View Full Version : Returning Player LFG

05-08-2009, 12:54 PM
Hi all,

I'll keep this brief since you prob see way too many of these posts.

Just came back after a long time time off & am really enjoying the game, but would def be having more fun with a good guild. I played for a few months at beta/release & got a couple chars to 10, but feels like a brand new game now, there are so many changes.

My reroll just hit level 8 last night, so if your guild could use a steady player please give me a shout. I play 5-10:00pm MST on weeknights & balls-out on weekends. Pm or send a tell to Scorpp in game.

Best regards,

In case there are class restrictions, my current char is Ranger/rogue trap monkey (trying out the 14 Ran/1 Rog/1 Mo flavour. Planning to roll a wf sorc as soon as I can unlock the 32 pters.

Thanks for your time.