whine "I don't heal." We're clearly in the wrong on this since there are so many other character classes with healing power. Heck, I even read about a Sorcerer whose UMD was so good he was casting Heal.
"I tell people to consider me as a ranger that can backup heal and they still dont seem to get it."
Because your build doesn't make any sense and you are not a ranger. Yeah, I can see how they don't get it.
"My build will eventually be 15 cleric 3 pally 2 monk. my starting stats were 8/16/6/10/18/16. It is a defensive repeating crossbow build."
It looks more to me like a piker build. Possibly great AC, evasion, great saving throws, has to always run around behind everyone else because it can't take a hit. What do groups need with a defense like that? Yeah, 5 players getting the snot beat out of them and you running around kiting with your repeater, self-healing, and generally contributing nothing to the group's success.
"my ingame name is Zeromus. Im currently 3/3/2"
Thanks for the warning. Now people know who to avoid.
Seriously, the build concept stinks -- especially for PUGs. No wonder you wrote, "This is a good time for me to add i would like a mature guild please."
Doddering would be more accurate. Senile, perhaps. That way they'll forget what happens every quest with Zero (they'll probably just think it is the meatloaf giving them indigestion again). :)
it amazes me that you can be so offended by a looking for guild post. This isnt a critique my build post. im not going to explain my build to you because this is not the palce to do it. Your whole point about me not playing right with pugs is the reason im looking for a guild. congrats on missing the entire point of the thread.
It sounds like you have an issue with ranged combat peroid.
You came here to start a flame war, that is all. get a life.
07-06-2009, 06:36 PM
07-06-2009, 06:42 PM
Revised title for thread:
Player seeking guild that does not mind a player touting bows as ranged DPS, and his primary class as his secondary role.
K, fresh start from here... go!
__________________________________________________ ___________________________________
07-06-2009, 06:45 PM
Like I said, good luck with that. :D
07-06-2009, 06:48 PM
I'm not sure about the maturity part(not being in their guild), but it seems to me that your character might be a good fit for warrior's soul.
I believe they have a thread going around here somewhere.
thx they do sound like what im looking for.
07-06-2009, 06:52 PM
it amazes me that you can be so offended by a looking for guild post.
Oops, my mistake. :o
I thought you wrote,
I'm getting tired of all the pugs that play with absolutely no strategy at all because they rely too much on heal bots.
{What is wrong with you idiots thinking a cleric could heal, what happened to doing it my way, I mean strategy, you know shoot them then run like a little girl until you run out of dungeon space and then call for a real cleric to heal you.}
I tell people to consider me as a ranger that can backup heal and they still dont seem to get it.
{Because they are too stupid to see my uberness.}
My build will eventually be 15 cleric 3 pally 2 monk. my starting stats were 8/16/6/10/18/16. It is a defensive repeating crossbow build.
my ingame name is Zeromus. Im currently 3/3/2
{Put that in there so you could all see how smart I am with my no HP and super DEX and WIS, almost 2000 spell points and absolute refusal to heal anyone. Oh, and here's my name so you can avoid me.}
Yep, missed all the reading between the lines looking for a guild stuff. Sorry. :D
07-06-2009, 07:12 PM
Wow, that really combines the best of hated builds into one terrible voltron of hate. I like it. I might use your build to troll Khyber. :D
07-06-2009, 07:18 PM
I'm getting tired of all the pugs that play with absolutely no strategy at all because they rely too much on heal bots.
I said this simply to give a reason why im looking for a guild, the only strat people in pugs do is run like hell. I actually ran into a group the other day that didnt know you could block doors, they didnt even know there was collision detection in this game. You take a healer out of a pug and the pug fails.
I tell people to consider me as a ranger that can backup heal and they still dont seem to get it. I wrote this because i warn people before i even join the group that i cannot be the main healer. They usually say thats fine, then blame me when everything goes to hell because they didnt get a real cleric.
My build will eventually be 15 cleric 3 pally 2 monk. my starting stats were 8/16/6/10/18/16. It is a defensive repeating crossbow build. i put this in there so people can see i can backup heal well. yes i have low con, but monk 2 i got toughness, with the enhancements from pally and drow racial, thats +50 health.
Its not my fault you read everything with negativity. Poor troll.
07-06-2009, 07:26 PM
Your build is terrible, just like my 8/2 cleric/ranger with many shoot and soon to have improved precise shot. Both builds are purpously gimped for a character feel....a little pizaz. As long as you are aware of that and recognize everyone will look at a mostly cleric as a healer when the only cleric in group, it is all good. Hope your enjoying yours as much as I'm liking mine. We are rightfully obligated to heal first though......either that or solo.
Arent all of your characters gimped Varr? BTW. Come visit us on Thelanis ya Slacker! I miss having your Gimpness along with us :)
mines not gimped when you treat it as a ranged dps. if you treat it as a healer, yes its gimped. its **** near impossible to heal with a repeater. im not going to explain the build, but i carefully planned it out. level 15 cleric enhancement is huge for repeating crossbow. you can figure the rest out from there.
Whats Ranged DPS?
07-06-2009, 07:27 PM
Yeah, I read what you wrote the first time -- especially the part about getting into groups and then getting the blame for not healing.
I really can't understand that bad rap being tossed out on a cleric. Sorry man.
And, I guess you thought that posting really negatively about things was the same as saying "I'm looking for a guild." I mean, this is the guild part of the forums.
Has bad attitude, doesn't heal, has gimp build, believes in ranged DPS, doesn't react well to criticism, can't figure out simple line like "good luck with that" so needs to have it all explained to him....
Names his toon Zero....
Looking for a guild....
I'm sure someone, somewhere is looking for you too. ;)
07-06-2009, 07:32 PM
"Pay no attention to Wimp Lo, we purposely trained him wrong... as a joke". - Master Tang, Kung Pow: Enter the Fist
07-06-2009, 07:35 PM
Yeah, I read what you wrote the first time -- especially the part about getting into groups and then getting the blame for not healing.
I really can't understand that bad rap being tossed out on a cleric. Sorry man.
And, I guess you thought that posting really negatively about things was the same as saying "I'm looking for a guild." I mean, this is the guild part of the forums.
Has bad attitude, doesn't heal, has gimp build, believes in ranged DPS, doesn't react well to criticism, can't figure out simple line like "good luck with that" so needs to have it all explained to him....
Names his toon Zero....
Looking for a guild....
I'm sure someone, somewhere is looking for you too. ;)
did you really just accuse me of having a bad attitude? your smiley faces don't make up for your sarcastic trolling bud.
You are the reason this games community has a bad reputation. Found a guild, despite your bashing. One useful on topic reply out of all these.
07-06-2009, 07:39 PM
I just can't stop peeking back into this thread. It's kept a smirk on my face all day :)
07-06-2009, 07:46 PM
Whats Ranged DPS?
You know... it's like military intelligence.
07-06-2009, 07:47 PM
They usually say thats fine, then blame me when everything goes to hell because they didnt get a real cleric.
Maybe. Or maybe they blame you because they didn't get real DPS. Or maybe they blame you because they didn't get a character that can survive for two hits. Or maybe they blame you for just taking up a spot that a useful character could have taken instead. How can you know that it's specifically because they didn't get a real cleric?
07-06-2009, 08:00 PM
Some advice for what it's worth.
Let the group know before joining up as a group that you will help heal between fights. Once you get mass cure spells it becomes easier as you can periodically announce "mass heal on me" and it should allow you plenty of combat time.
If you don't heal at least between fights, your making the mistake many adamant battleclerics have made in refusing to heal.
A good battlecleric will be able to heal and fight.
Quite a while ago, I took a battlecleric into a shroud with two conventional healers, and I was super cool about the battlecleric being 100% melee. In part 4, the other healers went down, with maybe five of us left and a little ways to go. The battlecleric, with over half of his sp left, refused to heal at this point, even between rounds as we all sat there. We wiped of course. Don't be this guy. Accept that as long as you have some cleric levels you will be expected to help no matter what. You can still have your part in melee.
Remember a good battlecleric will be able to heal and fight. If you cannot do this, I'd suggest another class.
07-06-2009, 08:19 PM
Maybe. Or maybe they blame you because they didn't get real DPS. Or maybe they blame you because they didn't get a character that can survive for two hits. Or maybe they blame you for just taking up a spot that a useful character could have taken instead. How can you know that it's specifically because they didn't get a real cleric?
i do good dps, i know kill count doesnt mean jack, but im nearly always highest.
I can survive, my build has a ton of ac, and i know that i only started with 6 con, but i took toughness, drow gets racial toughness enhancements, and level 3 pally also gets another toughness enhancement, +50 health just from toughness at level 8.
I know its specifically because they didnt get a real cleric because when there is a main healer with me, we do perfectly fine. and all the groups i have issues with think all they need is a heal here and there and that my backup healing will be enough without a main healer.
pugs dont seem to realize how much their reckless play styles rely on a cleric.
07-06-2009, 08:24 PM
Some advice for what it's worth.
Let the group know before joining up as a group that you will help heal between fights. Once you get mass cure spells it becomes easier as you can periodically announce "mass heal on me" and it should allow you plenty of combat time.
If you don't heal at least between fights, your making the mistake many adamant battleclerics have made in refusing to heal.
A good battlecleric will be able to heal and fight.
Quite a while ago, I took a battlecleric into a shroud with two conventional healers, and I was super cool about the battlecleric being 100% melee. In part 4, the other healers went down, with maybe five of us left and a little ways to go. The battlecleric, with over half of his sp left, refused to heal at this point, even between rounds as we all sat there. We wiped of course. Don't be this guy. Accept that as long as you have some cleric levels you will be expected to help no matter what. You can still have your part in melee.
Remember a good battlecleric will be able to heal and fight. If you cannot do this, I'd suggest another class.
I always let them know ahead of time but they try to force me into the position of main healer and stop looking for a main healer when i join the group. If someone says they cant be your healbot, believe them!
I do heal inbetween fights, i usually tell the main cleric not to top off and ill do that so he can save his mana for emergencies. Unfortunitly healing while im in combat with a repeater doesnt work so well though.
07-06-2009, 09:31 PM
i do good dps, i know kill count doesnt mean jack, but im nearly always highest.
I can survive, my build has a ton of ac, and i know that i only started with 6 con, but i took toughness, drow gets racial toughness enhancements, and level 3 pally also gets another toughness enhancement, +50 health just from toughness at level 8.
I know its specifically because they didnt get a real cleric because when there is a main healer with me, we do perfectly fine. and all the groups i have issues with think all they need is a heal here and there and that my backup healing will be enough without a main healer.
pugs dont seem to realize how much their reckless play styles rely on a cleric.
Please define ton of AC. Let me see if i get this right. You have used a bunch of APs to compensate for non-existent Con. In threnal there are WF priests that cast poison spell i think it is, that basically hits you for 10 points of con right off the bat if you fail. In the case of 6 con, thats instant death, irrespective of your 50 extra health.
Drow like most other races gets 2 racial toughness enchancements, which is 20 Hps, Pally Lvl3 gets 1, which is an extra 10, that makes 30 overall, which by my calculations is a tad shy of the 50 you put forth. I maybe be wrong but isnt toughness feat +3 at lvl 1 and 1 hp a lvl thereafter, which is another 10 by lvl 8, which is +40 hps, still shy of that +50 you were talking about.
If you took an extra couple of points of con, by lvl 8, thats an extra 8 hps.
Why all the extra points into charisma? Surely cant be for UMD, would be too low to really count, lack of Int means you arent get jack skill points per lvl and no rogue lvl means its xclass skill.
Why the 15 lvls of cleric, when you proclaim that you dont really do jack when it comes to healing. There is a non-healing, ranged combatant out there already, its called a Ranger. They can get a couple of minor healing spells at higher lvls, which would be about the same as your healing output. Throw in 1 monk lvl for wisdom bonus with the Ranger lvls and suddenly you have high AC.
So with a 15/1 Ranger/Monk split, you have high AC, ranged capacity, jack healing, which obviously isnt an issue and does the same if not better than the one you are putting forward as they get a whole range of ranged feats for free.
Or put forward, 12/3/1 Ranger/Pally/Monk split, you get High AC, High Saves, ranged combat, jack healing, and will probably out DPS your ranged cleric in all aspects. Not to mention have considerable advantage from a melee perspective too, with the same stats you started with.
I dont expect you to explain your build, but by the same token you shouldnt expect others to accept your build, just because you think its great. If you are outdpsing a group and high ending the kill counts, you must travel with some pretty soft melee classes, or is it all casters?
I have a similar build to yours, its currently 13 Cleric, will end up as 16 Cleric, has decent AC, pretty good HPs, and uses Destruction spell, one shot kill, no DPS required, and being its a spell, its ranged :)
07-06-2009, 09:36 PM
We do not dictate how people play or what there build should be, come to ...
07-06-2009, 10:34 PM
Why all the extra points into charisma?
Why the 15 lvls of cleric +repeating xbow
requires 18 base charisma
level 2 pally gets charisma added to saves.
level 2 monk gets evasion.
blade barrier maxes out at 15, and will be huge for a my build.
not to mention all the buffs like divine favor, freedom of movement, ect.
i could go on and on about the the perks.
In threnal there are WF priests that cast poison spell i think it is, that basically hits you for 10 points of con right off the bat if you fail. In the case of 6 con, thats instant death.
+1con tome + +4 con item or buff +6 = 11. not hard to get.
not to mention i would have to roll a 1 to fail with the rediculous saves.
I did not want this thread to turn into a build critique thread, thats why im not pointing out every single detail about my build. Of course that doesnt work when the forums are full of trolls that barley play the game.
As you can see from my account date, im not a complete noob. Im new to this server. And ive got to tell you, this server has more hangups about ranged dps and battle clerics than any other. Their must have been some epic failure builds on this server that left a bad taste in everyone mouth.
07-06-2009, 10:48 PM
I know of someone rolling up a healing paladin that would be the perfect complement to this build. ;):D:)
07-06-2009, 10:51 PM
i do good dps, i know kill count doesnt mean jack, but im nearly always highest.
You are correct, kill count doesn't mean jack. So don't waste our time, or yours, telling us about it. If you pick off mobs that the others have beaten down with real DPS you will have all sorts of kills. It is one of the things people don't like about ranged builds -- they sit back out of harms way and plink along with minimal damage but suck up the kills. Being highest, or nearly always highest, doesn't mean jack. You should have left it there.
I can survive, my build has a ton of ac, and i know that i only started with 6 con, but i took toughness, drow gets racial toughness enhancements, and level 3 pally also gets another toughness enhancement, +50 health just from toughness at level 8.
I will give you this. You should have very decent AC. With some help from pocket rangers and paladins and the right gear you should hit 70s no problem. You will also have insane saving throws where it seems to matter most -- Will & Reflex. You will still have abysmal HP even with toughness and enhancements. You get hit just once in high level content and you will go down.
I know its specifically because they didnt get a real cleric because when there is a main healer with me, we do perfectly fine. and all the groups i have issues with think all they need is a heal here and there and that my backup healing will be enough without a main healer.
pugs dont seem to realize how much their reckless play styles rely on a cleric.
This is the part of your posts that gets my panties in a wad. There are plenty of PUGs that get along just fine w/o a cleric. Maybe the players on Argonnessen are all idiots -- although I doubt that. PUGs look to clerics to heal. They look to clerics to have the good sense to watch people's health bars even if they are so-called "battle" clerics. And, they look to clerics to toss out cures and heals. It is part of the culture of D&D and has been since the game was introduced in the early 70s. The problem isn't with PUGs, it is with your attitude. You need to understand that when you join a PUG as a backup healer that doesn't mean just between fights -- it means at all times when the main healer isn't keeping up.
I'm glad you found a guild. Good luck with your build. I really feel sorry for the people you will be gaming with.
07-06-2009, 10:52 PM
I'm glad you found a guild. Good luck with your build. I really feel sorry for the people you will be gaming with.
again your doing nothing but troll, yet you say i have a bad attitude.
07-06-2009, 10:52 PM
i do good dps, i know kill count doesnt mean jack, but im nearly always highest.
No, you don't. You may think you do good DPS at lowbie levels, but that won't equate to good DPS at end game. You might be able to do good as a solo build, but obviously you're not soloing if you're carrying on this much about PUG tactics.
I can survive, my build has a ton of ac, and i know that i only started with 6 con, but i took toughness, drow gets racial toughness enhancements, and level 3 pally also gets another toughness enhancement, +50 health just from toughness at level 8.
So did every decent build in the game. The only difference is that all of them ALSO started with a 14 minimum con (even the elves). Your hp will never be acceptable. Even with every bit of raid gear you can buy or farm I bet you'll still won't break 300.
I know its specifically because they didnt get a real cleric because when there is a main healer with me, we do perfectly fine. and all the groups i have issues with think all they need is a heal here and there and that my backup healing will be enough without a main healer.
If your character's half as good as you seem to think it is then you should be able to solo the quests anyway, so how exactly is a cleric needed if you're in the group anyway?
I mean... you have a ton of AC, so you shouldn't be getting hit but once every 20 attacks. You're an archer, so you shouldn't be getting attacked much anyway. You've got your 50 mega hp for those few times you can get hit, and you've got such good DPS that you don't need to rely on something as feeble as a party to get you through a quest.
Or is the truth just that you're a piker and you don't want to admit it because then you'd shatter your fragile ego? Since I've NEVER seen an archer dominate even the most average of groups, I'm going to have to go with door number 2.
pugs dont seem to realize how much their reckless play styles rely on a cleric.
Archers are known for their reckless playstyle also. Especially when you factor in their meager DPS.
07-06-2009, 10:56 PM
I know of someone rolling up a healing paladin that would be the perfect complement to this build. ;):D:)
Oh the wit, or is it confrontational....
must comply to Mhkke's opinion.
07-06-2009, 10:56 PM
im done with this. when did all the trolls from forumfall come here. Learn to stay on topic. this is the guild recruiting forums, not class discussion boards.
07-06-2009, 10:57 PM
when did all the noobs from forumfall come here.
We were drawn to the build like vultures to a carcass. The only difference between this build and a dead animal in the road is that the build smells worse.
07-06-2009, 10:59 PM
Oh the wit, or is it confrontational....
must comply to Mhkke's opinion.
Don't have to comply with anything....
But don't come to the forums asking for viewpoints on a build, and when that build is universally trashed, get upset and lash out at the forum "society" for trying to somehow tell you how to play.
You want to play a not so great build but have fun while doing it? Great, go ahead. Just don't post it and expect no criticism.
07-06-2009, 11:04 PM
again your doing nothing but troll, yet you say i have a bad attitude.
You don't get it do you! You have a gimp build that you believe is good. It doesn't matter who tells you that, you already have your mind made up how great it is.
I'm not trolling your thread. I'm trying to point out to you that your build stinks. I tried it nicely the first time but you don't appreciate subtlety. So I tried it in plain-speak. But you can't take that either.
Check out the other postings in the thread.
There isn't anyone telling you how brilliant the build is. That's because everyone knows how horrid it is going to be.
It is unfortunate you don't see it. It is great that there is a guild that is willing to tolerate it.
FWIW, I know all about builds that suck. I'm playing one now in a static group.
That is where bad builds belong -- in static groups or guilds where they don't infect the rest of the server population. It isn't the fault of PUGs. That's what you don't seem to understand. PUGs are what PUGs are. If you want to PUG then deal with what they are and play accordingly.
I really do wish you good luck in the guild you found, really.
And, I really do feel sorry for the people you'll be gaming with.
07-06-2009, 11:05 PM
Don't have to comply with anything....
But don't come to the forums asking for viewpoints on a build, and when that build is universally trashed, get upset and lash out at the forum "society" for trying to somehow tell you how to play.
You want to play a not so great build but have fun while doing it? Great, go ahead. Just don't post it and expect no criticism.
I love a counter-view I do, however I was not "posting" a build. I was "sharing my experience" with the player base.
And whatever you do, whatever you do...don't get upset when someone criticizes your criticism...ever, do that ...yeah, what he said...
07-06-2009, 11:08 PM
I love a counter-view I do, however I was not "posting" a build. I was "sharing my experience" with the player base.
And whatever you do, whatever you do...don't get upset when someone criticizes your criticism...ever, do that ...yeah, what he said...
Upset? Hardly. I don't have anything to be upset about, nice try though.
And you're splitting hairs. Whether you call it your "build" or your "experience", the bottom line is you posted on what kind of paladin you want/have/will make, others (to put it mildly) criticized it, and you lashed out, to the point of creating other threads about it. Who's really the upset party here? Stop projecting.
07-06-2009, 11:59 PM
Wow, that really combines the best of hated builds into one terrible voltron of hate. I like it. I might use your build to troll Khyber. :D
Naw.. You need to be a bow user with that exact class breakdown to get the true Voltron.
With this one, you only have four out of the five pieces going....
07-07-2009, 12:04 AM
I just can't stop peeking back into this thread. It's kept a smirk on my face all day :)
Ya.. I've already pointed it out to three different groups today. Good stuff!
07-07-2009, 12:07 AM
Naw.. You need to be a bow user with that exact class breakdown to get the true Voltron.
With this one, you only have four out of the five pieces going....
Bow would still be a tad overpowered...have you considered a throwing dagger specialist?
So what do you think, should I send the OP a guild invite? He'd be loads of fun on raids :D
07-07-2009, 12:08 AM
im done with this. when did all the trolls from forumfall come here. Learn to stay on topic. this is the guild recruiting forums, not class discussion boards.
Ah, see there is you mistake... No where in the forum title does it say that... This is the guild forums, not guild recruiting forums.
Guildies come here to play :D
07-07-2009, 12:23 AM
you've all been had.
07-07-2009, 12:30 AM
Bow would still be a tad overpowered...have you considered a throwing dagger specialist?
Naw.. Daggers would still get the str bonus to attacks. The bow would be limited to just base damage and effects.
So what do you think, should I send the OP a guild invite? He'd be loads of fun on raids :D
Only if I get to pick who we boot to make room for him...
07-07-2009, 10:12 AM
Upset? Hardly. I don't have anything to be upset about, nice try though.
And you're splitting hairs. Whether you call it your "build" or your "experience", the bottom line is you posted on what kind of paladin you want/have/will make, others (to put it mildly) criticized it, and you lashed out, to the point of creating other threads about it. Who's really the upset party here? Stop projecting.
You sir are the projector.
I "lashed-out", and I started a different thread...yeah I am livid..."lashed out" that is funny, tell me about your mom.
keep it up Freud.
07-07-2009, 11:53 AM
you've all been had.
So this guy walks naked into the middle of the road jumps up and down, sticks his finger up his ass and repeatedly licks it while singing nursery rhymes and claiming to be the king of the moon.
People point at he fool and laugh.
later the fool says, "I'm not a fool, you are, cause I'm not really crazy"
The man was still a fool...just not a crazy fool. The people were still right to chuckle at him, because he was a fool.
07-07-2009, 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Lorien the First One
Bow would still be a tad overpowered...have you considered a throwing dagger specialist?
Naw.. Daggers would still get the str bonus to attacks. The bow would be limited to just base damage and effects.
So what do you think, should I send the OP a guild invite? He'd be loads of fun on raids
Only if I get to pick who we boot to make room for him...
Should I resign my officer status and take Zeff's old role?
07-07-2009, 03:22 PM
So this guy walks naked into the middle of the road jumps up and down, sticks his finger up his ass and repeatedly licks it while singing nursery rhymes and claiming to be the king of the moon.
People point at he fool and laugh.
later the fool says, "I'm not a fool, you are, cause I'm not really crazy"
The man was still a fool...just not a crazy fool. The people were still right to chuckle at him, because he was a fool.
hey i know that guy. he directed 2girls1cup.
07-07-2009, 05:13 PM
You sir are the projector.
I "lashed-out", and I started a different thread...yeah I am livid..."lashed out" that is funny, tell me about your mom.
keep it up Freud.
I think somewhere i mentioned my own experience with a halfling healing paladin not being able to keep up in end game content with great gear and a good player behind them...did you just ignore that the same way you ignore experienced players giving you advice?
07-07-2009, 05:15 PM
hey i know that guy. he directed 2girls1cup.
Ok you're just being...ridiculous.
This is a guild thread sir. There was NO REASON to post you pathetic ridiculous repeater wielding cleric build.
You could have justs aid " I hate pugs they aren't tactical they rely on healers far too much"
"I have a Cleric that is not the norm and i would like to play him in a guild that will accept him for hat he is"
then you would have found the same guil with alot less of people telling you exactly what is wrong with your build.
I'm not going to go into it, because all of the main points that are wrong with your build have been hit. its simply not going to be more than 50% the producer that most toons will be for its level. end of story.
07-07-2009, 07:50 PM
*** is ranged DPS??? I think you have DDO mistaken with other games OP.
Also, Cleavon stop trolling and focus on Abbott!
07-07-2009, 07:52 PM
Also, Cleavon stop trolling and focus on Abbott!
Shut up and rez me when you pop into the room!
07-07-2009, 07:56 PM
I'm not sure about the maturity part(not being in their guild), but it seems to me that your character might be a good fit for warrior's soul.
I believe they have a thread going around here somewhere.
What did they ever do to you? I mean seriously, you are so trying to sabotage them with this suggestion.
I'm getting tired of all the pugs that play with absolutely no strategy at all because they rely too much on heal bots.
I tell people to consider me as a ranger that can backup heal and they still dont seem to get it.
My build will eventually be 15 cleric 3 pally 2 monk. my starting stats were 8/16/6/10/18/16. It is a defensive repeating crossbow build.
my ingame name is Zeromus. Im currently 3/3/2
Good post and build. I look forward running with you. :cool:
07-07-2009, 08:52 PM
to the OP. do you have another toon? if people knew who your main was they might give u a chance. i know my guild runs on peoples reputation, and will be willing on occassion to carry an irregular build with us on raids provided said person has other conventional toons that contribute in a conventional manner. however if u are a shatfoop with a d:eek::eek:shbag build expecting respect when you arnt even capped... GTFO
07-07-2009, 09:30 PM
you guys still havent found this thread?
07-07-2009, 11:25 PM
you guys still havent found this thread?
You are trying to point out you like looking foolish in multiple threads?
07-07-2009, 11:43 PM
to the OP. do you have another toon? if people knew who your main was they might give u a chance. i know my guild runs on peoples reputation, and will be willing on occassion to carry an irregular build with us on raids provided said person has other conventional toons that contribute in a conventional manner. however if u are a shatfoop with a d:eek::eek:shbag build expecting respect when you arnt even capped... GTFO
They seem to always deal with me and I have not one normal or attractive build..... :)
P.S. Hawtty: I think I love your little halfling ass.... and that is saying alot as much as I despise halfings! :D:p
07-08-2009, 12:53 AM
You are trying to point out you like looking foolish in multiple threads?
no, pointing out that your a tool, my tool.
no offense intended.
07-08-2009, 04:06 AM
no offense intended.
You already offended everyone by trying to make your build out to be more than it is.
Oh yeah, another question. Why something wacky to get 32pt builds then a "regular" toon after? You gonna delete Sir Plinks Alittle NoHeal after you get 1750?
07-08-2009, 03:03 PM
You already offended everyone by trying to make your build out to be more than it is.
Oh yeah, another question. Why something wacky to get 32pt builds then a "regular" toon after? You gonna delete Sir Plinks Alittle NoHeal after you get 1750?
i chose it because its very good for soloing. Doubt ill play him much afterwords, but i wont delete him. I could make the build into a good group character later via feat respecs and dropping repeater.
07-08-2009, 03:03 PM
You already offended everyone by trying to make your build out to be more than it is.
Oh yeah, another question. Why something wacky to get 32pt builds then a "regular" toon after? You gonna delete Sir Plinks Alittle NoHeal after you get 1750?
i chose it because its very good for soloing because groups are harder to come by because of beta atm, especially mid levels.. Doubt ill play him much afterwords, but i wont delete him. I could make the build into a good group character later via feat respecs and dropping repeater and maybe grabbing weapon finesse or just making him into a super hard to kill healbot.
07-08-2009, 03:10 PM
i chose it because its very good for soloing because groups are harder to come by because of beta atm, especially mid levels.. Doubt ill play him much afterwords, but i wont delete him. I could make the build into a good group character later via feat respecs and dropping repeater and maybe grabbing weapon finesse or just making him into a super hard to kill healbot.
I'm still mildly comfused. A "regular" cleric could be a good caster, and level quickly in groups to say, level 11. then with Blade Barrier, Heal, and Comet Fall just to name a few could EASILY solo all of the lowbie content to shore up your favor before returning to groups to get to 1750. Then you wouldn't have to waste stuff on changing your feats and respeccing out of things that you spent time on.
I guess what i'm looking for you to say is this:
I decided that I didn't care. I just wanted to play something off the wall thats not really as good as i think it is becaus hey, this is a new server for me and I just didn't give a ****. Its not my problem that the pugs here can't cope with a character that does less than 50% of its true role. When the pugs became less and les willing to take me, i decided to find a guild that would drag me along, and now that i've that found them, i'll get to 1750 without any more pugs telling me how bad my toon is.
07-08-2009, 07:54 PM
I remember my guild leader used to use a great crossbow on his cleric.
07-08-2009, 08:42 PM
Maybe he should be nominated for worst build ever.
I'm thinking the abbreviation DPS should never be used when discussing this character.
07-08-2009, 09:17 PM
Ranged Battlecleric Looking for a multiclass friendly strategic guild.
Holy carp thats a long ass guild name.
07-08-2009, 10:55 PM
no, pointing out that your a tool, my tool.
no offense intended.
You would have to do something or say something that almost made sense before anyone could take insult.
07-08-2009, 11:02 PM
When Im feeling blue, all I have to do
Is come and read your posts, then Im not so blue
When you're on my screen, I can see you flicker
Can't control the shivering inside
Wouldnt you agree, thready
you and me, got a groovy kind of love
Sorry Phil, lol. :D
07-09-2009, 02:05 PM
i think most of this hate is just from having RANGED DPS in the title.
Im not really a DPS, but that doesnt mean ranged is useless.
I rarley kite unless im soloing, i dont have to because i usually only target the spellcasting mobs when grouping. My build has huge saves with evasion from monk2/pally 3 and spell resistance from drow. So basically im a magic tank, then my cleric levels let me support/heal while im killing off or trying to keep the spellcaster aggro.
I know my build could be useless if im with good players that actually target and cc the spellcasters, but unfortunitly most people just target whatever is closest to them and let the spellcasters do massive damage to the group.
If i would have put magic tank in the title do you think everyone's panties would still be in a bunch?
When i said im not a healbot, what i mean is im not one of those clerics that run around with scrolls equiped all the time, instead i choose to do some damage and aggro control while healing. When people want me to do nothing but heal, we usually do worse because the tanks take massive damage from magic.
07-09-2009, 02:53 PM
The Navy has conspired to kep me away from DDO for awhile.
But by November, I hope to play regularly again.
My RL friends and guld mates have either left or barely play anymore, so I am planning a massive guild recruitment drive when I think I can play regularly again.
My one requirement, is that I enjoy playing with you.
Personality that is compatible with mine.
My playstyle is variable. But most of my chars (and my guildmates, if they ever play again) are very self sufficient.
I could care less if I ever get healed by a cleric ever again.
Except for the expense of potions anyway.
I like ranged combat.
I like tactical play.
I like to be in a dungeon, not waiting around for a group ti fill.
Usually, I could care less about how fast an adventure takes.
The fun is actually playing in the dungeon.
My main is very multi-classed, and I have a few other odd builds (although I've deleted many of them)
I do have a preference for stealth lately, and I will be trying to recruit stealthy chars as a preference.
If you see any member of the Knights of the Shadows online (probably me).
Send a tell and we can group up and see if we like plying together.
I'm here to play and have fun.
Usually by succeeeding, but as long as I'm having fun, it doesn't matter to me how we do it. Zerge, slow, perfect group, mismatched bunch of oddballs.
You want to do something stupid and get your self killed....I'll watch and laugh.
I do like favor...which many times means top lvl quests on elite. Which some people can't handle.
So I do hope I can recruit/group with top players on occasion.
But I've got lots of lowbies too. So I'm certainly willing to run with the noobs or gimps anytime.
It's a game after all.
07-09-2009, 04:20 PM
Making a Cleric and deciding healing is not your forte is fine. However. Using a repeating crossbow to hold Caster agro seems not as smart to me as using the various cleric spells that work just as well or in many circumstances better.
Comet Fall knocks casters on their backs with startling efficiency given how much damage it produces as well.
Greater Command works extremely well against most melee based mobs, but you don't worry about them right?
Destruc......Oh yeah. Heavily multi classed so that one doesn't count.
Slay Living is out because you stay at range.
I have a rogue that is a total trap monkey gimp who uses a Repeater. I feel that with his damage boost of +5 he still is severly lacking in DPS unless sneak attacking. Then he is still behind by a wide margin because of the rate of fire. I just have to feel that your DPS isn't going to be able to draw caster mob agro from the common firewalls being tossed around quests all willy nilly.
Not saying ranged combat is useless, just saying that a Str build with a composite bow would do ALOT more damage with that build. Still be just as bad at contributing to a PUG group though.
07-09-2009, 04:28 PM
Making a Cleric and deciding healing is not your forte is fine. However. Using a repeating crossbow to hold Caster agro seems not as smart to me as using the various cleric spells that work just as well or in many circumstances better.
Comet Fall knocks casters on their backs with startling efficiency given how much damage it produces as well.
Greater Command works extremely well against most melee based mobs, but you don't worry about them right?
Destruc......Oh yeah. Heavily multi classed so that one doesn't count.
Slay Living is out because you stay at range.
I have a rogue that is a total trap monkey gimp who uses a Repeater. I feel that with his damage boost of +5 he still is severly lacking in DPS unless sneak attacking. Then he is still behind by a wide margin because of the rate of fire. I just have to feel that your DPS isn't going to be able to draw caster mob agro from the common firewalls being tossed around quests all willy nilly.
Not saying ranged combat is useless, just saying that a Str build with a composite bow would do ALOT more damage with that build. Still be just as bad at contributing to a PUG group though.
repeater has great burst aggro. i dont know how you dont know that as a rogue. whenever i see a rogue with a repeater, they get aggro and die. lol
07-09-2009, 04:30 PM
ranger with multishot has great burst aggro
fixed that for you
07-09-2009, 04:43 PM
repeater has great burst aggro. i dont know how you dont know that as a rogue. whenever i see a rogue with a repeater, they get aggro and die. lol
So now you're relying on an incredibly slow rate of fire to produce more crits for you to hold agro with?
Mama Mia.
07-10-2009, 10:34 AM
....This build is making the hall of lame....
07-10-2009, 10:51 AM
Is this guy still here!?
Do you have a guild yet?
I can't imagine one that would touch you with a ten foot pole after reading this.
07-10-2009, 11:50 AM
Is this guy still here!?
Do you have a guild yet?
I can't imagine one that would touch you with a ten foot pole after reading this.
I saw the join date (Jan 2006) and decided this had to be a joke thread. There's no way anyone could ever play this game for over three years and still be this ignorant.
07-10-2009, 02:32 PM
yes its a joke, i pointed it out in the thread but people only read the first post then reply. It will likely never die because of this.
That really is the build im playing though. its a solo build im using just to get to 1750 on a new server, and its great for farming rares in outside zones.
Its not completely useless in a group though, i can still heal well, and i make a good magic tank.
I just used this thread as an example for another thread in the ranger forums.
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