View Full Version : Small modifications to enhancements...

05-29-2009, 07:58 AM
I was playing last night and again this is just a suggestion.

I would like to see the resistance to elements enhancement from rogues ranger and barbarian or whatever other class has them too be increased from 2 to 4 and 4 to 8. Because presently every time I go up a level I see them and say who would pick that what a was of an enhancement!. Although on my rogue of the mechanic I was force to take one min.

Second the mechanical friend iron defender ... would be more interesting if we could use it every 10min or something. I find some quest I summon my iron defender and once its gone I don't see a shrine for a long time. Like a paladin smite it should come back on its own after 10min or whatever seems fit.

05-29-2009, 01:12 PM
I was playing last night and again this is just a suggestion.

I would like to see the resistance to elements enhancement from rogues ranger and barbarian or whatever other class has them too be increased from 2 to 4 and 4 to 8. Because presently every time I go up a level I see them and say who would pick that what a was of an enhancement!. Although on my rogue of the mechanic I was force to take one min.

They do seem a bit weak past the first tier, as damage ramps up far faster than that little 2/tier can help with.

The acid one, though, darn near negates burning blood and acid arrow so if you're sick of sucking pots when you get hit by those, it's an alternative.

They also stack with monk way of the monkey and whatever you get from spell/pots, so you can really jack up your resistances if you choose to. Potentially a balance issue if you max 'em. (though you'd gimp yourself in other ways by doing so)

I wouldn't mind seeing them go 3/6/9 instead of 2/4/6.

05-29-2009, 05:04 PM
I'd have no problem with 3/6/9, but you do realize it could be just as useful for any of the elements but the monster typical as you said use acid or fire as there main element. Karthos starting zone is cold. so there others become kinda useless.

I didn't know about the monk. I've never played them pas lvl 3. Is it an enhancement or granted ability?