View Full Version : No one complaining about the lack of a Mod 9 Ingrediant Swapper?

04-06-2009, 11:17 PM
Come now...if there is one thing that deserved to be added in mod 9, it was an NPC to turn in ingrediants to (ie: like the GH guy).

We have players that have been grinding out the Shroud for ages now, simply because there was nothing much else to do and all of them are overflowing with an abundance of useless mediums, med/lrg horns and lrg bones (and to a lesser extent, all smalls).

I get not seeing full respec or crafting decontruction in Mod 9 - those are likely complicated to impliment. I can even kinda understand the w/p nerf, based on the assumption that it will allow devs to balance content better/easier. But to not include a simple ingrediant NPC is just spitting in the face of the players that have stuck around since Mod 6.

Seems really LAME to me and is by far the most disappointing thing (not)in the release notes. I really hope they add this...it can't be complicated and it is sure as hell needed.

04-06-2009, 11:22 PM
Agreed. They already have this mechanism in gianthold. This will 1) keep people interested in running the Shroud beyond tomes and cleansing essences and 2) reduce the market value for Large devil scales which are grossly out of proportion.

04-06-2009, 11:39 PM
Agreed. Definitely far more important/useful than many of the small changes they made elsewhere around the game, and probably on the same level of difficulty programming-wise.

04-07-2009, 10:52 AM
It's because we have enough to complain about already! :D

But yes, /agreed again.

04-07-2009, 10:55 AM
But...if there were some NPC sitting around with an endless supply of Large Devil Scales to trade me for my Bones...why don't I just buy/steal/take them from him?

Hey, speaking of which, I'm gonna go talk to that relic guy in Gianthold...here I am running GH quests for relics like a sucker...*menacingly pounds right fist into left palm*

Just kidding by the way. Fun trumps realism, every time.

04-07-2009, 07:23 PM

04-09-2009, 08:13 AM

04-10-2009, 08:59 AM
I could really care less about a swaper, just let me break down my old items :)

04-10-2009, 09:16 PM
I would complain but it would fall on deaf ears. Large Devil scales were meant to be the grind item for the shroud. (If you don't believe me find me an item that takes less than 2 Large Scales to craft.)

It would be awesome for a group of artificers interested in the alter functions to setup shop in Meridia and give us 3:1 trade ins for items of the same size and 10:1 upgrades. They don't even need to code in complex trades just take 3/10 and open up a rewards window with a full list of ingredients of the correct size.

04-10-2009, 09:29 PM
Every time I pull another large bone it feels like I just lost despite beating the pit fiend down and taking all his stuff. Since I am way ahead on scales and stones atm, every ingredient I pull including the scales and stones makes me grin a little. If there were a 3:1 exchange, it would enhance my playing experience since I could use those bones to work towards a decent ingredient instead of leaving them in my bag to depreciate even further (Large bone inflation must be absurd at this point). At the very least, think about implementing something new for me to burn these rejected ingredients on.

04-10-2009, 09:29 PM
it's Because We Have Enough To Complain About Already! :p


04-12-2009, 09:30 PM
I could really care less about a swaper, just let me break down my old items :)

I have toons waiting to die, just after I deconstruct the Ingredients outta their wasted Greensteel Items. The delay in implementing this is bloating my available character slots with now-useless builds playing bankbot, as they nervously await the chop...