View Full Version : Looking for a helpful guild

06-30-2009, 07:12 PM
Hey :) I am new to DDO and I've only been playing for a little bit. Currently I have a leve 5 DPS fighter type (the premade whirlwind fighter you can select from the creation screen). I have been really enjoying the game so far and I've picked up pugs to do stuff (when I can find one) but I'd like to find a group of people that are helpful and understanding of new players. It doesn't have to be a huge guild and it doesn't matter if it's a small click of people, I'm just looking for some mature friendly people to play with :)

My character is a Warforged Fighter named Madarasz. Feel free to send me some in-game mail or a whisper if I'm online. :D

07-01-2009, 10:52 AM
IFS could be a good fit. I do like to run a drama free guild and as such would like to run with you before extending an invite. Look us up when you're next online. Tonight some of us will be on the Lamma server doing a wf group thing while we check out the new stuff; but we are usually on most nights EST.


07-09-2009, 11:20 PM
Hi Mate,

The core players from Heaven’s Fury have been around since about a month after release and were formed from the once strong guild called Stallions in the early days.
There is some good knowledge and great skills within our walls.

We are currently a smaller casual guild with players from Australia, New Zealand and USA looking to expand a little over the coming months.
With our core playing times being most every weeknight (say 5pm Sydney Time until Midnight) and Weekends.

We understand Real Life comes first and don’t expect your soul in return for joining, only respect, diligence and politeness when dealing with the server player base.

If you think that time zone might suit and you want to ease back into DDO with helpful guildy’s willing to share knowledge just look for me in game.
Whilst we are not a power gaming guild, we still like to pride ourselves in being able to match our skills and expertise with some of the best on the server.
If you asked around I am sure you would get some good responses about the Fury’s players.

Feel free to send me an in game mail or if you see me on, drop me a tell and if I am free I will pop over for a chat.

Happy Hunting
Morpheene Fury Leader
