View Full Version : SoS with no caster.......Naysayers pls look...

04-29-2009, 08:47 PM
Time and time again, I get into SoS groups and they tell me we cannot do it without a caster. This is a huge misnomer. Its not that I want to encourage caster discrimination, but many of the casters I know are not real interested in making armor.

Just last week I was in a group with no caster. The make up was one bard, one clr, one ranger, 3 barbs. We tried this method but alas, we never got him below half. One of the barbs then proclaimed (for the umptenth time) "This cannot be done without a caster for FW"

I replied, " No our dps is light, thats all." He retorted with something about barbarians yada yada, a mini debate ensued and we failed.

This is a group with one barb, two rangers, a rog and fighter (and of course our clr, who btw still has mana left at the end of the fight) and other than using about 40 haste pots ea on the melees, it was a cake walk. None of us are superduper uber, and three of us may have had Min II's. Of course the rogs dps was weaksauce cuz we all know that rogs suck :D

Anywho, not trying to out anyones builds or dps, I am not using names or guilds, the parties involved know who they are, just wanted to post proof that fw is not the only way to beat SoS


04-29-2009, 08:55 PM
agree completely

firewall is nice, but nothing a heavy hitting melee cant make up for in that end fight.

I normally just take the first five people to join when running it on my cleric.

04-29-2009, 09:10 PM
Bypassing his DR (blunt, magic) is key.

04-29-2009, 09:13 PM
Just like how poeple say you NEED evasion for Kobald ;)

04-29-2009, 09:34 PM
having a caster that firewalls to keep aggor just makes things easier for the average party with the average players i suppose, less healing required, less dps required to actually get it done. ive had many runs where the casters just didnt know just kept dying so basically just the 3 or 4 melees taking sorjek and his bats down, without fw to grab aggro the melees just gotta hav a lil better survival ability and the cleric has to know how to heal with scrolls not just mana, a lot of the times ddo is all abt team compensation, if a party is lacking in one area, as long as the other memebers can pick up the slack, any quests is quite doable, look no further than the all sorc shroud runs, all casters hound runs, etc.

04-29-2009, 11:33 PM
Is no caster better than running it with Garth's caster? You decide!

04-29-2009, 11:36 PM
Of course you can run it without a caster. No shock there.
The point is that it's easy with a caster. People like easy.

04-29-2009, 11:41 PM
Dont need a Cleric either .... just did it tonight with a Sorc ... a Wiz... a Rog ... 2 warchanters and straight fighter ... was some deaths but .... we still won :D

Incinerator Sorc
Allure Rog
Wylfgina Bard
Deraliction Bard
Mrtank Fighter
and me Wizbott Wiz....

Edit ... This of course was Argo not Sarlona ... we often run no clerics cause well they hold us back :D

04-29-2009, 11:42 PM
Of course you can run it without a caster. No shock there.
The point is that it's easy with a caster. People like easy.

Really depends on the caster, ill take 5 melees i know over an unknown caster everyday.

Also Yoduus you have one melee hold agro, similar to a VoD superhero method. Clr heals one, and tosses mass heals every now and then.

04-29-2009, 11:45 PM
Is no caster better than running it with Garth's caster? You decide!

grr. I told you I respeced for web and trap the soul. Just you wait until mod9!

but in response to the OP - yes, SOS with no caster is really efficient - all you need is dps. in fact, I would say my 'best' sos group (for the end fight) would be a warchanter melee bard with maxed dps songs, and 5 monks. Probably need a different group for the rest of the quest though :)


04-29-2009, 11:52 PM
Is no caster better than running it with Garth's caster? You decide!

FREAKIN funny!

04-29-2009, 11:55 PM
grr. I told you I respeced for web and trap the soul. Just you wait until mod9!
Wait for what? Milk and cookies?

FREAKIN funny!

04-30-2009, 12:00 AM
Really depends on the caster, ill take 5 melees i know over an unknown caster everyday.

Also Yoduus you have one melee hold agro, similar to a VoD superhero method. Clr heals one, and tosses mass heals every now and then.

you are right, and i never doubted the feasibility of a run without a caster, but having a firewall aggro pulling coming in to cast a fw then baks out getting thunderclapped mayb 3,4 times the whole run still beats having to throw heals occasionally on the superhero right? besides the other melees that get in to fight after killing the bats would still get aoe'ed, i guess my point is, having a caster that knows what he/she is doing, the quest can still get easily completed even if all the other players are poorly equiped (or gimped as many like to say) whereas without one, you dont really know whats going to happen (im refering to the ones where the melees not bringing transmuting or blungeon weapons with poor dps build design and low reflex saves or hp, not that you run into them everyday, but it happens)

04-30-2009, 12:02 AM
This has been known since Day 1....

http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/6486/screenshot00184.jpg (http://img516.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot00184.jpg)

04-30-2009, 12:05 AM
grr. I told you I respeced for web and trap the soul. Just you wait until mod9!

but in response to the OP - yes, SOS with no caster is really efficient - all you need is dps. in fact, I would say my 'best' sos group (for the end fight) would be a warchanter melee bard with maxed dps songs, and 5 monks. Probably need a different group for the rest of the quest though :)


i dont see any problems besides the eles in the storm giant room, wounding returning shurikens? lol

04-30-2009, 02:07 AM
you are right, and i never doubted the feasibility of a run without a caster, but having a firewall aggro pulling coming in to cast a fw then baks out getting thunderclapped mayb 3,4 times the whole run still beats having to throw heals occasionally on the superhero right? besides the other melees that get in to fight after killing the bats would still get aoe'ed, i guess my point is, having a caster that knows what he/she is doing, the quest can still get easily completed even if all the other players are poorly equiped (or gimped as many like to say) whereas without one, you dont really know whats going to happen (im refering to the ones where the melees not bringing transmuting or blungeon weapons with poor dps build design and low reflex saves or hp, not that you run into them everyday, but it happens)

Yeah I would take it a step further though, having a group of competent players, no matter what their class, will make the quest easy. I mean for the guys I run with, we could care less if the clr is healing the hero, or the blockers, it usually works out about the same. I have run with a handful of decent casters in there outside of the people I usually run with, and half the time, Sorjek escapes and terror ensues. (OMG ITS A TROLL) Half the time with a caster, if he escapes we just use the caster as the hero. That works fine as well.

And im sorry people need to STOP RUNNING end game content if they cannot find the basic equipment to bypass DR. If you dont know ASK pls :D

Also, this is a group of guys I run with all the time, we all know what the others have in their backpacks on their stat sheet, behind the keyboard etc.

04-30-2009, 02:08 AM
This has been known since Day 1....

Yeah I know bro. But some people think that only the ewber elite can do it, im just showing that us regular Joes can do it too.....

How is that scroll of mass owls wis working for ya Lunatic :D

04-30-2009, 02:28 AM
Yeah I know bro. But some people think that only the ewber elite can do it, im just showing that us regular Joes can do it too.....

How is that scroll of mass owls wis working for ya Lunatic :D

He can actually cast spells if he uses it :O

04-30-2009, 02:30 AM
i dont see any problems besides the eles in the storm giant room, wounding returning shurikens? lol

Stand on the bridges; use wounding ranged (I use a mix of enervate scrolls and a wounding returning dagger). Bit annoying, but it works.

04-30-2009, 04:20 AM
Hmm that white out looks a little. . .well. .Where the rorschach test or whatever it is called.

Strangely enough, I think the first ten times I did this we had no caster/bard as most my pals at the time it came out did not have a caster or Bard. many groups had 2 CLerics though, which helped alot with DPS.

04-30-2009, 05:20 AM
Hmm that white out looks a little. . .well. .Where the rorschach test or whatever it is called.

Strangely enough, I think the first ten times I did this we had no caster/bard as most my pals at the time it came out did not have a caster or Bard. many groups had 2 CLerics though, which helped alot with DPS.

Yeah the white out is just photobuckets eraser tool. This is a 5 minute job moops, not a masterpiece, and only to protect the innocent, no reason to drag them into this. They all read/post on the forums, they can chime in if they want....

Yeah 2 clr is fun as well. I would take a "pal" on his melee before an unknown caster anyday. I would do it the other way around as well, course, I guess I'm preaching to the chior here huh.

04-30-2009, 05:27 AM
Dont need a Cleric either .... just did it tonight with a Sorc ... a Wiz... a Rog ... 2 warchanters and straight fighter ... was some deaths but .... we still won :D

Incinerator Sorc
Allure Rog
Wylfgina Bard
Deraliction Bard
Mrtank Fighter
and me Wizbott Wiz....

Edit ... This of course was Argo not Sarlona ... we often run no clerics cause well they hold us back :D

Yeah there are a number of us that run with less than a full clr here on sarlona, but it is definitely not the norm, especially for pugs.......not that we could live up to Argo's ewberness or anything......:D

Thanks for the post though, if more realized we dont need a "perfect party", and showed up prepared, maybe we could start doing shrouds in......say......30-35 minutes, instead of the hour long or more events I really try to stay away from lol. I think my caster is starting to get blackballed from shroud pugs, I keep telling em they dont need blur, drop a haste, and then open the portal. Then someone says, wait for the clr, hes out getting mana!!!

04-30-2009, 11:50 AM
I think my caster is starting to get blackballed from shroud pugs, I keep telling em they dont need blur, drop a haste, and then open the portal. Then someone says, wait for the clr, hes out getting mana!!!

Nice one, quik! Keep it up! With dedicated effort we'll get the pug times down to less than 40 minutes, I'm sure of it!

04-30-2009, 12:02 PM
Great Job!

I love it when people use skill and gear to defeat a quest.

I did SOS last night on my Wizard and the group was actually stealing agro from my Firewall they were hitting him so hard.

Kudo's to you!

04-30-2009, 12:30 PM
Great Job!

I love it when people use skill and gear to defeat a quest.

I did SOS last night on my Wizard and the group was actually stealing agro from my Firewall they were hitting him so hard.

Kudo's to you!

try maximize ;P

04-30-2009, 02:27 PM
Yeah the white out is just photobuckets eraser tool. This is a 5 minute job moops, not a masterpiece, and only to protect the innocent, no reason to drag them into this. They all read/post on the forums, they can chime in if they want....

Yeah 2 clr is fun as well. I would take a "pal" on his melee before an unknown caster anyday. I would do it the other way around as well, course, I guess I'm preaching to the chior here huh.

lol no commenting on the white job, but what it looked like, nvm.

04-30-2009, 02:45 PM
lol no commenting on the white job, but what it looked like, nvm.

lol over my head :D

04-30-2009, 02:50 PM
I just like haste because drinking haste pots is a drag and the quest takes longer otherwise, but if the people in the party have a ton of haste clickies from the shroud well fair enough. That is why I would like a bard or caster..

04-30-2009, 02:58 PM
I just like haste because drinking haste pots is a drag and the quest takes longer otherwise, but if the people in the party have a ton of haste clickies from the shroud well fair enough. That is why I would like a bard or caster..


And moops, omfg that is too funny, i went back and looked at it, after figuring out the test you were talking about! Subliminal anyone?

04-30-2009, 06:08 PM
You guys are talking about the colon, right?


04-30-2009, 06:12 PM
Back before it was easy to get flagged for SoS (Pre-Prey on the Hunter nerf) I used to run SoS with no casters in the group. The whole tactic of caster-tanking Sorjek was a tactic invented much later.

05-09-2009, 08:45 PM
congrats :)

05-10-2009, 12:31 AM
congrats :)

none needed, this post was to show one person it can be done. That's all, no big deal really, many do it all the time....

05-10-2009, 12:47 AM
This has been known since Day 1....

http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/6486/screenshot00184.jpg (http://img516.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot00184.jpg)

Nice but Haven't seen serjaad around to ask him.

Have you? :eek:

05-10-2009, 12:52 AM
since i can almost never find a haster or cleric or a full group usualy get 2 lose 1 waiting get 1 more then lose another till i get aggrivated and log off!!!!

stupid flagging needs to go away

05-11-2009, 03:22 AM
Slightly off-topic, but...

It would seem top casters can solo SoS.

05-11-2009, 08:43 AM
Interesting. The one time I went in there I saw it screwed up with the caster (still beat it though).

And yes, that white out appears suspicious...

05-11-2009, 08:57 AM
Nice but Haven't seen serjaad around to ask him.

Have you? :eek:

Quiz left for good; Serjaad is gone too. Lunatic is on sabatical...

That is ****ing Vast & Mysterious **** for you to drive away three of the most insane players on the server - job well done Turbine! :rolleyes:

05-11-2009, 09:06 AM
Slightly off-topic, but...

It would seem top casters can solo SoS.

He's no Jedi.

05-11-2009, 09:11 AM
He's no Jedi.

If a reference to the 'Jedi' build, clearly he is a pure WF Sorc and not a Jedi...

Otherwise, ***?

05-11-2009, 09:14 AM
If a reference to the 'Jedi' build, clearly he is a pure WF Sorc and not a Jedi...

Otherwise, ***?

it's simply a quote from Return of the Jedi. I'm sorry that a simple quote caused you confussion. I think some of the older players might get it.....good luck though.

05-11-2009, 09:20 AM
it's simply a quote from Return of the Jedi. I'm sorry that a simple quote caused you confussion. I think some of the older players might get it.....good luck though.

OK... thanks I think :rolleyes:

Bib Fortuna: [Luke has proposed to bargain for Solo's life] Bargain rather than fight? He's no Jedi.
I guess I just do not see the reference? :confused:

05-11-2009, 09:24 AM
ok... Thanks I Think :rolleyes:

I Guess I Just Do Not See The Reference? :confused:


05-11-2009, 09:32 AM

lOL? :confused:

Your reverse capitalization is wrong, but in any event not surprisingly still begs the reference question... :eek:

05-11-2009, 09:48 AM
lOL? :confused:

Your reverse capitalization is wrong, but in any event not surprisingly still begs the reference question... :eek:

ok...here goes. I know that the player who whited out his name is Sergod....I know he got a new account and is once again playin the game. I like the guy and he likes to think he's UBER....i by saying he's not a Jedi was poking fun at him saying he's not UBER....cause we all know Jedis are UBER. Is that plain enough for ya? So nexttime your grouped with Srgod ask him if he is offended by that and perhaps he might just say no......and if we are talking about being correct....Sergod/Sergaad did not "Leave" game cause of no MOD 9.....he "left" for other reasons. Now I hope that helps a bit to clairfy things to you liking........I mean I don't have explain humor to my 6 year old like I have you good man.

05-11-2009, 10:03 AM
ok...here goes. I know that the player who whited out his name is Sergod....I know he got a new account and is once again playin the game. I like the guy and he likes to think he's UBER....i by saying he's not a Jedi was poking fun at him saying he's not UBER....cause we all know Jedis are UBER. Is that plain enough for ya? So nexttime your grouped with Srgod ask him if he is offended by that and perhaps he might just say no......and if we are talking about being correct....Sergod/Sergaad did not "Leave" game cause of no MOD 9.....he "left" for other reasons. Now I hope that helps a bit to clairfy things to you liking........I mean I don't have explain humor to my 6 year old like I have you good man.
