View Full Version : i have been quiet....so i ask a favor

05-23-2009, 05:09 PM
Look there is nothing I can say about the state of the game that hasnt been said. But I do have a favor to ask........If MOD 9 had been released on time this would never have been an issue, but I find myself running out of things to do on my main, Handee. For awhile I was doing shroud, hound, and recently vod regularly like everybody else. Well, my issue is that there is a LOT of good xp that players are losing when they hit 3000 and 5000 slayers in the subterrane. I find myself sitting at 4960 slayers and passing up oportunities to do a vod or hound because I dont wanna lose the 49,999 xp whenever mod 9 hits.

In addition, Im at 2980 slayers in the vale on my caster which i use to farm the stones for crafting. I really do not want to lose the 35 k xp that would be real helpful in mod 9

I know many players have more slayers than I but what I would like to know is if considering the extreme delay of the mod versus when it was due, is there a way that it can be worked out for players to recieve xp back from the slayer and rares that they have achieved while we have been waiting? I understand that when you are capped, that xp from quests and quest counters on non raids is halted, it would be great if the xp earned from slayers, rares, and explorers was also halted or given retroactively. Thank you.

05-23-2009, 05:16 PM
I don't wanna hassle BUT....

Your saying you don't have enough to do, so your not doing stuff now so that you can level ASAP in MOD9 and... have not enough to do agian?

Just do it. ;)

05-23-2009, 05:17 PM

My caster is almost at max slayers in a lot places as well, so my only option I have left really is the desert, as I maxed out the undead a long time ago(almost got me to xp cap).

I like this suggestion Turbine, make it so! :)

05-23-2009, 05:19 PM
Or add an option to lock and unlock your slayer totals as desired.

05-23-2009, 05:23 PM
Look there is nothing I can say about the state of the game that hasnt been said. But I do have a favor to ask........If MOD 9 had been released on time this would never have been an issue, but I find myself running out of things to do on my main, Handee. For awhile I was doing shroud, hound, and recently vod regularly like everybody else. Well, my issue is that there is a LOT of good xp that players are losing when they hit 3000 and 5000 slayers in the subterrane. I find myself sitting at 4960 slayers and passing up oportunities to do a vod or hound because I dont wanna lose the 49,999 xp whenever mod 9 hits.

In addition, Im at 2980 slayers in the vale on my caster which i use to farm the stones for crafting. I really do not want to lose the 35 k xp that would be real helpful in mod 9

I know many players have more slayers than I but what I would like to know is if considering the extreme delay of the mod versus when it was due, is there a way that it can be worked out for players to recieve xp back from the slayer and rares that they have achieved while we have been waiting? I understand that when you are capped, that xp from quests and quest counters on non raids is halted, it would be great if the xp earned from slayers, rares, and explorers was also halted or given retroactively. Thank you.

It would be a welcome change, imo, for them to make the highest slayer numbers repeat themselves (eg, every 5000 more sub slayer you get the 49,100 award again .. at 10k, 15k, etc .. my main would be around 14000 or so I iamgine), but the idea that you're going to be hard-up for exp when shroud normal is worth 35k a run and elite is worth 50k is strange.

05-23-2009, 05:45 PM
you missed his point completely. i think he is saying he is running stuff (the same stuff) over and over for no benefit whatsoever. he just wants the just reward for his grind rather than nothing at all. i can understand that. yet , if he does come back 2 weeks after mod 9 release bored, then I retract this post :D

05-23-2009, 05:53 PM
Or add an option to lock and unlock your slayer totals as desired.

/I'll sign for this. Great idea.

05-23-2009, 05:56 PM
Look there is nothing I can say about the state of the game that hasnt been said. But I do have a favor to ask........If MOD 9 had been released on time this would never have been an issue, but I find myself running out of things to do on my main, Handee. For awhile I was doing shroud, hound, and recently vod regularly like everybody else. Well, my issue is that there is a LOT of good xp that players are losing when they hit 3000 and 5000 slayers in the subterrane. I find myself sitting at 4960 slayers and passing up oportunities to do a vod or hound because I dont wanna lose the 49,999 xp whenever mod 9 hits.

In addition, Im at 2980 slayers in the vale on my caster which i use to farm the stones for crafting. I really do not want to lose the 35 k xp that would be real helpful in mod 9

I know many players have more slayers than I but what I would like to know is if considering the extreme delay of the mod versus when it was due, is there a way that it can be worked out for players to recieve xp back from the slayer and rares that they have achieved while we have been waiting? I understand that when you are capped, that xp from quests and quest counters on non raids is halted, it would be great if the xp earned from slayers, rares, and explorers was also halted or given retroactively. Thank you.

There is so much XP in this game, I would not even worry about that miniscule amount of XP. Do not skip out on raids just to avoid slayers.

05-23-2009, 06:01 PM
Or add an option to lock and unlock your slayer totals as desired.

Now that is something that should be done...O devs meybe you should read this

05-23-2009, 06:12 PM
If you really want a DEV to hear this why post on a Saturday? From everything I have seen the only time we get DEV interaction on a Saturday is when the servers go down.

05-23-2009, 06:17 PM
Or add an option to lock and unlock your slayer totals as desired.

I woudl love to hear the first NooB that spent 4 hours in the Orchard Post they want credit for their 1000 kills cuz they locked their slayer unknowingly...

That would be priceless...

05-23-2009, 06:32 PM
There is so much XP in this game, I would not even worry about that miniscule amount of XP. Do not skip out on raids just to avoid slayers.

I know..... but wouldn't it be nice to be able to save this XP, regardless of how much more there is later on when we can level again?

Avoid those areas if you're tired of running them without the xp.
I also hope they change it so that this xp freezes as well.
But I think Boldar is right, don't avoid it if you enjoy playing them just to save the XP, IMO.
If Turbine's smart there'll be plenty of XP when the level cap rises.

But just in case:
/Signed with OP

05-23-2009, 06:39 PM
Or add an option to lock and unlock your slayer totals as desired.

One word for this post



05-23-2009, 06:41 PM
Or add an option to lock and unlock your slayer totals as desired.

I woudl love to hear the first NooB that spent 4 hours in the Orchard Post they want credit for their 1000 kills cuz they locked their slayer unknowingly...

That would be priceless...

Wonderfully efficient.

As for the counter argument, it would be defaulted on and if they fubbed it that's a valuable life lesson.
I sympathize but it hopefully would be worded conspicuously.

05-23-2009, 06:47 PM
If you really want a DEV to hear this why post on a Saturday? From everything I have seen the only time we get DEV interaction on a Saturday is when the servers go down.

So that way it will get as many responses as possible before the thread gets locked, becasue someone is going to say something. This type of post will elicit empassioned responses from many of those who read it.

I can already tell.

05-23-2009, 07:03 PM
It seems that Turbine is stuck in some licensing/contractual mud and cannot find its way out of it.

I would like to see Mod9 come out but more than that Mod10 come out very very soon after it. A month or two later would be good.

Please do not let the mod. schedule be hindered by the unknown forces behind the scenes.

05-23-2009, 07:51 PM
Look there is nothing I can say about the state of the game that hasnt been said. But I do have a favor to ask........If MOD 9 had been released on time this would never have been an issue, but I find myself running out of things to do on my main, Handee. For awhile I was doing shroud, hound, and recently vod regularly like everybody else. Well, my issue is that there is a LOT of good xp that players are losing when they hit 3000 and 5000 slayers in the subterrane. I find myself sitting at 4960 slayers and passing up oportunities to do a vod or hound because I dont wanna lose the 49,999 xp whenever mod 9 hits.

In addition, Im at 2980 slayers in the vale on my caster which i use to farm the stones for crafting. I really do not want to lose the 35 k xp that would be real helpful in mod 9

I know many players have more slayers than I but what I would like to know is if considering the extreme delay of the mod versus when it was due, is there a way that it can be worked out for players to recieve xp back from the slayer and rares that they have achieved while we have been waiting? I understand that when you are capped, that xp from quests and quest counters on non raids is halted, it would be great if the xp earned from slayers, rares, and explorers was also halted or given retroactively. Thank you.

A "Pause Quest Advancement" button would be nice, fitten neatly into the Quest Journal...

then again that would rock way too hard in Slayer quests between mods for people who simply play far too much.

05-23-2009, 07:56 PM
Come on, most people will be capped and complaining within 2 weeks of MOD9 either way.

This is possably the easiest MMO ever made in regards to leveling - in fact it's a joke.

I'd prefer ways to slash exp and make it take 4-5 times longer to level a toon.

05-23-2009, 08:11 PM
Come on, most people will be capped and complaining within 2 weeks of MOD9 either way.

This is possably the easiest MMO ever made in regards to leveling - in fact it's a joke.

I'd prefer ways to slash exp and make it take 4-5 times longer to level a toon.

if we had more content I'd agree, but with the way the game is going, slashed xp would make running the same quests over even more repulsive.

05-24-2009, 01:57 AM
Wow, I didn't expect my "lock slayer" idea to get so much love...

05-24-2009, 02:00 AM
1 issue, people would log in and hit 20 instantly.

05-24-2009, 02:20 AM
1 issue, people would log in and hit 20 instantly.
Which is why I suggested the ability to lock slayer counts instead, rather than storing up experience. It's a good compromise, I think.

05-24-2009, 03:38 AM
Which is why I suggested the ability to lock slayer counts instead, rather than storing up experience. It's a good compromise, I think.

Yep, always thought all XP should "freeze" in Explorers just like in Quests.
Just a simple stopping of the counter like you've suggested would do it.
It's getting a lot of love because many of us liked it the first time we heard it ;).
Just kidding, reptition makes the heart grow fonder:
"Lock the counter, lock the counter, oh lock the counter, yeah!!!'

05-24-2009, 07:49 AM
I think some people may have misunderstood, I am not so much worried about hitting level 20 the next day, but the fact that a lot of xp is wasted. If there was a freeze of your counters,even a reset as someone suggested when you hit the max, at least you would be able to be compensated for running slayers and not feel like if the mod was released when it was supposed to have been that you would have been able to get a lot more xp.

05-24-2009, 09:43 AM
Never understood why slayer progression continues when you are capped. It should stop just like quest completions.

05-24-2009, 12:13 PM
Look there is nothing I can say about the state of the game that hasnt been said. But I do have a favor to ask........If MOD 9 had been released on time this would never have been an issue, but I find myself running out of things to do on my main, Handee. For awhile I was doing shroud, hound, and recently vod regularly like everybody else. Well, my issue is that there is a LOT of good xp that players are losing when they hit 3000 and 5000 slayers in the subterrane. I find myself sitting at 4960 slayers and passing up oportunities to do a vod or hound because I dont wanna lose the 49,999 xp whenever mod 9 hits.

In addition, Im at 2980 slayers in the vale on my caster which i use to farm the stones for crafting. I really do not want to lose the 35 k xp that would be real helpful in mod 9

I know many players have more slayers than I but what I would like to know is if considering the extreme delay of the mod versus when it was due, is there a way that it can be worked out for players to recieve xp back from the slayer and rares that they have achieved while we have been waiting? I understand that when you are capped, that xp from quests and quest counters on non raids is halted, it would be great if the xp earned from slayers, rares, and explorers was also halted or given retroactively. Thank you.

Turbine has a better solution. :rolleyes: If Mod 9 rolls like tha last version of Lama, you will be able to get great XP for quests way under your character. Just think how much fun you will have running Stormcleave elite for XP on your level 16.

05-24-2009, 12:17 PM
Slayer, Explorers and Rares should 'lock' upon hitting the current exp cap.

Shouldn't be too hard to code since they have the ability to 'lock' it when somebody too high for the area jumps into a group of lowers.

05-24-2009, 06:09 PM

Turbine has a better solution. :rolleyes: If Mod 9 rolls like tha last version of Lama, you will be able to get great XP for quests way under your character. Just think how much fun you will have running Stormcleave elite for XP on your level 16.
I didn't get a chance to play on Lammania... how did this system work? Did it scale the quests up?

05-24-2009, 06:13 PM
I didn't get a chance to play on Lammania... how did this system work? Did it scale the quests up?

No, the quests scaled to be more difficult on Elite than Hard, Hard than normal, just like it is now. The scaling makes it easier on normal for one person over four, etc, but the scaling is far less on hard and elite.

You do get experience even running low level stuff. Although, some VERY low level to you might get you like 12 xp, but it's there.

05-24-2009, 06:32 PM
No, the quests scaled to be more difficult on Elite than Hard, Hard than normal, just like it is now. The scaling makes it easier on normal for one person over four, etc, but the scaling is far less on hard and elite.
Sorry, didn't quite understand that. Are you saying that the quests were harder or easier based on how many people were in the group (and that the difference from n/h/e was less)?

05-24-2009, 06:50 PM
You do get experience even running low level stuff. Although, some VERY low level to you might get you like 12 xp, but it's there.
Which kinda makes parvo's last post look like pointless hysterics (unless he knows for a fact that a level 16 will get significant XP from Stormcleave).

05-24-2009, 07:11 PM
lotsa folks are gonna enjoy a tour of the pit lol

05-24-2009, 07:30 PM
Which kinda makes parvo's last post look like pointless hysterics (unless he knows for a fact that a level 16 will get significant XP from Stormcleave).

Aaah Bran, once again you missed the point of the exercise....

Just think how much fun you will have running Stormcleave elite for XP on your level 16.

Let us know how you like Stormcleave when you finally get there. Pack a lunch though if you take four hours in Tear of Dhakaan...

05-25-2009, 07:28 AM
Bah, long weekend, I should have waited til tuesday but lest get some more feedback in here, seems a lot of people like the idea of turning off the slayers. I also really liked the idea of a slayer reset once you have reached the highest xp awarded. Some good ideas, lets see if we can get a response.

05-25-2009, 11:58 AM
Yeah, I like the ideas too. I am close on a few and 50k is a lot to lose out on, even if your not trying to rush to 20.:)

Though he didn't mean it in the say some suggested like Hefty said, he's not complained at all about being bored and I know that he's got most if not all toons capped. If someone doesn't complain, I don't see why anyone should mind if he wants to hit lvl 20 in 2 days. He pays for the subscription. Now if he complained like many do about things, then I could see some objections. :cool:

Maybe this should be in the Suggestion area, but like they listen to us a whole lot anway. (but they do on some things).

05-25-2009, 01:10 PM
Although I like the idea of locking or capping the XP on explorer areas (I'm waiting at 2999 in Reaver's Refuge with my sorcerer as well), it would be a pointless change coming with Mod 9. We are going to be fully capped at 20 with this module. There will be no reason to save XP, since I don't think we'll ever see a level 21.

05-25-2009, 01:24 PM
Slayer, Explorers and Rares should 'lock' upon hitting the current exp cap.

Shouldn't be too hard to code since they have the ability to 'lock' it when somebody too high for the area jumps into a group of lowers.
But it could suck. What if you want to get up to, say, 999 kills, but the system locks you at 9? (and then you get 250 xp on the next level cap increase, yay!)

A manual lock could be nice. But honestly, I don't think it's a big deal to lose this XP. I am personally looking forward to finally get a chance to enjoy leveling up, because playing at cap gets old after a while. Why some people absolutely want to cap all their characters asap after a level cap increase is beyond my understanding, except:
- if you only want to cap one character very fast for the sake of achievement
- if you're so casual that "asap" for you is in the order of months

XP is the last thing I care about on my high level characters that are working towards a new cap. I know I'll hit it too soon anyway....

05-25-2009, 01:40 PM
But it could suck. What if you want to get up to, say, 999 kills, but the system locks you at 9? (and then you get 250 xp on the next level cap increase, yay!)

A manual lock could be nice. But honestly, I don't think it's a big deal to lose this XP. I am personally looking forward to finally get a chance to enjoy leveling up, because playing at cap gets old after a while. Why some people absolutely want to cap all their characters asap after a level cap increase is beyond my understanding, except:
- if you only want to cap one character very fast for the sake of achievement
- if you're so casual that "asap" for you is in the order of months

XP is the last thing I care about on my high level characters that are working towards a new cap. I know I'll hit it too soon anyway....

I can understand your point, but like you mentioned many find the challenge of trying to level fast very appealing. As long as the don't whine when they run out of things to do, I don't mind either approach. I am super slow at lvl'ing so I am good for a while.

05-25-2009, 06:34 PM
- if you're so casual that "asap" for you is in the order of months

Exactly why I for one would love one of the above suggestions(lock counts, etc).
I have been playing with a small break since beta, and yet I have 2, yes only 2 capped
characters. Some of us only have the time to play after all other things(won't bore you with what fills my days) are taken care of.(not implying that others don't btw)

Yes, I can find something else to play that fits my playtime better, but why should I have too? I love D&D, wish I could be playing PnP, but alas, with the life of retail, never know what even the next day is going to bring. Let alone be able to find and schedule a group. And add to that the late night shift, and that just brings the playtime/other players online down even more.

I would love to be able to get at least one of my characters up as quickly as I can so I can at least experience the top end content/skills/spells, etc...

Just my two cp. :cool:

05-25-2009, 06:44 PM
I think a manual lock is too complicated. I'd be happy with the count stopping when capped just like for quests. Sure, it would mean you couldn't set yourself up for a big xp dump by killing a couple of critters in the Vale, Orchard, Subterraine or wherever, but it seems a more simple mechanic then adding another user interface of some sort.

Just my 2cp.

05-25-2009, 10:51 PM
I actually understand and think the OP is onto something. As we level up and then reach cap, the XP from all quests/raids become locked until we have a level increase. XP from slayer areas should work the same. Once we reach cap then it should be locked up as well.

Although I doubt the Dev's can retroactively adjust slayer areas for each player it might be a good idea for them to look at this now and see what can be done to address this issue.

05-25-2009, 10:53 PM
XP from slayer areas should work the same. Once we reach cap then it should be locked up as well.


Again if it locked 1 short of the top which would be the cap then people will login on mod 9 and kill 1 slayer in every area and be level 20 in about 15min.

05-25-2009, 11:00 PM
Again if it locked 1 short of the top which would be the cap then people will login on mod 9 and kill 1 slayer in every area and be level 20 in about 15min.

Not if it worked the same as a quest or raid is currently locked up as. It would be locked up the moment you reached XP cap. It would not really be under our control as to the number of slayers.

05-26-2009, 12:06 AM
Again if it locked 1 short of the top which would be the cap then people will login on mod 9 and kill 1 slayer in every area and be level 20 in about 15min.

I agree that it's super fast, but what's really wrong with this? 4 quests and a raid isn't a whole bunch to get to 20. As I said before, I don't care how fast they lvl up, if they do it fast then they better not complain as it would be their fault. And since we are more than likely not to see lvls higher than 20, sucks to be them.

05-26-2009, 12:19 AM
Not if it worked the same as a quest or raid is currently locked up as. It would be locked up the moment you reached XP cap. It would not really be under our control as to the number of slayers.

Except you can't go back and lock the slayers where they belong. Many many people are already sitting a few short of the xp point on purpose and even are complaining they don't want to blow it. Locking it now just guarentees that they will be 20 as soon as the mod comes out. If they could go back and lock when they hit the xp cap for 16.99 that would be ok, but locking alot of new 16s at 1 slayer and locking old 16s at 4999 is not a working solution. In short its too late to impliment this now as many have already farmed up to 4999. Locking them at their farmed # does not work.

05-26-2009, 12:27 AM
Except you can't go back and lock the slayers where they belong. Many many people are already sitting a few short of the xp point on purpose and even are complaining they don't want to blow it. Locking it now just guarentees that they will be 20 as soon as the mod comes out. If they could go back and lock when they hit the xp cap for 16.99 that would be ok, but locking alot of new 16s at 1 slayer and locking old 16s at 4999 is not a working solution. In short its too late to impliment this now as many have already farmed up to 4999. Locking them at their farmed # does not work.

I seriously doubt it would be something that could be worked into Mod 9 anways. It would more than likely be worked in some future mod but at that point it would not be a real concern like you have of it now.

I am sure there are people trying to save those areas now with a few kills shy of a set amount but it is not easy nor is it even widespread. Doing so pretty much locks you out of those areas even if you are just bypassing the area kills to get to a quest. You can not prevent a party memeber from killing off a mob. They kill it and it is recorded on your screen as well.

It is not an easy task.