View Full Version : Attn: Tolero, Patience or any other Dev
04-03-2009, 06:23 AM
I didn't know where to put this, as I was going to put in a ticket but the help center appears to be DOWN, so here it is.
Hubby and I were happily questing away tonight. Finally got a decent pug party and all was going wonderfully. Suddenly my hubby, also our cleric, was booted from the world. When he tried to log back in it said no active character with that username exists. So I went to try and log in to his acct to check things out and it says it could not access his acct information at this time.
He's tried, unsuccessfully, to log back in several times with the same msg as above. This is not a fun msg to recieve when you have as much time invested in toons as we do. I'm hoping that this doesn't mean they will dissappear items and all. Even if it doesn't I would like to know that:
1. Is this is a known issue
2. Is this is being addressed
3. When should we expect to be able to play again without this happening, as it is very frusterating to get to the end of a quest and not get the chest nor the experience. (especially when you are the cleric who might have used many resources to get your party to that end)
If you need more info about his acct please PM me so you can check on it for us.
Thank you for you timely response and attention to this matter.
Edit: adding to this that I was just over at the escapist forums where there are some new folks wanting to give DDO a try and see if it's a game they might like to stick with. Apparently there is something buggy with the trial key 10 day free trial area on the site as well. Please give this a looksie if you would. We have been trying very hard over there to get people to see that DDO is alive and kicking and might be something worth checking out. Seems our timing might have been off. Hoping you will get this all worked out so those new folks don't become to frusterated with us to bother.
04-03-2009, 06:33 AM
I will be checking this periodically and bumping it as needed until I get a DEV response. I apologize in advance to those who are going to subjected to seeing this thread repeatedly.
04-03-2009, 07:05 AM
I see others, new folks, are also having some log in issues as well.
04-03-2009, 07:25 AM
This needs to be dealt with. There are now 3 posts I have seen with the same issues.
Helllllloooooo....... is there anyone listening? listening? listening?
04-03-2009, 07:35 AM
Other folks feel free to add your login issues here. As I AM going to just keep bumping this.
04-03-2009, 07:43 AM
I got kicked out last night, and still haven't been able to log back in.
04-03-2009, 07:45 AM
Wow. At least now I know he wasn't the only one BOOTED FROM THE WORLD. I hope they are fixing this as his frustration with DDO is reaching epic proportions at this point. I never thought I'd hear him say what he said today. He actually said it's time to find another game. MY ADDICT, DDO addict that is, husband wants to consider looking for a new game. OMG I hope they fix this soon.
04-03-2009, 07:48 AM
yes, this is the problem i am having.
04-03-2009, 08:00 AM
OMG Did they get ticked cause I posted? Now I have no active legitmate acct.
Failed to login.
04-03-2009, 08:10 AM
My fear is that the account server was hacked. I plan on changing my password the moment it becomes available again . . . assuming I can access my account anymore.
SEVERAL people I know have had similar issues, I had them last night and was finally able to log in for my thursday static group.
04-03-2009, 08:12 AM
I logged in
04-03-2009, 08:14 AM
I will be checking this periodically and bumping it as needed until I get a DEV response. I apologize in advance to those who are going to subjected to seeing this thread repeatedly.
It's safe to assume that you will NOT receive a Dev Response. You might receive one from the Cube though, with the aforementioned tactic.
04-03-2009, 09:04 AM
Have you tried
1. Completly shutting down DDO not just clicking the active link on the desk top
2. Reboot your system to clear a latent connection
3. Log into your turbine account
4. Account is active or you couldn't get in to the forums. how about hubbies account?
5. Submit a bug report
Not being a fanboy here just some of the things I did when i had similar problems that were resolved by number 2 above.
hope you get on soon
04-03-2009, 09:08 AM
It's not just you and yours, I'm afraid. Lots of people are having the same issues with log in and the game claiming they don't have an active subscription.
Hope it gets fixed soon - for everybody. :(
04-03-2009, 09:13 AM
Had this same type of thing happen to 2 of my guildies. Took them a couple hours to get on.
04-03-2009, 10:24 AM
Have you tried
1. Completly shutting down DDO not just clicking the active link on the desk top
2. Reboot your system to clear a latent connection
3. Log into your turbine account
4. Account is active or you couldn't get in to the forums. how about hubbies account?
5. Submit a bug report
Not being a fanboy here just some of the things I did when i had similar problems that were resolved by number 2 above.
hope you get on soon
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes and it says it can't access it.
4. Forums no problem, neither of us can log into the game. Running on 5 hours now.
5. Tried but the bug report system showed a "down" screen.
04-03-2009, 10:37 AM
There are a lot of people having this problem. All their account servers are having problems at this time. Some people are lucky and its not affecting them, many are not. In my opinion they got hit with the Aprils 1st virus hack and are trying to fix it.
04-03-2009, 10:39 AM
There are a lot of people having this problem. All their account servers are having problems at this time. Some people are lucky and its not affecting them, many are not. In my opinion they got hit with the Aprils 1st virus hack and are trying to fix it.
Ahhhh... now see at least that would be some sort of explanation. I sure wish someone with "connections" *hint hint tolero* would weigh in on this. It's frusterating to have nothing, nada, zip... coming from them.
04-03-2009, 10:40 AM
note: Conficker didnt do anythignon April First.. It was a Hoax.......
04-03-2009, 10:50 AM
Was perusing the forums when i came across this. Tried logging on and couldnt get in. I remembered from a beta not to long ago that sometimes we had to log in using and .exe file in main folder so i right clicked on my launcher on desktop. I noticed that i had two launchers, one said DND, the other said Turbine. So i tried second one, which happenend to be Turbine and it let me right in, well three second pause. Left and tried other one, the one that happens to be on my desktop and it let me in too.
Could be coincidence, but at this stage who knows. I never did receive the account not found bug you guys did, i do know that they dont delete accounts ever, so if something did get deleted, whatever happened had to have been massive.
04-03-2009, 10:52 AM
It's frusterating to have nothing, nada, zip... coming from them.
You'll get used to this. It's their modus operandi.
04-03-2009, 01:13 PM
We are aware of the issues some players are experiencing when trying to log into the game and websites. We are actively working to resolve the continuing issues with logins to the games and websites and server performance.
I've heard that some people are able to log in after several tries. You might also want to try closing the game fully, then restarting to see if that helps.
Keep an eye on the main forum page for the most up to date information.
04-10-2009, 01:12 PM
Hello, I have been having issues logging in for a couple days now. The username / password combos it will accept change all the time; one day it want a capital, the next day not..what a pain. But I was ablt to fluke my way in until today. I wasn't even able to lof into the Forums until I changed my password, and i gat 3 emails, one for each username I've ever used even though those subs are gone and I don't even remember if they were 4 DDO) lol, what a joke. Hope someone who cares gets on this **** soon.:mad: Thanx for bein a shoulder to cry on.
04-10-2009, 03:22 PM
Please note that you game and account management website logins are the same. If you have questions about which login to use, please contact the Account Management department.
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