View Full Version : Returning player hoping to save this toon

06-05-2009, 01:19 PM
Hi All,
I havn't played since lvl-10 was the cap, and this was my main toon. He was alot of fun and versitile back in the day, and I'm hoping to get some suggestions to make him viable today. I was thinking of 1 more rogue level and the other 9 ranger with a switch more towards melee, but I open to anything. My enhancments where all reset, so i have 39 points to spend there. Thx everyone

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.00
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

Level 10 Neutral Good Elf Male
(2 Fighter \ 2 Rogue \ 6 Ranger)
Hit Points: 90
Spell Points: 40
BAB: 9\9\14
Fortitude: 7
Reflex: 12
Will: 3

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Stats Modified Stats
Abilities (Level 1) (Level 10)
Strength 15 16
Dexterity 17 18
Constitution 8 8
Intelligence 14 14
Wisdom 12 12
Charisma 8 8

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 10)
Balance 3 4
Bluff -1 -1
Concentration -1 -1
Diplomacy -1 -1
Disable Device 6 15
Haggle -1 -1
Heal 3 3
Hide 7 16
Intimidate -1 -1
Jump 2 3
Listen 5 8
Move Silently 7 16
Open Lock 7 17
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 2 2
Search 6 16
Spot 5 14
Swim 2 3
Tumble 7 8
Use Magic Device 3 3

Level 1 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Point Blank Shot

Level 2 (Ranger)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Undead

Level 3 (Ranger)
Feat: (Selected) Dodge

Level 4 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Mobility

Level 5 (Rogue)

Level 6 (Ranger)
Feat: (Selected) Shot on the Run

Level 7 (Ranger)

Level 8 (Ranger)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Giant

Level 9 (Ranger)
Feat: (Selected) Weapon Finesse

Level 10 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons

P.S. I also have the FEAT Diehard. I have no idea where it came from, but its on my character information sheet.

06-05-2009, 03:54 PM
P.S. I also have the FEAT Diehard. I have no idea where it came from, but its on my character information sheet.

That feat is now granted at Ranger 3.

I'll have to see if I have any clever ideas where to go with this guy. My first thought is all Fighter from here and go Kensai II/Tempest I [those are Prestige Enhancements; Kensai is coming in Mod 9], eventually becoming a VERY high DPS build, but pretty much giving up on AC.

Q: Do you want to support Rogue skills?

06-05-2009, 04:07 PM
That feat is now granted at Ranger 3.

I'll have to see if I have any clever ideas where to go with this guy. My first thought is all Fighter from here and go Kensai II/Tempest I [those are Prestige Enhancements; Kensai is coming in Mod 9], eventually becoming a VERY high DPS build, but pretty much giving up on AC.

Q: Do you want to support Rogue skills?

That 8 con kind of hurts any high dps/low ac route. He may want to add some extra rogue lvls to up his bluff skill. Another possibility is ... I know a lot of people don't like range but the AA may have some good stuff coming mod 10 and he may be better off going 15 ranger/3 rogue/2 fighter. Take Arcane Archer enhancements, another rogue lvl to round skills out, he will have the GTWF from ranger anyways and so wont suck at it if the situation calls for it.


06-06-2009, 08:14 AM
That 8 con kind of hurts any high dps/low ac route.

Thats definetly a very brittle spot.

He may want to add some extra rogue lvls to up his bluff skill.

Bluff is a uselss waste of a skill. never worth the price.

Another possibility is ... I know a lot of people don't like range but the AA may have some good stuff coming mod 10 and he may be better off going 15 ranger/3 rogue/2 fighter. Take Arcane Archer enhancements, another rogue lvl to round skills out, ...

I would not try to save a character with stuff that might come in Mod 10.......
Perhaps it could work out, perhaps he would still be a weakling. But untill then he is definetly a weakling.

he will have the GTWF from ranger anyways and so wont suck at it if the situation calls for it.

Very important piece of advice!
Ranged combat is a situationaly style, clearly a bad choice in many situations. In these you need to switch to TWF to competently contribute to the groups sucess.
Knowing when to switch between ranged and melee combat is the keypoint when playing a non-sucking character who has archery capabilities.

Things to change to adapt the character to the game of today:

Feats to switch out, simply put they are a bad choice:
- Point Blank Shot ---> Thoughness. You are in dire need of any HP you can get.
- Shot on the run. ---> Spring Attack for the excellent Tempest PrE.

Also Weapon Finess can be switch ou, becasue both DEX and STR will be at a "base" of 18. STR because you will be self-buffed with Ram´s Might 24/7. Never, ever leave the tavern without it active.
IC:Piercing would be a much better choice.

(2 Fighter \ 2 Rogue \ 6 Ranger)

Where to go from here?

He was alot of fun and versitile back in the day,

As you obviously prefer versatility, i´d recommend to go 2 Fighter / 6 Rogue / 12 Ranger @cap.
Switch between taking Ranger and Rogue levels, invest the ranger´s sillpoints into hide, move Silently, Search, Spot, and the rguelevels´ sillpoints into the rogue-classskill only skills primarily.

Ranger has a nice assortment of spells, (Barkskin, 30pt resists, ...) while the rogue levels will enable you to keep your trap-skills up to par.

Good feats to take at 12 and 15th level are
- Combat Expertise
You have very few Hp, you need a good AC not to be squished in every 2nd encounter.
- Oversized TWF (Elfs get very good boni when dual-wielding Rapiers now. With this feat you negate the malus for wielding 2 big weapons simultaneously)

At 18level, take two Weapon Defence. Ecvery point of AC counts for you.

06-08-2009, 09:54 AM
Yes I do want to continue to support my rogue skills. Thx for all the great input guys.