View Full Version : Dispel unwanted buffs button

05-27-2009, 12:34 AM
Whether its not wanting rage because of the ac penalty...
or getting rid of barkskin because it does nothing for you and looks like ****...
or any other reason...

It would be nice to be able to click on a buff and dispel it.

05-27-2009, 08:58 AM
I often want to do this with Rage.

05-27-2009, 09:02 AM
I often want to do this with Rage.

Forget rage, I want to get rid of the flicking camouflage that rangers seem to go "oh.. I'm helping the party". You want to help the party? Cast your own buffs of resist and protect, and then cover the party. Save the cleric/arcane the mana for other spells.

05-27-2009, 09:15 AM
Yeppers, please do this devs

05-27-2009, 09:43 AM
Easier said than done I suspect. Not sure the game tracks the origins of the spells affecting you. So for example, you get "Buffed" with a Curse from a Shaman, or an Acid Arrow. Obviously those were intended as attack spells to hurt you from an enemy. While the buffs you mentioned dispelling were from allies.

If game "knows" the source of the spell, then it might be possible to create such a system. IF the game does not track the source of the spell, just that it is on you, then the code would have to include all the spells that could have lingering effects (buffs or debuffs) for consideration.

Now add in the D&D factor where the recipient often does not have a choice or ability to just dismiss existing spells.

What might be possible is to change the casting metrics so that spells like Rage, Mass Camo which might have a caveat of "Willing Recipient" and have them act like Greater Teleport where you have to accept the buff or it does not take hold. Would not want to make this a standard for all Mass Buffs or you would annoy way way more people if you had to accept for every Mass Prot, Mass Aid, Mass Shield of Faith, Mass Spell Resistence, Haste, etc (ie all spells with duration and a buff icon...)

05-27-2009, 10:04 AM

I hate that camo

05-27-2009, 10:05 AM
Easier said than done I suspect. Not sure the game tracks the origins of the spells affecting you. So for example, you get "Buffed" with a Curse from a Shaman, or an Acid Arrow. Obviously those were intended as attack spells to hurt you from an enemy. While the buffs you mentioned dispelling were from allies.well currently, the game knows to remove buffs when going into an instance, but doesn't remove debuffs...

Now add in the D&D factor where the recipient often does not have a choice or ability to just dismiss existing spells.

What might be possible is to change the casting metrics so that spells like Rage, Mass Camo which might have a caveat of "Willing Recipient" and have them act like Greater Teleport where you have to accept the buff or it does not take hold. there are deviations that could ruin D&D fidelity, but this really isn't one of them. After all, Rage and many other spells should require caster concentration to maintain*. Some spells are dismissible in D&D (by their casters) (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm). Concentrations spells are, by nature, included in this group. Also, buff recipients in D&D have the option to use SR to resist most buffs. This is obviously not a good fit for DDO.

The "willing recipient" clause you mention probably is the best fit for Rage... effects like camoflage, barkskin, and stoneskin just need to have their effects toned down (or removed). They do little but make us all look boring and alike. If it's easier to allow people to dismiss their own buffs, that'd work instead.

*in the case of the DDO Rage spell, the duration is that of someone who immediately forfeits concentrating on it.

05-27-2009, 10:09 AM
If game "knows" the source of the spell, then it might be possible to create such a system. IF the game does not track the source of the spell, just that it is on you, then the code would have to include all the spells that could have lingering effects (buffs or debuffs) for consideration.

The Combat log will tell you something like "you benefit from so-and-so's spell" which indicates the game does, in some way, keep track of who casts a spell on you.

05-27-2009, 10:11 AM
The Combat log will tell you something like "you benefit from so-and-so's spell" which indicates the game does, in some way, keep track of who casts a spell on you.pretty sure it mentions the caster's name when the buff goes away too.

05-27-2009, 10:24 AM
Nothing better than Mass Camo at the Auctioneer and watching the General chat log for all the colorful invectives. :D I never use it on a quest though, as a Ranger, my spell casting at level 10 goes to Barkskin, Resists and Protections, nothing else on mission.

05-27-2009, 10:47 AM
Nothing better than Mass Camo at the Auctioneer and watching the General chat log for all the colorful invectives. :D I never use it on a quest though, as a Ranger, my spell casting at level 10 goes to Barkskin, Resists and Protections, nothing else on mission.

umm hopefully Ram's Might finds a comfy spot in the spell selection...:eek:

05-27-2009, 06:18 PM
If game "knows" the source of the spell, then it might be possible to create such a system.
the game knows to remove party buffs when entering a new instance.. but does not remove enemy debuffs. So, yes it does keep track in this way. (same with madstone rage, which shouldnt be able to be dispelled either)

What might be possible is to change the casting metrics so that spells like Rage, Mass Camo which might have a caveat of "Willing Recipient" and have them act like Greater Teleport where you have to accept the buff or it does not take hold.

While this might be an easier fix, It would be extremely annoying mid combat to have a window pop up every time a caster casts rage. Much easier to just debuff your self when you have time. Not to mention, the barkskin, camo, etc.. problem.... would every spell then pop up a window? :eek:

The alternative of haveing a check box in options allowing you to deny rages automatically might work... but i know on my monk i would be constantly toggling it as i like rage when dps matters, and dont want it when fighting trash.

05-28-2009, 06:06 AM

I *hate* it when Rangers cast "buffs" on my characters that do nothing besides uglyfying my character. Highly annoying.

Why does my character have to look like rubbish when raiding half the time?

And on Rage:
Love it on my DPS and on my caster characters. On my DEX-based AC characters it is actually a debuff i cant get rid of or even get a save against.