View Full Version : Inkdrop's Shroud Crafting Spreadsheet

03-26-2009, 04:19 PM
(aka Ink's Wall of Text)

I guess it is time I posted this link outside of Cambo's thread.

The Crafting Planners are much more friendly to use, but this spreadsheet has a lot of information. Directions, locations, recipes, etc. If you want to see what is possible, this is a decent place to start.

Link (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pLaIqDL_IzJRx5CcCEpCaYg)


03-28-2009, 06:09 PM
Added a recipe template (last tab).

This is similar to how I layout my recipes on paper. I fill in what type of intermediate ingredient I need to craft down the left hand side, then fill in how many ingredients it takes to make it, and sum it up as a total at the bottom of each section. Then I know how many items I need to collect of each type, and the layout is pretty easy to follow while standing in front of the altars.
