View Full Version : The Knight of the Fist

04-28-2009, 12:40 AM
The Knight of the Fist: [DISCLAIMER, this was built for a friend who wanted WF and numbers are based on WF]

15PLD/2RNG/3MNK (best for WF or Halfling)

Stats: (for WF, maxed out)
15+4tome+5LevelPoints+6Item+2rams: 32
8+2tome(at creation)
14+4tome+2PLD+6Item:22 (18Base for DM II)

Unarmed Paladin is the goal of this build, for sheer attack speed, especially if they ever fix handwraps.

IC: Blunt

Healing Stuff: (available, youll have to optimize because of paladin's AP problems)
Lay on Hands
Healers Friend
Monk Improved Recovery

DPS Stuff:
+8 WF PA
+4STR 4DMG Bladesworn
Monk Lvl1 Stances
+3FE dmg vs EO
+2d6 dmg vs EO (KotC II)
+6DMG Divine Might III
+3DMG Divine Favor
Exalted Smite and Divine Sacrifice(works well with curse of healing)
Monk Attacks and Finishing Moves
8.5% effective haste by using unarmed combat, even without stances.
(with all the paladin special attacks and monk special attacks, this build will be very Twitch intensive, be warned)

AC breakdown:
10 Base
2 Composite Body
7 DT
1 Alchemy
8 Dex
6 Wis
1 Monk
1 dodge
1 Dex Stance
5 Prot
4 Aura
3 Bark pot
4 Insight (on DT)
3 Chattering ring
2 Chaosgardes
1 Haste
4 Shield Wand (expect a high UMD : 11ranks+3SF+7CHA+6Shroud Item +5item +2HoGF +4GH : 38)
62 Common TWF DPS AC

Raided out:
+2 real bark
+4 Bard
+2 Recitation
+5 CE
76 AC

Thats really good since its not trying to be a main tank, simply a fun highish AC unarmed paladin DPS.

Saves: Off the charts (not even going to bother) + evasion + wf and paladin immunities

Kama > Kopesh Scimitar
FTR 2 > RNG 2
Dodge > Mental Toughness
Changed back for curse of healing and its synergy with divine sacrifice.

04-28-2009, 12:55 AM
removed alternative

04-28-2009, 01:11 AM
You're killing your DPS by using Kamas instead of Khopeshes. The only thing you'd lose out on would be stances/special attacks, which are blown away by Khopesh DPS anyway.

You can always switch out later to Handwraps if that's where you want to take the build, but there's no reason to use Kamas at this point in the game.

04-28-2009, 01:21 AM
thanks, changing it.

04-28-2009, 01:28 AM
Assuming +4 tomes is pretty steep, and somewhat unrealistic at this point.

Also, what exactly are Empower Healing, Mental Toughness and Ranger levels for?

04-28-2009, 01:36 AM
Im not exactly assuming +4 tomes, just showing what the build would be at with them. Take off 2 AC essentially without them. RNG levels were originally FTR. I realized I gained about the same SP with RNG (77)as with FTR and Mental Toughness(105), but got +3 FE damage +1FE AC, +1DEX, and 8 skill points vs Fighters +1STR 4HP.

I just switched dodge out for mental toughness. Total SP:842 (w/ shroud item + wis stance). This guy will have decent(B-) healing ability, decent(B) dps ability, and a decent(B+) AC.

04-28-2009, 01:39 AM
Im not exactly assuming +4 tomes, just showing what the build would be at with them. Take off 2 AC essentially without them. RNG levels were originally FTR. I realized I gained about the same SP with RNG (77)as with FTR and Mental Toughness(105), but got +3 FE damage +1FE AC, +1DEX, and 8 skill points vs Fighters +1STR 4HP.

You could do neither fighter nor ranger levels. And skip out on the 3rd level of monk too. An 18/2 would have better DPS vs. Evil Outsiders than your 15/3/2

04-28-2009, 01:56 AM
Youd gain:
+2d6 vs EO
some HP
exalted smite 4

Youd lose:
+3 vs EO
+1AC vs EO
Free TWF Feat
Curse of Healing
10 skill points

the loss of the free TWF feat means you lose one of your other feats taking it.

04-28-2009, 05:48 AM
Good stuff as always Shroonith.

Didn't think of the ranger instead of ftr, interesting. You'll lose the haste boost, which is a semi-big deal, but gain in other aspects.

If I were to go ranger, might do 14 pali (lose 1 ac, not a huge deal), 2 monk (your only using healing curse if you are using kamas, you are only using kamas if they are vorpals), 4 ranger (for ram's might, (and sprint boost 2 and skill boost 2 if you wanted those)).

Drop emp. healing, you won't be effective self healing on a WF from mana, and take CE for when you want to go full AC mode. Also frees up devotion APs. You'll have 4 LoH's and possibly Unyeilding Sov. if you didn't take Blade Sworn, and should be able to UMD recon scrolls anyway.

04-28-2009, 06:16 AM
good calls, rams might > DM III.
ill add the changes in

04-28-2009, 06:57 AM
Your gimp. fackem.

04-28-2009, 06:59 AM

04-28-2009, 08:53 AM
Maybe you didn't update the feat list from switchng classes, but you don't have a slot listed for ITWF since you don't get it for free with only 4 ranger lvls.

04-28-2009, 09:52 AM
gtwf is listed as 2, note the parenthesis, it contains total feat cost.

04-28-2009, 12:37 PM
rams might > DM III.

This should be stated: ram's might + DM II > DM III

04-28-2009, 04:29 PM
Only 4 levels of ranger? seems like a waste for only a little bit of str.

04-28-2009, 04:41 PM
good calls, rams might > DM III.
ill add the changes in

im sorry, what?
DM III is +16 to strength. How the heck do you figure it's worse than Ram's might (which is getting nerfed, btw)

04-28-2009, 04:42 PM
This should be stated: ram's might + DM II > DM III

This looks MUCH more correct

04-29-2009, 01:56 AM
changed back to 15pld/3mnk/2rng for AC and curse of healing. changed to fists, for flavor.

04-29-2009, 02:31 AM
kinda reminded me of this one post.... ;););););)
