View Full Version : Equipment disappeared from character/pack

06-15-2009, 06:32 PM
I posted a couple of tickets about this, and received a reply the next day that that wouldn't do any good and that I needed to report a bug. I did so, but I'm not sure what the next step is? I pm'd Tolero, who suggested I post here.

Here's the issue:

I first posted a ticket around 10 pm est for the problem (I'll include a description in a sec) and waited for a couple of hours. I checked back in every few minutes in the 'ticket tracker' to see if it was updated. I figured saturday night, could take awhile. Two hours later, suddenly the ticket was no longer in my tracker.

I waited a few minutes thinking somebody might be looking into it. I have posted a couple tickets before though, and when somebody did pick it up I got a message that they were looking into the problem. I never got a message like that, the ticket just disappeared.

I reposted the ticket. This time I copied it into notepad real quick. Not five minutes later, that ticket also disappeared. I'm not sure how else to get help if my tickets keep disappearing. Any ideas?

Here's a copy of the second ticket I sent in:

I posted this once, but the previous ticket seems to have disappeared from the "track tickets"

I logged onto my bard hhannah around 10 pm est. A lot of the spots on my hotbars were empty, and I had no armor on, or anything in my hands. First I thought things weren't loading, but I was moving around and had joined an lfm and still had nothing. Most of the items in my pack were gone, and the items I was wearing. I have very little of my belongings left. Not just a couple things went missing. My spell components, all of my raid loot, most of the weapons from my weapon sets, pretty much everything is gone.

I logged out of the character, and then back on. I closed down the client, relogged onto hhannah, still no change. I posted the ticket and I've been waiting a couple hours, still things haven't loaded.

I've had an item or two disappear before through mail issues, servers resetting, that sort of thing. Not so big a deal. I'm literally talking anything of any worth on this character is not there. Her shield and armor, all but a couple of not-so-great weapons, etc.

I logged in and joined a 1/2ling only shroud run before I realized the issue, but had to drop. I couldn't even teleport myself to Merida without my scrolls, or haste the party without components. Her best weapons reamaining are a muckbane, and a shocking burst of grtr giant bane. She's fairly useless right now, and I don't want to spend a lot of cash equipping her again, considering she was totally equipped before.

Can I get her reset somehow? Schooch her back a week or something? Is there ANY hope of getting items back? I know that isn't typical, but I'm not talking one weapon that disappeared in mail-land.