06-03-2009, 02:53 PM
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.00
DDO Character Planner Home Page (
Level 16 Chaotic Neutral Warforged Male
(2 Fighter \ 14 Barbarian)
Hit Points: 336
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 16\16\21\26\26
Fortitude: 20
Reflex: 8
Will: 3
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 16)
Strength 18 23
Dexterity 14 19
Constitution 18 26
Intelligence 8 11
Wisdom 6 9
Charisma 6 9
Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 1
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 1
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 1
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 1
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 1
+3 Tome of Strength used at level 5
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+3 Tome of Constitution used at level 12
+3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 12
+3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 12
+3 Tome of Charisma used at level 12
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 16)
Balance 4 4
Bluff -2 -1
Concentration 4 8
Diplomacy -2 -1
Disable Device n/a n/a
Haggle -2 1
Heal -2 -1
Hide 2 -1
Intimidate 2 12
Jump 5 5
Listen -2 -1
Move Silently 2 -1
Open Lock n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a
Repair -1 4
Search -1 0
Spot -2 -1
Swim 5 -4
Tumble n/a -0.5
Use Magic Device 0 7
Level 1 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+2)
Skill: Intimidate (+4)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+2)
Feat: (Selected) Adamantine Body
Feat: (Automatic) Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Composite Plating
Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Fast Movement
Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Light Fortification
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Rage
Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
Feat: (Automatic) Trip
Feat: (Automatic) Warforged Resistances
Level 2 (Barbarian)
Skill: Haggle (+1.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Damage Reduction
Feat: (Automatic) Uncanny Dodge
Level 3 (Barbarian)
Skill: Tumble (+0.5)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Trap Sense
Level 4 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Jump (+3)
Level 5 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+1.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Improved Uncanny Dodge
Level 6 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Level 7 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Intimidate (+2)
Level 8 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: DEX
Level 9 (Barbarian)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1.5)
Feat: (Selected) Two Handed Fighting
Level 10 (Barbarian)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Repair (+1)
Level 11 (Barbarian)
Skill: Repair (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Greater Rage
Level 12 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: DEX
Skill: Intimidate (+3)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting
Level 13 (Barbarian)
Skill: Intimidate (+4)
Level 14 (Barbarian)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+2)
Feat: (Automatic) Indomitable Will
Level 15 (Fighter)
Skill: Repair (+2)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Handed Fighting
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Superior Two Handed Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Heavy Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Tower Shield Proficiency
Level 16 (Fighter)
Ability Raise: CON
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Reduction Boost I
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Reduction Boost II
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Reduction Boost III
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Reduction Boost IV
Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Action Boost I
Enhancement: Barbarian Critical Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Item Defense I
Enhancement: Barbarian Item Defense II
Enhancement: Barbarian Item Defense III
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack I
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack II
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack III
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage II
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage III
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage IV
Enhancement: Fighter Armored Agility I
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution I
Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution II
Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III
Now add spells, rages, equipment, etc.
DDO Character Planner Home Page (
Level 16 Chaotic Neutral Warforged Male
(2 Fighter \ 14 Barbarian)
Hit Points: 336
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 16\16\21\26\26
Fortitude: 20
Reflex: 8
Will: 3
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 16)
Strength 18 23
Dexterity 14 19
Constitution 18 26
Intelligence 8 11
Wisdom 6 9
Charisma 6 9
Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 1
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 1
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 1
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 1
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 1
+3 Tome of Strength used at level 5
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+3 Tome of Constitution used at level 12
+3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 12
+3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 12
+3 Tome of Charisma used at level 12
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 16)
Balance 4 4
Bluff -2 -1
Concentration 4 8
Diplomacy -2 -1
Disable Device n/a n/a
Haggle -2 1
Heal -2 -1
Hide 2 -1
Intimidate 2 12
Jump 5 5
Listen -2 -1
Move Silently 2 -1
Open Lock n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a
Repair -1 4
Search -1 0
Spot -2 -1
Swim 5 -4
Tumble n/a -0.5
Use Magic Device 0 7
Level 1 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+2)
Skill: Intimidate (+4)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+2)
Feat: (Selected) Adamantine Body
Feat: (Automatic) Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Composite Plating
Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Fast Movement
Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Light Fortification
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Rage
Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
Feat: (Automatic) Trip
Feat: (Automatic) Warforged Resistances
Level 2 (Barbarian)
Skill: Haggle (+1.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Damage Reduction
Feat: (Automatic) Uncanny Dodge
Level 3 (Barbarian)
Skill: Tumble (+0.5)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Trap Sense
Level 4 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Jump (+3)
Level 5 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+1.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Improved Uncanny Dodge
Level 6 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Level 7 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Intimidate (+2)
Level 8 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: DEX
Level 9 (Barbarian)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1.5)
Feat: (Selected) Two Handed Fighting
Level 10 (Barbarian)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Repair (+1)
Level 11 (Barbarian)
Skill: Repair (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Greater Rage
Level 12 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: DEX
Skill: Intimidate (+3)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting
Level 13 (Barbarian)
Skill: Intimidate (+4)
Level 14 (Barbarian)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+2)
Feat: (Automatic) Indomitable Will
Level 15 (Fighter)
Skill: Repair (+2)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Handed Fighting
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Superior Two Handed Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Heavy Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Tower Shield Proficiency
Level 16 (Fighter)
Ability Raise: CON
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Reduction Boost I
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Reduction Boost II
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Reduction Boost III
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Reduction Boost IV
Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Action Boost I
Enhancement: Barbarian Critical Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Item Defense I
Enhancement: Barbarian Item Defense II
Enhancement: Barbarian Item Defense III
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack I
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack II
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack III
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage II
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage III
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage IV
Enhancement: Fighter Armored Agility I
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution I
Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution II
Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III
Now add spells, rages, equipment, etc.