View Full Version : Nerf cleric BAB to save headaches in parties / raids ?

03-28-2009, 12:30 AM
due to myself posting and not reading after a week has caused me to rethink my op going to clarify... =)

I am off base for calling you an idiot. I am sorry for insulting you just because i don't agree with you. Reason i posted is due to my clerics which only heal and other ingame players talking about same deal. If you are joining raid as a battle cleric let the party know in advance so the actual cleric can leave before it starts. I think they just should change the class desription to not lead players in the wrong direction. Hopefully there will be druids at some point so clerics can actually melee. Sorry again iwas off base for calling you an idiot. and whm on ffxi isn't main healer at 44 when rdm gets refresh and takes over. whm can actually melee in ffxi. Have a good one.

03-28-2009, 12:31 AM

03-28-2009, 12:34 AM
You seem to be making the common mistake of confusing the term "Battle Cleric" with "Bad Cleric". A good cleric, even a combat oriented one, knows when to put the sword down and throw heals.

03-28-2009, 12:37 AM


03-28-2009, 12:37 AM
You seem to be making the common mistake of confusing the term "Battle Cleric" with "Bad Cleric". A good cleric, even a combat oriented one, knows when to put the sword down and throw heals.

I think he's teasing us.

03-28-2009, 12:39 AM
I lost brain cells reading that -_- my two clerics are in pain.

03-28-2009, 12:42 AM
fine i wont swing a sword anymore i will just cast maxed empowered extended bbs, cometfalls, searing lights and greater commands

03-28-2009, 12:42 AM
no offense kintro but you are an idiot. secoundly, stating there is a good battle cleric proves my first statement.

Touche. You've beaten me with your flawless logic.

03-28-2009, 12:46 AM
Yah. Bottom line, my pure healing Cleric loves to get into melee every now and then [the few times she can manage]. And she likes to hit stuff.
No way are you lowering her BAB because you think battleclerics are underperforming at endgame.

This isn't the answer to the problem you have. Look elsewhere.



03-28-2009, 12:47 AM
Yah. Bottom line, my pure healing Cleric loves to get into melee every now and then [the few times she can manage]. And she likes to hit stuff.
No way are you lowering her BAB because you think battleclerics are undererforming at endgame.

This isn't the answer to the problem you have. Look elsewhere.



only bad ones underperform .. b ut seriously

my 28pt dwarf cleric with 14 base str, no str tome, melees the fiend fine and rather helpfully and has no particular issues with dying in there.

03-28-2009, 12:49 AM
no offense kintro but you are an idiot. secoundly, stating there is a good battle cleric proves my first statement.


No, you sir, are the real idiot.

03-28-2009, 12:50 AM
The one main rule of character creation in dnd is if you can build it, you can do it. Anything like this that goes against pnp and harms diversity is a poor choice to make.

Instead of trying to pigeon-hole people into particular builds they should add more options to increase our choices. Otherwise we might as well be playing WoW.

03-28-2009, 12:51 AM
No, I'm the idiot. So There! LOL everyone stop. Why are you even taking this seriously?

03-28-2009, 12:51 AM
my problem with bc's is twofold.

1.) too many of them seem to think that one level of fighter turns them into a meele. (they dont use divine power)
2.) why would you beat on a mob for a minute when you can just destruct them and move on?

03-28-2009, 12:52 AM
my problem with bc's is twofold.

2.) why would you beat on a mob for a minute when you can just destruct them and move on?

Because they're red named.

03-28-2009, 12:53 AM
No, I'm the idiot. So There! LOL everyone stop. Why are you even taking this seriously?

Well, to try and tell me how to play my clerics is one thing but then to call someone who disagrees an idiot? Just asking for a flame war :)

03-28-2009, 12:54 AM
Because they're red named.

touche, sir.

for red names you just run them through aformentioned bladebarriers

03-28-2009, 12:54 AM
only bad ones underperform .. b ut seriously

my 28pt dwarf cleric with 14 base str, no str tome, melees the fiend fine and rather helpfully and has no particular issues with dying in there.

Same for my elven cleric. Then he heals between rounds so the primary cleric has enough sp for a second.

03-28-2009, 12:54 AM
Flame On!

03-28-2009, 12:56 AM
Flame On!

ok mr. torch

03-28-2009, 12:57 AM
touche, sir.

for red names you just run them through aformentioned bladebarriers

That is a good option yes, but then it comes down to the age old matter of burst dps vs sustained dps. You never run out of swings, but can easily run out of sp.

03-28-2009, 01:01 AM
That is a good option yes, but then it comes down to the age old matter of burst dps vs sustained dps. You never run out of swings, but can easily run out of sp.

in all reality i agree with you, just ****ed off at people trying to pigonhole clerics. I like having options with characters, so i dont mind bcs as long as we dont wipe

03-28-2009, 01:01 AM
why would you beat on a mob for a minute when you can just destruct them and move on?

I know why. They've done the cleric caster thing and are bored with it. I'm starting to see it myself. Mine is max spec'd for greater command. Most mobs are on their face when I want. It gets old. A few of the tanks asked me to not do it so much because it made them feel like hired help.

Sometimes you just need to hit stuff. And you want it to move around while you kill it.

...okay I'm starting to scare myself now.

03-28-2009, 01:02 AM
1.) too many of them seem to think that one level of fighter turns them into a meele. (they dont use divine power)

Don't forget dwarven axe/elven+cleric longsword enhancements. Those can help a lot.

2.) why would you beat on a mob for a minute when you can just destruct them and move on?

Cooldown from destructing the guys behind him ;)

I miss content where destruction/greater command worked :(

03-28-2009, 01:05 AM
in all reality i agree with you, just ****ed off at people trying to pigonhole clerics. I like having options with characters, so i dont bcs as long as we dont wipe

An option to consider would be to implement the second wind feature from 4th edition. Everyone would then have some means of self-healing, which would then decrease the necessity of a healbot tagging along.

03-28-2009, 01:13 AM
what will lowering their BaB accomplish?
one shot of Divine Power and they're back to FULL BAB anyway o_O

03-28-2009, 01:22 AM
This is probably going to tick some people off but I don't care. I have capped cleric and working on 2nd I have been playing since launch. They need to nerf cleric base attack bonus as well as the spells that boost it to cap(madstone boots ect). yes fregging madstone boots, cleric with madstone rage what a great idea in a raid.


There is no other solid healing class other than cleric. Cleric is healing role. So when a group has lfm up for cleric they are wanting a healer not another melee.

If you build a battle cleric(is there such a thing?) I am sorry but this has to be done. There is no logical reason for a cleric to be melee'n pit feind or sally in vod. If you think I am off base make a rog that can't do traps and see how people react. Make a dex based ac barbarian.

It is ridiculus that it hasn't been fixed before it came to the level that it is at. I am tired of needing a cleric and getting a melee, or having a cleric let all the **** fall on my plate so they can melee.

I know the game is based on you can make anything anything. The cleric is flawed, reduce thier base attack bonus to that of a caster and remove the buffs that cap thier base attack bonus. I think they should give one to a rog to cap a melee not a fregging cleric.

I don't really care if you want to battle cleric learn to heal. you want to melee make one. Don't join groups raids and get annoyed when they want you to actually heal.

This is not a complaint or recent event it is never ending, mind boggling stupidity.

errr... NO.

Not ever.

Take my flexibity away from my healing cleric????? NO!

03-28-2009, 01:30 AM
This is so silly.

Other people don't play their clerics the way I want them to. So turbine should change the rules to make them play it my way. Right.

if the so-called battle clerics are as dumb as you imply, they'll just keep pounding (or should I say whiffing) away with their mage-style BAB. missing 95% of the time won't dissuade them...

03-28-2009, 01:42 AM
I have pretty big expectations for this thread........

03-28-2009, 01:45 AM
Because you don't like clerics that fight and heal or because you had a bad experience with a BAD CLERIC you want them to change a core class that nothings wrong with?

Doesn't make any sense to me and apperantly the majority of the people who read it and responded. Just relax adn have a beer or take youe meds or what ever you do to calm down and try again later.

03-28-2009, 01:46 AM
I have pretty big expectations for this thread........

Like what kind of expectations? :)

03-28-2009, 01:46 AM
Yes, please continue to flame.

03-28-2009, 01:49 AM
Ok... but you've also gotta take monk BAB down to 1/2 so they stop meleeing too.

Then you've got a deal.

03-28-2009, 02:02 AM
To be fair, let's do it right.

This is probably going to tick some people off but I don't care.

not really. Got alot of people shaking their heads though.

I have capped cleric and working on 2nd I have been playing since launch. They need to nerf cleric base attack bonus as well as the spells that boost it to cap(madstone boots ect). yes fregging madstone boots, cleric with madstone rage what a great idea in a raid.

Ok, so you had an idiot fora battlecleric. Had acouple of those.


There is no other solid healing class other than cleric. Cleric is healing role. So when a group has lfm up for cleric they are wanting a healer not another melee.

True, we are the most powerful healers in the game bar none. But that is not our only job. Heck we BUFF too! And Kill undead pretty good, andthe living quite well. I haven't gotto the melee part yet. After three years of PuGging, I have learned to ask for a HEALER, and choose the classes bard and cleric. Usually I AM the cleric.

If you build a battle cleric(is there such a thing?) yes there is.

I am sorry but this has to be done. There is no logical reason for a cleric to be melee'n pit feind or sally in vod.

Ifthey can do it fine. But my cleric isn't gunna heal him, he can heal himself. In fact I have seen it.

If you think I am off base make a rog that can't do traps and see how people react.
Make a dex based ac barbarian.

Both of these exist and nobody is crying. Assassin build and besides two levels of Rogue and you are good for most of the traps in the game. In fact that is the one you need to complain about, thir broken. As for the Barbarians, seen a couple ofthose running around too. Not common, mind you, but common enough to see once a week.

It is ridiculus that it hasn't been fixed before it came to the level that it is at. I am tired of needing a cleric and getting a melee, or having a cleric let all the **** fall on my plate so they can melee.

They haven't fixed it cuz it's not broke. That is straight out of the 3.5 PHB. If you want, I can get the page numbers but I can guess it's in the first thirty pages of the book.

I know the game is based on you can make anything anything. The cleric is flawed, reduce thier base attack bonus to that of a caster and remove the buffs that cap thier base attack bonus. I think they should give one to a rog to cap a melee not a fregging cleric.

The cleric is not flawed. No, becausethere are days I swing at things, and at low levels my healing clerics can solo. So no.

I don't really care if you want to battle cleric learn to heal. you want to melee make one. Don't join groups raids and get annoyed when they want you to actually heal.

you all should have left the raid, disbanded and reformed without the cleric. If he asks why, tell him to take off the boots, he should know battleclerics are not needed unlessthere are two clerics at the ready. To nerf the whole class for idiots is wrong.

This is not a complaint or recent event it is never ending, mind boggling stupidity.

it's called a rant.

Sorry, no. While I don't like battleclerics, I know enough to make one that can be the main heal as needed. So the idea is wrong.

03-28-2009, 02:05 AM

03-28-2009, 07:08 AM
This is probably going to tick some people off but I don't care. I have capped cleric and working on 2nd I have been playing since launch. They need to nerf cleric base attack bonus as well as the spells that boost it to cap(madstone boots ect). yes fregging madstone boots, cleric with madstone rage what a great idea in a raid.


There is no other solid healing class other than cleric. Cleric is healing role. So when a group has lfm up for cleric they are wanting a healer not another melee.

If you build a battle cleric(is there such a thing?) I am sorry but this has to be done. There is no logical reason for a cleric to be melee'n pit feind or sally in vod. If you think I am off base make a rog that can't do traps and see how people react. Make a dex based ac barbarian.

It is ridiculus that it hasn't been fixed before it came to the level that it is at. I am tired of needing a cleric and getting a melee, or having a cleric let all the **** fall on my plate so they can melee.

I know the game is based on you can make anything anything. The cleric is flawed, reduce thier base attack bonus to that of a caster and remove the buffs that cap thier base attack bonus. I think they should give one to a rog to cap a melee not a fregging cleric.

I don't really care if you want to battle cleric learn to heal. you want to melee make one. Don't join groups raids and get annoyed when they want you to actually heal.

This is not a complaint or recent event it is never ending, mind boggling stupidity.

i would take a battle cleric any day any time into my parties. dun blame the class, blame the player. i run with alot of builds out there and will get anyone in for the role they are applying for. if a bard applies as a melee. i expect him to fight, not to just sing and look pretty. if a fighter applies as a healer, i expect him to heal. class icons mean nothing

that said, if a battle cleric applies to be a healer and just fights not heal, hes going into my list ;)

03-28-2009, 07:11 AM
touche, sir.

for red names you just run them through aformentioned bladebarriers

because they have evasion :D

03-28-2009, 07:31 AM
This is probably going to tick some people off but I don't care. I have capped cleric and working on 2nd I have been playing since launch. They need to nerf cleric base attack bonus as well as the spells that boost it to cap(madstone boots ect). yes fregging madstone boots, cleric with madstone rage what a great idea in a raid.


There is no other solid healing class other than cleric. Cleric is healing role. So when a group has lfm up for cleric they are wanting a healer not another melee.

If you build a battle cleric(is there such a thing?) I am sorry but this has to be done. There is no logical reason for a cleric to be melee'n pit feind or sally in vod. If you think I am off base make a rog that can't do traps and see how people react. Make a dex based ac barbarian.

It is ridiculus that it hasn't been fixed before it came to the level that it is at. I am tired of needing a cleric and getting a melee, or having a cleric let all the **** fall on my plate so they can melee.

I know the game is based on you can make anything anything. The cleric is flawed, reduce thier base attack bonus to that of a caster and remove the buffs that cap thier base attack bonus. I think they should give one to a rog to cap a melee not a fregging cleric.

I don't really care if you want to battle cleric learn to heal. you want to melee make one. Don't join groups raids and get annoyed when they want you to actually heal.

This is not a complaint or recent event it is never ending, mind boggling stupidity.

Or they could just cancel your subscription to save me a headache

03-28-2009, 08:04 AM
The one main rule of character creation in dnd is if you can build it, you can do it. Anything like this that goes against pnp and harms diversity is a poor choice to make.

Instead of trying to pigeon-hole people into particular builds they should add more options to increase our choices. Otherwise we might as well be playing WoW.

well said sir

03-28-2009, 08:07 AM
This isn't WoW, it's D&D Online. Clerics are what they are, with BAB, spells and proficiencies as per the 3.5 D&D rules. One of the things that makes this game great is the ability to build a character however you want to play it - battle cleric, healbot, or whatever. Rather than tinkering with basic character design to try to keep people from making battle clerics, it would be more productive to advocate for the ability to choose an icon that matches your playstyle (melee, healer, archer, etc.), rather than whatever class you have the most levels of. Alternatively (or in addition), the LFM interface could be upgraded to allow parties to advertise for "healers" rather than "clerics", "tanks" rather than "fighters", etc.

[edit - oh, and thanks for this. Been a while since we've had an "I h8 Battleclerics" thread to vent on :D]

03-28-2009, 08:09 AM
If you think I am off base make a rog that can't do traps and see how people react. .

I actually no someone that did just this. Who cares how people react - the diversity of builds is what makes this game shiine.

03-28-2009, 09:34 AM
From wikipedia:

The cleric is one of the standard playable character class in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game.[1] Clerics are versatile figures, both capable in combat and skilled in the use of divine magic. Clerics are powerful healers due to the large number of healing and curative magics available to them. With divinely-granted abilities over life or death, they are also able to repel or control undead creatures. Whether the cleric repels or controls undead is dependent on its alignment. It is the only class to be in every version of Dungeons & Dragons without a name change.

Unlike the Japanese console RPG archetype of the White Mage, with which it is often confused, the Cleric is generally a robust, combat-capable character.

Why don't you try Final Fantasy - might be what you're after

03-28-2009, 09:41 AM
If you think I am off base make a rog that can't do traps and see how people react.

You mean the type of rogues that outDPS a barbarian against harry or sally? I love them, who cares if they can't get traps, they have 500 hp! Now we have to nerf their BaB too!

YAY for useless nerfs!

Also, your are an idiot, just put in lfm: need healer, not battle-cleric. WOW! Problem fixed!

And if you think that giving them a wizard BaB will help, there are battlecasters out there too! Now we have to take away all of their BaB! YAY FOR YOUR STUPIDITY!

Also, you cannot spell, please go back to grade 8 English class.

03-28-2009, 09:45 AM
touche, sir.

for red names you just run them through aformentioned bladebarriers

or, call me crazy, let the tanks kill them while you heal them and keep them buffed.

03-28-2009, 10:10 AM
If you don't want battle clerics, go play WoW. I don't run mine as a battle cleric, and honestly I'm not the biggest fan of them in general, but done correctly they can be very, very powerful.

As for your comment about rogues who can't disarm traps, I've run with a number of them. It's called ridiculously sick backstab damage. No one really cares all that much about traps end-game (or even close to end-game) anyway. That's not our fault, it's the devs for making them (trapmonkeys) unnecessary.

03-28-2009, 10:18 AM
If there were only druids in game... :)

03-28-2009, 10:20 AM
your con is too high, cha too low. also spell pen is a waste on cleric. get mental toughness 1600 sp is not much with capped sp gear. i have 1715 on my halfling and i want more.(have new cleric in works). i do disagree with empower healing. My cleric is spell based. i have emp max extend that is it. bb / cometfall / searing light needs max empower healing only applies to heals where as max applies to heals and to other spells. I have necklace and i still will not pick up the feat at mod 9 i plan on getting toughness since they nerfing minos leggings. Just my input...



So its OK to be an Offensive Cleric that doesnt heal, but melee.. Now your a bad cleric?

Please Keep yer Khyber drama in the Khyber forums.

If you wanna nerf clerics to the point where all they do is heal, that kinda means you have to get rid of Blade Barrier, Cometfall, Searing Light and all the other offensive Clerical Spells as well. Why drop a Blade barrier when you can toss a heal?


The really sad thing is that that was posted DURING this thread.. Its not something from months ago. It's Current.

Khyber..... GO figure...........

03-28-2009, 10:32 AM


So its OK to be an Offensive Cleric that doesnt heal, but melee.. Now your a bad cleric?

Please Keep yer Khyber drama in the Khyber forums.

If you wanna nerf clerics to the point where all they do is heal, that kinda means you have to get rid of Blade Barrier, Cometfall, Searing Light and all the other offensive Clerical Spells as well. Why drop a Blade barrier when you can toss a heal?


The really sad thing is that that was posted DURING this thread.. Its not something from months ago. It's Current.

Khyber..... GO figure...........

wrong! he thinks hes from khyber. we do drama better than that

ps: you have some serious reading or comprehension problems. if you want to flame someone, do it better

03-28-2009, 10:38 AM
I got dumber reading the OP.

03-28-2009, 11:32 AM
I want my ten minutes back that it took to read this thread :eek:

03-28-2009, 01:07 PM
Destruct Thread!

Destruct Thread!


Searing Light!

Searing Light!

Res Barb.




Okay, I'm off to the Shrouded Vale to sunbathe. And maybe persecute some Drow too.

03-28-2009, 01:16 PM
Destruct Thread!

Destruct Thread!


Searing Light!

Searing Light!

Res Barb.




Okay, I'm off to the Shrouded Vale to sunbathe. And maybe persecute some Drow too.

forgot the non trapmonkey rogue. Throw him a heal before your vacation.

03-28-2009, 01:24 PM
The Meanbaby Sitter must be having chest pains! :eek:

03-28-2009, 02:16 PM
forgot the non trapmonkey rogue. Throw him a heal before your vacation.

You mean the WARFORGED non trapmonkey rogue?

[glares over at Sorc] :mad:

I'm dropping by Fred's on the way. Gonna swap out Emp Heal for TWF :D

[thinks about getting a tatoo, or maybe another piercing....]

03-28-2009, 02:27 PM
You mean the WARFORGED non trapmonkey rogue?

[glares over at Sorc] :mad:

I'm dropping by Fred's on the way. Gonna swap out Emp Heal for TWF :D

[thinks about getting a tatoo, or maybe another piercing....]

My battler cleric (if you call him that) took two levels of Ranger...

03-28-2009, 02:29 PM
I think if a cleric equips anything other than a scepter, he should take 15 negative levels.

03-28-2009, 02:42 PM
fine i wont swing a sword anymore i will just cast maxed empowered extended bbs, cometfalls, searing lights and greater commands

And then when the party needs heals, come to the boards and complain about how expensive it is to be a cleric.

03-28-2009, 02:53 PM
This is probably going to tick some people off but I don't care. I have capped cleric and working on 2nd I have been playing since launch. They need to nerf cleric base attack bonus as well as the spells that boost it to cap(madstone boots ect). yes fregging madstone boots, cleric with madstone rage what a great idea in a raid.


There is no other solid healing class other than cleric. Cleric is healing role. So when a group has lfm up for cleric they are wanting a healer not another melee.

If you build a battle cleric(is there such a thing?) I am sorry but this has to be done. There is no logical reason for a cleric to be melee'n pit feind or sally in vod. If you think I am off base make a rog that can't do traps and see how people react. Make a dex based ac barbarian.

It is ridiculus that it hasn't been fixed before it came to the level that it is at. I am tired of needing a cleric and getting a melee, or having a cleric let all the **** fall on my plate so they can melee.

I know the game is based on you can make anything anything. The cleric is flawed, reduce thier base attack bonus to that of a caster and remove the buffs that cap thier base attack bonus. I think they should give one to a rog to cap a melee not a fregging cleric.

I don't really care if you want to battle cleric learn to heal. you want to melee make one. Don't join groups raids and get annoyed when they want you to actually heal.

This is not a complaint or recent event it is never ending, mind boggling stupidity.
Dude unfortunately the only thing you got right in this whole paragraph is a half a sentence
"Don't join groups raids and get annoyed when they want you to actually heal." other than that you are sadly mistaken

03-28-2009, 03:05 PM
[settles onto beach blanket]

[pops one of those new Jorascan Ales and passes it to Lilith]

....so anyways, the dwarf leans over the table and says "Missy should stick to healing me!" This is the one, the stinky one, that always says "I need a heal!", like I spend all my staring at its health bar. Can you believe?

Lilith: I've got a better one. Last week, this WF walks over and whispers "thanx for the heals, kinda sad that you're expected to give DVs to the guy that never carries Repair spells..."... He was kinda cute too.

03-28-2009, 03:24 PM

that is all.

03-28-2009, 03:26 PM
Explain to me again why my full plate is sexier than my swim suit? I'm still not getting it.

Not right now. We'll only irriate that Gelatinous Cube over there. You stopped wearing your Fox's trinket, didn't you :p

03-28-2009, 03:39 PM
I got dumber reading the OP.

That's possible at this point? I mean, common.. You've had actual VOICE conversations with Ozoro... :D

03-28-2009, 03:51 PM
I think if a cleric equips anything other than a scepter, he should take 15 negative levels.


03-28-2009, 04:35 PM
[sits up]

Hey, did you feel that? I'm getting a weird sense of deja vu.

Lillith: Yes. All this has happened before. And will happen again. All this has happened -

sigh. Not this again....

Lilith: I'm telling you, I still have this strong craving for Energy Tonic.

Uh huh. Maybe next time you won't be so rude to Fred.

03-28-2009, 05:01 PM
/reminder: have Inquisitor explain that constructs are included in her vow of celibacy

03-28-2009, 08:45 PM
Battleclerics are a point of contention for many people for the simple reason that they are hard to build and to play. There are a lot of people who would like to think that they can do it, but sadly can't quite pull it off.

Does that mean the whole concept is bad? Absolutely not!

You ran with a bad cleric, boo hoo. You have probably ran with a lot of bad players but it's the clerics that stick out in your mind a lot more. Unless of course you are the cleric and then you really learn what the difference between a good player and bad one is.

03-28-2009, 08:47 PM
My head asplode

03-28-2009, 09:04 PM
[QUOTE=Mentos3111;2116837]This is probably going to tick some people off but I don't care. I have capped cleric and working on 2nd I have been playing since launch. They need to nerf cleric base attack bonus as well as the spells that boost it to cap(madstone boots ect). yes fregging madstone boots, cleric with madstone rage what a great idea in a raid.


There is no other solid healing class other than cleric. Cleric is healing role. So when a group has lfm up for cleric they are wanting a healer not another melee.

If you build a battle cleric(is there such a thing?) I am sorry but this has to be done. There is no logical reason for a cleric to be melee'n pit feind or sally in vod. If you think I am off base make a rog that can't do traps and see how people react. Make a dex based ac barbarian.

It is ridiculus that it hasn't been fixed before it came to the level that it is at. I am tired of needing a cleric and getting a melee, or having a cleric let all the **** fall on my plate so they can melee.

I know the game is based on you can make anything anything. The cleric is flawed, reduce thier base attack bonus to that of a caster and remove the buffs that cap thier base attack bonus. I think they should give one to a rog to cap a melee not a fregging cleric.

I don't really care if you want to battle cleric learn to heal. you want to melee make one. Don't join groups raids and get annoyed when they want you to actually heal....

shoulda stopped way before the rest of it..LOL

another nerf...what a wonderful, grand idea you have!!! i literally get sick of hearing folks say "this needs nerfed!" "that needs nerfed!" blah blah blah needs nerfed.

personally, i think everytime someone...ANYONE..posts anything even hinting at nerfing something, it should immediately be deleted. nerfing something can not be the way things are done, maybe for some, and i can understand some's way of thinking.
its also the lazy way, and oh how easy and simple it is to just try to demand something be nerfed. for those that dont know, they have remove disease pots, remove curse pots, lesser restore pots, cure serious pots.
now..if only barkskin could be put in a potion :D
clerics are not just the ones to sit by and babysit a bunch of folks that dont wanna spend their own resources on potions to help themselves out. buy some pots. be somewhat self sufficient. there is always pogo.com

03-31-2009, 03:19 PM
Where is the cube when ya need him? :)

03-31-2009, 03:31 PM
Dear OP - please post your alts and server so I know who to squelch.


03-31-2009, 03:32 PM
This is not a complaint or recent event it is never ending, mind boggling stupidity.

Just like your whole post. :)

03-31-2009, 03:46 PM
Are we still hating on battle clrs? Really? It's in the game so deal with it. If you don't like some builds then don't party with them.

03-31-2009, 03:50 PM
Is this thread still alive?

03-31-2009, 03:59 PM
I can't remember anyone ever having a problem with my battle cleric joining their groups.

03-31-2009, 07:38 PM
This is probably going to tick some people off but I don't care. I have capped cleric and working on 2nd I have been playing since launch. They need to nerf cleric base attack bonus as well as the spells that boost it to cap(madstone boots ect). yes fregging madstone boots, cleric with madstone rage what a great idea in a raid.


There is no other solid healing class other than cleric. Cleric is healing role. So when a group has lfm up for cleric they are wanting a healer not another melee.

It is ridiculus that it hasn't been fixed before it came to the level that it is at. I am tired of needing a cleric and getting a melee, or having a cleric let all the **** fall on my plate so they can melee.

I know the game is based on you can make anything anything. The cleric is flawed, reduce thier base attack bonus to that of a caster and remove the buffs that cap thier base attack bonus.

I like this guy! Dammit, Turbine, when are you going to make all clerics floating orbs of light that take no damage and do nothing but cast healing spells with their fairy dust? That is what a Cleric should be!:rolleyes:

03-31-2009, 07:43 PM
I like this guy! Dammit, Turbine, when are you going to make all clerics floating orbs of light that take no damage and do nothing but cast healing spells with their fairy dust? That is what a Cleric should be!:rolleyes:

lmao go Eel go!! :)

03-31-2009, 07:46 PM
cant believe we havent heard from Urich yet here. :-)

03-31-2009, 07:50 PM
I like this guy! Dammit, Turbine, when are you going to make all clerics floating orbs of light that take no damage and do nothing but cast healing spells with their fairy dust? That is what a Cleric should be!:rolleyes:

i will gladly play a ghaele cleric; give me sr 35 and light rays.

03-31-2009, 07:56 PM
i will gladly play a ghaele cleric; give me sr 35 and light rays.

Im holding out for paragon kobold. :D

03-31-2009, 07:59 PM
i will gladly play a ghaele cleric; give me sr 35 and light rays.

Perhaps that is not the best approach then. I forthwith declare that all clerics are forced to wear cute, colorful bear outfits with a symbol on their chest. They are banned from combat or offensive spell casting and only heal with hugs and happy thoughts!

More acceptable?

03-31-2009, 08:15 PM
A battle cleric should not be taking a healer spot in a raid, but a melee DPS slot. That's how I play mine - if a Shroud group wants one more person and it's a cleric, if I join it's as a healbot. If they want 1 more melee, I join (sending a /tell if needed to the group leader), put the Madstone Boots on the hotbar so I can quickly equip them when OOM, pull out the Mineral 2 and smash stuff just like a Barbarian would. But instead of the slight bit of extra damage a Barb brings to the raid, I bring versatility - if the other clerics go out of mana, I disengage and throw heals. If there's a bunch of medium HP mobs all together (something Barbarians aren't great at dealing with) - I pull out a Sup Pot 6 and drop a max-empped-quickened BB and dance around healing myself till they are dead.

03-31-2009, 09:11 PM
A battle cleric should not be taking a healer spot in a raid, but a melee DPS slot. That's how I play mine - if a Shroud group wants one more person and it's a cleric, if I join it's as a healbot. If they want 1 more melee, I join (sending a /tell if needed to the group leader), put the Madstone Boots on the hotbar so I can quickly equip them when OOM, pull out the Mineral 2 and smash stuff just like a Barbarian would. But instead of the slight bit of extra damage a Barb brings to the raid, I bring versatility - if the other clerics go out of mana, I disengage and throw heals. If there's a bunch of medium HP mobs all together (something Barbarians aren't great at dealing with) - I pull out a Sup Pot 6 and drop a max-empped-quickened BB and dance around healing myself till they are dead.

I dissagree, there is no reason why what you call a "battle cleric" cant fill a cleric slot. I find that people's minds are clouded in thought when it comes to clerics. Why cant I fight, heal; fight a little more slap a few more heals around and comtinue on my merry way? People make these "phony clerics" and claim that they cant heal cause they are a fighting cleric. wich is bull, I can heal and fight, keeping a party alive on any setting I want.

04-01-2009, 06:44 AM
Nerf Cleric BAB all you want, they still get Divine Power.

04-01-2009, 06:54 AM
I think if a cleric equips anything other than a scepter, he should take 15 negative levels.

But um potency and devotion come on maces too :(

04-01-2009, 07:07 AM
ITT: Theme and fun characters meet hardcore min-maxers and can't understand why they don't agree on what should be done with a game that already facilitates both, using comments on LFM for groups, comments on self using LFG, and the invite/kick commands.

Thanks for the laughs though.

04-01-2009, 10:02 AM
I, Healbot, disagree with this message !

I want my BaB ;-)

04-01-2009, 10:19 AM
Nerfing Cleric BAB does not make any sense. Not grouping again with someone whom you didn't like to play with does.

04-01-2009, 10:34 AM
I really hope they (Turbine) open up Stalwart Defender to all Dwarves, not just fighters. I've got an itch to make a Dwarven Battle Cleric.

04-01-2009, 10:40 AM
This is probably going to tick some people off but I don't care. I have capped cleric and working on 2nd I have been playing since launch. They need to nerf cleric base attack bonus as well as the spells that boost it to cap(madstone boots ect). yes fregging madstone boots, cleric with madstone rage what a great idea in a raid.


There is no other solid healing class other than cleric. Cleric is healing role. So when a group has lfm up for cleric they are wanting a healer not another melee.

If you build a battle cleric(is there such a thing?) I am sorry but this has to be done. There is no logical reason for a cleric to be melee'n pit feind or sally in vod. If you think I am off base make a rog that can't do traps and see how people react. Make a dex based ac barbarian.

It is ridiculus that it hasn't been fixed before it came to the level that it is at. I am tired of needing a cleric and getting a melee, or having a cleric let all the **** fall on my plate so they can melee.

I know the game is based on you can make anything anything. The cleric is flawed, reduce thier base attack bonus to that of a caster and remove the buffs that cap thier base attack bonus. I think they should give one to a rog to cap a melee not a fregging cleric.

I don't really care if you want to battle cleric learn to heal. you want to melee make one. Don't join groups raids and get annoyed when they want you to actually heal.

This is not a complaint or recent event it is never ending, mind boggling stupidity.

Classic example of “aint no sound minded cleric going to join that LFM/party” LOL
Just a suggestion but if the cleric feels the need to melee or even has a chance of hitting something then try filling in more DPS slots in your party.

04-01-2009, 12:12 PM
The cleric BAB is low enough as it is. If it wasn't for the game following the pen and paper version of 3.5 D&D, my suggestion would be to raise it.

As for battleclerics... if you die and they don't bother to toss you a rez then sure, they're playing badly. If your health bar is dropping fast and nobody's tossing healing in your direction and you happen to be running with a battle cleric then obviously you're seriously underperforming so as the cleric to find you low on the priority in terms of healing.

It's not like Battleclerics can't heal (obviously they're quite adept to healing themselves). They'd much rather not HAVE to. AND 100% of the content can be done WITHOUT one so what's the beef? If you dislike the way battleclerics happen to be handling things the solution is.... roll up your own freaken cleric and play it the way you personally happen to feel that the class *should* be played and let other people have the freedom to play any way that gives them the most enjoyment from the DDO experience and don't group with them.

cuz ya figure... if they (insert battlecleric's name here) happen to keep playing the way they do and other people happen to group with them and have a horrible time doing so, then they'll eventually run out of people willing to add them to the group.

04-01-2009, 12:43 PM
fine i wont swing a sword anymore i will just cast maxed empowered extended bbs, cometfalls, searing lights and greater commands


Or they could just cancel your subscription to save me a headache

Here's an Option for the OP.



So its OK to be an Offensive Cleric that doesnt heal, but melee.. Now your a bad cleric?

Please Keep yer Khyber drama in the Khyber forums.

... snip... Khyber..... GO figure...........

LOL. Khyber starts taking a beating....LOL

I got dumber reading the OP.

Sorry to hear it Groan. You'll get it back with the laughter from many following posts.

Dear OP - please post your alts and server so I know who to squelch.



Man I get a kick out of the Forums......

04-01-2009, 03:57 PM
*throws drow skull at dex*

****** quit blocking the sun!

04-01-2009, 04:04 PM
Cooldown from destructing the guys behind him ;)

move in, hit 'slay living.' 'tab.' 'destruction.' rinse, repeat. :p

but a vorp sickle, and simple bursting of greater X bane weapons are fun too.

04-01-2009, 04:25 PM
This is probably going to tick some people off but I don't care. I have capped cleric and working on 2nd I have been playing since launch. They need to nerf cleric base attack bonus as well as the spells that boost it to cap(madstone boots ect). yes fregging madstone boots, cleric with madstone rage what a great idea in a raid.


There is no other solid healing class other than cleric. Cleric is healing role. So when a group has lfm up for cleric they are wanting a healer not another melee.

If you build a battle cleric(is there such a thing?) I am sorry but this has to be done. There is no logical reason for a cleric to be melee'n pit feind or sally in vod. If you think I am off base make a rog that can't do traps and see how people react. Make a dex based ac barbarian.

It is ridiculus that it hasn't been fixed before it came to the level that it is at. I am tired of needing a cleric and getting a melee, or having a cleric let all the **** fall on my plate so they can melee.

I know the game is based on you can make anything anything. The cleric is flawed, reduce thier base attack bonus to that of a caster and remove the buffs that cap thier base attack bonus. I think they should give one to a rog to cap a melee not a fregging cleric.

I don't really care if you want to battle cleric learn to heal. you want to melee make one. Don't join groups raids and get annoyed when they want you to actually heal.

This is not a complaint or recent event it is never ending, mind boggling stupidity.

take all the non buff non healing spells out too. i hate clerics who just offensivly cast and cast cc instead of buffing and healing

we dont need no stinkin bb harm cf or anything cool oh wait a minute my cleric does all that hahaha

yeah dude turning a cleric into just healing rezzing and buffing is seriously silly. 2/3 of clerics would probably delete there characters and then turbine would be in trouble changing clerics abilities lol nice try tho

obviously some clerics are gonna stink no matter what just like any class. i have a guildy who has a cleric that has only 11 cleric levels and is a battle cleric, yet you would barely notice by the way he plays his character

shout out to six

04-01-2009, 07:31 PM
When my cleric joins a group my goal is to heal the wounded & raise the dead so we all can finish the quest ALIVE
I will use my turn undead ability at times & that will be all the melee you will get from me, leave the killing to the killers I say. A great healer heals.

Healina lvl 16 Cleric

04-01-2009, 09:25 PM
When my cleric joins a group my goal is to heal the wounded & raise the dead so we all can finish the quest ALIVE
I will use my turn undead ability at times & that will be all the melee you will get from me, leave the killing to the killers I say. A great healer heals.

Healina lvl 16 Cleric

awesome! keep up the good work.

one more stereotypical healer means room for one more a-typical non healing cleric

04-01-2009, 09:40 PM
i think we should petition turbine to nerf the op

make his casters only able to buff us and do as the leader says

make his tanks only able to block for others to do all the swinging

and make his bards only able to sing and buff

and his clerics can only do heals and true seeing

04-01-2009, 09:48 PM
i think we should petition turbine to nerf the op

make his casters only able to buff us and do as the leader says

make his tanks only able to block for others to do all the swinging

and make his bards only able to sing and buff

and his clerics can only do heals and true seeing

I second this motion. :cool:

04-01-2009, 09:51 PM
sigh...Clerics do not need the nerf bat. There a players who do, but clerics do not. I do not, when all things going down hill in a PuG, have no ability to defend myself. Nor do I want to take the ability to melee and solo the first few levels. The people will figure out who is the bad cleric and who isn't: What kind of cleric won't matter.

04-01-2009, 09:57 PM
The OP is joking right? Nerf divine power too! LOL. I will agree that a madstoned cleric can be equivalent to a gimped fighter - that's fine if you want a little dps, but not fine if its understood that the cleric is supposed to be healing Part IV etc.

04-01-2009, 10:37 PM
hmm. so i guess by the op's line of thought clerics don't need heavy, or any armor proficiency. shields? lol! clerics should be safe in the rear, amiright? and simple weapons are clearly wasted. how about duel wielding a stack of scrolls and wands? or maybe a feat that allows the throwing of pots while wand whipping?

04-01-2009, 10:40 PM
hmm. so i guess by the op's line of thought clerics don't need heavy, or any armor proficiency. shields? lol! clerics should be safe in the rear, amiright? and simple weapons are clearly wasted. how about duel wielding a stack of scrolls and wands? or maybe a feat that allows the throwing of pots while wand whipping?

YAY!! Combat medic! There's a fun class to play. NOT.

04-01-2009, 10:41 PM
YAY!! Combat medic! There's a fun class to play. NOT.

well.. maybe in star wars: galaxies. before the dark times; before the NGE. they were uber unbalanced though. =/

04-01-2009, 11:06 PM
all i have to say is...

******! Its a battlecleric.....

Mine dualwields Kopeshes. Swallow that OP.

04-01-2009, 11:07 PM
I have no objection to Battle Clerics per se, but I do think that if there is a cleric in the group they should be doing some healing.

I can't tell you how irksome it is to join a pug with 2 clerics and be told to "bring my own healing". I told them "fine, bring your own firewall and haste". Didn't last long in that group.

04-01-2009, 11:08 PM
or maybe a feat that allows the throwing of pots while wand whipping?

Now, those potions we are throwing... they are filled with caustic acids and explosives, right? :D

04-01-2009, 11:11 PM
I am now dumber for reading this thread.

04-01-2009, 11:36 PM
I have no objection to Battle Clerics per se, but I do think that if there is a cleric in the group they should be doing some healing.

I don't have any objections to tossing out a heal or two while running my Battle Cleric, but I feel that if anyone I just healed keeps taking damage then they should be doing some self-healing and/or should kill things fast enough to get through the quest before my mana starts running low.

04-01-2009, 11:52 PM
I have no objection to Battle Clerics per se, but I do think that if there is a cleric in the group they should be doing some healing.

I can't tell you how irksome it is to join a pug with 2 clerics and be told to "bring my own healing". I told them "fine, bring your own firewall and haste". Didn't last long in that group.

too funny
I can hear this conversation already...
BC "how bout a haste"
Sorc "FYI they sell haste pots at the same vendor as CSW. I got mine you got yours?"

I can see the LFMs now..."bring your own haste" rofl

04-02-2009, 12:14 AM
you play your characters the way you want and let others do the same I say this is now the worst idea I have ever seen on the fourms.

04-02-2009, 12:20 AM
I have no objection to Battle Clerics per se, but I do think that if there is a cleric in the group they should be doing some healing.

I can't tell you how irksome it is to join a pug with 2 clerics and be told to "bring my own healing". I told them "fine, bring your own firewall and haste". Didn't last long in that group.


may have to make a drow sorc in addition to my wf wiz just so i can use that.

Now, those potions we are throwing... they are filled with caustic acids and explosives, right? :D
now that sounds like a... blast? !!!!

04-02-2009, 01:30 AM
well.. maybe in star wars: galaxies. before the dark times; before the NGE. they were uber unbalanced though. =/

yeah my wife played a MCM/BH she killed more jedi then anyone in our BH guild

04-02-2009, 01:26 PM
too funny
I can hear this conversation already...
BC "how bout a haste"
Sorc "FYI they sell haste pots at the same vendor as CSW. I got mine you got yours?"

I can see the LFMs now..."bring your own haste" rofl

don't know about you but I always carry haste potions along with a dozen or so haste clickies on my battlecleric.

but yes. if a battlecleric expects to get haste/blur/greater heroism from a sorc, it should only be the case if he uses the equivalent of sp to send some spells and/or buffs (deathward/prot from evil/freedom of movement) in the sorc's direction.