View Full Version : 28pt build "master of all styles" is this possible?

07-01-2009, 05:03 PM
hi all,
im recently coming back to DDO after a few years.. monks weren't availible when i left, somehow i lost all former characters and favor and im starting over.. i really wanted to play a monk and being stuck with this pt total im a little lost.. can you the holders of all that is monk lore help a prodigal son out.. i do want to stay pure monk.. any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

07-01-2009, 05:05 PM
"Your Tiger style is strong but my Dragon style will defeat you."

/strokes the long beard.

07-01-2009, 05:08 PM
"Your Tiger style is strong but my Dragon style will defeat you."

/strokes the long beard.

"Perhaps, young grasshopper. However, my Kobold style's power level is over 9000."

/breaks power scanner

Serious post: Specialization would serve you better. You could do it. But, it wouldn't exactly be a 'great build'. You'd be too much over the place, particularly with a 28 build, and probably not using tomes.

07-01-2009, 05:55 PM
I want to do the same thing, a four stance monk. Monks do not have prestige classes yet right? Who knows what they could do for the other stances to make them viable. Granted, the chances of ALL FOUR being viable on lower then usual stats is slim, it's a fun idea and I wouldn't mind having it in my character select screen.

Grandmaster stances in mod9 will require 18 of a stat.
Requirements for enhancements and feats gotta be base+inherent (tomes)
Four stats...
Assume +3 tomes which are still very rare, that's 15 each.
Assume one level-up per stat that's 14each.

Any race can pull this 14x4 off with 28pts. Human would be your race if you want lots of skills. They can do it and pull 12int, plus extra human skill points. If you want stats go dwarf. Their racial trade off gives you con for free basically, since their charisma stat loss is not linked to a stance. A 28pt dwarf after mod9 can get all four grandmaster stances with +2 tomes instead of +3's. 15str/15dex/15con/8int/14wisdom/6charisma, five level up points. One per stat and the fifth a double in wisdom. Eight intelligence can sitll do you for balance, UMD, and concentration.

All that said...

I strongly, IMMENSELY, INCREDIBLY, OVERWHELMINGLY suggest that you do a WF sorc or wizard to 16 and unlock 32pt builds before doing this spec idea, if you really like the sound of playing with all the stances. The ability points free up all the races to make it with +2 tomes on any race you like, and the sorc can farm to send it plat for gear and potions which you will definitely need to run this character.

07-02-2009, 11:29 PM
hi all,
im recently coming back to DDO after a few years.. monks weren't availible when i left, somehow i lost all former characters and favor and im starting over.. i really wanted to play a monk and being stuck with this pt total im a little lost.. can you the holders of all that is monk lore help a prodigal son out.. i do want to stay pure monk.. any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

the servers were merged awhile back check them all to see if you merged into another one turbine never deletes your characters

07-03-2009, 05:51 AM
Two quick comments:

1) as mentioned above, check all servers for your characters. They may have been thrown somewhere else after the merge.

2) I don't think there's a need to get grandmaster styles in all stances. Pick 1 or 2 at most and aim for that.
Dex and Wis being the most important stats, most Monks tend to favour those two for their (eventual) grandmaster stances.

That said, if you can swing 14 in each stat to start out, that's good stuff. It'll unlock all base stances, which gives you versatility in your finishing moves, and also won't leave you too short on one particular stat when in a stance.

07-03-2009, 08:48 AM
the only chance you have to be a non-gimpy monk as a relatively new player is to focus

07-03-2009, 10:31 AM
the servers were merged awhile back check them all to see if you merged into another one turbine never deletes your charactersI came here to suggest this.