View Full Version : Revamped areas for higher end quests

06-15-2009, 04:40 PM
I like both the threads today on favorite and least favorite quests.

I think it is good to get a feel for the popularity and success (or lack of) these quests we all run so much.

It got me thinking about Invaders.

I love how in that quest we're back in the Waterworks like a newbie, yet things are so very much changed down there for that higher level quest. I think it lends itself well to that.

So my question is what other area lends itself well to a reworking? If the Waterworks can be so different and better, what other areas would work this way?

For my pick Ill go with the Catacombs.

It isn't a very popular quest chain to run it seems, but I love the Library so much. I could see it being filled with Beholders and other more challenging creatures to battle. Each level of that place could even be a seperate quest, or it could be yet another quest chain.

It just seems like the place is tucked away out of sight and forgotten. The different floors and atmosphere in there is great! I do agree that talking again and again to Dryden (ad naseum) gets old, but the area to me lends itself to a higher level quest.

What do others think?

Any ideas?



06-15-2009, 05:15 PM
As long as it isn't filled with undead, I'll agree.

A good area for a higher level quest would be Irestone Inlet.