View Full Version : Stats Question
06-27-2009, 02:24 PM
Hey, I just picked up DDO over the last week and have a question about starting stats. I have created a 2-handed Dwarf Paladin. Its been fun so far but as a new player all the builds are a little to complex for my understanding of the game.
My starting stats are (28 points, I think):
Str: 17
Dex: 9
Con: 14
Int: 8
Wis: 10
Cha: 13
I was just wondering if I should re roll my character and put more points into Dex. for a better AC rating rather than Con. I can take the toughness feat at lv 3 and use both my Dwarf and Pally enhancements to boost my Hit Points. I was thinking of lowering my Con to 11 (then using the +1 Dwarf enhancement) and boosting my to Dex to 12? Would the +2 difference in AC offset the loss of 1 hp per level? I am currently only Lv 3 so starting over is not devastating, but I though it was better to ask the question now rather than later.
Thanks for all your help, and any suggestions would be appreciated.
06-27-2009, 02:51 PM
Hey, I just picked up DDO over the last week and have a question about starting stats. I have created a 2-handed Dwarf Paladin. Its been fun so far but as a new player all the builds are a little to complex for my understanding of the game.
My starting stats are (28 points, I think):
Str: 17
Dex: 9
Con: 14
Int: 8
Wis: 10
Cha: 13
I was just wondering if I should re roll my character and put more points into Dex. for a better AC rating rather than Con. I can take the toughness feat at lv 3 and use both my Dwarf and Pally enhancements to boost my Hit Points. I was thinking of lowering my Con to 11 (then using the +1 Dwarf enhancement) and boosting my to Dex to 12? Would the +2 difference in AC offset the loss of 1 hp per level? I am currently only Lv 3 so starting over is not devastating, but I though it was better to ask the question now rather than later.
Thanks for all your help, and any suggestions would be appreciated.
I would not touch CON it is ok where it is at I think. You might consider making your strength 16 starting out and DEX 10 or make your CHA 12 and your DEX 10. With an item you really only need to get your DEX to 16 at end game at most. Put all of your level up points in strength though for your attack and damage.
06-27-2009, 02:55 PM
Bad idea, as a front line mele, the lowest con to consider is 14. as it stands, your idea is purdy good, if you are using a greataxe/greatsward dex is a dump stat and its all about str. you should only have dex if you are 1. a rouge, 2. going two weapon fighting, (then you need a 15 dex min to start except ranger) 3. know what you are doing and have an "alternative build idea"
one thing to consider is that pally's are very stat demanding and I would recommend a bard or barbarian to get the drown unlocked, then after that, make a two weapon fighting paly with the drow as it is sort of like a 32 point elf.
just remember, at the low levels i see many rogs/casters/clerics (well anything) that has a very small con and as soon as they hit some of the lvl 14 quest in the gianthold, they spend alot of time in a pack compared to someone with a 14-16 con...
just this morning i saw a lvl 3 drow sorc with a 6-8 con (he was embarrassed and would not say) and had 32 hp 1 hit would bring him down to about 20% of hp and if he got hit twice, he died. he also had no featherfall item and as we were dropping down the mushrooms in stk, he died from full hp. con is very important, never underestimate it on any character, a good rule of thumb is to never go below a 14 con, it will save you a re-roll come about to lvl 12 or so. (lets hear the flame from the casters with 12 con XD, one argument is "but i run around bears'ed all the time will i get my item" well if he took 14 base he would have 18 con which is a large amount better)
also one thing to remember is that AC does not matter unless you have achieve 65+ at the end game. that reserves it to few people just stick with the str and the con u have and continue to hit things hard. in most cases a high HP total is better then a mediocre AC
"just killum b4 they can killya"
hope its not too much, if u have any q's pm me.
06-27-2009, 03:47 PM
Concur with the others about Con. I'd leave it where it is or boost it up some.
Your stats should work pretty well as is.
/edit after doing some research, keep charisma
high. (originally stated you can drop it some and compensate with items). /end edit
Have to disagree slightly about the AC comments though. Currently AC can be quite
useful in the low to mid levels. At endgame though, forget it. Actually after you hit
level 11ish quests, you might as well forget about it. Unless you are dedicating your build
to achieving a high AC. I'd suggest not doing so though.
While levelling, if you are taking a lot of damage, don't be afraid to temporarily drop the
2-hander and pick up a shield.
If you're playing a pally, you'll probably want full plate of some sort and dex isn't real important
when it comes to that kind of armor.
06-27-2009, 03:51 PM
Welcome to DDO. I disagree with the previous poster. I think you should make the character that you want to play. This is a game after all. If you want to play a Dwarven Paladin, then go for it! This will get you into the game and you should have a blast. As you play, you'll learn the details of the game as you go. Whether you want to reroll to optimize your stats is up to you. For a 2-handed Dwarven Paladin, if you were going to reroll, I would suggest the following:
Dwarven Paladin (pure)
Starting Stats
Str: 16 (10 points)
Dex: 8
Con: 15 (5 points)
Wis: 9 (1 point)
Int: 10 (2 points)
Char: 14 (10 points)
Ending Stats
Assuming you find +6 items and +1 tomes later in your career (which is very doable)
Str: 26 = 16 + 2 favor tome + 2 level + 6 item
Dex: 14 = 8 + 6 item
Con: 24 = 15 + 1 tome + 6 item + 2 dwarf
Wis: 16 = 9 + 1 tome + 6 item (with no tome, 15 is enough for 4th level spells)
Int: 10
Char: 26 = 14 + 1 tome + 3 level + 6 item + 2 paladin enhancement
Notes on Stats
Strength: Put your level up points here first. This will help you early in the game
Dex: As a 2-handed warrior, you don't really need to worry about AC from a high dex
Con: It's up to you, you could start at 16 and hope to get a +2 tome later
Wis: The most important thing here is that your modified wisdom is 15 at high level, so you can cast 4th level spells. Recommend to use this as a dump stat
Int: It's nice to have an extra skill point per level
Charisma: Divine Might is a good enhancement line that adds to your damage per hit. This is based on your base charisma (starting score + tomes + level up). A raw 18 give you access to Divine Might 3, which is fairly good.
1st - Two Handed Fighting
3rd - Power Attack
6th - Toughness
9th - Improved Critical - Slashing
12th - Improved Two Handed Fighting
15th - Greater Two Handed Fighting
18th - Choice
Most points into jump and balance
Make sure to take your Exhalted Smites, Divine Sacrifice and Divine Might. These are great to add to your DPS.
06-27-2009, 04:00 PM
Thank you for the advice. I will think about the build above and thanks for the skill suggestions. I have been putting my point into healing thinking it best for when you rested in quests. Its been fun being a crazy fire axe weilding Dwarf in the beginner zone. I can see your points on never having enough HP's being a front line DPSer. In most other MMO's I have been a caster so this is a new role I am trying out (and enjoying).
06-28-2009, 10:54 AM
Well I have decided to re roll to the specs that Ralmeth suggests. I hit level 2 last night and if you are running around and see a dwarf named Innis on Sarlona please say hello and offer up any advice you have.
Best of luck and see you all online.
06-29-2009, 11:20 AM
Just be aware your charisma is too low for top line dps.
06-29-2009, 03:55 PM
Spifflove, the issue is that this is a build for someone new to DDO. Of course, someone starting out will not have a top-end, ultimate uber build, no matter how you build it. Someone starting out doesn't have access to +2 tomes at 1st level and 32 point builds. Honestly, the only thing that will be missed on the build I recommended from not having a natural 20 charisma is Divine Might 4. This build will still get Divine Might 3, Divine Sacrifice 3, Exhalted Smite 4, and the Pally Capstone. The only thing you miss is an extra +2 to damage from not having Divine Might 4. That's it.
Also, if you notice, this build has a natural 18 charisma at max level with only a +1 tome (14 to start, +1 tome and +3 from leveling). If the op is lucky to someday get a +3 charisma tome, then divine might 4 is still possible.
06-29-2009, 04:07 PM
Well I have decided to re roll to the specs that Ralmeth suggests. I hit level 2 last night and if you are running around and see a dwarf named Innis on Sarlona please say hello and offer up any advice you have.
Best of luck and see you all online.
Welcome to Sarlona. I hope you enjoy your Paladin build.
06-29-2009, 04:20 PM
Thank you Ralmeth for putting up a 28pt build for Paladin. I normally play clerics, but I had a newer player who is guilded has been asking me to help with their build. While we are working on Drow/32 pt build, it is refreshing to see that some people actually are giving good advice for newer players (who don't have instant access to 32pt and tomes).
Arthur1977, to add to what Ralmeth said, you will grow into the character you play. Please don't rush through the learning curve; spend the time to learn the ins-and-outs of playing a Paladin, so can best prepare for a slightly more advanced character build (Drow/32pt), it's worth the wait.
06-30-2009, 11:47 PM
Thanks everyone for the advice, especially Ralmeth for the build and the in game suggestions and items he sent. I do plan to take my time and get to know the ins-and-outs of this character and be a valuable asset to my group. So far I am loving the game and its refreshing being a melee DPS instead of a caster :) I hope to see you all online.
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