View Full Version : question regarding superior two handed fighting.

05-03-2009, 02:52 PM
Been looking for info if this will be available or not in mod 9. all i keep finding is sup twf. are they releasing it in mod 9? character planner has had it since the twelve came in. wanting to know before mod 9 so I can change feat without the new feat stone.

05-03-2009, 03:01 PM

05-03-2009, 03:14 PM
Looks like a definate no. I'm guessing you know the history that it was considered as an addition over a year ago and passed over as possibly too good...same with Melee Alacrity (can't remember the exact name...but was the one where melee types could get faster melee swings...feat based only)

Looks like the only place you're going to see a continuation of this kind of material is as capstones or possibly selectively via PrE's...a few are in now but they're somewhat focused.

05-04-2009, 01:37 AM
Alacrity was for 1handed only, added a 2nd hit to the 5th attack. Removed as it was deemed too powerful.
STHF was for 2handed only, addeda 2nd glancing blow to the 5th attack. Removed as it was deemed too powerful? (actually a worthless feat)
S*** was for two weapon only, was slated for mod6 but dropped due to being overpowered..Is going to be added in mod9, for Rangers only because rangers should get the most attacks??!?! :confused:
Tho the name of it changed to Ranger Tempest III

05-04-2009, 01:58 AM
1) Was on the ddo web page as a feat before mod 1
2) Later removed as over powered
3) Put back in game but as free feat for rangers only as they we apprently lower in DPS than monks in the devs eyes. :eek: