View Full Version : Just a nugget!-
05-22-2009, 11:10 AM
We are losing good(great) players right and left . Please just give us little piece of info-a nugget if you must. I'm not leaving, but I feel the quality of players is dwindling.
05-22-2009, 11:15 AM
We are losing good(great) players right and left . Please just give us little piece of info-a nugget if you must. I'm not leaving, but I feel the quality of players is dwindling.
I have been begging all week in my Monday thread ( I even have pictures.:eek: Maybe you can get a little love.
BTW - I am very sad about all the players leaving. Some won't be back for a long time, if ever, and that is the biggest shame of this whole deal. :( :( :(
Dex was here. :cool:
I've resorting to begging in p.m.'s :( This is changing the face of our player base.
05-22-2009, 11:27 AM
Summer is pretty big competition for what DDO is offering right now. Just picked up a copy of NWN II as well, not a good sign......
05-22-2009, 11:43 AM
As odd as this might sound and no hate involved. I really don't mind some of the elite taking a break. I think it could have a 2 fold positive effect. 1) they obviously love the game and have little power in how it is managed, by taking a year off it will make thing much fresher for them when they return and with some new content to boot! They'll be back trust me. 2) You know.. Now I might just be forced to actually take the lead in some things (actually learn the quests)instead of just depending on the big brothers and big sisters out there to run it for me. makes me a better player. I have run the reaver like 30 times and still do not know how to do the puzzle or really what is involved in completing the quest. All I have done is shield Block on my pali until the reaver is douwn to like 15% then attack him. On my sorc I just AOE and CC, FOD the eles... ( you know why.. that is what i am expected to do) Same with hound. The run to the houndis usually treated like a sprint. I know there are runes to activate but I still don't do anything more than what i'm told. You know why? It's not cause i'm lazy... It's notcause there in not a ton of info on the site to read about it... It is quite simply b/c I don't have too. no one want's to fail in a raid.. so when there are LFMs up for raids being led by big sister/brother.. then why would I want to noob lead my own, have my @$$ handed to me and be embarased asking question to the group who is TOTALLY wanting me to lead them to a win. Although I am sad to see people leave out of protest/frustration. most is just that, and really temporary. I took signifigant time off and when I came back, iI was like a kid in a candy store for a few months...
If the ubers wanna leave, I say let them.... not cause i am a troll. just forces me to up my game a little, and when they get back some of us PUG's just might have advanced to a higher gaming level.....
Just my opinion. Besides, Some were elitist Snob @sshats
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