View Full Version : Calling all DPS Gurus - DPS Contest Idea

05-06-2009, 11:07 AM
Calling all DPS Calculating Gurus!!! I NEED YOUR HELP!

I am trying to put together a DPS contest.

This idea stems from gfunk's and Monkey_Archer's DPS threads. I was thinking about having people to entering their build into a DPS contest.

They post their builds on their own thread...and then enter in a link to that thread on the main contest thread, and also state that they wish to enter their build into the DPS contest.

The DPS calculations would only consider the information that they include in their post. That includes equipment, enhancements, weapons, stats, and any extras that they think will improve their DPS. If any information is left out...then it is not included into the DPS calculations. No assumptions will be made in the final DPS calculations.

We can set a date for the final turn in and then calculate the final DPS and rank them.

If we get a lot of participation then we could include different categories. Such as DPS against Evil Outsiders, Giants, Beholders, Undead, or any other types of creatures we can think of.

I know it will be A LOT of calculations...but it could stem a big event that would keep players occupied until Mod 9 comes out. Plus it will be fun to have a little friendly competition.

Let me know what you DPS Calculating Gurus think...I would really appreciate ya'lls help on this.

Post a reply or PM me if you would be willing to participate in Judging the builds. Once I get a hand full of DPS Gurus...we can all discuss and agree how we want the rules to apply for the contest.

05-06-2009, 11:41 AM
Post saved for future expansion.

05-06-2009, 11:55 AM
Needs more info. What's the target armor class? What buffs are acceptable? Are speed boosts allowed in the calculations? What about fortification? How do you account for aggro (for rogues)?

05-06-2009, 12:03 PM
Needs more info. What's the target armor class? What buffs are acceptable? Are speed boosts allowed in the calculations? What about fortification? How do you account for aggro (for rogues)?

These are the type of questions that need to be addressed. I am hoping to get a group of Judges together to create rules for this event.

- Possibly a category could be set up for different target AC ranges.

- Maybe we could establish self buffs only...or have max buffs.

- If we can create a way to inclued the short speed boosts to where is represents actual game DPS...then sure...we can include speed boost.

05-06-2009, 12:09 PM
Needs more info. What's the target armor class? What buffs are acceptable? Are speed boosts allowed in the calculations? What about fortification? How do you account for aggro (for rogues)?

Despite common forum practice, I do not believe Rogues have any business calculating their damage numbers vs. any class that does not significantly require Sneak Attack for their damage out put as well.

Sneak Attack is a Variable, when we calcualte DPS, it's based on constants, and averages. Sneack Attack cannot in any way be reduced to a constant, nor an average. It is ENTIRELY dependant on play-style and party composition. And they aren't discrete, party compisition can alter play style, but play styledoesn't nesc. alter party composition, which is already chaotic and random.

Only sneak attack vs. sneak attack builds should be pitted, and maximum damage assuming 100% and 0% sneak attack should be calculated. If you prefer to create some sort of weighted averages between 0% and 100% SA damage as information points that seems acceptable, and you can compare the various builds that way, I suppose. I don't think it really gets you anywhere though. I think playing a rogue and maximizing SA damage is an art, and any attempt to quantify will be so generalized as to completely trivialize the enormous impact playstyle and tactics for staying un-aggroed have.

It's a fools errand.

05-06-2009, 12:13 PM
Despite common forum practice, I do not believe Rogues have any business calculating their damage numbers vs. any class that does not significantly require Sneak Attack for their damage out put as well.

Sneak Attack is a Variable, when we calcualte DPS, it's based on constants, and averages. Sneack Attack cannot in any way be reduced to a constant, nor an average. It is ENTIRELY dependant on play-style and party composition. And they aren't discrete, party compisition can alter play style, but play styledoesn't nesc. alter party composition, which is already chaotic and random.

Only sneak attack vs. sneak attack builds should be pitted, and maximum damage assuming 100% and 0% sneak attack should be calculated. If you prefer to create some sort of weighted averages between 0% and 100% SA damage as information points that seems acceptable, and you can compare the various builds that way, I suppose. I don't think it really gets you anywhere though. I think playing a rogue and maximizing SA damage is an art, and any attempt to quantify will be so generalized as to completely trivialize the enormous impact playstyle and tactics for staying un-aggroed have.

It's a fools errand.

Exactly my point, and why the question was asked.

If we're allowed to assume (there's the magic word) that the rogue gets 100% sneak attacks against a non-fortified monster, the winner to this contest is obvious.

Strength-based halfling assassin wins.

However, that's with an assumption, and without making assumptions there's no way to actually come to a decisive answer to this question.

05-06-2009, 01:31 PM
Exactly my point, and why the question was asked.

If we're allowed to assume (there's the magic word) that the rogue gets 100% sneak attacks against a non-fortified monster, the winner to this contest is obvious.

Strength-based halfling assassin wins.

However, that's with an assumption, and without making assumptions there's no way to actually come to a decisive answer to this question.

Using statistics we can try to derive an median percentage of SA dmg that we can all agree on. Then once we come up with that percentage we can post it as a rule to the contest.

The idea is to try to represent "in game" dmg as best as we can. I understand that it is not going to be an exact number, and that not everyone will agree with it. But if we are able to collect enough data on the percentages of SA versus playing style...we can come up with a number that represents the median, and maybe everyone will be happy with that. :)

There should be no reason for entries to make assumptions about calculations when we will have our rules posted after they are agreed upon by our judges.

05-06-2009, 02:17 PM
Maybe we could work a deal out with the devs to allow for the winners to receive a forum title.

I was thinking about running the contest similar to a track event...having every entry compete in different categories...and then have a Over-All Champion by either averaging out the total DPS for each category or using a point system for the rank in each category.


DPS against Undead (45 AC) (100% Fort)
1st place - 10 points
2nd place - 7 points
3rd place - 5 points
4th place - 3 points
5th place - 2 points
6th place - 1 points

DPS against Evil Outsiders (45 AC) (75% Fort)
1st place - 10 points
2nd place - 7 points
3rd place - 5 points
4th place - 3 points
5th place - 2 points
6th place - 1 points

05-07-2009, 02:44 PM
Come on guys?!

I'm so slow at work...I need something to do. I can't do this competition myself. I need the DPS Gurus to help.

This could be a fun competition. :D

05-09-2009, 06:05 PM
Pure fighter wins, followed by Monster.

05-09-2009, 06:15 PM
Pure fighter wins, followed by Beast.

Fixed that for ya ;p Hes approaching 20 shrouds now :D

05-09-2009, 06:23 PM
Fixed that for ya ;p Hes approaching 20 shrouds now :D

Yea, that's right:P

Pure fighter winsm followed by 12 fighter / 6 ranger / 2 rogue, barb and monk builds. (the freakshow?:P)

05-09-2009, 06:34 PM
Maybe we could work a deal out with the devs to allow for the winners to receive a forum title.

I was thinking about running the contest similar to a track event...having every entry compete in different categories...and then have a Over-All Champion by either averaging out the total DPS for each category or using a point system for the rank in each category.


DPS against Undead (45 AC) (100% Fort)
1st place - 10 points
2nd place - 7 points
3rd place - 5 points
4th place - 3 points
5th place - 2 points
6th place - 1 points

DPS against Evil Outsiders (45 AC) (75% Fort)
1st place - 10 points
2nd place - 7 points
3rd place - 5 points
4th place - 3 points
5th place - 2 points
6th place - 1 points

Something has 75% fort?

Using statistics we can try to derive an median percentage of SA dmg that we can all agree on.

Mis-using statistics, we can do about anything. :)

Look, just exclude rogues (i.e. SA damage) from this contest and put it in your base assumptions. It's fine, we have our own thread (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=172755) for this sorta thing. ;)

05-09-2009, 06:44 PM