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05-21-2009, 09:19 AM
has ne 1 been able to get the rare Brynleifur to spawn in the vale? He's the rare by the pillar towards the 12 entrance, ran rares for bout an hour and haven't seen him spawn once last rare i need.... sent in a ticket just to tell me nothin can be done just wonderin if in insanely unlucky or if he is bugged.
05-21-2009, 09:21 AM
They are called "Rare Encounters." It took me forever to get the names Troll to spawn on Sorrowdusk. Doesn't mean he's bugged. He's just rare. :-)
05-21-2009, 09:25 AM
i know its random but it goes beyond dumb when u spend bout 30 mins runnin to his spot, recallin and resetting and never seeing him, and on top of that seein half of those runs without a place holder for him... just dumb
05-21-2009, 09:42 AM
Dumb? No man, R_A_R_E. Sheesh..... :rolleyes: You spent 30 WHOLE MINUTES?!! ****!
You should have a + 5vorpal everbright slaying greensteel longsword of greater undead elemental evil bane for your trouble!
05-21-2009, 09:45 AM
Is that the Djinn?
Yeah he spawns. BTW, it shouldn't take 30 minutes.
Just have the party enter from the 12 side. Jump down to right, check his spot... if not there, recall, reform and go back in.
Should take about 1 minute per run.
05-21-2009, 09:59 AM
i know it takes bout a min, i mean i ran to his spot for 30 mins..... say bout 20 ish attempts and never saw him spawn.... on top of that isn't there always supposed to be a place holder? have seen many runs w/o one.. and im not sayin he is bugged... im askin if im actually that unlucky...
05-21-2009, 10:00 AM
Out of the last 12 runs I've done in the vale, Brynleifur has popped at least 5 of those times. The troll by Rainbow in the Dark has gone on sabbatical.....I think he has popped once in the last 30 runs, same for the devil by the hollowed out tree in the devil area....maybe they are on vacation together under the marketplace :eek::D
Its just luck of the roll, all of a sudden the one guy you couldn't get to pop will pop just about everytime and the one that was coming out to play will not. The least # of rares I've had pop is 4 the most was 12, but on average (for me) I'll see at least 6 per run. When I first ran my Wizzie through the Vale it took me 45 - 50 runs to finally get the named lion in the Windlasher area.
To answer your other question yes....if Brynleifur isn't there there will be either a Glass Spider or a Rock Elemental there instead. The glass spider can be difficult to spot.
05-21-2009, 10:04 AM
we did 4 runs the other after another.
First we went to the troll/bats/dog/rock/devil area....all 4 times no chest dropped, no rares.
On each of those runs we then went to the gnoll side. Other than the one that is always there (the cleric) no other rares spawned, no chests.
After two whole sides were completely empty of spawned rares, we dropped and reformed and ran them again. All 4, all no spawns.
I imagine the other areas spawned, who knows...but I never saw two empty areas 4 times in a row. I usually see at least one chest drop.
so we just gave up and did something else. Big waste of time. However, since we had done all quests in the game numerous times and I am not going to run raids over and over, there was nothing to do.
So I logged off and read a book on John Quincy Adams.
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