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05-06-2009, 11:20 AM
Hey everyone, since i log less often and can't give my info online. I finaly decided to post it online.

After getin rejected many times as a weird build (even now) i did prove the power of the build. I have about 10 clone in my guild and about 15 clone not in guild. Even sent info to some dudes in others servers after i met them in lamania.


Update: on stat: http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=2789181&postcount=131

Tukaw Arak
Level 16 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(2 Paladin / 2 Rogue / 12 Sorcerer)

----- Stat
28 -16(+1lvl+3tome+6+2rage)
20 -11(+2t+6+1e)
28 -17(+2tome+6+1enh+2rage)
18 -9 (+3tome+6)
14 -6 (+2tome+6)
28 -14(+3lvl+2tome+6+3enh)
----------- lvling
lvl 1 rogue - for skill bonus
lvl 2 pally - cause u want a grtaxe (maelstrom)
lvl 3 sorc - hypno cool for cc
lvl 4 pally - cha bonus to saves
lvl 5,6,7,8,9 sorc - finaly a haste
lvl 10 rogue - evasion baby for gianthold
lvl 11-16 sorc
balance: 7 rank (wish i had more... only way to die is a knockdown)
bluff: 4 rank
jump: 4 rank
move silently: 4 rank
open lock: 4 (+ 32 self buff = item 15, no shroud boost)
tumble: 8 ( 41 - frontflip and backflip with tumbleweed and spell)
umd: 19 (47 with titan glove, skill boost, shroud boost, GH)
intimidate : 0 rank (ring 15 + shroud boost + gh = 38 )
rest 0 rank
at lvl 16: Maximise, Empower, Extend, Quicken, Power attack and cleave
at lvl 1-15: Maximise, Empower, Extend, Quicken, Power attack and force of personality

Reconsctuct for 228 or 456hp
Repair crit for 180 or 323 hp
nightsheild, jump, blur, hypno, mm, resist 30, prot 30, displace, cloudfog,fw, firesheild, haste, cone of cold, ck
------------ * after abbot completed (nightsheild docent) and dragon boot (FOM) i switched nightsheild for grease.

max in fire/cold
40% in force, max lineage of force (9% crit) but none in boost crit
sneak damage bonus +3
full wf power attack (-8 +16)
skill boost +2
haste boost
1 inscribe armor
+3 cha, +1 dex, +1 con, +40 hp (30 racial and 10 pally)

------------- hp/sp
369 hp (raged + shroud boost --- miss a +3 con tome to use last +1 enhencement and last +10 hp racial)
1693 sp.. with bracer of glacier and shroud boost

You got basic info now.... want more?
- tank mode (with gh only - no head of good fortune - nightsheild (+3) - no item of resistance - no ritual)
- Caster mode( GH - Head - item+5)
- with force of perso instead of cleave
*** tank mode high enough

------------- gear
Tank mode
- docent of defiance or 1 of 5 sos docent (prefered is desintegration guard + corosive salt + cha skill3)
- concordent opp helm (cleanse) full hp boost, wisdom 6, diplo + haggle 10
- Torc
- bloodstone
- Cha cloak or curse cloak (depend if i need saves boost)
- con ring +6
- DQ glove or titan glove (titan glove are used only with hound sheild for dr 41-45)
- Boots: earthgrab with full acid gard, or FOM boots
- vod google (TS and sneak +5), or sundering oze with acid/cold gard, or tier 2 sp/umd bonus
- bracier of glacier, or tharne bracer (ghost touch) or levik bracer
- electrik haze belt
- tumbleweed or ring of resonnance

caster mode switch ( spell resist 22, - 4sp per spell, +4 to saves...)
- glove of glacier
- head of good fortune
- boots of innocent
- ring of thelis
- Silver flame necklace,
- dq belt (shaken, fear immune)

----- When i get hit!!! my ac is around 17-28
cold shield (1d6+12)
fire sheild (1d6+12)
ring of resonance (1d6)
minor/lesser/major acidguard + earthgrab
minor/lesser/major ice/acid guard + sundering ozze
DQ glove (1d8 peircing)
+20 sp from torc
+30 hp/sp from concordent helm
dr 20 from docent or desintegration or freezing or enervation or radiance

****about 60-80 damage per hit when opponent got no resist

----- Infinit mana/hp combo
DR 20 - docent of defiance
DR 30 - 3 titan docent
dr +25 - hound sheild
concordant opp (+30 sp) + torc (+20sp) = infinit mana
reconstruct and repair crit on quicken= infinit hp

*** can reach dr 55... more often dr 45... even more often i play with dr 20... but if opponent does 0 damage... sp wont regen

---------- Mineral2 grtaxe
You sneak attack Arraetrikos for 233 points of slash damage (smite evil)
+ 1d4 slicing
+ 2d6 holy
+ 2d10 acid blast
+ 2d10 acid burst
+ 1d4 force crit (ritual)
+ 1d6+11 sneak

First number is about 45-50 without bard... crit *3 = about 150.... 180 with bard... 230 with smite evil

- Hammer of life (1x restore) - well umd 47... hammer less usefull but with 10 docents... inventory spot are always an issue.)

FEEL THE POWER!!! Take care, u may get bored when the only chalenge left is to solo vod!!!

===================solo vod scenario
I get sulu to 75%... 4 orathon = infinit DR and mana... when all orathon are low hp.. i finish them off! Hard part is next... get sulu to 80%... Sulu hit hard and not quick... less mana regen and more healing... when 8 devils appear... my 1450 sp regen in about 30-45 sec... i enfebled devil a bit.. but make sure they do 1-5 damage per hit with my infinit dr 20... then concentrate on sulu... 5-10 minutes later... my docent of defiance break.. no more DR20... sulu is about 70-75% left... Tryed 3 times.. twice my docent broke and once i got a lag spike.


Minimum gear to feal the power is the docent of defiance and a mineral2 grt axe...
Once u get torc and concordent opp, your almost a God...
Once u get all guard, raid loot and shroud boost... you are one!!

Dont forget, you are a divine power junky... u can scroll them with umd... or get 6 item with 5 charges on it... rarely need more...


Have fun!! If u got skills and are cool ! Would be a pleasure to invite you to our guild full of clones.... PVP Master!

Sry, english is my second language!

Meet me at lobster ;)

================================================== ==
LVL 20 Update
================================================== ==
2 rogue / 2 pally / 16 sorc

Stats now:

38 -16(+1lvl+3tome+6item+2rage +1litany +3extra str + 6clicky) (mostly play with 32 str) (3min per shrine of 38str)
20 -11(+2t+6+1e) (mostly play with no dex item)
36 -17(+4tome+6+1enh+2rage+1litany+3extracon)
18 -9 (+3tome+6)
14 -6 (+2tome+6)
30-14(+3lvl+3tome+6+3en +1litany)

Saves now: (GH - nightsheild.. no item 5)
fort: 39
reflex: 32
will: 31

HP: 548hp
SP: between 1510 and 2140 - no boost item to all boost item
Reconstruct for 285 (497crit) repair crit for 180 (290crit) mass repair for 100

PVP master take all it sense now. No cleric crit for 548 and no polar ray enough if firesheild on...

Add lightning strike cloak
Add warchanter kit ( sup pot 6 on reconstruct with axe on...mmm like it and -5sp per spel - and +3 extra str on ringl)
Add Occult slayer kit ( +3 extra con, spell resist 22, ...)
Got a second concordent opp on bracer if need be or i use minos helm for hvy fort


So funny to see post about low dps on this build... 38 str and full power attack boost from WF... I reach 3d6 +54 with good buff bard... If u fight me in lobster.. i reach 3d6+43 alone.

Then you will hit me and if u got no resist like many mobs... u get about 80 damage each hit u give me... do you do more than 80 per hit? lol.. ill watch you hit me and die without even healing me:P

So about 50-60+acid+acid+holy+sneak+forceritual++ per hit i give... maybe about 40 per hit i get (2-3resist)... rogue haste boost and smite evil every 90sec...

In front of boss... i fight with axe... spamming polar ray of 345 none crit... cliky that make it superior potency... Still axe do more than 345 in the 4 second cooldown of polar ray.

To all those who think this is not a dps build... sharp your skills!

Check that out, 60 orathons on me at same time at about 4min of video:

Im out 22december till we get more level! have fun!

05-06-2009, 04:47 PM
i love this build i am working on one right now but i took 2 lvls of monk for the extra feats. Hopeing that will work out but if it does not theres always a reroll. i changed a few things around from your build i took of 1 str and added some more dex and added 1 more cha. love him so far at lvl 5

05-06-2009, 05:25 PM
i love this build i am working on one right now but i took 2 lvls of monk for the extra feats. Hopeing that will work out but if it does not theres always a reroll. i changed a few things around from your build i took of 1 str and added some more dex and added 1 more cha. love him so far at lvl 5

monk = extra feat + wisdom to ac

rogue = umd 40+, sneak attack for 12-18 (well 1d6+3 more than a monk version with vod google), picklock

i wanna get hit... so AC useless... but i'd take an extra feat ;) will have to take toughness next mod

05-06-2009, 08:13 PM
I have been on the recieving end of this guy in the pvp pit, and I'll confirm he is one tough cookie. Player skill obvioously has a lot to do with it, but the build is tight.

My question is, couldn't you achieve most of what you are getting with the splash build (outside of evasion) with your pure WF sorc? End game you can get close to 40 umd, but it's not really needed for a lot of things on a wf arcane that's geared up. The guards and mana regen items would be the same, melee would be a few points behind in dps, but not a ton. Evasion is obviously helpful, but a quickened WF sorc with 350+ hps is very hard to kill even without it (prots, firestorm greaves, fire/cold shield, etc.). Force of personality for the will save, con for fort, Reconstruct for reflex.

Since you have both Tak, could you contrast them for me (maybe focused on content over pvp)? It seems like you could get most of what this build has, way more mana, a great DC, the capstone, etc.


05-07-2009, 09:08 AM
I have been on the recieving end of this guy in the pvp pit, and I'll confirm he is one tough cookie. Player skill obvioously has a lot to do with it, but the build is tight.

My question is, couldn't you achieve most of what you are getting with the splash build (outside of evasion) with your pure WF sorc? End game you can get close to 40 umd, but it's not really needed for a lot of things on a wf arcane that's geared up. The guards and mana regen items would be the same, melee would be a few points behind in dps, but not a ton. Evasion is obviously helpful, but a quickened WF sorc with 350+ hps is very hard to kill even without it (prots, firestorm greaves, fire/cold shield, etc.). Force of personality for the will save, con for fort, Reconstruct for reflex.

Since you have both Tak, could you contrast them for me (maybe focused on content over pvp)? It seems like you could get most of what this build has, way more mana, a great DC, the capstone, etc.


Yea i have tukas, pure wf sorc... i did level this toon in about 1-2 week to lvl 16 with my brother sexeoz. Two sorc have enough mana to zeeeeeeeeerg all quest real quick. Tukas in front of 4-5 orathon and 8-10 devil in Vale need about 3-4 banishment and they are all gone. My spells set is for instakill. (enervation, pk, fod, banishement) Maxed in fire/cold.. spell pen, a bit in force for reconstruct. Mass suggestion is real nice to zerg too.

Tukas have 20 str, 30 con, 30 cha, 300hp and 2000sp
Tukaw have 28 str, 28 con, 28 cha, 350hp and 1700sp and much more love ;)

Tukas with same love would get 330hp and about 2400sp

- no evasion but reconstruct
In moooost quest u get area damage spell once in a while. Tukas don't even wear a dex item and play with a 11(GH) reflex save. I attack from range and i know how to dodge fireball and ray. But no way Tukas could solo the Kobolt quest in refuge. About 10 cometfall drop in 5 secondes. Ok, i could charm the ozze and get it done solo but still more challengin than with Tukaw. In pvp, a combo of delayed fireball, fireball, sray get any none evasive toon easy. Evasion is a must to pvp.

- no sneak damage
I lose 1d6+3 per hit... well wont mather in solo mode, except if earthgrabed or freezed... This 18 damage i add vs shroud boss make tukaw do more damage than my halfing barbarian.

- no picklock but i got the spell

- no haste boost
The 15% haste boost is the only way i can bypass the healing power of my clone in pvp. And i do use all 5 charge in part 4 and 5 of shroud.

Tukas maxed umd to 9.5(19) rank... meaning that with same love, he would reach 37.5(47) umd... good enough for scroll... but need titan glove on instead of DQ glove...
- Charisma bonus to saves
Tukas saves are 27, 21, 33
Tukaw saves are 37, 33, 40 both item 5, gh, head and force of perso

To get Tukas in tank mode = bloodstone, no resist item to make place for guard, Power attack instead of force of perso. Saves would be 23, 17, 20... pretty low when average DC of spells are about 28.

- Martial weap profiency
Ok, i can get the master touch spell

- Smite evil
1 every 90 sec... pretty cool for a sorc to crit for 230... but its just to show off ;)

Fought pretty often Arcancanon... a pure wf sorc with power attack and a mineral2 grtaxe. In melee fight, my haste boost make the difference... in caster fight... its not fair... evasion a must...


To finish, in most quest a pure melee wf sorc can do about as good as a tukaw build... except in Kobolt end boss, in SOS, crucible, and some more... may die in shroud part 4 too.. u can get 2 meteor swarm in a row of 200 each and you're out. You can always play caster mode in those quest... with polar ray, fod, charm, etc... but then u miss your spell pen feat that you switched for power attack... Pure sorc can be way more usefull as caster than as melee.
Have a good day !

05-11-2009, 08:45 AM
I haven't gotten far with this build but on paper, it seems solid but kinda of gear and tome intensive...

My question is how would this build play out with so much gear and tomes and 28 points.

Also monk seems good for extra feats, AC, evasion, stance.... though I don't know how I would get stance to work, kamas? quarterstaff? Take ocean stance for more AC, wind stance for more dex and speed... I'm relatively new to monks so any advice would be great.

05-11-2009, 10:11 AM
I haven't gotten far with this build but on paper, it seems solid but kinda of gear and tome intensive...

My question is how would this build play out with so much gear and tomes and 28 points.

Also monk seems good for extra feats, AC, evasion, stance.... though I don't know how I would get stance to work, kamas? quarterstaff? Take ocean stance for more AC, wind stance for more dex and speed... I'm relatively new to monks so any advice would be great.

to use stance u have to use kamas,quarterstaffs,handwraps. i only use my stance on quests on elite for more attack. i use windstance for more relfex save (+1) ac(+1) and the attack speed bonus.

hope that helped

05-11-2009, 02:55 PM
First thanks to Tak for posting this. I'm building one like this and one like Oddlived and they're fun!

Re: monk instead of rogue...monk gives two feats and but loses umd as a class skill. Heal and raise dead and so on umd helpsnso much. Should auto succeed without much effort. If taking monk I'd ask why not just take fighter? You get another bab more hit points and can take one str enhancement. More later class is starting.

05-11-2009, 03:43 PM
I haven't gotten far with this build but on paper, it seems solid but kinda of gear and tome intensive...

My question is how would this build play out with so much gear and tomes and 28 points.

Also monk seems good for extra feats, AC, evasion, stance.... though I don't know how I would get stance to work, kamas? quarterstaff? Take ocean stance for more AC, wind stance for more dex and speed... I'm relatively new to monks so any advice would be great.

1.AC start to mean something in range of 70+... no way this build can reach that...
2. Cant crit for 150+12+10+14+4+1+18 with kama or quaterstaff
3. Without gear.... u still heal yourself at a rate of 200hp per second... only wf barb or tempest ranger bypass this... no mobs do...
4. 28 build... i'd go 9 dex and 15 cha... -1ac, -2 reflex -1 fort - 1will

Typical scenario... i run into quest.. gather 10-20 mobs... firewall in middle (180-440) or intimidate if immune to fire.... jump in middle of firewall.... cleave... sheildblock till dr20 pop...each mobs get about 60 damages per hit and i get about 3-8... 2 sec later about half of mobs are earthgrab... cleave... all dead... i won about 300sp... and cost me about 150sp... took 5 seconds to clear...

@"why boost AC if u can double your dps with guard... moreover your healing is free cause of mana regen...@"

05-11-2009, 03:56 PM
First thanks to Tak for posting this. I'm building one like this and one like Oddlived and they're fun!

Re: monk instead of rogue...monk gives two feats and but loses umd as a class skill. Heal and raise dead and so on umd helpsnso much. Should auto succeed without much effort. If taking monk I'd ask why not just take fighter? You get another bab more hit points and can take one str enhancement. More later class is starting.

figther = no Evasion!! cant underestimate its power...

Monk!! you know some halfing take 3 feats only to get heal!!!! for 2 feats u loose heal now....

Well, i'd take an improve trip feat or improve 2 handed feat... (cleave still my first choice)

Anyway you got my point... monk version still good toon! but its definitly less powerfull!!

05-11-2009, 04:21 PM
And ac not good here anyway as built. You WANT to get hit bc of torq concordant opposition and guard effects. Also major alignment to stats required if using monk for ac. So much so really a diff build.

05-11-2009, 04:26 PM
figther = no Evasion!! cant underestimate its power...

Monk!! you know some halfing take 3 feats only to get heal!!!! for 2 feats u loose heal now....

Well, i'd take an improve trip feat or improve 2 handed feat... (cleave still my first choice)

Anyway you got my point... monk version still good toon! but its definitly less powerfull!!

Totally agreeing withyou. I think monk not nearly as good.

05-11-2009, 04:59 PM
u still heal yourself at a rate of 200hp per second... only wf barb or tempest ranger bypass this... no mobs do...Why only WF barb? PA enhancements are nice, but any race barbarian should have no issue critting for over 200...

05-11-2009, 06:04 PM
Why only WF barb? PA enhancements are nice, but any race barbarian should have no issue critting for over 200...

There is no crit in PVP... the +22 damage from PA make the difference...

05-22-2009, 08:27 PM
polar ray?
1d6more sneak?
divine sacrifice?

05-22-2009, 09:52 PM
Polar ray for sure.

05-26-2009, 03:27 PM
Whats this build look like after 16th?

Does anyone want to endeavor to build detailed a level by level guide as to what to take/what to expect from the character at those intervals?

05-26-2009, 07:30 PM
i would atleast take 1 more lvl of sorc because then you could grab Cl witch in PvP is amazeing and then its nice in quests

05-27-2009, 12:43 PM
i would atleast take 1 more lvl of sorc because then you could grab Cl witch in PvP is amazeing and then its nice in quests

And take 1 level out of what?

Paladin ? lose your cha bonus to your saves which is pretty much the whole point of taking any paladin levels. And without your cha bonus added to your saves, your reflex is going to be bad, making evasion from your 2 rog levels pointless.

Rogue? would get rid of evasion which again is the whole point of taking any rog.

12/2/2 is the best combo atm, despite missing out on chain lightning, which won't even work on the evasion types in pvp. Going 13 sorc for chain would gimp the build completely.

05-27-2009, 02:05 PM
And take 1 level out of what?

Paladin ? lose your cha bonus to your saves which is pretty much the whole point of taking any paladin levels. And without your cha bonus added to your saves, your reflex is going to be bad, making evasion from your 2 rog levels pointless.

Rogue? would get rid of evasion which again is the whole point of taking any rog.

12/2/2 is the best combo atm, despite missing out on chain lightning, which won't even work on the evasion types in pvp. Going 13 sorc for chain would gimp the build completely.

I think Chadman was talking about taking atleast 1 more sorc when the lvl cap is raised.

05-27-2009, 05:43 PM
And take 1 level out of what?

Paladin ? lose your cha bonus to your saves which is pretty much the whole point of taking any paladin levels. And without your cha bonus added to your saves, your reflex is going to be bad, making evasion from your 2 rog levels pointless.

Rogue? would get rid of evasion which again is the whole point of taking any rog.

12/2/2 is the best combo atm, despite missing out on chain lightning, which won't even work on the evasion types in pvp. Going 13 sorc for chain would gimp the build completely.

no i was meaning next lvl once cap is rased to 20

05-27-2009, 05:43 PM
I think Chadman was talking about taking atleast 1 more sorc when the lvl cap is raised.

ya i was

06-01-2009, 11:56 AM
Whats this build look like after 16th?

Does anyone want to endeavor to build detailed a level by level guide as to what to take/what to expect from the character at those intervals?

1- Tukaw on lamania has about 469 hp and 2400+ sp... i did 16/2/2... polar ray for 900+ in pvp... still missing third glacial assault

2- Too lazy to detail a lvl by lvl guide... anyway... each level is about 1-2h of gameplay... small guide in first post good enough!


ill go 16/2/2 next mod... if it goes out in june... byebye tukaw after that! there is limit... mod9 in december 08.. nice call!

06-01-2009, 11:59 AM
i would atleast take 1 more lvl of sorc because then you could grab Cl witch in PvP is amazeing and then its nice in quests

chain lightning is bad in pvp, anyway this build spec in fire/cold. Need lvl 13 sorc to get last enhencement +.25 on crit i think... Won't even use Cl in quest.

06-10-2009, 03:03 PM
Why cleave?

(I think I know the answer, melee damage while blocking to regen mana?)

06-17-2009, 08:48 AM
When u get agro with intimidate (30+) or simply with firewall, or easier when soloing... cleave is the best feat to max dps!!

06-18-2009, 11:46 AM
I played with my fair share of evasion sorcs... I have to say I'm still a sucker for the full sorc. It's fun to play with but a full sorc at 16 I just seem to play better, it may just be my style but meh

06-18-2009, 12:03 PM
Sorc 16 gotta be powerfull as wf... i mean with that much sp... most spell are instakill one...

A tukaw build play with Axe and dps spell... its a melee that can repair... why take lvl of fighter if a divine power junky get 16 bab and str6 for free....

06-27-2009, 03:53 AM
Tukaw is a perfect build. Every stats, feats, items, skill pts, enhancements are used to make him the usefulness build in a party.

But remind that this is the player behind the character that make it special.

06-28-2009, 09:13 PM
My elitist comment, don't take it all to offensive:
"A low-dps gimp with great self healing capabilities."
Nothing I would ever do, and would probably only take one time in a quest, and then I'd realize how bad it is, I give every battle caster one chance. Seen 10+ similar builds, all of em deal close to no dps.

07-08-2009, 05:10 PM
My elitist comment, don't take it all to offensive:
"A low-dps gimp with great self healing capabilities."
Nothing I would ever do, and would probably only take one time in a quest, and then I'd realize how bad it is, I give every battle caster one chance. Seen 10+ similar builds, all of em deal close to no dps.

No one play this build as good as Tukaw. And yes, he does deal dps. Tukaw is definatly the best attribute in a party whatever the quest. I've never heard, never seen a melee getting that far into a solo VoD without using anything but divine power scrolls. Guess it requires some DPS and it makes your ''gimp'' comment absurd.

P.S.: Don't take it offensive, I agree that mostly all melee casters aren't worth much DPS. Tukaw must be an exception.

07-08-2009, 05:17 PM
My elitist comment, don't take it all to offensive:
"A low-dps gimp with great self healing capabilities."
Nothing I would ever do, and would probably only take one time in a quest, and then I'd realize how bad it is, I give every battle caster one chance. Seen 10+ similar builds, all of em deal close to no dps.

Sorry man but you really should see Tukaw in action before you say something like this.

08-06-2009, 11:29 AM
Vulcano is the moniker.

Current Progress:


Docent of Defiance - Check
Torc - Check
Ring of Resonance - Check
Fire Shield - Check
Greensteel G Axe - Check
Concordant Opposition Goggles - Check

Verdict - Awesome

This guy is a monster. I am soloing quests like a mad fiend. Pretty much everyone is surprised when the melee caster is outperforming the DPS "tanks" in the party. There are still kinks I am ironing out with the play style. It takes more than the gear to get this one right. You have to know when to cast certain spells or put on certain gear to make the balance right. You want to take some damage, but not much. You have to take some to regenerate mana, and you have to get hit for the guards to do their duty and punk the mobs around you. Also, I've found that fire shield and cold shield do not stack for damage. Only the last one cast will do damage when I am hit.

I am level 20, and can solo pretty much anything that is one man soloable. I wish I knew how Tukaw got his hp to 400+. My stats are the same and my gear is uber, but I only have 310 or so hp. Hit Points can be a real issue when you are getting whacked for 100 at a time. My sp is only at 1900, but Tukaw has 2400. I am wondering how he managed that too! I have archmagi, but I haven't crafted an sp item from the shroud. I suppose that's how he did it.

1. Run into a room full of mobs.
2. Collect all of their aggro.
3. Shield block until the docent procs "Defiance"
4. If you need more sp, stay blocking to proc the Torc and Concordant Opposition
5. If your sp is nearly full, whip out your greensteel G Axe and start swingin.

Those are the basics, the rest is fine tuning but still important. The more aggro and swings at your junk, the better. The guards will do half your work for you.


09-08-2009, 11:52 AM

----- Infinit mana/hp combo
dr +25 - hound sheild

Hmmmm I have to ask you what kind if item is this? I tried to search the forum for hound shield but I cannot find it :(

Thanks in advance!


09-08-2009, 01:15 PM
This is one of the best links in the forums. I use it all the time when builing toons.

Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Loot Thread:

I've also included a link to Levik's Defender, which is the shield you are referring to; however, it is dr15 not 25.

Hmmmm I have to ask you what kind if item is this? I tried to search the forum for hound shield but I cannot find it :(

Thanks in advance!


09-08-2009, 06:02 PM
This is one of the best links in the forums. I use it all the time when builing toons.

Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Loot Thread:

I've also included a link to Levik's Defender, which is the shield you are referring to; however, it is dr15 not 25.

Thanks for the reply!

Hmmm the DR on that shield that is only effective when blocking right? In other words not a passive DR.

Thanks again in advance!


09-11-2009, 06:08 AM
hmmm another question:

concordent helm = What is this? I can't find it in the unique items thread. Would love if someone could explain this to me.

Thanks in advance!

09-11-2009, 11:18 AM
Look in the crafting threads. You'll make this in the Shroud.

10-16-2009, 01:11 PM
hmmm another question:

concordent helm = What is this? I can't find it in the unique items thread. Would love if someone could explain this to me.

Thanks in advance!

This is the Shroud crafted helm that bestows the Concordant Opposition Bonus upon the third tier of crafting. I forget the procession, but I think it's Positive - Negative - Positive, or Neg - Pos - Neg...something like that. Get the Interactive Game Guide (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=137347)and play around with the recipes until you get this specific bonus. It gives you a chance to get sp or hp whenever you are hit.


10-16-2009, 02:19 PM
My elitist comment, don't take it all to offensive:
"A low-dps gimp with great self healing capabilities."
Nothing I would ever do, and would probably only take one time in a quest, and then I'd realize how bad it is, I give every battle caster one chance. Seen 10+ similar builds, all of em deal close to no dps.
In general, you are correct.

In this case, you couldn't possibly be more wrong. It's likely the player behind the build more than anything, but Tukaw pulls this off and then some. It's a little weird seeing a sorc icon tank, but after seeing how well it does, you get used to it.

11-10-2009, 10:21 AM
Why 9 int and 11 dex? Why not go to 8 int 8 dex and put those points in something else?

edit: what about this


11-11-2009, 06:35 AM
Why 9 int and 11 dex? Why not go to 8 int 8 dex and put those points in something else?

edit: what about this


I think the idea is to have kind of decent reflex save and enough skill points to get UMD maxed. I am also toying with reincarnating my tukaw build and using the extra ability points to raise my int so I can intimidate more regularly. My str and con are perfect, and I can solo content in most places, but I have trouble holding aggro in PUGs. With no aggro, my toon is but a shadow of his solo-self. :)

11-11-2009, 08:22 AM
I think the idea is to have kind of decent reflex save and enough skill points to get UMD maxed. I am also toying with reincarnating my tukaw build and using the extra ability points to raise my int so I can intimidate more regularly. My str and con are perfect, and I can solo content in most places, but I have trouble holding aggro in PUGs. With no aggro, my toon is but a shadow of his solo-self. :)

Fine but a +3 int tome after you cap wont help your skills any. Start at 10 int, +2 tome at 7.

11-11-2009, 09:00 PM
Does anybody have a more recent, updated tukaw build?

11-12-2009, 12:59 PM
Could you maybe edit t and add in the stat point and skill points and get for lvls 17-20?

11-12-2009, 01:23 PM
My elitist comment, don't take it all to offensive:
"A low-dps gimp with great self healing capabilities."
Nothing I would ever do, and would probably only take one time in a quest, and then I'd realize how bad it is, I give every battle caster one chance. Seen 10+ similar builds, all of em deal close to no dps.

:eek: Did he really diss Tukaw?!?!

11-16-2009, 02:01 PM
:eek: Did he really diss Tukaw?!?!

Sad thing this build is not updated anymore... sounds like fun

12-07-2009, 10:36 AM
I would love to test out this buid, but without a proper guide or at least a complete spec guide I feel I just aint doin it right. Anybody have a decent guide to this spec they would'nt mind linking or posting?

12-20-2009, 01:55 PM
met someone few days ago leveling this build saying it was Tukaw build so i was curious of this thread, played during a long time it on EU servers, i called it the Warforcer even at that time,
the build is good and great fun to play thats sure, mostly because of its survivability and is self sufficient, divine power clickies junky anyway
last hybrid occurence i tried was monk2/fighter2/wizard, good ac, loads of feats, and metafeats, a good alternative to me to the rog2/pal2/sor
anyone tried pal4/mnk2/sor14 with greater 2 weapons fighting and khopesh ?

12-20-2009, 02:03 PM
last hybrid occurence i tried was monk2/fighter2/wizard, good ac, loads of feats, and metafeats, a good alternative to me to the rog2/pal2/sor

My other occurence is a rogue3/ranger6/wizard11, tempest, full trapmonkey, rogue haste boost, kopesh, manyshot...

Would be stronger than tukaw if reconstruct cooldown was 2 sec too.

Did u test fighting 60 orathons at same time alone in Sins? Its a nice adrenaline rush!

12-20-2009, 02:16 PM
My other occurence is a rogue3/ranger6/wizard11, tempest, full trapmonkey, rogue haste boost, kopesh, manyshot...

Would be stronger than tukaw if reconstruct cooldown was 2 sec too.

Did u test fighting 60 orathons at same time alone in Sins? Its a nice adrenaline rush!i dont think i did :)
but am sure its great fun ;)
this is clear that wf sor with quicken is a good part of the fun :) and where wf wiz is a bit more seriousso less funny to me

12-20-2009, 11:47 PM
Interesting build think I will start 1 on Cannith.

12-21-2009, 07:45 AM
correct me if I am wrong but isn't Maelstrom a chaotic only weapon??

12-21-2009, 08:21 AM
correct me if I am wrong but isn't Maelstrom a chaotic only weapon??

Anyone can use it, but if you have a lawful alignment you will suffer a negative level penalty for equiping it.

12-21-2009, 09:02 AM
My other occurence is a rogue3/ranger6/wizard11, tempest, full trapmonkey, rogue haste boost, kopesh, manyshot...

Would be stronger than tukaw if reconstruct cooldown was 2 sec too.

Did u test fighting 60 orathons at same time alone in Sins? Its a nice adrenaline rush!

I love grabbing a bunch of Orthons with my clone. It is such a friggin rush. I've played in some failing groups in Sins with other toons. I tell em, "let me get my tank." I log in with the sorc and they are like, "What the hell is that? That's not a tank." I say, "Watch." I grab all the orthons and devils, sit happily taking damage, reconstructing, and sipping tea. If the rest of the group pulls them off one at a time, we can smoke that quest easy. They are always amazed.

12-21-2009, 05:52 PM
I love grabbing a bunch of Orthons with my clone. It is such a friggin rush. I've played in some failing groups in Sins with other toons. I tell em, "let me get my tank." I log in with the sorc and they are like, "What the hell is that? That's not a tank." I say, "Watch." I grab all the orthons and devils, sit happily taking damage, reconstructing, and sipping tea. If the rest of the group pulls them off one at a time, we can smoke that quest easy. They are always amazed.or more simply be the tank in hound raid, it surprises too many players ;)
that thread teased me straight on my old hybrid experiments, started a toon today with this idea of pal4/mnk2/sor14 khopesh and gtwf, am curious of the result :)

12-21-2009, 07:03 PM
I would love to test out this buid, but without a proper guide or at least a complete spec guide I feel I just aint doin it right. Anybody have a decent guide to this spec they would'nt mind linking or posting?


Tak, you think you could post a full build via the char builder? It'd help a lot!

12-23-2009, 01:11 PM
or more simply be the tank in hound raid, it surprises too many players ;)
that thread teased me straight on my old hybrid experiments, started a toon today with this idea of pal4/mnk2/sor14 khopesh and gtwf, am curious of the result :)

1- lol if i tank in hound raid...i have to switch boots google cloak and glove ... if not, i will kill the dog with guard!

2- you will still have feat for maximise, empower, quicken, extend? gtwf takes so many feat... thats why tukal a wizard, ranger... he gets free metamagic with wizard and free 2 weap fighting with ranger... think about it!

12-23-2009, 01:13 PM

Tak, you think you could post a full build via the char builder? It'd help a lot!

Sry never used that tool! and too lazy to try it!

12-24-2009, 11:58 AM
1- lol if i tank in hound raid...i have to switch boots google cloak and glove ... if not, i will kill the dog with guard!

2- you will still have feat for maximise, empower, quicken, extend? gtwf takes so many feat... thats why tukal a wizard, ranger... he gets free metamagic with wizard and free 2 weap fighting with ranger... think about it!

Well on hybrids i only consider maximize and extend as a must have, quicken is fun but max concentration is good enough generaly. Ranger-wiz is another good way thats sure, just i have more fun with sor :)

12-25-2009, 01:22 PM
Sry never used that tool! and too lazy to try it!

Hehe, not a problem, just would be nice to compare how I'm leveling vs. your path.

Some tweaks I'm considering:

Substituting cleave or empower for spell focus to help with DC's. I've always enjoyed hold monster as a CC spell (run hold mass on my pure sorc). This build is clearly built for nuking/no save spells but with my adjusted stats (started 16 cha) I thought it might be feasible. Even on my pure sorc I rarely empower outside of boss situations bc of how inefficient it is with mana. I almost always maximize however as I usually take at least 2 levels of the efficient maximizing enhancement line.

Substituting cleave for improved crit: slashing. Figured the DPS might be better when coupled with the Sword of Shadows (put's the crit chance at 30% per strike).

12-25-2009, 06:24 PM
I'm trying to plan this build out in the DDO Character Planner but coming up a bit short in a couple areas:

1. I see that you add +1 ability levelup to Strength and +3 ability levelups to Charisma...what about the 5th one? Or is it used to balance out whichever of them is an odd number at level 20?

2. I've got the following Enhancements planned but have 9 AP extra at level 20:
Rogue Haste Boost I
Rogue Skill Boost I
Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Paladin Toughness I
Warforged Inscribed Armor I
Racial Toughness III
Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Sorcerer Force Manipulation IV
Warforged Constitution I
Sorcerer Charisma III
Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Sorcerer Lineage of Force III
Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III
Rogue Dexterity I
Warforged Power Attack III

With the 9 AP, I could get Warforged Constitution II, Racial Toughness IV and Paladin Extra Smite Evil I. Sound like a good way to allocate those points?

Thank you for any advice you can offer.

01-01-2010, 09:51 PM
Well on hybrids i only consider maximize and extend as a must have, quicken is fun but max concentration is good enough generaly. Ranger-wiz is another good way thats sure, just i have more fun with sor :)

quicken is a must to pvp! Mobs are too dumb to need quick casting! For some red alerte fun... quicken is a must too... fail one concentration check and its over!

01-01-2010, 10:17 PM
I'm trying to plan this build out in the DDO Character Planner but coming up a bit short in a couple areas:

1. I see that you add +1 ability levelup to Strength and +3 ability levelups to Charisma...what about the 5th one? Or is it used to balance out whichever of them is an odd number at level 20?

2. I've got the following Enhancements planned but have 9 AP extra at level 20:
Rogue Haste Boost I
Rogue Skill Boost I
Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Paladin Toughness I
Warforged Inscribed Armor I
Racial Toughness III
Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Sorcerer Force Manipulation IV
Warforged Constitution I
Sorcerer Charisma III
Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Sorcerer Lineage of Force III
Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III
Rogue Dexterity I
Warforged Power Attack III

With the 9 AP, I could get Warforged Constitution II, Racial Toughness IV and Paladin Extra Smite Evil I. Sound like a good way to allocate those points?

Thank you for any advice you can offer.

used con for 5th stat boost.

base atm 17 11 18 9 6 17
boosted 38 20 36 18 14 30
548hp (around same as many fighters 20 on server)
ToD pot +2 568hp
DDO points pot... 588?
New Docent with superior false life 598? booo miss 2 hp! lol

Rogue Haste Boost I
Rogue Skill Boost I
Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Paladin Toughness I
Warforged Inscribed Armor I
*Racial Toughness IV
Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Sorcerer Force Manipulation IV
*Warforged Constitution II
Sorcerer Charisma III
Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Sorcerer Lineage of Force III
Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III
Rogue Dexterity I
Warforged Power Attack III
*rogue sneak attack accuracy I

tyvm for the list :D i like copy paste:D

Smite evil reset 1 charge every 90 sec... so i think its a bonus for first hit on boss only... well sneak accuracy useless on boss too...

01-06-2010, 01:08 PM
Can someone please plug Tak's complete build into the Ron's Character Planner (www.rjcyberware.com) so its easier to follow.

Many thanks. :)

01-06-2010, 02:03 PM
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.14
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

tukaw arak
Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Female
(2 Paladin \ 2 Rogue \ 16 Sorcerer)
Hit Points: 328
Spell Points: 1399
BAB: 11\11\16\21
Fortitude: 22
Reflex: 17
Will: 16

Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Strength 16 20 20
Dexterity 11 14 15
Constitution 17 22 24
Intelligence 9 12 12
Wisdom 6 8 8
Charisma 14 20 23

Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 1
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 1
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+3 Tome of Strength used at level 20
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 20
+4 Tome of Constitution used at level 20
+3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 20
+3 Tome of Charisma used at level 20

Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Balance 5 8 8
Bluff 2 6 6
Concentration 4 7 7
Diplomacy 2 6 6
Disable Device 4 7 7
Haggle 2 6 6
Heal -2 -1 -1
Hide 1 2 2
Intimidate 6 10 10
Jump 3 5 5
Listen -2 -1 -1
Move Silently 1 2 2
Open Lock 5 8 8
Perform n/a n/a n/a
Repair 0 1 1
Search 4 6 6
Spot -2 -1 -1
Swim 3 5 5
Tumble 5 6 6
Use Magic Device 6 29 29

Level 1 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+4)
Skill: Disable Device (+4)
Skill: Intimidate (+4)
Skill: Open Lock (+4)
Skill: Search (+4)
Skill: Tumble (+4)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I

Level 2 (Paladin)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I

Level 3 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Spell (1): Hypnotism
Spell (1): Jump
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation I

Level 4 (Paladin)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I

Level 5 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (1): Nightshield

Level 6 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
Spell (1): Magic Missle

Level 7 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Scorching Ray
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I

Level 8 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Resist Energy

Level 9 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
Spell (3): Haste
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II

Level 10 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+2)
Skill: Disable Device (+2)
Skill: Open Lock (+2)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Force I
Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II

Level 11 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Blur
Spell (3): Displacement
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation III

Level 12 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
Spell (4): Wall of Fire
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV

Level 13 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Fog Cloud
Spell (3): Rage
Spell (4): Fire Shield
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Force II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation III

Level 14 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (5): Protection From Elements
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation IV

Level 15 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
Spell (3): Fireball
Spell (4): Repair Critical Damage
Spell (5): Cone of Cold

Level 16 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (6): Reconstruct
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force III

Level 17 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (4): Solid Fog
Spell (5): Cloudkill
Spell (6): Disintegrate
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III

Level 18 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Cleave
Spell (7): Delayed Blast Fireball

Level 19 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (5): Break Enchantment
Spell (6): Mass Repair Moderate Damage
Spell (7): Prismatic Spray

Level 20 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (8): Polar Ray
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma III

01-06-2010, 03:14 PM
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.14
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

tukaw arak
Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Female
(2 Paladin \ 2 Rogue \ 16 Sorcerer)
Hit Points: 328
Spell Points: 1399
BAB: 11\11\16\21
Fortitude: 22
Reflex: 17
Will: 16

Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Strength 16 20 20
Dexterity 11 14 15
Constitution 17 22 24
Intelligence 9 12 12
Wisdom 6 8 8
Charisma 14 20 23

Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 1
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 1
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+3 Tome of Strength used at level 20
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 20
+4 Tome of Constitution used at level 20
+3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 20
+3 Tome of Charisma used at level 20

Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Balance 5 8 8
Bluff 2 6 6
Concentration 4 7 7
Diplomacy 2 6 6
Disable Device 4 7 7
Haggle 2 6 6
Heal -2 -1 -1
Hide 1 2 2
Intimidate 6 10 10
Jump 3 5 5
Listen -2 -1 -1
Move Silently 1 2 2
Open Lock 5 8 8
Perform n/a n/a n/a
Repair 0 1 1
Search 4 6 6
Spot -2 -1 -1
Swim 3 5 5
Tumble 5 6 6
Use Magic Device 6 29 29

Level 1 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+4)
Skill: Disable Device (+4)
Skill: Intimidate (+4)
Skill: Open Lock (+4)
Skill: Search (+4)
Skill: Tumble (+4)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I

Level 2 (Paladin)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I

Level 3 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Spell (1): Hypnotism
Spell (1): Jump
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation I

Level 4 (Paladin)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I

Level 5 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (1): Nightshield

Level 6 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
Spell (1): Magic Missle

Level 7 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Scorching Ray
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I

Level 8 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Resist Energy

Level 9 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
Spell (3): Haste
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II

Level 10 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+2)
Skill: Disable Device (+2)
Skill: Open Lock (+2)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Force I
Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II

Level 11 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Blur
Spell (3): Displacement
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation III

Level 12 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
Spell (4): Wall of Fire
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV

Level 13 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Fog Cloud
Spell (3): Rage
Spell (4): Fire Shield
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Force II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation III

Level 14 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (5): Protection From Elements
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation IV

Level 15 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
Spell (3): Fireball
Spell (4): Repair Critical Damage
Spell (5): Cone of Cold

Level 16 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (6): Reconstruct
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force III

Level 17 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (4): Solid Fog
Spell (5): Cloudkill
Spell (6): Disintegrate
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III

Level 18 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Cleave
Spell (7): Delayed Blast Fireball

Level 19 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (5): Break Enchantment
Spell (6): Mass Repair Moderate Damage
Spell (7): Prismatic Spray

Level 20 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (8): Polar Ray
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma III

Thanks Tak! You're the best! :) :)

01-06-2010, 05:56 PM
What am I missing here during character creation?

you said lvl 1 rogue...

28 point (ur change) max is..

13 (not 15 like you said)

why is the 32 point build not included in the monthly $14.99 subscription, as well as the Drow Race? WEAK!

01-06-2010, 06:03 PM
why is the 32 point build not included in the monthly $14.99 subscription, as well as the Drow Race? WEAK!

They are, sort of.

You need to unlock them using Favor, and that Favor is very easy to get compared to f2p/premium because as a subscriber you have access to all the adventure packs from the very start.

You will need 400 for drow, and 1750 for 32 pointers (also gets you a +2 tome on the character that reached 1750).
The downside is they're unlocked on a per-server basis.

01-07-2010, 04:40 AM
How much more Intelligence would it take to max rogue trapskills on this character (using +2 points from True Resurrection or +4 from 2 TR's)? Full disable device and search (full spot and open lock too would be ideal). Is that possible with those 2 (or 4) points to int? Or a complete waste of the points? Thank you.

01-08-2010, 08:32 AM
How much more Intelligence would it take to max rogue trapskills on this character (using +2 points from True Resurrection or +4 from 2 TR's)? Full disable device and search (full spot and open lock too would be ideal). Is that possible with those 2 (or 4) points to int? Or a complete waste of the points? Thank you.

imho - rogue skillz are a waste. Even when playing my rogue who has the skillz, groups rarely need them. I've found that in solo quests with my Tukaw-clone, Vulcano, I NEVER need trap skillz. VON5 is one of like three quests where a trap needs to be disabled, and I can find a rogue splash to help with that.

01-08-2010, 10:08 AM
imho - rogue skillz are a waste. Even when playing my rogue who has the skillz, groups rarely need them. I've found that in solo quests with my Tukaw-clone, Vulcano, I NEVER need trap skillz. VON5 is one of like three quests where a trap needs to be disabled, and I can find a rogue splash to help with that.

LoL! So useless in solo mod!! Evasion ftw! But some of my clone can do VoD trap!

At first lvl of rogue we get so many pts... my actual build got bluff and jump and some other useless skill. He can do picking easy with only 4 pts in it!

I do think that 6 pts in disable and search will be enough at lvl 20! Probably not while leveling! But when lvl 20, you get many item that buff those skills. I'm sure we can reach easily 35-40. Not sure about VoD DC but tukal got them on a 2+50 unbuffed. Tukal reach +62 buffed!

If i'm still in the game when normal reincarnate come out! ill will redo my skill pts! Probably like that character generation tool!

Have fun!


01-08-2010, 10:16 AM
How much more Intelligence would it take to max rogue trapskills on this character (using +2 points from True Resurrection or +4 from 2 TR's)? Full disable device and search (full spot and open lock too would be ideal). Is that possible with those 2 (or 4) points to int? Or a complete waste of the points? Thank you.

mmm True Rez! Wish i had not a +3 str tome, a +3 int tome, a +3 cha tome and a +4 Con tome! So many raid completion to get those... i wont loose 2 years of gameplay for +4 stats points. Is it really +4 stats points?

Main tanked ToD this week. With Amrath Pot, i had

40 str, 38 Con, 32 Cha.... mmm should have tryed with scourge chocker to max it more!

If i true rez twice... i get 4 pts... now i'm wondering...

If i start with 17 base str... the 17th cost 3 pts... ark! 1 left? Same with con... the 18th cost 3pts... ark!!

Got Cha left...not sure if 14th cost 2 or 3 pts... but still just thinking i can't boost Str or Con with more than 1 point with 2 reincarnation... soooooooooooo useless!

Now, only left is INT... max trap skill maybe the only good thing about TR...

01-08-2010, 10:25 AM
What am I missing here during character creation?

you said lvl 1 rogue...

28 point (ur change) max is..

13 (not 15 like you said)

Yea lvl 1 rogue for skill boost!!!!

For 28 pts build... Those number looks good! dex useless! And if i said 15 in Cha and u can't reach it! 13 is the good one!.. Keep Str and Con!!

While leveling... i would boost Cha to 17 and Str to 17

01-08-2010, 03:24 PM
Yea lvl 1 rogue for skill boost!!!!

For 28 pts build... Those number looks good! dex useless! And if i said 15 in Cha and u can't reach it! 13 is the good one!.. Keep Str and Con!!

While leveling... i would boost Cha to 17 and Str to 17

Thanks for the reply Tak. Thanks for the build! I'm only lvl 3 but I'm excited for later lvls. I've been using a falchion, if there is something i should use at this lvl that preffered pls let me know.

01-08-2010, 03:33 PM
I varied it a little bit for earlier level progress:

Level 1 : Rogue
Level 2 : Pally
Level 3 : Sorc
Level 4 : Rogue (for Evasion)
Level 5 : Pally (for Saves)
At Level 6 now... and all Sorc now till 20.

I also took Mithril armor (instead of cleave) - and NO rogue skills (Disarm/Lockpick/Search) - so I can add more to Jump/Tumble instead to cover the mithril. At level 6 I am at 5% arcane failure and that is not bad at all.

Reason I did that is so gameplay with early evasion/mithril becomes slightly easier and early levels dont feel tiresome or gimped. Specially since this is a gear dependent build - and some of us are rather poor :( . So atleast survival at early levels.

You think thats OK? Or should I remove mithril feat later on? I know AC is not needed for this build - but until I get a Docent of Defiance (might be years) I cant really clone your style.

Another question: Is 15 Sorc enough? That way I could take Pally x3 = Immunity to Fear + 2nd Lay of Hands. These are quite useful as well.

01-08-2010, 03:53 PM
I varied it a little bit for earlier level progress:

Level 1 : Rogue
Level 2 : Pally
Level 3 : Sorc
Level 4 : Rogue (for Evasion)
Level 5 : Pally (for Saves)
At Level 6 now... and all Sorc now till 20.

I also took Mithril armor (instead of cleave) - and NO rogue skills (Disarm/Lockpick/Search) - so I can add more to Jump/Tumble instead to cover the mithril. At level 6 I am at 5% arcane failure and that is not bad at all.

Reason I did that is so gameplay with early evasion/mithril becomes slightly easier and early levels dont feel tiresome or gimped. Specially since this is a gear dependent build - and some of us are rather poor :( . So atleast survival at early levels.

You think thats OK? Or should I remove mithril feat later on? I know AC is not needed for this build - but until I get a Docent of Defiance (might be years) I cant really clone your style.

Another question: Is 15 Sorc enough? That way I could take Pally x3 = Immunity to Fear + 2nd Lay of Hands. These are quite useful as well.

I had mithril too.. thats why the 11 dex... +1 rogue enhencement +2 tome and +6 item... 20 dex.. maxed with mithril... but then u realise AC useless...

Immunity to fear is free with GH... and loh only for 120 hp... reconsctruct for 285... I like polar ray crit of 1000+ between some axe crit of 200+... its a waste to get 3 pally... 3 rogue would be 1d6 more sneak... and more skill pts... still i prefer polar ray

01-08-2010, 04:56 PM
Thanks for the reply Tak. Thanks for the build! I'm only lvl 3 but I'm excited for later lvls. I've been using a falchion, if there is something i should use at this lvl that preffered pls let me know.

maelstorm for lucky dude!! was not lucky when i builded tukaw... still have my flaming burst falshion of pg lvl 6 i did use a lot! carniflex from delera realy nice too if u lucky! can crit over 100 with power attack at lvl 4 and that axe:P

01-17-2010, 01:30 PM
I had mithril too.. thats why the 11 dex... +1 rogue enhencement +2 tome and +6 item... 20 dex.. maxed with mithril... but then u realise AC useless...

Immunity to fear is free with GH... and loh only for 120 hp... reconsctruct for 285... I like polar ray crit of 1000+ between some axe crit of 200+... its a waste to get 3 pally... 3 rogue would be 1d6 more sneak... and more skill pts... still i prefer polar ray

What is GH? Greater...?? And which class/level is it available?

01-17-2010, 01:37 PM
What is GH? Greater...?? And which class/level is it available?

omg! Greater Heroism! Belt lvl 11 with cliky, planar gird! You may want to get some more experience before starting a complex build like this one!

01-17-2010, 01:44 PM
What is GH? Greater...?? And which class/level is it available?
Greater Heroism (scrolls of which are min level 9)

01-17-2010, 01:46 PM
GH = Greater Heroism = +4 to all skills/saves/attack and immume to fear. Arcane class spell. But can be scrolled and spell slot used on something else.

WASSUP TUKAW?!? Havent seen you on in a while. Maybe we just missing eachother.

I have a clone build like this as well (lvl 18), and I can say that even without all the right gear(yet), it is still a fun build.

I am the Fpoon!!!

01-17-2010, 03:51 PM
Thanks for the info. Just cuz I dont know all abbreviations dont mean I dont know how to make complex characters. :P

01-17-2010, 06:34 PM
Thanks for the info. Just cuz I dont know all abbreviations dont mean I dont know how to make complex characters. :P

True! im sry we all been new to this game!

01-18-2010, 09:52 AM
I went into TOR w/ Vulcano and watched as he basically solo'd the dragon/giant. All I can say is wow this build rocks. Not sure I'm skilled enough to play it, but dang I'm going to give it a shot.

Question. Should I start at level 1 to get access to the tome (int +1 tome) for skill points from my bank instead of using Vet status and jumping to lv. 4? It's only ~4 skill points difference, not really that big a deal imo.

01-18-2010, 03:04 PM
I went into TOR w/ Vulcano and watched as he basically solo'd the dragon/giant. All I can say is wow this build rocks. Not sure I'm skilled enough to play it, but dang I'm going to give it a shot.

Question. Should I start at level 1 to get access to the tome (int +1 tome) for skill points from my bank instead of using Vet status and jumping to lv. 4? It's only ~4 skill points difference, not really that big a deal imo.

Leveling 1-4 is not that long! and true 4 skills point is not much

01-18-2010, 03:06 PM
quick question:

why sorceror over wizard?

01-18-2010, 03:21 PM
quick question:

why sorceror over wizard?

Because of the synergy between the sorc/paladin. Both use charisma as their main stat (well, it's the main stat when you are mainly taking paladin for the saves boost).

01-22-2010, 03:21 PM
Because of the synergy between the sorc/paladin. Both use charisma as their main stat (well, it's the main stat when you are mainly taking paladin for the saves boost).

In addition to the synergy with Charisma, you cast faster as a Sorcerer. This can be extremely important in some cases.

01-22-2010, 07:17 PM
In addition to the synergy with Charisma, you cast faster as a Sorcerer. This can be extremely important in some cases.

yeaaa! well said! It is indeed the best pvp build!

01-22-2010, 07:18 PM
In addition to the synergy with Charisma, you cast faster as a Sorcerer. This can be extremely important in some cases.

true. although when quickened it doesnt make a difference does it?

01-22-2010, 09:35 PM
true. although when quickened it doesnt make a difference does it?

Quickened spells are supposed to cast twice as fast. This will be most noticeable on spells like Solid Fog and other long casting time spells. I do not have quicken on my sorcerer to test though; so someone else may want to reply for verification. Also, the cooldown on a spell does not change when quickened. A sorcerer can spam the same spell faster.

01-23-2010, 06:42 PM
true. although when quickened it doesnt make a difference does it?

Sorc cast quicker than Wiz even if both have quicken!

01-24-2010, 04:57 AM
Hi Tak,

Amazing build you got here and i'm very interested! XD

i would really need your help here...

i totally suck at doing enchancements. so is it possible for you to post what enchancements you use for your build?

thanks amillion! :)

01-24-2010, 11:00 AM
Hi Tak,

Amazing build you got here and i'm very interested! XD

i would really need your help here...

i totally suck at doing enchancements. so is it possible for you to post what enchancements you use for your build?

thanks amillion! :)

Rogue Haste Boost I
Rogue Skill Boost I
Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Paladin Toughness I
Warforged Inscribed Armor I
*Racial Toughness IV
Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Sorcerer Force Manipulation IV
*Warforged Constitution II
Sorcerer Charisma III
Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Sorcerer Lineage of Force III
Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III
Rogue Dexterity I
Warforged Power Attack III
*rogue sneak attack accuracy I

01-24-2010, 03:09 PM
Rogue Haste Boost I
Rogue Skill Boost I
Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Paladin Toughness I
Warforged Inscribed Armor I
*Racial Toughness IV
Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Sorcerer Force Manipulation IV
*Warforged Constitution II
Sorcerer Charisma III
Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Sorcerer Lineage of Force III
Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III
Rogue Dexterity I
Warforged Power Attack III
*rogue sneak attack accuracy I

thanks alot! this is extremely helpful!

now you got another clone. heh! :P

01-26-2010, 07:14 PM
This thread has made my day. I'm never going to make a clone, but reading Tak's comments are priceless. They guy seems...constantly happy, even when telling someone they're not ready for this build.

Keep it up Tak!!! <-- exclamation points inspired by Tak.

01-26-2010, 07:30 PM
yeaaa! well said! It is indeed the best pvp build!

Very good build, yes. In PvP any WF build with at least 17 levels of wiz, quciken and enough hp is gonna own you every time. Sorry. Your build doest even have access to lvl 8 spells.

Will go something like this:

Magic missle- your mantle of worldshaper is out of charges
MeteorSwarm, Scortching ray, some other direct damage spell- knock you uner 450 hp
Power word Stun- now your in trouble
Ottos or some other finisher game over

Thats the basic WF Wiz PvP garbage, ala Hauntmachine. Good luck against that. Great PvE build though.

01-27-2010, 04:17 AM
16 levels of sorc gets you level 8 spells, i'm guessing you meant level 9 spells which for the most part are worthless in pvp. I won't comment on dancing/pws.

01-27-2010, 10:46 AM
Very good build, yes. In PvP any WF build with at least 17 levels of wiz, quciken and enough hp is gonna own you every time. Sorry. Your build doest even have access to lvl 8 spells.

Will go something like this:

Magic missle- your mantle of worldshaper is out of charges
MeteorSwarm, Scortching ray, some other direct damage spell- knock you uner 450 hp
Power word Stun- now your in trouble
Ottos or some other finisher game over

Thats the basic WF Wiz PvP garbage, ala Hauntmachine. Good luck against that. Great PvE build though.

Bring it! with your 5 second cooldown on reconstruct! Fire dont hurt me much and magic missile is counter by lvl 1 spell. And you won't make friends with PWS and Ottos in pvp! Had great fight with Bigh (intell) wiz-rogue. Its all about dancing! Dodging and anticipating!

02-02-2010, 09:54 AM
@Reebus: I love the whole concept of this build! I just heard you on DDO Cast 153 and I am seriously thinking about making this build. Can you please tell me what you put into skills and enhancements at each level? Also, do you just take Sorc the rest of the way once past lvl 16?

02-03-2010, 03:46 PM
@Reebus: I love the whole concept of this build! I just heard you on DDO Cast 153 and I am seriously thinking about making this build. Can you please tell me what you put into skills and enhancements at each level? Also, do you just take Sorc the rest of the way once past lvl 16?

Nice, they talk about me on DDO Cast:D

Yea, went 16 sorc for polar ray!

You will find the skills and enhencements info in page 4 or 5 of this threat. Well i did use the tool quick to reach end state. So it's not perfect lvl by lvl!

02-03-2010, 04:21 PM
Nice, they talk about me on DDO Cast:D

Yea, went 16 sorc for polar ray!

You will find the skills and enhencements info in page 4 or 5 of this threat. Well i did use the tool quick to reach end state. So it's not perfect lvl by lvl!

Nice!!! Thanks for responding!!!

02-05-2010, 12:11 AM
Hey Tak,

This looks like an awesome build, and I may reincarnate my wf wiz into this.

Obviously the DoD is very important, and min2 weapon. How essential is conc op and the Torc when in a party?
I'd imagine so solo...though I hope to have at least 1 before I reincarnate.

I guess a 34pt would just put another 2 pts into dex?

02-05-2010, 10:12 AM
Hey Tak,

This looks like an awesome build, and I may reincarnate my wf wiz into this.

Obviously the DoD is very important, and min2 weapon. How essential is conc op and the Torc when in a party?
I'd imagine so solo...though I hope to have at least 1 before I reincarnate.

I guess a 34pt would just put another 2 pts into dex?

Torc pop so much often!!!!!! Soloed yesterday the new quest on hard. That demon queen is just infinit mana! Gonna try solo elite this weekend!

mmm dex u say... 1 more AC, 1 more reflex save and some skill +1
1 more STR, CON or CHA cost 3 points so you can't
what's left? WIS and INT

I think i'd get more int, for more balance and/or trap skill

02-05-2010, 01:59 PM
Torc pop so much often!!!!!! Soloed yesterday the new quest on hard. That demon queen is just infinit mana! Gonna try solo elite this weekend!

mmm dex u say... 1 more AC, 1 more reflex save and some skill +1
1 more STR, CON or CHA cost 3 points so you can't
what's left? WIS and INT

I think i'd get more int, for more balance and/or trap skill

So then no points into Intimidate? Are you just relaying on gear for that?

02-05-2010, 02:02 PM
So then no points into Intimidate? Are you just relaying on gear for that?

with shroud cha skill boost and intim ring 15, i reach high. Well if u have extra point on rogue lvl, i'd put them in intimidate

02-05-2010, 05:27 PM
is this build viable for using dual khopeshes taking TWF instead of THF? if so how would you build a 32 pt. stats? I was thingking of going 16,15,14,8,6 14 and ranger splash instead of paladin?

02-05-2010, 06:18 PM
Torc pop so much often!!!!!! Soloed yesterday the new quest on hard. That demon queen is just infinit mana! Gonna try solo elite this weekend!

mmm dex u say... 1 more AC, 1 more reflex save and some skill +1
1 more STR, CON or CHA cost 3 points so you can't
what's left? WIS and INT

I think i'd get more int, for more balance and/or trap skill

Thanks. More skill points is probably the way to go then...but is your ref high enough for most elite traps/fireballs/bladebarriers etc?

Good luck on elite Demon's Den haha

02-05-2010, 06:49 PM
is this build viable for using dual khopeshes taking TWF instead of THF? if so how would you build a 32 pt. stats? I was thingking of going 16,15,14,8,6 14 and ranger splash instead of paladin?

take too many feat. go wiz 11, ranger 6, rogue 3 instead for twf

02-05-2010, 10:55 PM
Loving this build, remade him so I could start with these stats at lvl 4 with VET Status.

This is a 32 Point build with +1 Tome for STR and CHA. I also put a +1 to STR for the lvl up.

18 STR
10 DEX
16 CON
14 INT
14 CHA

Force of Personality makes WIZ a dump stat. Have a Bulls STR clicky and loads of fun. UMD is key to this build and I will be bringing up UMD and Intimidate each lvl. I also took maximize for my second feet for better heals with repair. I took monster summoning 1 since now they will stay there for 10 mins. Helps, take some aggro.

02-05-2010, 11:34 PM
take too many feat. go wiz 11, ranger 6, rogue 3 instead for twf

could you elaborate some more on how should I build this TAK...I was thingking of going 1 rogue, 11 ranger to get all the TWF Feats, 8 Wiz/or sorc just for the wall of fire. my stats would be something like 16/18,10,14,12,6,6. from my understanding I wont need a lot of dex since im going ranger class. I have maelstrom so its gonna be pretty easy up up until lvl 6 (my weapon of choosing will be scimatar for higher crit rate, still debating). simple build, just dont know when and what lvl should i take each classes? my plan is to take lvl 1 rogue for skill points, lvl 2 wizard/sorc for hypno, run speed, repair, after that im lost =).

3 rogue? = 1 skill points, 2 evasion but ranger get evasion also at lvl 9, not sure on the 3rd rogue is for?

my thoughts;
1 rogue = skill points UMD, Balance
2 ranger = free TWF feat
9 ranger = evasion, dodge, mobility ITWF
11 ranger = GTWF
9 wiz/sorc = wall of fire, fire ball, hypno, blur, displacement, reconstruct maybe???

favored enemy
TWF (free)

enhancements = will be somewhat similar to your build with minor tweaks.


02-06-2010, 02:47 AM
could you elaborate some more on how should I build this TAK...I was thingking of going 1 rogue, 11 ranger to get all the TWF Feats, 8 Wiz/or sorc just for the wall of fire. my stats would be something like 16/18,10,14,12,6,6. from my understanding I wont need a lot of dex since im going ranger class. I have maelstrom so its gonna be pretty easy up up until lvl 6 (my weapon of choosing will be scimatar for higher crit rate, still debating). simple build, just dont know when and what lvl should i take each classes? my plan is to take lvl 1 rogue for skill points, lvl 2 wizard/sorc for hypno, run speed, repair, after that im lost =).

3 rogue? = 1 skill points, 2 evasion but ranger get evasion also at lvl 9, not sure on the 3rd rogue is for?

my thoughts;
1 rogue = skill points UMD, Balance
2 ranger = free TWF feat
9 ranger = evasion, dodge, mobility ITWF
11 ranger = GTWF
9 wiz/sorc = wall of fire, fire ball, hypno, blur, displacement, reconstruct maybe???

favored enemy
TWF (free)

enhancements = will be somewhat similar to your build with minor tweaks.


I think your missing the main point of the build. The main source of damage is from gaining agro from a large number of monsters then when they hit you, they get damaged by the fire shield spell and equipment effects which deal ~75dmg to the monster each time they hit you. Then since your a warforged you can also heal yourself, and since you have two items that give you mana for free when you get attacked you also have an almost infinite amount of mana to constantly full heal yourself.

I believe he suggested the 11wiz so you can still have the reconstruct spell for full heals. anything lower than 11wiz/12sorc i think this build likely loses 90% of its effectiveness not being able to cast a nearly instant full heal.

Im not saying a twf version wouldn't work(because im a noob that prefers to read about builds more than actually play the game), but if you don't do paladin I think you lose about 10 points to all saves and would likely die far faster from spells/everything.

you might want to check out this thread. its by Impact who makes a lot of popular builds and is focused on a strong melee caster. I suspect Imapct's build would be a bit more melee oriented but i didnt read through all of the pages.

02-07-2010, 02:03 PM
I went into TOR w/ Vulcano and watched as he basically solo'd the dragon/giant. All I can say is wow this build rocks. Not sure I'm skilled enough to play it, but dang I'm going to give it a shot.

Question. Should I start at level 1 to get access to the tome (int +1 tome) for skill points from my bank instead of using Vet status and jumping to lv. 4? It's only ~4 skill points difference, not really that big a deal imo.

:)) I love it when I get to really show off this build. I just managed to complete a nearly failed DQ raid. Everyone else was dead. I shield blocked and was able to hold off the queen, no problem. She ate my guards like candy. Then she burped...dead. hehe. Damage reduction + reconstruct ftw!

Unfortunately, you won't get the skill point bonus until level 2. You can get 3 extra skill points by not utilizing your vet status. If you are reincarnating, the question is moot. Can't reincarnate with vet status to level 4. Play safe!

I mentioned this thread in DDOCast a few weeks ago because it is the ultimate tank build if you ask me. Tanks need to:
1. Get and hold aggro
2. Stay alive

This build struggles a bit with #1 in a PUG, but with the right friends, you can grab all the aggro, and others can pull things off one at a time and kill them quickly. When I bring Vulcano into any Amrath quest, I enter the room first, get everything's attention, and then my party waits a few seconds as the orthons and devils bash on me and take damage. Once they've taken a few swings, they've taken enough damage that I can hold their attention. My intimidate is poor (I hope to fix that with a lesser reincarnate soon). As soon as I can get my intim up a bit, I will be able to get attention back once my party has taken it. That way, no one on my team has to take any damage! :) This build is KING of number 2. The only reason I ever die is "user error." I sometimes mess up when playing the build and then I can die. Otherwise, I just don't see how it is possible for anything in the game to take me out.

-Gianthold TOR Dragons
-Demon Queen Raid
-Ghostly Beholder in Soami Gardens
-Litany of the Dead: Ghostly Beholder (spiked boots and heal scrolls really help in here)
-Mired in Kobolds, Momma Dragon (she is so easy with this build!)
-Just about everything in Amrath (only reason I haven't done it all is time!)

I love being surrounded by orthons and devils. It's like Christmas with all those sp points racking up! I can't even spend them fast enough to keep from capping my mana pool.

Tak, you da man.

02-08-2010, 09:44 AM
could you elaborate some more on how should I build this TAK...I was thingking of going 1 rogue, 11 ranger to get all the TWF Feats, 8 Wiz/or sorc just for the wall of fire. my stats would be something like 16/18,10,14,12,6,6. from my understanding I wont need a lot of dex since im going ranger class. I have maelstrom so its gonna be pretty easy up up until lvl 6 (my weapon of choosing will be scimatar for higher crit rate, still debating). simple build, just dont know when and what lvl should i take each classes? my plan is to take lvl 1 rogue for skill points, lvl 2 wizard/sorc for hypno, run speed, repair, after that im lost =).

3 rogue? = 1 skill points, 2 evasion but ranger get evasion also at lvl 9, not sure on the 3rd rogue is for?

my thoughts;
1 rogue = skill points UMD, Balance
2 ranger = free TWF feat
9 ranger = evasion, dodge, mobility ITWF
11 ranger = GTWF
9 wiz/sorc = wall of fire, fire ball, hypno, blur, displacement, reconstruct maybe???

favored enemy
TWF (free)

enhancements = will be somewhat similar to your build with minor tweaks.


Other post is right!!! need lvl 11 wiz for reconsctruct!

Went 6 ranger/ 3 rogue/ 11 wiz on tukal. He got more dps than tukaw on weapon with tempest and ITWF.
But less guard, less healing power (hate that 5 sec cooldown on reconstruct), full trap monkey, less dps spell, more debuff spell. Wiz get free metamagic feat and ranger free twf, still a nice combo.

He is dam fun too! manyshot rock!

02-08-2010, 09:49 AM
:)) I love it when I get to really show off this build. I just managed to complete a nearly failed DQ raid. Everyone else was dead. I shield blocked and was able to hold off the queen, no problem. She ate my guards like candy. Then she burped...dead. hehe. Damage reduction + reconstruct ftw!

Unfortunately, you won't get the skill point bonus until level 2. You can get 3 extra skill points by not utilizing your vet status. If you are reincarnating, the question is moot. Can't reincarnate with vet status to level 4. Play safe!

I mentioned this thread in DDOCast a few weeks ago because it is the ultimate tank build if you ask me. Tanks need to:
1. Get and hold aggro
2. Stay alive

This build struggles a bit with #1 in a PUG, but with the right friends, you can grab all the aggro, and others can pull things off one at a time and kill them quickly. When I bring Vulcano into any Amrath quest, I enter the room first, get everything's attention, and then my party waits a few seconds as the orthons and devils bash on me and take damage. Once they've taken a few swings, they've taken enough damage that I can hold their attention. My intimidate is poor (I hope to fix that with a lesser reincarnate soon). As soon as I can get my intim up a bit, I will be able to get attention back once my party has taken it. That way, no one on my team has to take any damage! :) This build is KING of number 2. The only reason I ever die is "user error." I sometimes mess up when playing the build and then I can die. Otherwise, I just don't see how it is possible for anything in the game to take me out.

-Gianthold TOR Dragons
-Demon Queen Raid
-Ghostly Beholder in Soami Gardens
-Litany of the Dead: Ghostly Beholder (spiked boots and heal scrolls really help in here)
-Mired in Kobolds, Momma Dragon (she is so easy with this build!)
-Just about everything in Amrath (only reason I haven't done it all is time!)

I love being surrounded by orthons and devils. It's like Christmas with all those sp points racking up! I can't even spend them fast enough to keep from capping my mana pool.

Tak, you da man.

Nice! you da man! The build permit to do those crazy thing! But skills still needed! You rock!

02-08-2010, 09:55 AM
Thanks. More skill points is probably the way to go then...but is your ref high enough for most elite traps/fireballs/bladebarriers etc?

Good luck on elite Demon's Den haha

I play with around 30 reflex save with no dex item and no resist item on. More guard spot!

Elite trap been boosted in last module! Not sure that even pure rogue can dance in them!
But spell.. as exemple, Kobolt end fight on elite: its like 5 fireball + 5 cometfall per 2 second. Can solo that easy.

02-08-2010, 11:01 AM
I play with around 30 reflex save with no dex item and no resist item on. More guard spot!

Elite trap been boosted in last module! Not sure that even pure rogue can dance in them!
But spell.. as exemple, Kobolt end fight on elite: its like 5 fireball + 5 cometfall per 2 second. Can solo that easy.

TAK check your PM please...I started this build today currently lvl 4, i took the first 2 lvl as rogue, sorc at 3rd lvl and ranger at lvl 4. need input on when should i take the next rogue level? also if you could post the enhancements and feat that you took on tukal.


02-08-2010, 12:05 PM
TAK check your PM please...I started this build today currently lvl 4, i took the first 2 lvl as rogue, sorc at 3rd lvl and ranger at lvl 4. need input on when should i take the next rogue level? also if you could post the enhancements and feat that you took on tukal.


mmm 2 rogue/6ranger/12sorc should do it!
You may have to sacrifice 3 feats to get tempest... in that case, ill sacrifice extend, cleave and oufff... empower!
mmm maybe not tempest! Nothing like a big firewall crit to solo big boss!

Tukal feat:
free from wizard: maximise, empower, extend
free from ranger: Bowstreng, rapidshot, manyshot, TWF, ITWF and 2 favorite enemy
other: quicken, power attack, Kopesh, Cleave, Mobility, spring attack, dodge

Enhencement: Fire/Cold , Force, sneak bonus, full power attack boost, HP boost, tempest!

02-08-2010, 12:31 PM
mmm 2 rogue/6ranger/12sorc should do it!
You may have to sacrifice 3 feats to get tempest... in that case, ill sacrifice extend, cleave and oufff... empower!
mmm maybe not tempest! Nothing like a big firewall crit to solo big boss!

Tukal feat:
free from wizard: maximise, empower, extend
free from ranger: Bowstreng, rapidshot, manyshot, TWF, ITWF and 2 favorite enemy
other: quicken, power attack, Kopesh, Cleave, Mobility, spring attack, dodge

Enhencement: Fire/Cold , Force, sneak bonus, full power attack boost, HP boost, tempest!

i ment wizard at lvl 3 sorry, i was trying to visualize Tukal's build on my head. is there anyway you can post TUKAL's build? if not just PM me his build please =)

Thanks a lot TAK

02-08-2010, 12:42 PM
i ment wizard at lvl 3 sorry, i was trying to visualize Tukal's build on my head. is there anyway you can post TUKAL's build? if not just PM me his build please =)

Thanks a lot TAK

The day i'll write it down, ill post it here! Take last lvl 20 as rogue, you may be lucky and get a +3 int tome before. Take 6th ranger before lvl 18, i think it will save you a feat switch to get tempest. not sure about that one... i have been lucky to get tempest with only 1 feat switch.

To answer another post:
3 rogue/ 6 ranger better than 9 ranger! for trap and for sneak damage!

02-08-2010, 06:36 PM
I play with around 30 reflex save with no dex item and no resist item on. More guard spot!

Elite trap been boosted in last module! Not sure that even pure rogue can dance in them!
But spell.. as exemple, Kobolt end fight on elite: its like 5 fireball + 5 cometfall per 2 second. Can solo that easy.

Good to know :)

Would you use Arrowhead in trinket slot over bloodstone, if the important stats were even already? Would the +2 to-hit make a difference with the build, or you can hit everything on a 2+ in elite already?

How does level 4-12 feel with no firewall and limited spells with crappy DC's? Just solo mostly or run in guild?

I have Maelstrom and Carnifex to use for low-mid leveling.

Reason I am asking so many questions, is I have talked about this build with a guildie and he wants to TR into it as well. Though he mentioned going 16 Sorc first...easier to pug and level but the feats would be all messed up. Have you considered that at all? Just take all the metamagics first I guess and power attack and cleave at 15 and 18.

Would lose starting skill point bonus, and all Rogue level skills would need to go into UMD, with a few from earlier Sorc levels. Would lose a bit on Open lock, and the possibility of a TR doing traps.

What time are you normally on Tak? I wouldn't mind running a quest or 2 with you :)

02-09-2010, 07:29 AM
Good to know :)

Would you use Arrowhead in trinket slot over bloodstone, if the important stats were even already? Would the +2 to-hit make a difference with the build, or you can hit everything on a 2+ in elite already?

How does level 4-12 feel with no firewall and limited spells with crappy DC's? Just solo mostly or run in guild?

I have Maelstrom and Carnifex to use for low-mid leveling.

Reason I am asking so many questions, is I have talked about this build with a guildie and he wants to TR into it as well. Though he mentioned going 16 Sorc first...easier to pug and level but the feats would be all messed up. Have you considered that at all? Just take all the metamagics first I guess and power attack and cleave at 15 and 18.

Would lose starting skill point bonus, and all Rogue level skills would need to go into UMD, with a few from earlier Sorc levels. Would lose a bit on Open lock, and the possibility of a TR doing traps.

What time are you normally on Tak? I wouldn't mind running a quest or 2 with you :)

Your guildy can take lvl 1 rogue and rest sorc till 16 i guess. but his soul will still a caster! he will act as caster even as lvl 20!

He will be stronger than you lvl 6-10. At lvl 11, divine power clicky are easy to find! In 3 years of game play, i got only 2 cliky with 1 charge min lvl 7. You will be the only cleaving a vorpal in firewall in gianthold, while other pure sorc will recon you, well at lvl 12 sorc for recon! So who get the fun!:P

And for thrinket, i use litany now since it upgrade my str con and cha to even number. Arrowhead not only on range? anyway, the +2 to hit not stacking with bard song. I can hit anything on elite! sometime need a lil improve destruction to keep power attack on! In harder case, i remove power attack. like when i am the only one alive in TOD part 1, and i am out of divine power! Jailler was full and Judge at 50% when they all died. 15 min later we were going to part 2.

02-10-2010, 04:33 AM
Your guildy can take lvl 1 rogue and rest sorc till 16 i guess. but his soul will still a caster! he will act as caster even as lvl 20!

He will be stronger than you lvl 6-10. At lvl 11, divine power clicky are easy to find! In 3 years of game play, i got only 2 cliky with 1 charge min lvl 7. You will be the only cleaving a vorpal in firewall in gianthold, while other pure sorc will recon you, well at lvl 12 sorc for recon! So who get the fun!:P

And for thrinket, i use litany now since it upgrade my str con and cha to even number. Arrowhead not only on range? anyway, the +2 to hit not stacking with bard song. I can hit anything on elite! sometime need a lil improve destruction to keep power attack on! In harder case, i remove power attack. like when i am the only one alive in TOD part 1, and i am out of divine power! Jailler was full and Judge at 50% when they all died. 15 min later we were going to part 2.

Yea I get what you are saying...play as a caster to lvl16 and it will become the style of that toon...

Arrowhead cripples on ranged critical hit, but seeker +4 and +2 to hit is for all attacks.

I think I will follow the levels you recommended, something fun.

02-10-2010, 10:17 AM
Does going veteran on this build affect it in any way?

BTW great build I now know what my 15 character will be

02-10-2010, 09:52 PM
Hey Tak,

Ive got a question, do you know if wiz/sorc enhancements/potency items which increase damage and crit chance increases the amount of damage fireshield outputs?

And do you know if those same enhancements/potency items increase damage reflected from guard items?

02-12-2010, 10:45 PM
come make some more clones in our WF guild on orien if any of you want ;)

so far ive seen 8 clones on server since i started this build there when it went up...my original was 12sorc/6pal/2rog on sarlona which i loved, but then i saw tak's and tried his....well im stuck with it now and i love it anyway but it sure is nice with KoTC instead of a few higher lvl spells - more melee damage especially on shroud/amrath stuff and alot more tanky, but less spell power....

tak's version i think is much better at absorbing end game gear. the more gear you get with this the more powerful you become, whereas my other one did as well but it didnt scale up as well as tak's

2 flavors anyway, i like em both, come roll one on orien either flavor you want and we raid 5-man tuk/tak style ;)

(ya, friggin hilarious, my name for my chars is all tuk# where #=V, W, X, Y, Z then his name is tukaw/tak.....***?! ;))

02-26-2010, 03:01 PM
Does going veteran on this build affect it in any way?

BTW great build I now know what my 15 character will be

a couple skill pts i think, not sure about all detail on veteran

02-26-2010, 03:03 PM
Hey Tak,

Ive got a question, do you know if wiz/sorc enhancements/potency items which increase damage and crit chance increases the amount of damage fireshield outputs?

not sure

And do you know if those same enhancements/potency items increase damage reflected from guard items?


02-26-2010, 03:20 PM
come make some more clones in our WF guild on orien if any of you want ;)

so far ive seen 8 clones on server since i started this build there when it went up...my original was 12sorc/6pal/2rog on sarlona which i loved, but then i saw tak's and tried his....well im stuck with it now and i love it anyway but it sure is nice with KoTC instead of a few higher lvl spells - more melee damage especially on shroud/amrath stuff and alot more tanky, but less spell power....

tak's version i think is much better at absorbing end game gear. the more gear you get with this the more powerful you become, whereas my other one did as well but it didnt scale up as well as tak's

2 flavors anyway, i like em both, come roll one on orien either flavor you want and we raid 5-man tuk/tak style ;)

(ya, friggin hilarious, my name for my chars is all tuk# where #=V, W, X, Y, Z then his name is tukaw/tak.....***?! ;))

thanks for the invite! i'm playing rarely now, only a few Tod and shroud.

Dif between 6 pally/2pally vs 16 sroc/12sorc..

6pally u get divine favor, bless, lesser restoration, couple hp more and
Defender of Siberys II

"Benefit: You may expend a Paladin armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +3 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Sacred bonus on all saves, a +3 Dodge bonus to Armor Class, and produce 100% more hate with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move at one third speed."

16sorc. u get lvl7fireball, lvl8 Polar ray, mass repair. well a couple spell more and more sp...
Reconstruct for 285(150base) instead of X(120base)

Divine power makes us even with BaB. So its max +3 more to hit, +1 or +2 more damage with weap with the 6 pally version.

I admit 100% more hate would be nice for ToD part3

Both are cool build!

02-26-2010, 03:53 PM
Starting stats points
STR: 16 +1LVL +3Tome +1Litany +6Item +3Ring + 2Rage +6Glove = 38 STR
DEX: 9 +2Tome +1Litany +0Item = 12 DEX
Con: 18 +4Tome +1Litany +6item +3Ring + 2Rage = 34 CON
INT: 9 +3Tome +1Litany +0Item = 13 INT
WIS : 6 +2Tome +1Litany +6Item = 15 WIS
CHA : 14 +4LVL +3Tome +1Litany +6Item +2Enh = 30CHA

548HP ... 588 with ToD pot
1667SP with all gard and 2140SP when entering quest
+30 Fort
+21 Reflex
+21 Will

buffed +5item +4GH
WF Power attack3
WF -5% spell failure
WF healer friend 1
WF con 2
Paladin toughness
Sorc Cha 2
Sorc Force Manip4, Lineage 3, Lineage of Deadly 3
Sorc Fire manip4, Lineage3, Lineage of Deadly 3
Rogue sneak attack training 1
Rogue sneak attack accuracy 1
Racial toughness 4
Skill boost 1
Haste boost 1

UMD = 23rank +5Item +10Cha +2boost +4GH +5shroud = 49
Intim = 15 rank +15Item +10Cha +2boost +4GH +5shroud = 49
Disable = 4 rank +15Item +4Int +2boost +4GH +5shroud +5tools= 38
Search = 4 rank +15Item +4Int +2boost +4GH +5shroud = 33
Openlock= 4 rank +15Item +4Dex +2boost +4GH +5shroud +5tools= 38
tumble = 4 rank +..
balance = 4 rank +..


03-15-2010, 09:42 PM
Hey Tak,

Still yet to roll this build, but I LR'd my WF Wiz to Wizard 18 / Fighter 2.

Got sick of being a buffbot and web spammer in Amrath, so why not do the buffing, but then beat **** up with an axe?

I did this:

Str 18+5lvl+1enh+6item = 30 +2rage+2tome(need one still) =34 perma str
Dex 8
Con 17+3tome+2enh+6item =30+2rage= 32 perma con
Int 14+2enh+2tome+6item=24
Wis 6
Cha 8

HP: 446 +20rage = 466
SP: 1500 with items


Toughness x2
Spell Pen (might change this out for great cleave)
Power Attack
Insightful Reflexes (possibly swap this out too for more Toughness or Mental Toughness)

5x 5charge DP clickies, +4 holy Greataxe, +4 metaline greatsword of pure good, Min2 greataxe coming soon.
Torc, conc opp boots, bramble casters, DoD, Light and Darkness shield, Bloodstone (till I get Arowhead, need that +2 to hit when no bard is around).

Lots of fun so far :) I consider it a taste of what the 16/2/2 build will offer when I roll that (or TR this guy into...).

03-16-2010, 09:41 PM
One of the best things I did with my Tukaw-clone was to lesser reincarnate him and redistribute his skill points. I was able to nearly max UMD, Balance, and Intim. I think intimidate is SO IMPORTANT for this build. He is at heart a tank. If he can't keep aggro, he can't tank. Intimidate is a great way to keep the aggro. My clone doesn't have the DPS to keep aggro that way. If the group is working VERY well together, I can keep aggro without intim, but I find that for PUGs, intim is a must. I cringe at the tiny CHA score of the Wiz/FTR build. How can you cast heal scrolls or intimidate? ;) Of course, reconstruct still works!

03-17-2010, 08:57 AM
any wf caster should have STR and grtaxe!! It's all about divine power cliky!

I would fear more a wiz18/rogue2 in pvp caster fight...

well tukal (11wiz/6ranger/3rogue) with his base 6 charisma can boost umd around 36... raise scroll and heal scroll work.

so fun to cleave in a fw or after an intimidate!


04-08-2010, 08:13 PM
One of the best things I did with my Tukaw-clone was to lesser reincarnate him and redistribute his skill points. I was able to nearly max UMD, Balance, and Intim. I think intimidate is SO IMPORTANT for this build. He is at heart a tank. If he can't keep aggro, he can't tank. Intimidate is a great way to keep the aggro. My clone doesn't have the DPS to keep aggro that way. If the group is working VERY well together, I can keep aggro without intim, but I find that for PUGs, intim is a must. I cringe at the tiny CHA score of the Wiz/FTR build. How can you cast heal scrolls or intimidate? ;) Of course, reconstruct still works!

Yea UMD maxes at 26 for me, not that crash hot but the only thing I need to UMD are raise scrolls and bypass the UMD check on a few weapons.

Half the time I get declined for Shroud melee spots though. Annoying, but then I go solo sins or do a 2 man New Invasion and I feel better. Trying to get e +3 heart of wood so I can respec back to full caster but still do some melee when solo. He is pretty useless for Epics currently.

Intim is great isn't it, as you KNOW with a DoD and reconstruct you will be a better tank for trash, even the pit fiend in weapons shipment.

WF+some melee+torc+conc opp = extremely durable.

any wf caster should have STR and grtaxe!! It's all about divine power cliky!

I would fear more a wiz18/rogue2 in pvp caster fight...

well tukal (11wiz/6ranger/3rogue) with his base 6 charisma can boost umd around 36... raise scroll and heal scroll work.

so fun to cleave in a fw or after an intimidate!


Cleave is fun, If I get my wiz back to full caster, mass hold+cleave will be oh so joyful!

I would TR to 16/2/2 sorc pally rogue right now but I have a double TR at level 11...oh the pain.

What do you think of an ash guard for enervate? Relevant in epic, and with 10-20 mobs beating on you, that's a lot of neg levels to capitalize on with a wail.

04-09-2010, 02:33 PM
What do you think of an ash guard for enervate? Relevant in epic, and with 10-20 mobs beating on you, that's a lot of neg levels to capitalize on with a wail.

I have enervation guard on one of my docent. I use it on solo VOD to debuff the 30 devil on me while im beatin on the pitfiend. Couple neg lvl and a couple cleave with str damage... each devil make about 1-5 damage per hit and keep me full mana. Just wish that i wont get lag to finish it. Still desintegration gard and lightning strike guard are better than enervation.

04-16-2010, 07:16 AM
Hey Gang!

I wanted to say thanks to Tukaw for posting his build. He has given me a ton of ideas over the last year or two, and for those still pondering the build, I posted a video of Rumble soloing the Demon Queen. Now it's NOTHING special because it was done on easy errr normal, but it is meant to show how guard items, guard spells and a great DR shield can be used to work out the harder quests. As soon as I get my Torq, I'll be soloing her on Elite and then Epic. Might need a second Hound shield before I can reliably pull it off though, hahaha

At the end of the video, I gloss over Rumble's build. He's similar to Tukaw however lower in DPS because I went Monk over Rogue. I really enjoy Monk in this build for one reason, the feats. Lots of feats allow me to change him around quite a bit. I placed a lot of emphasis on the DR aspect, and as such, I used feats on Shield Mastery and Improved Shield Mastery to add extra blocking DR. One area that bugs me is Rumble's spell penetration, though, and it will be addressed the next time I can redo my enhancements. Anyway, enjoy the vid!


EDIT - I wanted to add that I'll eventually try Rogue instead of Monk, just to see what I'm missin ;)

04-17-2010, 01:25 PM
Cool video!! Did my 40th dq too solo!.. on normal too! took 40th run to get dq glove.. had torc at 20th:)

I should try epic someday!

04-17-2010, 10:27 PM
first time i saw this build posted, but ive grouped with a few of these. It looks very gear intensive to get the guards/DR up enough to matter.

Pretty similiar build/playstyle as my roach build I posted awhile ago, which I've been told is ****. only thats a GTWF dwarf 16fvs/2monk/2pal, less nukage, less DR, and crappier buffs comparitively. However I have better hp, saves, and melee dps, as well as filling the healer role in a group, which I prefer doing.

Yours is a far better soloer I'm sure.

05-09-2010, 02:00 PM
Thinkin about rollin this build after doing Impaqts 12 Wiz/6 fighter/2 monk.

Lookin for someone with a little more nukage but I am still able to melee well.

Would ya suggest 16 sorc/2pally/2 rogue, what would I miss/gain from going 2 monk?

05-09-2010, 02:51 PM
Hey Tukaw, your build has inspired me (along with Razorlips and Paradime on argo) to build my wiz battlecaster into a 16/2/2 build. I originally started out with 16/2/2 sorc/pally/monk for 2 more toughness feats until I realized the style that I like playing with this build is its ability to intimidate and deal more dps to mobs than just hitting them with a min2 greataxe.

I couple of issues that I weighed: 44hp from 2 monk v.s. UMD+Intimidate+sneak attacks from rogue and I eventually picked the rogue build. Intimidate is huge and I estimate reaching 60 intimidate easily with the correct gear.

I have other differences from your build. For e.g. I put my level ups into STR, making me less reliant on a bard to hit mobs without having to turn off PA. However, I am starting to re-evaluate that decision mainly for increased CHA for better intimidate. I do want my STR up so that I deal more dps (with a THF) and able to hit mobs on epics decently (still working my gear there).

Couple of other issues and differences. I took 2 toughness over empower and cleave. I found cleave to be useful in situations where you intimidate + guardkill mobs and cleave off but I realized that cleave itself is not a useful raiding/boss fight ability. And even with cleave on trash mobs, the attack delay ends up doing less dps due to the lag time. I prefer toughness overall but this is a feat starved build that sometimes I find it hard to fit it in. I took toughness over empower due to some reasons:

1) My gear is mostly dps so switching to casting mode would require me to gear farm a ton or take time to change back and forth. I find my role mostly as a dps + intimitank
2) I have 2 wiz past life that I ended up with (+4Spell penn) so my lvl 8 spell is otto's irresistable's dance, something that I find very useful in epics, and glad that the wiz past life has helped out save 2 spell penn feat.

I'm reconsidering empower again, to be able to dish out max damage firewalls and cook things in epics, and that may force me to take polar ray. I still prefer otto's dance anyway since it's a non-DC only spell resistance dependent spell that lands on most things in the game.

So just a rough layout of my 36pt Tukaw build, (can't rmb specifics but I think the rough idea is below)

STR 17+5lvl ups + 6item+2tome = 30
DEX 11+5item+3tome=19
CON 17+6item+3tome+2enh=27
INT 12+2tome = 14
WIS 6+6item+2tome = 14
CHA 14+6item+2tome+2enh=24

Unbuffed HP: 450 (without GS item)
SP: ~1700, ~1900 (Archimagi item)

Saves: 32/24/24

Toughness x3
Power Attack

Enhancements: same as Tukaw, but I took Paladin Greatsword bonus +1 and Spell Penn I, think I dropped Force/Repair IV

I'll write up a more detailed report someday, but thanks Tuk for the great build! I'm working on a similar 16/2/2 FvS/pally/rogue build for a FvS and it should work just as well although missing out on Displacement as a tanking buffer may hurt a little :P

My ideal build/gear-setup endgame would be:
STR 17+5lvl+7item+3tome+3exc+1litany = 36 standing!
DEX 11+7item+3tome+1litany = 22 standing
CON 17+6item+3tome+3exc+1litany+2enh = 32 standing
INT 11+3tome (this is the critical part) = 14
WIS 7+6item+3tome = 16
CHA 14+3tome+7item+2enh = 26

Helm: GS 45hp concop
Goggles: Tharnes Goggles, Mentau's Goggles
Trinket: Head of Good Fortune, Litany of the Dead
Weapon: Epic SoS, GS Greatsword
Docent: DoD, DT resist+5/corrosive salt/disintegration
Bracers: Bracers of the Demon's Consort (not sure of this item yet), GS guard Bracer, Bracers of Glacier
Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves +4 Attack bonus +7 DEX, gloves of glacier
Boots: GS guard boots (+6CHA skill, +150sp, lightning strike guard)
Ring/Necklace: Warchanter ToD set
Ring2: flexible slot (ring of djinn, circle of hatred)
Belt: Epic belt of Moronan (7STR, toughness, heavy fort, craft +1 exc stat maybe CHA/CON?, craft GFL)
Cloak: Epic cloak of the Concord

Intimidate: maxxed ranks + GH + CHA + persuasion + 2goodluck + 6CHA-GS item should put it close to 60+
UMD: high enough

Differences between my build: lvl ups in STR instead of CHA, toughness over empower/cleave.

Only things that I may end up reverting to Tukaw's build: Some lvl ups in CHA to boost saves to low 40s and to up intimidate even more (this is the big reason for me), drop toughness for empower (don't think I'm convinced with cleave yet. I tried it out :D)

If I ever get fully geared, I'll work on completionist to add another +2 skills/stat points and make this guy undefeatable :D Probably will put lvl ups in CHA if that happens, so I can just about hit close to 70 intimidate and slap the epic queen :)

05-21-2010, 10:19 PM
Would this build be the same if you had no interest in PvP?

What would you change to make it PvE only?


05-25-2010, 11:50 PM
Would this build be the same if you had no interest in PvP?

What would you change to make it PvE only?


max intimidate (useless in pvp) and take some search and disable trap...

Got a new pc, will try solo vod again!

05-26-2010, 07:57 AM
Hey Tukaw, your build has inspired me (along with Razorlips and Paradime on argo) to build my wiz battlecaster into a 16/2/2 build. I originally started out with 16/2/2 sorc/pally/monk for 2 more toughness feats until I realized the style that I like playing with this build is its ability to intimidate and deal more dps to mobs than just hitting them with a min2 greataxe.

I couple of issues that I weighed: 44hp from 2 monk v.s. UMD+Intimidate+sneak attacks from rogue and I eventually picked the rogue build. Intimidate is huge and I estimate reaching 60 intimidate easily with the correct gear.

I have other differences from your build. For e.g. I put my level ups into STR, making me less reliant on a bard to hit mobs without having to turn off PA. However, I am starting to re-evaluate that decision mainly for increased CHA for better intimidate. I do want my STR up so that I deal more dps (with a THF) and able to hit mobs on epics decently (still working my gear there).

Couple of other issues and differences. I took 2 toughness over empower and cleave. I found cleave to be useful in situations where you intimidate + guardkill mobs and cleave off but I realized that cleave itself is not a useful raiding/boss fight ability. And even with cleave on trash mobs, the attack delay ends up doing less dps due to the lag time. I prefer toughness overall but this is a feat starved build that sometimes I find it hard to fit it in. I took toughness over empower due to some reasons:

1) My gear is mostly dps so switching to casting mode would require me to gear farm a ton or take time to change back and forth. I find my role mostly as a dps + intimitank
2) I have 2 wiz past life that I ended up with (+4Spell penn) so my lvl 8 spell is otto's irresistable's dance, something that I find very useful in epics, and glad that the wiz past life has helped out save 2 spell penn feat.

I'm reconsidering empower again, to be able to dish out max damage firewalls and cook things in epics, and that may force me to take polar ray. I still prefer otto's dance anyway since it's a non-DC only spell resistance dependent spell that lands on most things in the game.

So just a rough layout of my 36pt Tukaw build, (can't rmb specifics but I think the rough idea is below)

STR 17+5lvl ups + 6item+2tome = 30
DEX 11+5item+3tome=19
CON 17+6item+3tome+2enh=27
INT 12+2tome = 14
WIS 6+6item+2tome = 14
CHA 14+6item+2tome+2enh=24

Unbuffed HP: 450 (without GS item)
SP: ~1700, ~1900 (Archimagi item)

Saves: 32/24/24

Toughness x3
Power Attack

Enhancements: same as Tukaw, but I took Paladin Greatsword bonus +1 and Spell Penn I, think I dropped Force/Repair IV

I'll write up a more detailed report someday, but thanks Tuk for the great build! I'm working on a similar 16/2/2 FvS/pally/rogue build for a FvS and it should work just as well although missing out on Displacement as a tanking buffer may hurt a little :P

My ideal build/gear-setup endgame would be:
STR 17+5lvl+7item+3tome+3exc+1litany = 36 standing!
DEX 11+7item+3tome+1litany = 22 standing
CON 17+6item+3tome+3exc+1litany+2enh = 32 standing
INT 11+3tome (this is the critical part) = 14
WIS 7+6item+3tome = 16
CHA 14+3tome+7item+2enh = 26

Helm: GS 45hp concop
Goggles: Tharnes Goggles, Mentau's Goggles
Trinket: Head of Good Fortune, Litany of the Dead
Weapon: Epic SoS, GS Greatsword
Docent: DoD, DT resist+5/corrosive salt/disintegration
Bracers: Bracers of the Demon's Consort (not sure of this item yet), GS guard Bracer, Bracers of Glacier
Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves +4 Attack bonus +7 DEX, gloves of glacier
Boots: GS guard boots (+6CHA skill, +150sp, lightning strike guard)
Ring/Necklace: Warchanter ToD set
Ring2: flexible slot (ring of djinn, circle of hatred)
Belt: Epic belt of Moronan (7STR, toughness, heavy fort, craft +1 exc stat maybe CHA/CON?, craft GFL)
Cloak: Epic cloak of the Concord

Intimidate: maxxed ranks + GH + CHA + persuasion + 2goodluck + 6CHA-GS item should put it close to 60+
UMD: high enough

Differences between my build: lvl ups in STR instead of CHA, toughness over empower/cleave.

Only things that I may end up reverting to Tukaw's build: Some lvl ups in CHA to boost saves to low 40s and to up intimidate even more (this is the big reason for me), drop toughness for empower (don't think I'm convinced with cleave yet. I tried it out :D)

If I ever get fully geared, I'll work on completionist to add another +2 skills/stat points and make this guy undefeatable :D Probably will put lvl ups in CHA if that happens, so I can just about hit close to 70 intimidate and slap the epic queen :)
You will miss improved critical a lot when you are using an epic SOS :D

05-26-2010, 12:54 PM
Great build looks really fun! I just have a couple questions.
I am about to TR and have several characters about to cap what class would you recomend for pastlife feats?

If it were out of wiz and sorc what would you choose? also since it will be a 34 pt build what would you recomend that stats to be?

and lastly could I change the lvl up order a bit to say
1 rogue
2 rogue
3-9 sorc
10,11 pally
rest sorc?

05-26-2010, 07:07 PM
Wondering with Improved Crit what Greensteel weapon base would be best used?

Got a Greataxe atm but wondering with the crit range of a Falcion wouldn't that be better to use?

In the end thou its Epic Sos ftw. But for by passing dr a such which weapon would be better for this kind of build?

05-27-2010, 08:36 AM
If you are using Greensteel to bypass damage reduction your are making a mineral 2 weapon which is keen. Improved crit will not help on weapons that are keen. Improved crit will help on all other weapons including lightning 2 weapons and eSoS. From what I have seen most people use greataxes on their mineral 2 weapons.

05-30-2010, 04:22 PM
ROFL... I have been playing similar builds on Thelanis for about 4 years now. I have no where near the gear this guy does... but the build is tight and durable. Currently running one in the Sublime Permadeath Guild. So far my favored combination is 15 sorc/3 pally/2 monk, using the monk bonus feats for toughness and using two-handers.

try it out!

06-01-2010, 02:51 AM
I am not a fan of melee in this game, but I really like your build. I think it may be basis for all sorcerer builds in the future (so long as it can handle epic play), at the very least the inspiration. One question though. I read the whole thread did not see any info on how this toon performs in epic play.

So, how does this build perform in epic play? Can you still solo melee?

06-02-2010, 01:33 PM
This is a great build but at low level i feel so gimped and useless. I guess its the -3 to attack. I am drinking Bulls, and using rage rings like crazy. I am currently at lvl 5 1/2/2 rogue/pal/sorc and i have a long way to go for DP, haste and evasion. I know this will be an awsome build at higher lvls geared out but I think I am going to +3 LR back to pure sorc till I get to lvl 11.9 then +3 LR back to 1/2/8 rogue/pal/sorc then take 2nd lvl rogue at 12, Then POW MINII withdraw baby!!

Has anyone else had this problem?

06-03-2010, 08:31 AM
I am not a fan of melee in this game, but I really like your build. I think it may be basis for all sorcerer builds in the future (so long as it can handle epic play), at the very least the inspiration. One question though. I read the whole thread did not see any info on how this toon performs in epic play.

So, how does this build perform in epic play? Can you still solo melee?

My Tukaw Clone, Vulcano (Ghallanda), struggles in Epic play. In normal-elite, mobs do 30 or less damage per hit on average, and my DoD dr + torc + conc opp + Reconstruct ensure that I can keep myself alive while dishing out guard damage + Min II GAxe. Unfortunately, Epic mobs do a great deal more damage, and I find that I run out of mana very quickly using this strategy. I cannot be the aggro magnet because I will be a dead spec on the floor. Also, the to-hit of this build lags well behind strong melee builds, and I find that I have to hit mobs with destruction AND improved destruction to get reliable hits on them in epic quests. If you like to buy and drink mana pots by the hundreds, you can be successful in epic quests. My version of this build struggles in epic play. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

06-03-2010, 08:43 AM
My Tukaw Clone, Vulcano (Ghallanda), struggles in Epic play. In normal-elite, mobs do 30 or less damage per hit on average, and my DoD dr + torc + conc opp + Reconstruct ensure that I can keep myself alive while dishing out guard damage + Min II GAxe. Unfortunately, Epic mobs do a great deal more damage, and I find that I run out of mana very quickly using this strategy. I cannot be the aggro magnet because I will be a dead spec on the floor. Also, the to-hit of this build lags well behind strong melee builds, and I find that I have to hit mobs with destruction AND improved destruction to get reliable hits on them in epic quests. If you like to buy and drink mana pots by the hundreds, you can be successful in epic quests. My version of this build struggles in epic play. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

I havn't got mine to epic yet 3 lvls away but maybe try the more caster style on epic, FW and kite around sure it will take awhile but as I hear even pure melees can't solo epic.

06-15-2010, 04:27 PM
This is a great build but at low level i feel so gimped and useless. I guess its the -3 to attack. I am drinking Bulls, and using rage rings like crazy. I am currently at lvl 5 1/2/2 rogue/pal/sorc and i have a long way to go for DP, haste and evasion. I know this will be an awsome build at higher lvls geared out but I think I am going to +3 LR back to pure sorc till I get to lvl 11.9 then +3 LR back to 1/2/8 rogue/pal/sorc then take 2nd lvl rogue at 12, Then POW MINII withdraw baby!!

Has anyone else had this problem?

As you said.. rage pot, repair pot and haste pot... maybe skills are more important at low level:) If you feel gimp on this build, how you feel on a pure rogue?

Got a couple lvl 7 DP cliky... rare but not that hard to find.

i did take lvl 2 of rogue earlier to farm Crucible at low lvl and do the swim. It was about 24k xp at lvl 10 per run. Need a good team to finish it. but its worthed.

Anyway, leveling to 20 is max one or two months... so who care on the road you took! only end stats matter.

06-15-2010, 04:39 PM
I am not a fan of melee in this game, but I really like your build. I think it may be basis for all sorcerer builds in the future (so long as it can handle epic play), at the very least the inspiration. One question though. I read the whole thread did not see any info on how this toon performs in epic play.

So, how does this build perform in epic play? Can you still solo melee?

Well epic is about autocrit. So yea i rock. Intim (47) all the mobs in sheildblock mode (DR 47). Cleave with tenderizer. Earthgrab with boots and freeze with other docent. Polar ray crit for 1000+ or ck and fog in firewall.
-9 ac with docent of destruction + staff of imp destruction...

All that with near infinit mana.

Still easier with all the team trying to stun!

06-23-2010, 05:24 AM
Heres the current state of my Tukaw, I love it.



+3 exceptional con
Bramble Casters

Also need to relocate his 45 HP Lightning II necklace to his goggle slot.

06-23-2010, 01:30 PM
I think I already know the answer, but there's no way to use the same general build theory but work it into a non-warforged FS or Cleric16/Paladin2/Rogue2 is there?

06-23-2010, 03:56 PM
I think I already know the answer, but there's no way to use the same general build theory but work it into a non-warforged FS or Cleric16/Paladin2/Rogue2 is there?

You're probably looking more at the halfling Cler 17/monk2/rogue1 type build there. Check it out, might be what you want?

06-24-2010, 01:49 PM
Has anyone tried this build with a Wiz? so 16/2/2

Less Mana
Lower Saves
Lower UMD

More Feats
Swap Spells
More Spells
Could get a really high reflex save to help with evasion
INT is not a - for WF like CHA
More skill points

I am not an expert for sure, but I am wondering if this could be a solid toon as well or, would the saves just be to low?

Also if you have more than 1 Con/Opp item on dose it stack? so like a HP Con/Opp and a Mana Con/Opp would get 1%x2 or is that a waste?

06-24-2010, 01:54 PM
You lose the synergy of Sorc Cha with paladin saves.

06-24-2010, 02:01 PM
You lose the synergy of Sorc Cha with paladin saves.

So the main reason for not doing that is the Saves? You just cant overcome that with anything else?

He says most of the time he dose not even use a +5 item, maybe with that(would be 1 less item slot, or you would need an item w/+5 on it) and putting some points into CHA could make this work?

06-24-2010, 02:29 PM
Then the logical next step is, why take Pali at all?

Cleanmachine is my wizard version, 18w/2m q-staff build.Very good saves, evasion, TONS of feats.

06-24-2010, 03:04 PM
Then the logical next step is, why take Pali at all?

Cleanmachine is my wizard version, 18w/2m q-staff build.Very good saves, evasion, TONS of feats.

I am trying this with Wiz, I am just using 2 feats up, for Force of Perso, and Insightful reflex, so My saves should be high enough with the additional Pali boosts. I still end up with a bunch of feats to use not including all the free ones WIZ's get. The downside I guess will be Mana, but I can make up for that eventually.

07-01-2010, 01:09 AM
Tukaw is not Human he is Super Human. Unreal!

07-01-2010, 04:27 AM
I am trying this with Wiz, I am just using 2 feats up, for Force of Perso, and Insightful reflex, so My saves should be high enough with the additional Pali boosts. I still end up with a bunch of feats to use not including all the free ones WIZ's get. The downside I guess will be Mana, but I can make up for that eventually.

This whole point is the symbiosis between Pali and Sorc. Tukaw has great saves becuase of high Cha. High Cha
works for the Sorceror bit too ;). If you don't have high Cha, there is not much point for a Pali splash IMO. Wiz/Mon
or Wiz/Rog 18/2 splits work much better for Wiz - again, IMO.

07-01-2010, 09:18 AM
This whole point is the symbiosis between Pali and Sorc. Tukaw has great saves becuase of high Cha. High Cha
works for the Sorceror bit too ;). If you don't have high Cha, there is not much point for a Pali splash IMO. Wiz/Mon
or Wiz/Rog 18/2 splits work much better for Wiz - again, IMO.

he has a 30 CHA(+10)
I will have a 22 CHA(+6) 24 CHA(+7) w/+3 tome

Add in "force of personality", and "Insightful reflexes", and I should be right with him in saves unless I am missing something? Just because he has a higher CHA dose not mean you cant get close to his saves, or take advantage of the Pali CHA bonus.I only need to make up the +4, and I get that with "force of personality", and "Insightful reflexes"

My Reflex saves should higher than his(insightful reflexes), Will should be close to his if not higher(Force of Personality), Fort saves will not be as good as his, but will still be respectable. (Considering I am WF who cares really about Fort saves.)

IMO you can be a WIZ with this build if you want the feats, and spell swap ability, and can deal with less mana. Your saves will still be close enough to his to make it workable, despite his 30 CHA.

My only debate right now for this guy is 16WIZ/2PAL/2RG or 17WIZ/2 MNK/1 RG

07-10-2010, 01:40 PM
Has anyone tried this build with a Wiz? so 16/2/2

Less Mana
Lower Saves
Lower UMD

More Feats
Swap Spells
More Spells
Could get a really high reflex save to help with evasion
INT is not a - for WF like CHA
More skill points

I am not an expert for sure, but I am wondering if this could be a solid toon as well or, would the saves just be to low?

Also if you have more than 1 Con/Opp item on dose it stack? so like a HP Con/Opp and a Mana Con/Opp would get 1%x2 or is that a waste?

I'll give only one reason.. 5 second cooldown on reconstruct instead of 2 sec... my wiz version is wiz11/rogue3/ranger6

good dps with dual kopesh min2 on tempest rogue haste boost... but cant fight 60 orathon alone like tukaw

07-10-2010, 01:53 PM
Hey Tukaw, your build has inspired me (along with Razorlips and Paradime on argo) to build my wiz battlecaster into a 16/2/2 build. I originally started out with 16/2/2 sorc/pally/monk for 2 more toughness feats until I realized the style that I like playing with this build is its ability to intimidate and deal more dps to mobs than just hitting them with a min2 greataxe.

I couple of issues that I weighed: 44hp from 2 monk v.s. UMD+Intimidate+sneak attacks from rogue and I eventually picked the rogue build. Intimidate is huge and I estimate reaching 60 intimidate easily with the correct gear.

I have other differences from your build. For e.g. I put my level ups into STR, making me less reliant on a bard to hit mobs without having to turn off PA. However, I am starting to re-evaluate that decision mainly for increased CHA for better intimidate. I do want my STR up so that I deal more dps (with a THF) and able to hit mobs on epics decently (still working my gear there).

Couple of other issues and differences. I took 2 toughness over empower and cleave. I found cleave to be useful in situations where you intimidate + guardkill mobs and cleave off but I realized that cleave itself is not a useful raiding/boss fight ability. And even with cleave on trash mobs, the attack delay ends up doing less dps due to the lag time. I prefer toughness overall but this is a feat starved build that sometimes I find it hard to fit it in. I took toughness over empower due to some reasons:

1) My gear is mostly dps so switching to casting mode would require me to gear farm a ton or take time to change back and forth. I find my role mostly as a dps + intimitank
2) I have 2 wiz past life that I ended up with (+4Spell penn) so my lvl 8 spell is otto's irresistable's dance, something that I find very useful in epics, and glad that the wiz past life has helped out save 2 spell penn feat.

I'm reconsidering empower again, to be able to dish out max damage firewalls and cook things in epics, and that may force me to take polar ray. I still prefer otto's dance anyway since it's a non-DC only spell resistance dependent spell that lands on most things in the game.

So just a rough layout of my 36pt Tukaw build, (can't rmb specifics but I think the rough idea is below)

STR 17+5lvl ups + 6item+2tome = 30
DEX 11+5item+3tome=19
CON 17+6item+3tome+2enh=27
INT 12+2tome = 14
WIS 6+6item+2tome = 14
CHA 14+6item+2tome+2enh=24

Unbuffed HP: 450 (without GS item)
SP: ~1700, ~1900 (Archimagi item)

Saves: 32/24/24

Toughness x3
Power Attack

Enhancements: same as Tukaw, but I took Paladin Greatsword bonus +1 and Spell Penn I, think I dropped Force/Repair IV

I'll write up a more detailed report someday, but thanks Tuk for the great build! I'm working on a similar 16/2/2 FvS/pally/rogue build for a FvS and it should work just as well although missing out on Displacement as a tanking buffer may hurt a little :P

My ideal build/gear-setup endgame would be:
STR 17+5lvl+7item+3tome+3exc+1litany = 36 standing!
DEX 11+7item+3tome+1litany = 22 standing
CON 17+6item+3tome+3exc+1litany+2enh = 32 standing
INT 11+3tome (this is the critical part) = 14
WIS 7+6item+3tome = 16
CHA 14+3tome+7item+2enh = 26

Helm: GS 45hp concop
Goggles: Tharnes Goggles, Mentau's Goggles
Trinket: Head of Good Fortune, Litany of the Dead
Weapon: Epic SoS, GS Greatsword
Docent: DoD, DT resist+5/corrosive salt/disintegration
Bracers: Bracers of the Demon's Consort (not sure of this item yet), GS guard Bracer, Bracers of Glacier
Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves +4 Attack bonus +7 DEX, gloves of glacier
Boots: GS guard boots (+6CHA skill, +150sp, lightning strike guard)
Ring/Necklace: Warchanter ToD set
Ring2: flexible slot (ring of djinn, circle of hatred)
Belt: Epic belt of Moronan (7STR, toughness, heavy fort, craft +1 exc stat maybe CHA/CON?, craft GFL)
Cloak: Epic cloak of the Concord

Intimidate: maxxed ranks + GH + CHA + persuasion + 2goodluck + 6CHA-GS item should put it close to 60+
UMD: high enough

Differences between my build: lvl ups in STR instead of CHA, toughness over empower/cleave.

Only things that I may end up reverting to Tukaw's build: Some lvl ups in CHA to boost saves to low 40s and to up intimidate even more (this is the big reason for me), drop toughness for empower (don't think I'm convinced with cleave yet. I tried it out :D)

If I ever get fully geared, I'll work on completionist to add another +2 skills/stat points and make this guy undefeatable :D Probably will put lvl ups in CHA if that happens, so I can just about hit close to 70 intimidate and slap the epic queen :)

nice plan!! gotta look into epic gear someday.

running around with 47 umd and never fail an orathon on vod and 9/10 on shroud boss. 60 seam too high for nothingi

half my dps is with guard.. about 80 damage if no resist per hit. Earthgrab item a must too i think..

Is your fvs soul WF?

mine was 17 fvs/2rogue/1barb.. lvl 5 before i go free to play! Wf for Dod

07-10-2010, 01:54 PM
Tukaw is not Human he is Super Human. Unreal!

lol! ty i guess

07-10-2010, 03:19 PM
Has anyone tried this build with a Wiz? so 16/2/2

You're better off going with 17 Wiz/2 [evasion]/1 [melee] (I like Rog/Barb, but Monk/Fighter is good too)

The difficulty with Sorc is that you need 2 levels paladin, and 2 for evasion (monk or rogue). This means that you are giving up level 9 spells. Combined with the WF penalty to Cha, you are looking at a stiff penalty to your spells DCs, and your spell pen as well.

The Wizard only gets the boost to Reflex, but in the PvE environment that's the most important one. As a result, the Wizard blend only loses -1 DC from a pure Wiz, and a -2 from a Drow/Human wiz. The Wizard also gets plenty of feats to help make up for the Spell Penetration and DC problems.

I'll give only one reason.. 5 second cooldown on reconstruct instead of 2 sec... my wiz version is wiz11/rogue3/ranger6

good dps with dual kopesh min2 on tempest rogue haste boost... but cant fight 60 orathon alone like tukaw

I don't see why not... Gemstone does just fine :D

I agree on the cooldown - I keep a 2nd Repair right next to Reconstruct!

07-14-2010, 09:22 AM
You're better off going with 17 Wiz/2 [evasion]/1 [melee] (I like Rog/Barb, but Monk/Fighter is good too)

I don't see why not... Gemstone does just fine :D

I agree on the cooldown - I keep a 2nd Repair right next to Reconstruct!

Ya, I went 17 WIZ/ 2Monk/ 1 Rouge He's level 13 ATM (10/2/1)

With force of perso, and Insightful Reflex's my saves will be in the high to Mid 30's so I am not really worried about it. 17 WIZ vs 16 WIZ was the clincher for me considering my saves would have been maybe 4-5 better.

Whats with the 5 sec timer vs 2 secs? Is this just Sorcs being able to cast faster? anyways I have not had any problems yet, and I think with 2 heals ill be fine. I do have quicken as well I don't know if that matters or not.

07-14-2010, 10:42 AM

Whats with the 5 sec timer vs 2 secs? Is this just Sorcs being able to cast faster? anyways I have not had any problems yet, and I think with 2 heals ill be fine. I do have quicken as well I don't know if that matters or not.

Quicken affects the speed that you cast the spell, not the length of time before you can cast it again.

If you're taking 400-500 damage every 5 seconds or less, it'll be an issue. This rarely happens at level 13, though.

07-14-2010, 01:39 PM
Quicken affects the speed that you cast the spell, not the length of time before you can cast it again.

If you're taking 400-500 damage every 5 seconds or less, it'll be an issue. This rarely happens at level 13, though.

interesting ya I did not know the timer for sorcs was twice as fast on spells. I thought they just cast spells much faster, and got more mana. That's interesting, but ill just have to figure out a way to make it work for me.

07-14-2010, 08:37 PM
You're better off going with 17 Wiz/2 [evasion]/1 [melee] (I like Rog/Barb, but Monk/Fighter is good too)

The difficulty with Sorc is that you need 2 levels paladin, and 2 for evasion (monk or rogue). This means that you are giving up level 9 spells. Combined with the WF penalty to Cha, you are looking at a stiff penalty to your spells DCs, and your spell pen as well.

The Wizard only gets the boost to Reflex, but in the PvE environment that's the most important one. As a result, the Wizard blend only loses -1 DC from a pure Wiz, and a -2 from a Drow/Human wiz. The Wizard also gets plenty of feats to help make up for the Spell Penetration and DC problems.

I don't see why not... Gemstone does just fine :D

I agree on the cooldown - I keep a 2nd Repair right next to Reconstruct!

I agree. I did an LR on my pure WF Wiz and he is now 17/2/1 Wiz monk fighter.
I wanted good DC's and some capable melee ability. I needed more feats than is possible, so settled for 14 lol.

I stuffed up the order of feats and ended up with an extra toughness but no greater spell focus enchantment, otherwise my DC would only be 1 less than when I was pure.

With +2 tomes, rage and +3 eceptional str and int on rings:
int 36
str 30 (sun stance)

Using an upgraded Dreamspitter most of the time.

Fully raid buffed, +35ref save in water stance, which makes Von6 epic a breeze, and DQ2 epic will be easy to hold gnoll agro.
Spell pen is at +26 with DT docent, feats and enhancemets.
hp 473 with rage, need to craft hp item when I get a cleanser. Probably earthgrab bracers to synch with the dreamspitter.

Ideally I want Tharnes goggles and epic ring of baphomet to squeeze 20 more hp and still have 30str. Also for the +15 intimidate.

So far done epic von6, VoD and Shroud on this and I like it :)

07-17-2010, 11:14 PM
Okay, I've been marveling over the rave reviews for this guy and decided to try him out, only I've realised something I consider a bit important... There's precious little info given on how to PLAY this guy up to end-game levels. I'm starting a Tukaw Build on Thelanis (Tuklone). He's 32 points and starting at 4th level due to Veteran Status. I'm looking at this guy and thinking... Okay, how do I make the numbers work in practice? The first two spells I'm told to get are Hypnotism and Jump. Hypnotism I get, but why Jump? What weapon should I wield? With no real sorcerous firepower to speak of, I assume I'm supposed to survive through force of arms and my (very) minor trapmonkey skills.

In short, the Lolforged sez "I can has advice?"

07-18-2010, 12:05 AM
Okay, I've been marveling over the rave reviews for this guy and decided to try him out, only I've realised something I consider a bit important... There's precious little info given on how to PLAY this guy up to end-game levels. I'm starting a Tukaw Build on Thelanis (Tuklone). He's 32 points and starting at 4th level due to Veteran Status. I'm looking at this guy and thinking... Okay, how do I make the numbers work in practice? The first two spells I'm told to get are Hypnotism and Jump. Hypnotism I get, but why Jump? What weapon should I wield? With no real sorcerous firepower to speak of, I assume I'm supposed to survive through force of arms and my (very) minor trapmonkey skills.

In short, the Lolforged sez "I can has advice?"

Hit things with a great axe until they die.

07-19-2010, 12:48 PM
Here's my human version (28pt), not as good how tukaw warforged

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.5.1
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

Level 20 Lawful Good Human Male
(2 Paladin \ 2 Rogue \ 16 Sorcerer)
Hit Points: 238
Spell Points: 1455
BAB: 11\11\16\21
Fortitude: 17
Reflex: 14
Will: 21

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 16 17
Dexterity 11 11
Constitution 15 16
Intelligence 9 9
Wisdom 8 8
Charisma 14 20

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20)
Balance 4 6
Bluff 2 5
Concentration 2 7
Diplomacy 2 5
Disable Device 3 5
Haggle 2 5
Heal -1 0
Hide 0 0
Intimidate 6 9
Jump 7 7
Listen -1 -1
Move Silently 0 0
Open Lock 4 6
Perform n/a n/a
Repair -1 -1
Search 3 4
Spot -1 -1
Swim 3 3
Tumble 4 4
Use Magic Device 6 28

Level 1 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+4)
Skill: Disable Device (+4)
Skill: Intimidate (+4)
Skill: Jump (+4)
Skill: Open Lock (+4)
Skill: Search (+4)
Skill: Tumble (+4)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Feat: (Human Bonus) Toughness
Feat: (Automatic) Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Rapier
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortsword
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortbow
Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Trapfinding
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I

Level 2 (Paladin)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Aura of Good
Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Heavy Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
Feat: (Automatic) Smite Evil
Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
Feat: (Automatic) Trip
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
Enhancement: Paladin Focus of Good I
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Smite Evil I
Enhancement: Paladin Devotion I
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I

Level 3 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
Feat: (Automatic) Dismiss Charm
Feat: (Automatic) Magical Training
Spell (1): Hypnotism
Spell (1): Jump
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I

Level 4 (Paladin)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Divine Grace
Feat: (Automatic) Lay on Hands
Enhancement: Paladin Attack Boost I
Enhancement: Paladin Concentration I
Enhancement: Paladin Heal I

Level 5 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (1): Nightshield
Enhancement: Human Adaptability Constitution I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Maximizing I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand Mastery I

Level 6 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
Spell (1): Magic Missle
Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Empowering I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements I

Level 7 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Scorching Ray
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation II

Level 8 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Resist Energy
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Spell Penetration I

Level 9 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
Spell (3): Haste
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III

Level 10 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+2)
Skill: Disable Device (+2)
Skill: Open Lock (+2)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Evasion
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II

Level 11 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Blur
Spell (3): Displacement
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements II

Level 12 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
Spell (4): Wall of Fire
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation III

Level 13 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Fog Cloud
Spell (3): Rage
Spell (4): Fire Shield
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Spell Penetration II

Level 14 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (5): Protection From Elements
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV

Level 15 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Cleave
Spell (3): Fireball
Spell (5): Cone of Cold
Spell (4): Stoneskin
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III

Level 16 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (6): Tenser's Transformation
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma III

Level 17 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (4): Solid Fog
Spell (5): Cloudkill
Spell (6): Disintegrate
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III

Level 18 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Force of Personality
Spell (7): Delayed Blast Fireball

Level 19 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (5): Break Enchantment
Spell (6): Greater Heroism
Spell (7): Prismatic Spray
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery III

Level 20 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (8): Polar Ray
Enhancement: Sorcerer Spell Penetration III

any suggestion?

07-27-2010, 12:04 PM
Here's my human version (28pt), not as good how tukaw warforged

any suggestion?

Be a WF! pure human sorc rock with charisma 36+... mass hold everything!! you want WF power attack boost, WF DR and WF reconstruct!

08-16-2010, 12:38 AM
Anyone with a similar build have trouble hitting stuff in Epic?

Very close to doing a TR on my Wiz/monk, and don't want to be dragging my weight.

I calculated about +46 to hit with 34str and Shintao set and Arrohead, no power attack.

Getting Destruction on DT would be good for this build in Epic I would think?

09-02-2010, 11:43 PM
Anyone with a similar build have trouble hitting stuff in Epic?

Very close to doing a TR on my Wiz/monk, and don't want to be dragging my weight.

I calculated about +46 to hit with 34str and Shintao set and Arrohead, no power attack.

Getting Destruction on DT would be good for this build in Epic I would think?

Hey Khellendros!

With divine power you got same BaB as a fighter 20... so this build or another its the same...

Epic is epic.. i remove power attack... certainly wish a caster 20 will mass hold everything!! With bard i reach 55+ to hit!


09-04-2010, 12:33 AM
Hey Khellendros!

With divine power you got same BaB as a fighter 20... so this build or another its the same...

Epic is epic.. i remove power attack... certainly wish a caster 20 will mass hold everything!! With bard i reach 55+ to hit!


Thx Tak.

Yea same BaB as a fighter, but it is very different to a Kensai :) I see my first +to hit at +63 with PA on fully raid buffed. Don't have to use Imp Des. weapons on Epic Djinns like my Barb does.

Anyway if you can hit +50 or more then there is hope for me :)

I actually took my Wiz back to pure and ate the +3 int tome I had. DC38 on mass hold is good.

I certainly miss the evasion and extra HP.

Every time I think of a TR to your build, I start wondering about my usefulness in epics, I need to get another WF Wiz up to 20 I think then do the TR :)

Thanks for putting up with my many questions :P

09-04-2010, 04:11 AM
Anyone with a similar build have trouble hitting stuff in Epic?

Very close to doing a TR on my Wiz/monk, and don't want to be dragging my weight.

I calculated about +46 to hit with 34str and Shintao set and Arrohead, no power attack.

Getting Destruction on DT would be good for this build in Epic I would think?
My WF Wiz/rog can hit with (not on 2, but most of times):
- DP clickies
- all tohit and STR buffs. No Madstone.
- Destruct on DT armor
- Warpriest amrath belt
- flanking bonus (+2 tohit if you hit from behind)
- Power Attack only if Bard is in group

With extra except STR and full Warpriest set it should be even easier.

09-08-2010, 04:18 PM
quicken is a must to pvp! Mobs are too dumb to need quick casting! For some red alerte fun... quicken is a must too... fail one concentration check and its over!

I was wondering about this. You don't seem to have spent ANY points in concentration and take quicken later in game. How do you manage self-healing up until that point?

Also, how does one play a character like Tukaw until you're able to get FW, DP clickies, DoD, etc...?

09-09-2010, 02:28 PM
I was wondering about this. You don't seem to have spent ANY points in concentration and take quicken later in game. How do you manage self-healing up until that point?

Also, how does one play a character like Tukaw until you're able to get FW, DP clickies, DoD, etc...?

I did not even take repair spell till late in level. Repair pot $$! Quicken is a must to solo Deamon Queen or VOD! 16 devils 4 orathon many bats and sulu chaining you!! Good luck even with high concentration... I sheildblock and let my guard kill the trash! What you lose for concentration point... umd or intimidate... for maybe a toughness feat more... I'm not saying its bad.. its just less good:)

I played tukaw with a GrtAxe (maelstorm) with rage pot, haste pot and repair pot! Knowing quest help! No concentration check on repair pot... and... who stand still to fight at low level.. run around hobgoblin! repair pot heal more than your spell.. keep mana to hypno them! At that point, its more about skill than the build!

09-15-2010, 11:25 PM

09-15-2010, 11:31 PM

09-16-2010, 12:05 AM
Full mana boost kit to enter quest:


A couple buff on... forgot Str pot from ToD but had 1 Con left. Resists are boosted too. 3d6 +43 damages

http://gnitic.com/images/stories/couple buff.jpg

In fight! geting hit got me dr20, 628hp 44str and 42 con


09-28-2010, 11:17 PM
Just Tr'ed my 16 sorc/2pal/2rogue and having a blast with all the extra goodies.

Wondering thou with the Intim changes to palys are you gonna ditch rogue and go monk for the 2 feats etc etc? Pretty sure I am.

09-29-2010, 12:00 AM
Just Tr'ed my 16 sorc/2pal/2rogue and having a blast with all the extra goodies.

Wondering thou with the Intim changes to palys are you gonna ditch rogue and go monk for the 2 feats etc etc? Pretty sure I am.

Especially with the 2HF feats getting a slight buff.

Might be worth taking a couple to increase the 'glancing blow' damage?

09-29-2010, 12:07 AM
Just Tr'ed my 16 sorc/2pal/2rogue and having a blast with all the extra goodies.

Wondering thou with the Intim changes to palys are you gonna ditch rogue and go monk for the 2 feats etc etc? Pretty sure I am.

You telling me that pally will lose charisma bonus to skill? or only to intim?

I still prefer umd and intim 47 + sneak damage around 18 and pick lock...

09-29-2010, 12:27 AM
You telling me that pally will lose charisma bonus to skill? or only to intim?

I still prefer umd and intim 47 + sneak damage around 18 and pick lock...

Intimidate will be a paladin class skill when update 7 rolls around. Should give some more skill points to play with.
No clue why he was asking if you would ditch rogue for monk though lol

09-29-2010, 03:35 PM
can anyone post a character planner for this build??? want to see what enchantments you pick and skills.
If so thxss

10-01-2010, 11:00 PM
Notice on your screen shots you have different spells and equipment from your earlier posts. Can you list the changes on this thread. Im currently lving Dtwentyy on Argo. I love your build cause its so unique. The only changes to monks I heard about is the AC for wis bonus. You have to take 6 lvls for it. Dont think they gonna change the pally cha bonus to saves. Only thing that is important IMO for pally lvls. Thanks again Tak for thinking outside the box. I'm having a blast but it is definatly hard to play. Gear grinding is also a chore.

10-01-2010, 11:05 PM
Intimidate will be a paladin class skill when update 7 rolls around. Should give some more skill points to play with.
No clue why he was asking if you would ditch rogue for monk though lol

I'm going to ditch monk for rogue b/c of the 2 extra feats which I am sure I can make use of(SF Intim for one) The umd to me is meh as I only use it for Raise undead and I have a couple other items I can do with and the open lock rarely does much for me(not saying I cant unlock doors just dont find many locked) racial items do have there uses though.

The sneak attack damage is ok but I find most of the attention is on me anyways

10-03-2010, 09:38 PM

What are your thoughts on going 15/3/2? Either paladin or rogue in order to get item defense? You get hit alot when doing long solo quests so would this help on stuff breaking?

You get 1d6 sneak if you go rogue. Pally gets you fear immunity and maybe Resistance of Good I for +1 saves when soloing.

You lose a level 8 spell but I don't see any there that are going to really affect the build.

Also can sorcs take death aura? Would that be good for the build?

10-03-2010, 09:47 PM
If you go less then 16 sorc then drop to 12, as polar ray is the reason for 16 sorc.

Polar Ray is a single target ray that has no-save, and very easy to nuke over 1k with it.

If polar ray doesn't interest you then check out the Arcane Knight he is a 12 sorc/6 pal/2 rogue

10-04-2010, 04:27 AM
Here is my thought for a build with monk levels instead of rogue, it gives a lot more flexibility in the feats: (36 point because it's what I am thinking of TRing my sorc into)

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.34
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(2 Paladin \ 2 Monk \ 16 Sorcerer)
Hit Points: 317
Spell Points: 1439
BAB: 11\11\16\21
Fortitude: 24
Reflex: 17
Will: 19

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(36 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 16 19
Dexterity 12 14
Constitution 18 22
Intelligence 10 12
Wisdom 6 8
Charisma 14 22

Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 6
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 6
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 6
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 6
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 6
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 6

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20)
Balance 5 14.5
Bluff 2 6
Concentration 7 31
Diplomacy 2 6
Disable Device n/a n/a
Haggle 2 6
Heal -2 -1
Hide 1 2
Intimidate 2 6
Jump 3 4
Listen -2 -1
Move Silently 1 2
Open Lock n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 0 1
Search 0 1
Spot 2 3
Swim 3 4
Tumble 2 3
Use Magic Device 4 17.5

Level 1 (Monk)
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Sorcerer
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Sorcerer
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness

Level 2 (Sorcerer)

Level 3 (Paladin)
Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell

Level 4 (Paladin)
Ability Raise: CHA

Level 5 (Sorcerer)

Level 6 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell

Level 7 (Sorcerer)

Level 8 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA

Level 9 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell

Level 10 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Two Handed Fighting

Level 11 (Sorcerer)

Level 12 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell

Level 13 (Sorcerer)

Level 14 (Sorcerer)

Level 15 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons

Level 16 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA

Level 17 (Sorcerer)

Level 18 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting

Level 19 (Sorcerer)

Level 20 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortiose I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Force I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Force II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Force III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand Mastery I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude I
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude II
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude III

Tell me what you think please.

10-04-2010, 06:45 AM
Here is my thought for a build with monk levels instead of rogue, it gives a lot more flexibility in the feats: (36 point because it's what I am thinking of TRing my sorc into)

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.34
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(2 Paladin \ 2 Monk \ 16 Sorcerer)
Hit Points: 317
Spell Points: 1439
BAB: 11\11\16\21
Fortitude: 24
Reflex: 17
Will: 19

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(36 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 16 19
Dexterity 12 14
Constitution 18 22
Intelligence 10 12
Wisdom 6 8
Charisma 14 22

Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 6
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 6
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 6
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 6
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 6
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 6

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20)
Balance 5 14.5
Bluff 2 6
Concentration 7 31
Diplomacy 2 6
Disable Device n/a n/a
Haggle 2 6
Heal -2 -1
Hide 1 2
Intimidate 2 6
Jump 3 4
Listen -2 -1
Move Silently 1 2
Open Lock n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 0 1
Search 0 1
Spot 2 3
Swim 3 4
Tumble 2 3
Use Magic Device 4 17.5

Level 1 (Monk)
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Sorcerer
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Sorcerer
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness

Level 2 (Sorcerer)

Level 3 (Paladin)
Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell

Level 4 (Paladin)
Ability Raise: CHA

Level 5 (Sorcerer)

Level 6 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell

Level 7 (Sorcerer)

Level 8 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA

Level 9 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell

Level 10 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Two Handed Fighting

Level 11 (Sorcerer)

Level 12 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell

Level 13 (Sorcerer)

Level 14 (Sorcerer)

Level 15 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons

Level 16 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA

Level 17 (Sorcerer)

Level 18 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting

Level 19 (Sorcerer)

Level 20 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortiose I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Force III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Force I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Force II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Force III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand Mastery I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude I
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude II
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude III

Tell me what you think please.

Drop the THF line in feats and Enh, not worth it at all. Ditch the 12 dex drop 1 con and buff up str to 18 or cha to 16.

10-05-2010, 04:35 PM
Drop the THF line in feats and Enh, not worth it at all. Ditch the 12 dex drop 1 con and buff up str to 18 or cha to 16.

I could see maybe dropping the THF line/enhancements, but why drop CON? As mostly a caster class, the HP are usually needed especially in the harder difficulties. As for the DEX, evasion is useless unless you can actually make a reflex save. Bumping the DEX to 12 from 8 is 2 points of reflex, while bumping CHA would only boost the save by 1.

10-05-2010, 07:15 PM
You telling me that pally will lose charisma bonus to skill? or only to intim?

I still prefer umd and intim 47 + sneak damage around 18 and pick lock...

They're making Intim a class skill for paladins in Update 7

10-06-2010, 11:33 AM
I could see maybe dropping the THF line/enhancements, but why drop CON? As mostly a caster class, the HP are usually needed especially in the harder difficulties. As for the DEX, evasion is useless unless you can actually make a reflex save. Bumping the DEX to 12 from 8 is 2 points of reflex, while bumping CHA would only boost the save by 1.

going from 18 con to 16 is the loss of 20 hp which is nothing when you can 1 button heal yourself. As for the dex I'm at lvl 14 with a starting 8 dex and have 26 reflex buffed with GH and Nightshield. The extra 2 into cha does give you 1 to all the saves not just reflex and also ups umd/intim by 1. Though I was talking more go with the 18 Str, the 16 cha was just a option.

10-06-2010, 11:42 AM
... The extra 2 into cha does give you 1 to all the saves not just reflex and also ups umd/intim by 1...

Don't forget the extra power to Lay on Hands and to-hit of Smite Evil.

10-28-2010, 04:27 PM
Would you change any of the feats, with the changes made to thf ithf gthf?

10-29-2010, 12:11 PM
Would you change any of the feats, with the changes made to thf ithf gthf?

Is it good now on barb and fighter? i guess monk version could remove cleave and get those 3 feats.. i'm too lazy to check the changes they made to gthf.. would be cool if you tell me here!

11-10-2010, 04:14 AM
I've been following this thread since page 3 or 4, and I've finally decided to try and build one. I understand the basic concepts of the build, but since I'm just starting out, I don't have anywhere near the gear needed to really make this work well.

What are some suggestions while levelling up as a Tukaw clone? Should I level to 20 as something easier, then TR and go from there? Leech runs until I can get a Torc?

If someone REALLY wanted to go the extra mile and post places to farm these things for beginners to Tukaw style, that would be super awesome as well. :)

11-10-2010, 04:26 AM
I've been following this thread since page 3 or 4, and I've finally decided to try and build one. I understand the basic concepts of the build, but since I'm just starting out, I don't have anywhere near the gear needed to really make this work well.

What are some suggestions while levelling up as a Tukaw clone? Should I level to 20 as something easier, then TR and go from there? Leech runs until I can get a Torc?

If someone REALLY wanted to go the extra mile and post places to farm these things for beginners to Tukaw style, that would be super awesome as well. :)

This build is strong without all the gear. It's one of the easiest to solo to 20 IMO (I exclusively solo; I found the
monster 12/6/2 to be the most difficult due to relatively poor self healing). I'veTR'ed mine now and will be going
16/2/2 (Sorc/Pal/Monk) and more melee focused. Certainly missing the extra skill points from rogue though...

11-10-2010, 04:33 AM
cool, with the european transfer am gonna get my warforcer to thelanis
the build is quite old so am gonna lesser reincarnate it to get it more compliant with the current game, its gears are quite old too, anyway i was so happy to see it again on ghallanda :)
my main problem is that i dont want to drop my white docent + mithral body, it looks so class... but gimps my build for sure :D
otherwise i would rather go now for mnk2/pal2/sor16, 2 feats and some more AC, you loose a bit of dps and dont have umd but now with crafted & raid gears & weapons umd is not as useful as it used to
anyway Tak am gonna use a bit your thread about gears ideas, some of you got and i didnt think about sound quite cool :)

11-10-2010, 05:05 AM
This build is strong without all the gear. It's one of the easiest to solo to 20 IMO (I exclusively solo; I found the
monster 12/6/2 to be the most difficult due to relatively poor self healing). I'veTR'ed mine now and will be going
16/2/2 (Sorc/Pal/Monk) and more melee focused. Certainly missing the extra skill points from rogue though...

Hmmm....it seems tho, that the key elements to making this really work well are the return of mana from the torc, and high DR. Aren't those two fairly difficult things to get ahold of? Does a person just rely on mana pots until Torc?

Also, what are some differences between this build and something like a 2mo/2pala/16 Fvs? Wouldn't they operate more or less on the same basic principles, but with different style? Or does the FvS lack some of the more necessary spells, such as the fire/cold shield and wall of fire? And does not being able to have DoD hurt too much? Is there another way to get such good DR?

I apologize if this has already been covered. I think understand the concepts of the build fairly well, but lack experience with higher end content, so I ask questions that might otherwise have obvious answers.

11-10-2010, 06:03 AM
While I do not have this type of build, I have thought about it a lot, and had my Wizard as a melee type for a while.

There is a lot of synergy in the build, cha bonus for spell points, saves, intimidate. UMD also but this is to help out the party mostly with a rez etc.

Sorcerers have almost half the cooldown time on most spells. 3 vs 5 on a Wizard. This is a huge difference.

The rogue splash was for UMD and intim and the extra skill points, but now pally gets intim, you could gain 2 extra feats and forget about traps/locks. From a melee standpoint I would rather the feats.

Intim is great in a party, get the agro and with DR/20 and instant self healing things just die faster as everyone gets Tharnes SA damage or rogues get vorpal strikes etc. I noticed this on my barbarian. Watch how much less SP is used on healing the party in Amrath quests using intim with high DR.

Then the guards have that synergy with intimidate - I saw Tukaw in pvp once, and everytime someone ran up to hit him, they would die from a guard proc. It was hilarious.

You still get debuff spells like waves of exhaustion, cloudkill etc and with a 30~charisma web will work ok at times.

Melee DPS would be similar, slightly behind a WF fvs I think, once both are fully buffed.

It does however, take more skill than a barbarian to play. Lots of gear swap, clickies to manage.
Torc+DoD+GS weapon or epic weapon are the 3 key items, but you can do well without. Though any build has ideal gear that it shines with.

Just my understanding of the build...I will roll one one day, or TR my fvs to one...

11-10-2010, 06:14 AM
Just my understanding of the build...I will roll one one day, or TR my fvs to one...

Ya pretty much got what this build can do. As for TR'n yer fvs into one I'm actually in my second life as a Tuk and I'm tr'in him into a FvS :D

Of course though I will be making a new Tuk

11-10-2010, 07:05 AM
Ya pretty much got what this build can do. As for TR'n yer fvs into one I'm actually in my second life as a Tuk and I'm tr'in him into a FvS :D

Of course though I will be making a new Tuk

The only thing that is stopping me, and I have spoken to Tuk about it on the forums, is the usefulness of the build in epic quests/raids. As a caster, no mass hold, as a DPS, less than a Kensai or Barbarian. It can however pass out the arcane buffs, then dance caster mobs to save the real CC caster sp, while contributing a fair amount of DPS.

My fvs has a Torc, conc opp boots and I have a spare DoD (sort of). My fvs is Halfling too, so even more reason to TR lol. However my fvs underwent an LR and now self buffs to 70ac. Maybe TR and roll a new Human fvs or cleric.

Anyway, stay 16/2/2 so you can at least get Otto's Irresistible Dance for epics or Polar Ray if all you do is farm shroud.

Oh and to answer your question about THF being worth it on a Barb or Fighter Tuk, my Barb has THF and ITHF only, and epic SoS gets %50 base dmg as glancing blows...so 50-55 on a glancing blow. It feels faster to NOT twitch now unless in autocrit. I would go Monk splash and take at least THF and ITHF, and another toughness or GTHF if you can let go of cleave.

11-10-2010, 07:10 AM
Hmmm....it seems tho, that the key elements to making this really work well are the return of mana from the torc, and high DR. Aren't those two fairly difficult things to get ahold of? Does a person just rely on mana pots until Torc?

Also, what are some differences between this build and something like a 2mo/2pala/16 Fvs? Wouldn't they operate more or less on the same basic principles, but with different style? Or does the FvS lack some of the more necessary spells, such as the fire/cold shield and wall of fire? And does not being able to have DoD hurt too much? Is there another way to get such good DR?

I apologize if this has already been covered. I think understand the concepts of the build fairly well, but lack experience with higher end content, so I ask questions that might otherwise have obvious answers.that sort of build can of course run without the torc, but this is one the builds in game which gets the most of the torc, so the synergy is great. favored soul was released a long long time after that sort of build appeared. currently for this playstyle you have 3 options in game : bard, battle divines (battle cleric or favored soul) or battle arcanes (wiz or sor based) :
- bards are especially good about buffing the group, damage spells are far behind battle arcanes, and you have less spell points. also healing on warforged is not as good as repairing those
- battle divines are a good option but you lack spells like haste (but you can drink pots) and damage spells are behind, but you have divine power as extended spell (important) and your melee potential should be better then
- battle arcanes are cool, after having rolled many battle sorcerers and found that the combo sor/pal2/rog2 was great i then worked on battle wizards which are good about feats and on paper, but less fun to play cuz of the cooldown (may be critical in some occasions), with a lower mana pool and lower saves
after all that depends on your taste, i play a lot bards now, recently transformed my battlewiz into a pure arcane since am gonna get again my warforcer, and i will roll a pure wf fvs one of these days noticely cuz you got dr when capped

11-10-2010, 08:53 PM
Khellendros is a wize dude!!

First thank you for the info on THF, that's indeed nice damage.

And thank you for answering other questions in this page threat!! Your answers were all full of sense!

11-10-2010, 09:07 PM
Khellendros is a wize dude!!

First thank you for the info on THF, that's indeed nice damage.

And thank you for answering other questions in this page threat!! Your answers were all full of sense!


Hopefully over the xmas holidays I get to actually quest or raid with you as I have 10 or so days off. I really want to see Tukaw in action lol.

EDIT: Remember barb capstone is +10% glancing blow damage, so if you take GTHF it should end up at 50% as well, and you get the extra attacks. My gut feeling is a noticeable increase in DPS for you. I would LR on Lammania and test it out there. So if you drop cleave, and splash monk, you have not lost much.

11-10-2010, 10:19 PM
Is it good now on barb and fighter? i guess monk version could remove cleave and get those 3 feats.. i'm too lazy to check the changes they made to gthf.. would be cool if you tell me here!

They changed the THF fighting feats so that your glancing blows do a base dmg of 20%. THF adds 10% to base dmg, and +3% chance of proccing magical effects per tier. (which amount to a lot with a GS axe)

THF base dmg Magical Effects
none 20% 0%
THF 30% 3%
ITHF 40% 6%
GTHF 50% 9%

WF great weapon aptitude adds 2% Magical effect proc per tier. (50% base dmg and 15% chance of procing magical effects with GTHF and Great Weap aptitude 3. fully specced barbs with capstone do 60% base dmg and 20% magical effects proc)

Since it no longer scales with BAB, it provides a much more significant jump in damage at level you get them. especially on a low BAB build.

11-11-2010, 12:20 PM
since i am on the way to lesser reincarnate my build i am reading carefully your advice guys about the thf line
and i am not convinced really, i have spent some time reading that thread :
that fighting line still doesnt convince me, twf seems more interesting & rewarding
oh well, i wont decide today i guess, my brain starts to hurt :)
but the thf line ever gave me the feeling that it only may be interesting considering the feat cost for some few classes like fighter and barbarians, where the (almost) only target is to dps

edit : working on the sor16/pal2/mnk2 -> you cant have gthf at level 18 since your bab is too low

11-12-2010, 07:49 AM
since i am on the way to lesser reincarnate my build i am reading carefully your advice guys about the thf line
and i am not convinced really, i have spent some time reading that thread :
that fighting line still doesnt convince me, twf seems more interesting & rewarding
oh well, i wont decide today i guess, my brain starts to hurt :)
but the thf line ever gave me the feeling that it only may be interesting considering the feat cost for some few classes like fighter and barbarians, where the (almost) only target is to dps

THF is normally best for a melee sorc/wiz because it is the highest + to hit for them, and also now most of the best epic weapons are 2handers.

Also, dex will normally be dumped just so you can manage the other stats needed (sorc/pally has awesome saves already, and wiz melee would have insightful reflexes) so the TWF investment means you need to lower a few of your stats.

You CAN do TWF but I would not. Aim for an epic SoS, this is a +10 weapon and will greatly increase your DPS due to +4 to hit over any other epic weapon, and the incredible raw damage it has.

11-12-2010, 08:01 AM
THF is normally best for a melee sorc/wiz because it is the highest + to hit for them, and also now most of the best epic weapons are 2handers.

Also, dex will normally be dumped just so you can manage the other stats needed (sorc/pally has awesome saves already, and wiz melee would have insightful reflexes) so the TWF investment means you need to lower a few of your stats.

You CAN do TWF but I would not. Aim for an epic SoS, this is a +10 weapon and will greatly increase your DPS due to +4 to hit over any other epic weapon, and the incredible raw damage it has.yup and also twf implies getting khopesh feat, so this is at least one more feat and eventually oversized to help as well. not a good road yup. and my warforcer already has a min2 greataxe and i dont feel like farming for a couple of min2 peshes :o
so now if i dont get the thf line then i have 3 free feats, one for improved critical slashing considering the eSoS road, that lets me 2 more feats. any suggestions ? more toughness is ever good but a bit overkilling i guess.
i also wonder if i go for stats as 18/9/16/11/9/9 or a more reasonable 16/9/16/11/12/12

edit : here is a template i am considering, maybe skill points would move from concentration to balance, get bullheaded al level 18
warforged tactics applies to intimidate ?

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.7.2
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(2 Paladin \ 2 Monk \ 16 Sorcerer)
Hit Points: 297
Spell Points: 1343
BAB: 11\11\16\21
Fortitude: 19
Reflex: 11
Will: 19

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 16 23
Dexterity 9 10
Constitution 16 20
Intelligence 11 12
Wisdom 12 16
Charisma 12 15

Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 2
+3 Tome of Strength used at level 16
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 16
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 16
+3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 16
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 16

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20)
Balance 3 9
Bluff 1 2
Concentration 7 22
Diplomacy 1 2
Disable Device n/a n/a
Haggle 1 2
Heal 1 3
Hide -1 0
Intimidate 1 28
Jump 7 10
Listen 1 3
Move Silently -1 0
Open Lock n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 0 1
Search 0 1
Spot 1 3
Swim 3 6
Tumble 3 4
Use Magic Device n/a n/a

Level 1 (Monk)
Skill: Balance (+4)
Skill: Concentration (+4)
Skill: Jump (+4)
Skill: Tumble (+4)
Feat: (Selected) Skill Focus: Intimidate
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness

Level 2 (Paladin)
Skill: Intimidate (+2)

Level 3 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Intimidate (+1.5)
Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
Spell (1): Jump
Spell (1): Tumble

Level 4 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Intimidate (+1.5)
Spell (1): Shield

Level 5 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Intimidate (+1.5)
Spell (1): Detect Secret Doors

Level 6 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Intimidate (+1.5)
Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
Spell (2): Blur

Level 7 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Intimidate (+1.5)
Spell (2): Resist Energy

Level 8 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Concentration (+2)
Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
Spell (3): Haste

Level 9 (Monk)
Skill: Balance (+5)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack
Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell

Level 10 (Paladin)
Skill: Intimidate (+3)

Level 11 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Spell (2): Scorching Ray

Level 12 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
Spell (4): Wall of Fire

Level 13 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Spell (2): Invisibility

Level 14 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Spell (5): Cone of Cold

Level 15 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Spell (3): Displacement
Spell (4): Fire Shield
Spell (5): Cloudkill

Level 16 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Spell (6): Greater Heroism

Level 17 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Spell (4): Dimension Door
Spell (5): Teleport
Spell (6): Reconstruct

Level 18 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Stunning Blow
Spell (7): Waves of Exhaustion

Level 19 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Spell (5): Break Enchantment
Spell (6): True Seeing
Spell (7): Delayed Blast Fireball

Level 20 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Spell (8): Polar Ray
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Smite Evil I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Deadly Elements III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Force Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom I
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I
Enhancement: Warforged Brute Fighting I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend II
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend III
Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III

edit 2 : ac is still low, dont count on it, but the 2 feats are cool. i needed to lesser reincarnate twice btw cuz of the triple multiclass :/
build is fun still, but i need to farm eraid items now, especially the torc

11-22-2010, 11:06 PM
Tak, what is your attack bonus breakdown. I must be missing something because my numbers end being way to low to be effective in a raid or even some pvp. I'm sure I've missed something tho.

11-27-2010, 08:17 AM
Tak, what is your attack bonus breakdown. I must be missing something because my numbers end being way to low to be effective in a raid or even some pvp. I'm sure I've missed something tho.you tried divine power clickies ?

11-27-2010, 01:43 PM
you tried divine power clickies ?

I was hoping for a more permanent source but yeah I have tried DP...

11-27-2010, 01:44 PM
I was hoping for a more permanent source but yeah I have tried DP...

This build req 100% on Divine Power clickies/scrolls if its not your cup of tea you are going to have issues sry

11-28-2010, 03:22 AM
I was hoping for a more permanent source but yeah I have tried DP...that sort of build is not the easiest one to play, but when you have the habit of using divine power clickies this is quite fun

11-28-2010, 07:59 PM
hello i have always had my eyes on this build since I started playing and have been leveling up my sorce trying to gather up all the gear required. Can anyone tell me if there is any new gear or anything new i should be looking out for when going for this uber build>?

12-04-2010, 06:28 AM
is cleave still worth the feat or is there a better choice now?

12-06-2010, 09:45 AM
I was hoping for a more permanent source but yeah I have tried DP...

Try destruction on DT docent, and Tharnes goggles are a must - My pure wizard with DP clickies, Tharnes and self buffs can even hit epic trash most of the time. There should not be any to hit issues with the above. Should be close to a Pally vs Non EO I would say.

12-11-2010, 10:21 AM
Wassup Tukaw, saw you yesturday in lobster. Big fan of the build in progress on my own version right now. I want your opinion on this what do you think may have better DPS TWF & ITWF or TWF & Cleave? Or should I take Toughness & Cleave?

12-12-2010, 01:09 PM
What past lives are recomended for this build with two TRs?

I'm thinking between fighter, favored soul and sorcerer.
Probably no past life active feats unless I go sorcerer and find i don't like cleave then I will respc for the sorcerer feat.

12-26-2010, 11:12 PM
hi all!

im happy this build get so popular:)

Wassup Tukaw, saw you yesturday in lobster. Big fan of the build in progress on my own version right now. I want your opinion on this what do you think may have better DPS TWF & ITWF or TWF & Cleave? Or should I take Toughness & Cleave?

You need at least 1 toughness to get enhencement hp boost!

I have cleave and intimidate on my mouse as shortcut! spamming them everytime countdown is off.

TWF have higher dps vs no damage reduction opponents, as i have dr47.. twf version cant beat me... dont forget that power attack bonus +8 damages is doubled with 2Handed = +16 damages.

I did get shipbuff tonigh, boosted my str to 40 with tod pot and glove... highest first number i got with smite evil was 81 damage. I wish it was a crit and i had my bloodstone on. would be crit of 261!!

Even heard of an epic kit that would give +4 damage.. bracer and glove.. both item are guard for me atm.. so many situations where i could use them.

Finaly i could add the useless (slowing) scourge chocker boost +6 str.. +3 more damage. crit of 282.

Tak, what is your attack bonus breakdown. I must be missing something because my numbers end being way to low to be effective in a raid or even some pvp. I'm sure I've missed something tho.

Did boost my attack bonus to 60.. posted a picture in this threath... without bard boost.. maybe monk boost not sure... with sneak bonus..

Divine power junkie, i am!!!

12-26-2010, 11:21 PM
The first post looks dated (max level 16) so I wonder--- is it best to increase Str or Cha as you level?

12-26-2010, 11:36 PM
The first post looks dated (max level 16) so I wonder--- is it best to increase Str or Cha as you level?

Update: on stat: http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=2789181&postcount=131

the trick is to boost stats just before the next point cost 3 points.

12-26-2010, 11:45 PM
So 4 level-ups in Cha and one in Str to get even numberw with your equipment.

Charisma is mostly for saves right? Does the DC of spells matter much?

Another basic question: What do you use UMD for? Maybe raise-scrolls, but what else?

12-31-2010, 01:01 PM
I am currently doing the same build but using monk instead of rogue and am at lvl 16. I grabbed a toughness and improved crit: slashing. It seems to work very well and was wondering about the mele aspect of the build. Should i swap out improved crit for cleave? and then lvl 18 grab another toughness.

Also do you use disable, search and pick lock alot? and will they actually work on end game material.

One more thing. How do you get your attack bonus up on this build. Divine power works very well but on elites and other hard content I still miss alot with divine power on.

and a noob question.. in your breakdown of your strength it says extra str+3 ring. What ring would that be? thanks

01-04-2011, 09:39 AM
Hey Everybody,

I've been playing this build and its been pretty fun. Giving me the best of both worlds...getting to melee the tar out of stuff or sit back and do some fun casting.

Unfortunately i don't have the tomes or the will to spend money on buying them just yet. I'd figured since this is my first character (no sugar daddy to support him either) that I'd level him up and TR and then apply my tomes.

What I'd like to know for many of us that don't have the ability to the epics and the high end stuff for a long while...what equipment do you recommend while leveling up.

I looked at your original post and see this:
Meat Shield mode:
Finger1 - Best Constitution
Finger2 - Best protection
Cloak - Best Charisma
Armor - Docent with best +enhancement to it and +resistance if possible
Trinket - Bloodstone (around level 10?) till then maybe Crude Bauble?
Feet -
Hands -
Belt -
Helm - best Wisdom

Head - Silken Gemstone or any Light Fortification Trinket
Belt -
Feet - Resistance
hands -
finger -

The ones left blank i wasn't sure what would be a compatible item to the actual ones you listed or if there are even ones. I'm pretty new so i don't know all items available.

So if you or anybody with more knowledge than me could help that would great!


01-16-2011, 07:10 PM
So 4 level-ups in Cha and one in Str to get even numberw with your equipment.

Charisma is mostly for saves right? Does the DC of spells matter much?

Another basic question: What do you use UMD for? Maybe raise-scrolls, but what else?

Yea, my 30 charisma give me +10 to all resist..

+10 to all dc of spell.. hypno, finger of death...
i prefer to use damage spell such are polar ray.. dfireball.. sray.. ice storm

UMD for:
scrolls- raise dead, divine power... many cleric buff i could buy in house j...
weap- Chaosblade, race required (even leveling i could use RR item of my level with delera necklace and skill boost)

01-16-2011, 07:25 PM
I am currently doing the same build but using monk instead of rogue and am at lvl 16. I grabbed a toughness and improved crit: slashing. It seems to work very well and was wondering about the mele aspect of the build. Should i swap out improved crit for cleave? and then lvl 18 grab another toughness.

Also do you use disable, search and pick lock alot? and will they actually work on end game material.

One more thing. How do you get your attack bonus up on this build. Divine power works very well but on elites and other hard content I still miss alot with divine power on.

and a noob question.. in your breakdown of your strength it says extra str+3 ring. What ring would that be? thanks

I don't have imp crit cause i use mineral2 axe. I guess if i had SoS epic i would trade extend for imp crit...

i am a cleave addict... got 2 extra button on my mouse... its intim + cleave spam...

I use picklock a lot and boost it to 27(47), open mooost of the lock.
i did take 4 rank in each picklock/search/disable my last lesser resurection...
too bad 24 search is not enough for VOD trap. I could get shroud int skill boost to reach 30 search. Craft an extra 2 int item to reach 31 search... Anyone can tell me the DC to search in VOD plz :)

My extra 3 str comes from TOD raid warchanter kit: Warchanter's Band/Torin's Choker

Some enemy have high AC (like orathon), i always carry an imp destruct weapon (Rahl's Might) -9 AC its like +18 str.
Get some bard buff and cleric buff and you hit anything even with power attack on (-8+16)

01-16-2011, 07:34 PM
Hey Everybody,

I've been playing this build and its been pretty fun. Giving me the best of both worlds...getting to melee the tar out of stuff or sit back and do some fun casting.

Unfortunately i don't have the tomes or the will to spend money on buying them just yet. I'd figured since this is my first character (no sugar daddy to support him either) that I'd level him up and TR and then apply my tomes.

What I'd like to know for many of us that don't have the ability to the epics and the high end stuff for a long while...what equipment do you recommend while leveling up.

I looked at your original post and see this:
Meat Shield mode:
Finger1 - Best Constitution
Finger2 - Best protection
Cloak - Best Charisma
Armor - Docent with best +enhancement to it and +resistance if possible
Trinket - Bloodstone (around level 10?) till then maybe Crude Bauble?
Feet -
Hands -
Belt -
Helm - best Wisdom

Head - Silken Gemstone or any Light Fortification Trinket
Belt -
Feet - Resistance
hands -
finger -

The ones left blank i wasn't sure what would be a compatible item to the actual ones you listed or if there are even ones. I'm pretty new so i don't know all items available.

So if you or anybody with more knowledge than me could help that would great!


If you are on khyber, send me a tell... i'll give you repair pot... while leveling if you are lucky and have a maelstorm.. if not find some cool grt axe...
that's pretty much all u need with rage pot, haste pot and repair pot.

I always farm house p TR quest at lvl 3-4 and get house p buff... so any stat buff item is useless, its 30 min +4 to stat buff... that leave the bonus to hit items and guard items cool... couple clicky of expeditous retreat and your set.

I'm not good in lowbie stuff anymore... there is many new lowbie package with new name item i did not have when i leveled.

01-16-2011, 08:03 PM
Head -
Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Helm of Mineral (hvy fort, prot 5, minor acid, lesser good, acid guard)
Minos Legens
Deific Diadem

Neck -
Torin's Choker
Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II
Scourge Choker
Silver Flame Talisman

Google -
Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Goggles of Ooze (Sunder ooze, minor acid, lesser ice, ice guard)
Tharne's Goggles
Great Commander Green Steel Goggles of Wizardry VI (resurection, +3 cha skill)

Armor - Docent of Defiance or Titanic Docent (3x) or Dragontouched Docent(6x)...
(desintegrate + crushing wave + cha skill 3)
(radiance + spell resist22 + ff)
(freezin ice + magma surge+ resist 5)
(+100 sp + wizardy 7 + cha skill3)
(Destruction + crushing wave + healing amp 10)
(grt spell pen 8 + wizardry 7 + cha skill3)

Bracer -
Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Bracers of Concordant Opposition (sp/hp regen + wisdom6 + 30hp)
Tharne's Bracers
Bracers of the Glacier
Levik's Bracers

Ring fixed- Warchanter's Band ( +6 cha, +3 extra str, -5 spell point per spell)

Ring switchable -
Gnawed Ring ( +6 str, +3 extra con, +2 will/reflex saves, spell resist 22)
Encrusted Ring ((+6 str, +3 extra con, +2 damage)
Circle of Hatred

Boot -
Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Weave Boots of Earth (earthgrab, minor acid, lesser acid, acid guard)
Firestorm Greaves
Kundarak Delving Boots
Boots of Anchoring

Glove -
Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Weave Gloves of Negative Energy ( slay living, minor evil, lesser evil, evil guard)
Seven Fingered Gloves (-10% spell failure, +5 umd)
Gloves of Titan's Grip (upgraded: major repair lore, repair systems, improved recon 9, str+6 buff)

Belt - goes with the ring for boost
Vorne's Belt
Knost's Belt
Telvi's Sash

Cloak -
Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Weave Cloak of Lightning (lightning strike, minor lightning, lesser good, lightning guard)
Cloak of Curses
Stormreaver’s Napkin
Mantle of the Worldshaper

Trinket -
Litany of the Dead (+1 to all stat, +1 to attack, +1 to damage, 3x -50% spell point)
Bloodstone (mmm crit over 220)
Shimmering Arrowhead

Weap -
+5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Greataxe of Mineral
+5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Greataxe of Negative Energy
+5 Vorpal Greatsword
Rahl's Might
+2 Weakening Greatsword of Enfeebling
Sword of Shadow
+4 Wounding Returning Throwing Axe of Pure Good
+3 Maladroit Heavy Mace of Bone Breaking
Enduring Conviction
+3 Bodyfeeder Rapier of Improved Shattermantle
+3 Superior Potency VI Warhammer, +3 Superior Combustion VII Club
Green Blade
Staff of the Petitioner

Lorikk's Champion

01-16-2011, 09:25 PM
Which epic item would be nice...

sos epic for sure
red dragon docent.. wow

dont know rest.. looking for guard.. more axe damage... more to hit bonus..

01-17-2011, 12:29 AM
Which epic item would be nice...

sos epic for sure
red dragon docent.. wow

dont know rest.. looking for guard.. more axe damage... more to hit bonus..

Claw Set + 3 Piece Abishai set for DPS mode.

01-18-2011, 01:41 PM
Ty for response and i would love to know how long it took you to get all that shroud gear together. Another thing.. when u run into mob's how do u know which item set to put on ? lol on your screen shots u have like 8 different sets of stuff

01-18-2011, 11:52 PM
This build is AWESOME, I have everything BUT the guards. Can solo just about anything.... You don't hit as hard as a 20 barb, neither do you have the DC's of a 20 caster, but it's the best of both worlds. My favortie build of all time!

01-19-2011, 04:21 AM
...TWF have higher dps vs no damage reduction opponents, as i have dr47.. twf version cant beat me... dont forget that power attack bonus +8 damages is doubled with 2Handed = +16 damages...i lesser reincarnated my own sor16/pal2/rog2 to a sor16/ftr2/mnk2, since i wanted to twf with khopeshes since a while. my dps seems quite better now. i hit on crits almost as much with my min2 peshes than with my min2 greataxe, with the pesh crit range being quite larger thats more dps. also twf helps much about any effect weapon like vorpal, and is better with bard buffs or sneak attack damages. my saves are almost as good, difference is thin, since i have higher wis & dex. i even dropped quicken for oversized twf and have maxed my concentration skill. not saying my build is better than yours, and i don't think so since i don't have all the items you have. but am not convinced my road is less efficient than yours.

01-19-2011, 03:47 PM
This build is AWESOME, I have everything BUT the guards. Can solo just about anything.... You don't hit as hard as a 20 barb, neither do you have the DC's of a 20 caster, but it's the best of both worlds. My favortie build of all time!

I agree. I TR'd my 20 wiz into a variation of this build and it has been a blast to play. I'm only level 8 now (1r/2p/5s) but I have amazing survivability and I've had no problem killing anything.

I can't wait for 11ish to get the Torc + Conc Opp + Min2 Greataxe + Divine Power going!

01-20-2011, 11:31 AM
What past lives are recomended for this build with two TRs?

I'm thinking between fighter, favored soul and sorcerer.
Probably no past life active feats unless I go sorcerer and find i don't like cleave then I will respc for the sorcerer feat.

I asked this over a month ago and no response so can someone please answer

please look at this if you dont know them

01-20-2011, 03:19 PM
Free Past Life Feats:

Barbarian: Each time you acquire this feat you gain 10 additional hit points.

Hit Points are always nice and benefit any build.

Bard: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. enchantments and illusions.

Not worth much to me.

Cleric: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Conjuration spells, +1 Turn Undead attempt per rest, and you Turn Undead as if you were two levels higher.

Not worth much to me.

Favored Soul: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to spell penetration checks and gain 20 additional spell points.

Pretty nice. This build could use the spell pen and spell points are always good.

Fighter: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to attack rolls and +1 to the DC's of your tactical feats.

Pretty good. This build could use the +1 to attack since you will benefit from any bonuses that help to-hit.

Monk: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to damage rolls.

More damage is good, but +1 is not really enough.

Paladin: Each time you acquire this feat you gain 5% more health when affected by positive energy.

Not bad, but this build self repairs easily, no need for healing amp.

Ranger: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 damage with ranged weapons and +2 to elemental resistances.

Not ranging with this build, so no good.

Rogue: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. traps and deal +1 damage when sneak attacking.

Not really that good.

Sorcerer: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Evocation spells and gain 20 additional spell points.

No need for better dc for evoc, spell points are nice but meh.

Wizard: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to spell penetration checks* and the DC's of wands you use.

Not really good unless going to be caster focused.

Chosen Past Life Feats (Requires a feat slot):

Barbarian: You gain +1 hit point per character level, have +2 to your Intimidate skill and can enter a barbarian rage once per rest. (Activate this barbarian ability to enter a bloodthirsty frenzy, granting you a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. When the rage ends, however, you will lose the hit points granted to you by increased Constitution and become fatigued. Your rage will last for 30 seconds.)

This is the best of the past life feats due to rage, but I don't think you can cast spells even from this past life ability, so makes it worthless.

Bard: You have +1 to all Charisma based skills, +1 to the DC's of your Enchantment spells, and can Inspire Courage three times per rest. (Activate this bard ability to rally your companions, giving them a +1 morale bonus to saves against fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls before enhancements.)

This is not too bad.

Cleric: You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can produce a Healing Word effect five times per rest. Positive energy is channeled to heal light wounds of your target or damage undead for 1d4 hit points plus an additional 1d4 per two caster levels. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half.

Don't need any of this for this build.

Favored Soul: You have +2 to your Diplomacy skill and can call down the wrath of your former deity, producing an Avenging Light effect ten times per rest. (Activate this Favored Soul ability to cause a searing orb of radiant light to smite your target, dealing 1d8 hit points of light damage plus an additional 1d8 per three caster levels.)

Don't need any of this.

Fighter: You have +2 to your Intimidate skill, +1 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus of armor and shields, and can remember your martial prowess three times per rest, increasing your base attack bonus to your level and granting +4 to hit.

Awesome, a clicky to add to your to-hit.

Monk: You have +2 to your Concentration skill, deal increased unarmed damage (one step higher than normal on the unarmed combat chart), and can enter an evasive trance once per rest, granting the evasion feat for a short period of time. (When you make a successful Reflex save to avoid damage, you suffer no damage instead of half damage.)

You already have evasion and unless you are going 2 monk and fighting with your fists, no need for this.

Paladin: You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can invoke Divine Favor upon yourself 3 times per rest. (Activate this paladin ability to call upon the strength and wisdom of a deity to grant a +1 luck bonus on weapon attack and damage. This bonus is increased by +1 for every 3 caster levels beyond level 3, maximum +3 luck bonus. About 2 minutes per use.)

Another good one, Divine Favor clicky for +3 attack and damage, yes please!

Ranger: You have +2 to your Spot skill and can produce a Barkskin effect three times per rest. (Activate this ranger ability to toughen the skin of an ally, giving a +2 natural armor bonus to AC with an additional +1 bonus for every 3 caster levels above 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at caster level 12th.)

Barkskin, no thanks, AC- what's that?

Rogue: You have +1 to all skills and three times per rest you can skulk with the skill of your past life, gaining bonuses equal to your level to your hide and move silently skills, a +1 bonus to sneak attack damage for every two character levels, and a +1 bonus to hit with sneak attacks for every four levels

Not bad if you are grouping a lot and taking advantage of the sneak attack, but this is a great solo type build, and you probably won't be taking full advantage of this.

Sorcerer: Your maximum spell points are increased by 10 at first level, and 5 spell points for each additional level and can produce random elemental damage spells ten times per rest. (Activate this sorcerer ability to blast a target with a ray of combined elements, doing 1d12 damage of a random elemental type plus an additional 1d12 per three caster levels on impact. A successful Reflex save reduce the damage by half.)

Intersting, more spell points are good, undecided about the ray. My build is more melee oriented, I have plenty of spells to not warrant good use of this extra ability.

Wizard: You have +1 to the DC's of spells you cast and can cast the magic missile spell ten times per rest, creating a missile of magical energy that darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d4+1 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, maximum 10 missiles.

Decent I guess, +1 to DCs isn't going to close the gap between this build and a pure caster so to me it's kinda a waste to take.

If you're talking about actually taking past life feats, I guess I'd have to take a look at what I would lose for my current feat selection. My variation is exactly like Tukaw's except I started with slightly different stats. And the original build takes cleave. I took toughness.

1 Toughness
3 Power Attack
6 Force of Personality
9 Extend
12 Quicken
15 Empower
18 Maximize

I guess you could drop cleave (toughness), but the more HPs you have the greater your survivability. The one thing that will kill this build is lack of HPs. The more HPs, the better.

Power Attack is a must.

Force of Personality you could drop and gimp your will save, but that would take away from your survivability as well.

I would never drop Extend because I love haste and rage too much personally.

Quicken is a must as well.

You could drop empower and or maximize but your firewalls and damage spells would be gimped.

So, I guess if I had to drop one, I would drop Force of Personality on my build, and I would pick up the Paladin past life feat.

It all comes down to what you are trying to get out of you build.

** If I could choose 2 past life feats for free I would go Fighter and Barbarian or Fighter and Favored Soul.

Just my 2cp.

01-22-2011, 09:48 AM
Thanks Fetchi +1

01-22-2011, 09:56 AM
for anyone who thinks this is a "low dps" build, i saw a tukaw hit down jailor to 60% by the time judge died. This was in a decent group too. (no deaths, no horo breaking, etc.)

01-22-2011, 11:42 PM
Favored Soul: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to spell penetration checks and gain 20 additional spell points.

Pretty nice. This build could use the spell pen and spell points are always good.


Wizard: Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to spell penetration checks* and the DC's of wands you use.

Not really good unless going to be caster focused.Thanks for useful comments on past lives. I might TR from wizard so this caught my my eye... do you think spell pen is useful or not?

01-23-2011, 06:09 PM
Thanks for useful comments on past lives. I might TR from wizard so this caught my my eye... do you think spell pen is useful or not?

i have a grtspell pen 8 buff on a docent.

That makes +19 spell pen and i can Exhaust horoth in TOD part 3 with a roll over 10 or 11.

Useful, not much! still not too bad! i think wiz get a nice magic missile while TR no?

01-23-2011, 06:10 PM
Thanks Fetchi +1

Yep! thanks Fetchi +2!!

if i did not have all +3 tome except +4 on con... i might TR.