View Full Version : Your best loot pulls ever...(something positive for a change)

05-27-2009, 07:10 PM
What's your best loot pull in one dungeon?

My 2 best are (and the only 2 worth remembering in 3+ years):
My wizard's first run in reaver: Napkin and high roll on +3 INT tome
My paly just pulled a +2 wop rapier (first in 3 years) and a +2 CHA tome from the hound on normal.

(Oogly of course pulls that kinda stuff from ww) :)

05-27-2009, 07:13 PM
Well while not uber, the close proximity of a couple of real good pulls in a few days was somewhat noteable. A Bloodstone on Monday from the desert and last night a Trollish Regen Ring in Redwillow. Both pretty nice.

05-27-2009, 07:15 PM
Yes i know this is not a pull, but i think it belongs here :)
4 large scales on the AH all for 250k plat! no lie
And if anyone says it was them who sold it for that price by mistake by mis pressing a number, no i am not giving you your money /scales back! :D

05-27-2009, 07:25 PM
+3 WoP Rapier in a Hound run.

05-27-2009, 07:27 PM
+3 WoP Rapier in a Hound run.

Same! End reward form Shroud-+3 w/p rapier!

05-27-2009, 07:29 PM
A white scale, a blue scale, jorgundal's collar and a +1 dex tome in one Tor run.

Or the guildie that got a spell storing ring and a +1 tome in the same chest on his first desert run....

05-27-2009, 07:32 PM
If you're looking for actuall pulls, I've gotton a +2 Wis tome, +2 Int tome, and +3 Banishing Rapier of PG from 3 hound end rewards in a row

05-27-2009, 07:32 PM
my first vorpal

05-27-2009, 07:33 PM
way back in the day, i pulled 3 vorpals on the very first loot weekend. i then proceeded to trade them like crazy. i think i even gave one away. good times

05-27-2009, 07:35 PM
Just pulled a banishing rapier from House D last night. Pretty awesome.

05-27-2009, 07:36 PM
I have a confession to make.

This February, I pulled mod 9 and put it up for roll.

I passed it off to the winning roller, but must have slipped, as it went to someone who had already left the group.

Sorry guys. :(

05-27-2009, 07:38 PM
I have a confession to make.

This February, I pulled mod 9 and put it up for roll.

I passed it off to the winning roller, but must have slipped, as it went to someone who had already left the group.

Sorry guys. :(

Right that does it!! You're on my list!!

05-27-2009, 07:56 PM
best pulls for me 2 wop rapiers (probably 7 or 8 wop xbows bah)
+5smiting rapier rr halfling
+4vorp dwarf axe of shatermantle rr dwarf
2 other +4vorp dwarf axes rr non dwarfs gave away to friend
+3holy burst silver rapier of pg
many many +2 tomes
i think ive been playing waaaaaaay to long

05-27-2009, 08:06 PM
A +5 icy burst bastard sword rr halfling (ml 8 or 10?) from bam...I believe the lvl cap was 10 at the time. I was instantly hounded with private tells from the rest of the party offering trades.

A +4 WoP shortsword from Enter the Kobold about 4 months ago.

A large devil scale from shroud part 5 about 3 months ago or so...haven't seen one since...was it just a dream?

05-27-2009, 08:39 PM
I pulled (2 1/2 years ago) a +1 Unholyburst Dwarven Axe (off of the Auction House) hehe.

I bought it for 1.4 million gold. I still have it to this day and am sorely tempted to sell/trade it but just have not had the heart to do so as of yet. It is an unique item now because you can no longer pull them from a chest. While they are not very useful per se, they are just cool to have. :)

05-27-2009, 08:40 PM
in chronological order that I pulled them:

+5 Mithral FP. Mod 3, Vulkor Spiral
+2 vorpal returning throwing axe. Mod 4, loot weekend end reward from PoP
+3 w/p rapier. Mod 6, Shroud end reward on normal


05-27-2009, 08:51 PM
I didn't pull it, but I got it when the player left the game and have it in the bank for nostalgia's sake--to my knowledge, the first vorpal longsword pulled on our server (someone pulled a sickle before this one was pulled). It came out of the old CO6 loot runs. It is all beat up and no long in use...just keep it around for the memories.:)

Other than that...I got the delving boots on the very first completion of Velah on my fighter back in the day...more recently, a chattering ring on run 14 of the Titan on my pally/monk and that felt pretty good. Random pulls--not so much...I seem to get a lot of gems.:o

05-27-2009, 08:57 PM
Pulled lots of nice things over the years, best single run was a +5 mithral full plate and +5 mithral tower shield from a run through maze of madness.


05-27-2009, 09:14 PM
Pulled in 4 consecutive speed shroud runs.....

6 lg scales
3 +2 tomes
2 +3 tomes (end rewards..wiz for my cleric and cha for my sorc)
+3 WoP ss (rr elf/drow)...still no rapiers for me ;(
+2 ghost touch Khopesh of disruption

other favorite pulls...

+4 anarchic burst silver sickle of pure good (rr)
+4 anarchic Gr axe of Gr construct bane
ring of the ancestors (after hundreds of runs and many friends getting multiples..i finally pull one on a flagging run after 3 yrs)

05-27-2009, 09:16 PM
+1 bodyfeeder/puncturing rapier
+4 flaming/smiting rapier ml16 rr halfling

oh and 3 w/p picks of various +'s for less then 1mil gp on AH just after the w/p nerf was anounced.

05-27-2009, 09:20 PM
Most valuable:
Pulled a +3 w/p ss a few months ago on a shroud end reward...

Most misleading:
pulled a +2 tome in each of my first 4 shroud runs...

Other nice ones:
Pulled beholder optics in my first ever invaders run...
Saw 2 icy rainments in the same chest outta GoP (back before skelly runs existed)...only 2 of us in the run wanted them.
Chose the titan belt over the ring in my 20th end reward...The ring promptly dropped for me in my 21st run...first time I'd ever seen either.

05-27-2009, 09:52 PM
+1 Str tome von 2 normal - pulled by Jondallar cap level 10

+1 banishing heavy xbow from BAM (when it was new) which I traded for an unbound +2 cha tome and a +5 flaming burst battleaxe RR Halfling - pulled by Hawtty Hotpants at lvl 4 as a lootwh:eek:ring piker

05-27-2009, 10:23 PM
+4 w/p rapier.

It was a couple days after the wop nerf was leaked :( But with the delay in Mod 9 I have been able to get plenty of use out of it. :) Gotta find a bright side, eh?

I had an earlier pull of a +1 w/p heavy repeater. I ended up using 6 Syberis dragonshards to use it effectively.

05-27-2009, 10:24 PM
a superior potency 6 kama the other week out of the shroud; mailed it to a guildee then told him to mail the greater potency 7 he was borrowing to a random cleric in my party

other than that, pulled a choker out of the crypt after about 50/60 runs

05-27-2009, 10:31 PM
I pulled Mod 9 from a Hound chest.

05-28-2009, 12:03 AM
3 bloodstones in 1 day.

05-28-2009, 12:09 AM
My best pulls have been -

Ring of Troll's Regeneration, pulled one before they were "fixed" and recently pulled a new one.

+2 Ghost Touch of Disruption handwraps for my monk.

+3 Wounding Heavy Repeating Crossbow of Puncturing.

Of course there is the myriad of vorpals and paralyzers that I've pulled. Still looking for that elusive (to me at least) +2 or 3 tome out of a chest or end reward.

05-28-2009, 12:23 AM
Black Widow Bracers on my 7th WW run.

05-28-2009, 12:53 AM
Good ol' wounding rapier of puncturing +1 from a reaver end reward back in mod 4.

Also, about 3-4 months ago my guild as a whole pulled 12 (Twelve!) sets of Firestorm Greaves over the course of a single Saturday Night thru Sunday Afternoon.

05-28-2009, 01:09 AM
I have a confession to make.

This February, I pulled mod 9 and put it up for roll.

I passed it off to the winning roller, but must have slipped, as it went to someone who had already left the group.

Sorry guys. :(

HA! lol...this one wins!

05-28-2009, 01:24 AM
+1 vorpal scimitar (pre-nerf)15-20 insta kill min lvl 10.
+5 wisdom helm. Pulled it from southern threnal min lvl 9 human only.
+2 dex tome from von3 first chest. before 1750 favor.
+5 Mithral fp. pulled it from last part of co6. Sadira won it in an auction.
Ring of fireshield 3 clickies per rest. Pulled it when i was a lvl 7 28 point build. Still use it.
The lever in reaver before they changed it. Back when you could spam it and rack up a gazillion xp debt for people you didnt like. :D

05-28-2009, 01:26 AM
My Rogue pulled in 2 back to back Monestary runs 2 +3 WoP rapiers as end rewards. Couldnt believe it. Definetly the most memorable, cause I cant pull S}{!T.

05-28-2009, 02:15 AM
First Desert run ever: Bloodstone
First Desert run on my second character: Bloodstone

05-28-2009, 07:38 AM
First Desert run ever: Bloodstone
First Desert run on my second character: Bloodstone

(Combat): You killed Kamimitsu.
(Error): This corpse has no loot!

Blasted loot system AARGH!!

+1 Adamantine Wounding Rapier of Puncturing, MOD 3(ML 10).
+2 Banishing Repeating Heavy Crossbow, MOD 2(had to wait til mod 3 to use it, ML 12).
+5 Greater Vermin Bane Longbow, MOD 7(gave to guildmate, ML 14).
+5 Mithral Fullplate of Spearblock, MOD 2(ML 10, Wife's account, currently expired).
+1 Flaming Burst Maul of Pure Good, MOD 1(ML 6, lost in the abyss of lent toys).
+1 Holy Burst Silver Greataxe of Shatter +2(On wife's barb, ML 10, MOD 7), and +3 Transmuting Greatsword of Greater Evil Outsider Bane(Gave to guildmate, ML 12, MOD 7) - Harry and Sally beaters.
+3 Holy Burst Longbow of Maiming, +2 Holy Burst Rapier of Maiming(MOD 8 both).
+1 Holy Heavy Pick of Greater Evil Outsider Bane(Blast it, why can't it be Silver!? Lost in the abyss of lent toys).
+5 Flaming Handwraps of Greater Giant Bane
+5 Holy Handwraps of Lesser Lawful Outsider Bane(Come on, why couldn't it be standard or greater bane... works great on Orthons and Bezekiras.)
Kardin's Eye, MOD 4(using it)
Docent of Quickening, MOD 6(Using it.)
Boots of the Innocent, MOD 8(Finally... using them.)
Kundarak Delving Boots, MOD 4(only pair I have ever gotten)
2 Planar Girds back to back on runs # 400 and 401 of Xorian Cipher. Dry runs until then. I took a tally out of curiosity and stuck with it for almost 3 years. Still no Reaver Ring in all those runs and more. 1 Garde though.
+3 Wounding Greataxe of Greater Dwarf Bane

Side Note: 968 valid Bloodstone chests looted, no bloodstone. Yes, like Xorian I took a tally of how many chests I opened. 661 were the Mephit chest. 6 Dynastic Falcatas, 4 of those **** shields, 2 Dusk Hearts and a few other random things I mailed to lowbies did drop though. Up to date as of May 28, 2009 at 6:47am

05-28-2009, 07:42 AM
First Desert run ever: Bloodstone
First Desert run on my second character: Bloodstone

First pop run on my sorc I pulled a Kardin's Eye.

05-28-2009, 07:46 AM
I would have to Say
some of my best Pulls are:

A set of Chaoguarde bracers.
and a Planar Gird.

Black Widow Bracers for my Monk.

And a Puzzle Cap for my Little Rogue. :D

Also a Menos Legion helm...

If you count the grind to get it... :p

05-28-2009, 09:45 AM
one or two weeks ago, i remember because its still on our website, i got the best week end (from friday night to sunday night) of my ddo life since beta... here it is.

spectral glove 2X
head of good fortune 1X
Pouch of jerky 1X
tome page #2 1X
+2 silver holy burst bartard of pure good
+1 holy burst bastard of pure good
+1 ghostouch longbow of disruption
+2 con tome 1X
+1 heavy pick of disruption (level 8 WF only)
+1 banishing dagger (level 8 halfling only)
more or less 15 major mem pots
somewhere between 1.5 - 2 million gold with all the trash (hagglebot barb => 75 haggle)

05-28-2009, 09:59 AM
I pulled Mod 9 from a Hound chest.

Hahhaha! Nice! :D

05-28-2009, 10:06 AM
Been playing the game for 3 years....best pull, +3 splint mail of lesser acid resist. I sware that is all I ever get.

05-28-2009, 10:19 AM
My best was way back when gianthold first came out, I pulled a vorpal kama, the boots from the cold chest, a vorpal kukri and got a +1 wis tome for an end reward in a single POP run. May not be much now, but it was a gargantuan haul back then.

05-28-2009, 10:30 AM
Although not as uber as some...I pulled a min lvl 2 Feather Falling boots the other day in WW. Not a clickie, like most low level stuff, but permanent FF boots. Was pretty cool.

Other pulls that I really liked:
Black Dragon Helm - Still wear it to this day on Belwaar.
+3 Vorpal Dwarven Axe - 1st vorpal pull with Belwaar.
Tortured Livewood Bow - Still use it from time to time on Kelindros.
Silver Bow - I remember when I pulled this; it was still an UBER weapon at the time.

Not really pulls...but grinds that made me jump for joy when I finished them:
Tier 3 Positive Long Bow for Kelindros
Black Dragon Scale Armor for Belwaar (even though I don't wear much anymore...)

Still haven't pulled the following (after 3+ years of playing...:()
+3 Tome

05-28-2009, 12:35 PM
In one shroud my rogue Pariss pulled 2 large scales and a +2 intel tome.

05-28-2009, 12:52 PM
not very lucky in pulls overall, but did pull a +5 dwarven axe of greater dragon bane (ML14), as hound end reward. I thought that was kind of neat.

Other than that probably the most memorable pull was a sun blade from delera I think back before mod 1.

05-28-2009, 01:05 PM
A paralyzing club RR: dwarf as an end reward from Invaders the day the quest was released.

+7 Armor Bracers, RR: warforged from the maze chest in Crucible - also the day the quest was released.

05-28-2009, 01:05 PM
My best pull was my first Docent of Defiance, only tooke me 78 runs to accomplish.:mad:

I go on streaks, usually seem to be about 2 weeks in a row. Last week pulled a total of 3 +2 tomes as end rewards in 1 night from 2 VoD runs and 1 Hound.

This means I get to look forward to total garbage pulls for my birthday, w00t for me.:(

05-28-2009, 01:18 PM
I once pulled a large devil scale on part 4 and then another large devil scale on part 5 in the Shroud. Then was given a vorpal greataxe as an end reward.

05-28-2009, 01:19 PM
-I felt lucky on my ranger when I finally got a +3 dex tome on my 100th shroud!

-My rogue was on a lucky Titan streak and pulled (all by my 20th run): bravos sword, jungle cloak, chattering ring, belt of brute str, seven fingered gloves, shining crescents, battle coin, +2 wis tome, +2 cha tome (yeah, some of its kinda junky, but thats still alot of raid loot for just 20 runs). Conversely, my rogue has done 16 VODs and hasn't had a single piece of raid loot drop (for me).... luck is a fickle mistress.

-My sorc farmed the desert for bloodstones and had about a 150 run dry streak, so I sent in my cleric who pulled one on his first run (from the first chest).

05-28-2009, 01:27 PM
About a year ago I pulled both the Ring of Feathers and the Dwarven Thrower in the same STK end reward chest on a level 5 alt. This is the only time either of them ever dropped for me.

That ring gets passed around to every new character I have made since!

05-28-2009, 01:39 PM
One of my best pulls.....

Had to be my 2nd time ever. but my first time on my pali.

Running Head of Golah Fan . pull RGM....... Been using it ever since!!

05-28-2009, 01:50 PM
Over a course of 7-10 days, 4 pulled banishing rapiers and got one
from House D vendor. But best single quest run, back when GH was
still new, Para and Vorp from PotP elite.


05-28-2009, 01:51 PM
I once pulled +4 STR gloves out of a WW chest. I couldn't believe it either.

05-28-2009, 05:43 PM
Happened in PnP... years ago.

+1 dagger and 50 gold.

Our DM was a cruel SOB.... :D

05-28-2009, 05:56 PM
I pulled a +2 WoP shortsword out of the Reaver chest 2 nights ago.

Twice I have pulled 2 +2 Tomes in the same day.

I have pretty good luck when it comes to pulling stuff. My first time in Ghola Fan on my ranger, I pulled the teleport mask.