View Full Version : Hirelings - Make Them Easier to Find

06-18-2009, 10:46 AM
The hireling vendors are very spread out and difficult to find. I searched for 15 minutes also on and off the forums to find a location list.

With an influx of new players, can we consider moving all hireling vendors to a central location, like the marketplace? Or make it so a hireling vendor will sell the services of ALL levels of hirelings.

Hirelings are good for the game and off-peak times, and potentially useful for newer players. If a new player hears of hirelings, are they going to find them easily? I'm an experienced founder, and I've had a devil of a time myself finding a haste bot hireling in my level range.

Also on the main compendium page, it doesn't list the hireling section. I had to do a google search to find it.

06-18-2009, 10:49 AM
these are not the vendors you are looking for...
/try jedi mind trick!