View Full Version : Roleplayers of Sarlona

07-06-2009, 12:54 PM
((Judgment (leader of the Forged Legion, also known as Salim to some) and I have decided to start a brand new roleplaying guild -- Roleplayers of Sarlona. Our aim is to build a vast fellowship of DDO roleplayers by providing a fervent focus on the Roleplaying Experience-- creating a character with a story and fleshing him/her out in the classic RP sense, plus taking time to savor the adventures and content in the game without rushing or powergaming, fostering in-character interaction -- all this with a forward momentum that will hopefully encapsulate everything the game has to offer, including raids of course.

We hope that our guild will become a banner for like-minded players both new & old, especially once Eberron Unlimited is officially released and we see an influx of new players to the game!

Roleplayers of Sarlona is a brand new guild, so it is starting from the ground up. Through our years in the game we've known a wide range of excellent roleplayers (some still with us, others a little more elusive these days) and hope to reunite with some of our old friends, as well as become a home for new-blood roleplayers.

Reach out to me in-game or via the forum if you are interested in joining Roleplayers of Sarlona. Thanks!))

07-13-2009, 05:19 PM
((Judgment (leader of the Forged Legion, also known as Salim to some) and I have decided to start a brand new roleplaying guild -- Roleplayers of Sarlona. Our aim is to build a vast fellowship of DDO roleplayers by providing a fervent focus on the Roleplaying Experience-- creating a character with a story and fleshing him/her out in the classic RP sense, plus taking time to savor the adventures and content in the game without rushing or powergaming, fostering in-character interaction -- all this with a forward momentum that will hopefully encapsulate everything the game has to offer, including raids of course.

We hope that our guild will become a banner for like-minded players both new & old, especially once Eberron Unlimited is officially released and we see an influx of new players to the game!

Roleplayers of Sarlona is a brand new guild, so it is starting from the ground up. Through our years in the game we've known a wide range of excellent roleplayers (some still with us, others a little more elusive these days) and hope to reunite with some of our old friends, as well as become a home for new-blood roleplayers.

Reach out to me in-game or via the forum if you are interested in joining Roleplayers of Sarlona. Thanks!))

Exactly what I am looking for. I'm just returned to DDO, and looking for that ever-elusive quality RPing group :) I am on the west coast too (Seattle), so I will look you up online as well. Is this group open now, or is it to be launched on the 6th?

07-13-2009, 05:43 PM
The Fellowship of the Golden Night on Thelanis has been doing the same thing, except for the new part. We've been here since the early days and love to Role-play.

We gladly offer our assistance however possibile to aid your success.

07-16-2009, 10:33 AM
I wouldn't mind joining a roleplay guild, I'm generally always in character unless I'm leading a party. Send me a mail, my characters name is Wolfrim

07-30-2009, 02:04 PM
I would be quite interested in joining. I just started. I have 5 characters created but have been mainly active with only one so far. Just started working the second one recently. I'm very interested in a roleplay guild as the hack and slash method of most of the players on here I find rather boring, and I've always enjoyed the roleplaying aspects of the tabletop game more than just dungeon crawling. As a DM I always tried to give my campaigns the epic sort of feel that you find in the LOR movies. My main character is Euriel Rogue/Sorcerer 3/1.

07-30-2009, 02:56 PM
I would be quite interested in joining. I just started. I have 5 characters created but have been mainly active with only one so far. Just started working the second one recently. I'm very interested in a roleplay guild as the hack and slash method of most of the players on here I find rather boring, and I've always enjoyed the roleplaying aspects of the tabletop game more than just dungeon crawling. As a DM I always tried to give my campaigns the epic sort of feel that you find in the LOR movies. My main character is Euriel Rogue/Sorcerer 3/1.

I will look you up next time I'm on (pacific time). I don't see any RPers when I'm on, and haven't seen anybody with this guild tag either. If I can find you, perhaps there will be some roleplay - it would be my first RP on Sarlona so far (3 weeks).

I returned to DDO after an absense of a couple years, hoping that there might be some roleplayers congregating in places the pvp l33t masses had abandoned. Alas, my hopes have been dashed upon the rocks.

07-31-2009, 10:18 AM
Thought if people were going to be keeping an eye out, I'd post a list of my characters to watch for.

Euriel 3/1 Rogue Sorcerer
Mischa 1 Cleric
Tolun 1 Monk
Kalhak 1 Wizard
Tuomas 1 Ranger

Euriel and Mischa are the most active at the moment. Tuomas I haven't run at all yet. Also, I haven't filled in any backstories for them, but those are fairly quick for me. I'm a writer on the side with two novels in progress, so creating fiction for my characters backstories is pretty much a breeze. Also, perhaps of interest, Euriel, Tolun, and Kalhak are good aligned, while I'm planning for Mischa and Tuomas to be quite nasty in their futures. Look forward to meeting roleplayers online!

07-31-2009, 08:45 PM
Thought if people were going to be keeping an eye out, I'd post a list of my characters to watch for.

Euriel 3/1 Rogue Sorcerer
Mischa 1 Cleric
Tolun 1 Monk
Kalhak 1 Wizard
Tuomas 1 Ranger

Euriel and Mischa are the most active at the moment. Tuomas I haven't run at all yet. Also, I haven't filled in any backstories for them, but those are fairly quick for me. I'm a writer on the side with two novels in progress, so creating fiction for my characters backstories is pretty much a breeze. Also, perhaps of interest, Euriel, Tolun, and Kalhak are good aligned, while I'm planning for Mischa and Tuomas to be quite nasty in their futures. Look forward to meeting roleplayers online!

I added these. My character is Bridj (3 Bard)

09-01-2009, 07:23 AM
I'm an RPer. Looking to get a group started and looking to meet more people to RP with. Char name is Syngyn (RP name Sinjin Kane), L8 monk atm. I also play Dnarius L5 wiz and Rengald L2 rogue on Sarlona.

Please add me if you would like to RP.


09-09-2009, 03:47 AM
Please add and invite my Bard/Sorcerer Polarik, and my Dwarf Barbarian LorrdKairn

I would be more than happy to be in a guild full of like minded roleplayers. I don't have a working mic at the moment, but I am good at typing without dieing in critical moments of combat. ^_^

09-17-2009, 02:56 PM
Please add and invite my Bard/Sorcerer Polarik, and my Dwarf Barbarian LorrdKairn

I would be more than happy to be in a guild full of like minded roleplayers. I don't have a working mic at the moment, but I am good at typing without dieing in critical moments of combat. ^_^

Look me up in game Polarik and I will speak to you about joining RoS. My mains are listed below. You can also find me on Rengald & Gundin.