View Full Version : Need +2 intel tome, have +2 wiz tome to swap

06-06-2009, 10:49 PM
I need a +2 intel tome and have a +2 wisdom tome to swap for it.

Please send message to Kneedle IN GAME or PM here.



06-07-2009, 01:36 AM
you better hope you have lots of friends that don't care if you rip them off, cause no one is going to take that trade otherwise. Maybe sweeten the pot and you might be able to find someone to trade with.

06-07-2009, 01:49 AM
Agreed. The intel tomes are trading much heavier than other tomes.

06-07-2009, 03:14 AM
thanks for the reply. I honestly mean that. I didnt realise that +2 intel tomes were worth more than other tomes!

Maybe you or others could suggest the amount of sweetener required. Meanwhile I'll head to the AH and see what intel tomes are going for.


06-07-2009, 11:39 AM
thanks for the reply. I honestly mean that. I didnt realise that +2 intel tomes were worth more than other tomes!

Maybe you or others could suggest the amount of sweetener required. Meanwhile I'll head to the AH and see what intel tomes are going for.


Most regular traders I know are looking for large scales. Never know you might find someone who will jump all over some off the wall item....

06-07-2009, 12:56 PM
Hey B,

I'm afraid +2 int tomes have gone up WAY in price because in mod9 they will all have a higher min lvl to be used, so certain builds that are now possible will no longer be. Therefore, not only are these way up in price, but chances are they'll just continue going up in price until they're all used up.

All other tomes, it doesn't really matter if you take them at level 1 or 7 or 9, but int tomes do.

Your best bet is to farm for some other rare or annoying to farm items and trade a tome for it.

06-07-2009, 02:33 PM
sorry to kinda derail ur thread but i still don't understand y int tomes are doubling in price... i know they will be min lvl 7 in mod 9... but when is mod 9 comin? and what builds actually need it before lvl 7? can only think of a few cases.. just curious... and don't give up op ive traded for an int tome recently w/o paying double

06-07-2009, 02:54 PM
sorry to kinda derail ur thread but i still don't understand y int tomes are doubling in price... i know they will be min lvl 7 in mod 9... but when is mod 9 comin? and what builds actually need it before lvl 7? can only think of a few cases.. just curious... and don't give up op ive traded for an int tome recently w/o paying double

For those of us who love to min/max that is loss of skill points. To some that does not mean much, but to others that is a huge difference.

06-07-2009, 05:08 PM
sorry to kinda derail ur thread but i still don't understand y int tomes are doubling in price... i know they will be min lvl 7 in mod 9... but when is mod 9 comin? and what builds actually need it before lvl 7? can only think of a few cases.. just curious... and don't give up op ive traded for an int tome recently w/o paying double

Yes you can still get em, but lots of peeps are sitting on them waiting. IIRC you waited a while for even a dex tome.

06-07-2009, 05:20 PM
For those of us who love to min/max that is loss of skill points. To some that does not mean much, but to others that is a huge difference.

To me it was the difference between full rogue skills able to disable every trap on elite, balance and open locks, and the spot to spot said traps, while maintaining max strength, great dex, and good con. To each their own of course.

06-07-2009, 09:01 PM
yea i waited a week or so for my dex tome... had people askin for 3 scales, 2 scales + somethin, waited it out and found one for 1 scale and got another one free from a buddy... and i only see the change to +2 int tomes mainly affecting rog builds.... and maybe a few others so still don't understand the main jack in price.

06-07-2009, 09:07 PM
yea i waited a week or so for my dex tome... had people askin for 3 scales, 2 scales + somethin, waited it out and found one for 1 scale and got another one free from a buddy... and i only see the change to +2 int tomes mainly affecting rog builds.... and maybe a few others so still don't understand the main jack in price.

Right. So unless the drop rates have changed, peeps are sitting on em. Before the mod 9 release notes tomes were traded like candy. So if for no other reason, the price will hike simply from supply/demand. Nor saying int tomes should double but.....

I also think we have an overall inflation. Large scales which commonly sold for 300K not that long ago, now sell closer too 500K