04-05-2009, 09:57 AM
Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to make the party bars more helpful. For example when you mouse over them (or have a permanent option in options) have them display the actual hit points and spell points left in the 250/300 format. Also space them out a little more and in between each bar have a small area where debuffs can be shown. That way (as a cleric) after each fight I don't have everyone asking me for different things "Hey I need a lesser resto, Hey I need a remove curse, hey I need a remove disease" While some of them have little graphical things that appear over your head already, its still a pain in the butt would be a ton easier to just be able to look over at the party bar and see a mini debuff icon under their name and be like "oh that person is poisoned, cure, oh that person is cursed, cure" Just a couple ideas to make life a little easier.
In addition, make it so that when you are in a party everyone sees the group lined up the same. And if possible make it so you can swap people between parties if you are in a raid, so it is easier to designate healing. "I'll heal group 1, you heal group 2" This enables better use of the F-keys as well when targeting party members.
In addition, make it so that when you are in a party everyone sees the group lined up the same. And if possible make it so you can swap people between parties if you are in a raid, so it is easier to designate healing. "I'll heal group 1, you heal group 2" This enables better use of the F-keys as well when targeting party members.