View Full Version : No Beta for Me?

06-14-2009, 12:37 PM
Let's get the introductions out of the way first. I am Mustardo the Mighty of Thelanis... *originally* Mustardo the Mighty of Xoriat. While the madness has since faded from my mind, I remain proud of my heritage for the simple reason that I can honestly say I remember this game before the big server merge... and indeed before much of today's features.

While my memory remainds fuzzy -- perhaps due to the insanity of Xoriat -- I do recall that I joined back when the level cap was still 10. If I had to wager a guess, it would have to be some time in the middle of Module 2, with the Warforged Titan. My leveling pace was a steady one, as I sauntered through the lovely dungeons, eventually reaching the level cap of 14 not long after Module 4 came out. Gianthold was pretty awesome, and while I tended to call the game a "PoP-corn machine" thanks to the endless loot runs, I stuck around until Module 5. Eventually, due to a mixture of financial problems and boredom issues, I chose to float away from DDO.

Now, both of those setbacks are no longer issues. Mustardo is back! Or at least he would be, but unfortunately the game that he knew and loved, known as Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach will cease to exist in a few months. Instead, it will be replaced with the enormous MMO monster known as Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited!

So I ask you, good fellows of Turbine... since I am unable to represent myself properly on my true account due to the fact that one cannot actually post on the forums unless they are a current subscriber, I offer this request under the name of a true legendary hero of XORIAT! This game shall rise to become what it truly deserves to be! And I shall be there to make sure that it is released to the world in only its greatest display of excellence, if only you fulfill my greatest desire! So with this ultimate question, I finally ask...

Can I have a beta key?

06-14-2009, 12:47 PM
Tons of us never received keys despite our emails being current and correct - they just botched it. Or lied to us - both are equally possible, though i'd lean towards lying cause they do it to us constantly.

06-15-2009, 12:08 PM
Make sure your information is correct at the account management website, then click the DDO.com link at the top of forums. That'll take you to a page where you can request a Beta key (Bottom right of the web page...Has a Monk lookin spiffy on it :)). No telling how many slots they have left but the devs stated they need F2P (Free to Play) testers as well as VIP testers.

06-15-2009, 12:37 PM
If you are a current DDO player with an active subscription and didn't receive a key, please feel free to contact Account Management. Links for phone and email are in my signature.

Anyone can sign up to be considered for the Beta here:


06-15-2009, 01:37 PM
To further describe my situation...

I do not currently have an active account. My account hasn't been "active" for a long time, but my goal is not to continue from where I left off anyway. When Eberron Unlimited launches, I plan on starting completely anew... probably not as a VIP customer, but that may change.

If I was to be accepted into the beta (and I really do hope I am), my goal would be to test whatever is offered to non-VIP players. Let me also be clear that the goal here is to test and report; NOT to get a headstart on the competition. My incentive to play on the beta server is to catch things that will turn new players away once the game launches... catch them and destroy them, hopefully.

On that note, I can see that multiple active subscribers got beta keys that they really don't want because playing the beta doesn't offer any "rewards" once things go live. Why give it to them when folks like us are ready and willing, and have signed up on the *actual* beta sign up page within the hour that it was put up? Doesn't make much sense to me, but if Turbine really does need F2P testers, my hand was raised high since the beginning.

I hope this thread's title doesn't end up becoming a reality.

06-15-2009, 07:00 PM
My email has not changed in my account for ages. I was one of the original beta testers. I continued through the pre-release party and into live. I'm still here. I received no key, so far.
I am quite sure Turbine didn't just randomly choose a certain number and then ignore the rest. Well, I hope they didn't do that.

06-21-2009, 10:36 PM
Just figured I'd come back to say that this account expires tomorrow. Still no beta key. Still no real response. What saddens me more than the fact that I got myself a code is that many other, more worthy people didn't either. I don't see much wiggle room to find an excuse why a great number of active, subscribing customers -- some of them FOUNDERS, no less -- have not received their keys yet while many other active, subscribing customers got keys that they never wanted in the first place. I think Turbine should have gone about this much differently, and I think that they really dropped the ball on this one.


But that doesn't change the fact that I'm still interested in testing DDO Unlimited before it gets released to the public, and it doesn't change the fact that I have still told all of my friends (and will continue to convince all of them) to give a serious chance at Dungeons & Dragons Online. I just hope that all of this can get sorted out in due time. Until then... see you all later in Stormreach and beyond.

~ Mustardo

06-22-2009, 12:20 PM
Anyone with an active DDO subscription on June 9, 2009 should have received an email with a VIP Beta key. We are aware that some people did not receive this key (for many and varied reasons).

I'm guessing that anyone who has Free access (but had an active account on the 9th) also signed up for the Beta on this page (http://content.turbine.com/pages/www.ddo.com/beta_signup/index.php?utm_source=ddo_com). Any keys sent from the signups to that page were for Free access, which we do also need tested.

That being said, if you really want VIP Beta access and had an active account on the 9th, please contact the Account Management department (email and phone options in my signature) and they will be happy to look into this for you.