View Full Version : transfering characters

03-25-2009, 10:05 AM
My son just recently got his own account and he wants to move the character on my account to his own account is there a way to accomplish this. If you look at the account they are both on the same cc and everythin if we can move characters to a new world we should be able to move them to another account. This is not like i am trying to see a character or anything.

please let me know if something can be done.

Robert Nealand

03-25-2009, 10:45 AM
right now you cant transfer from one account to another and proably wont ever happen sadly. Only transfers are from server to server sorry to give bad news

03-25-2009, 10:57 AM
My son just recently got his own account and he wants to move the character on my account to his own account is there a way to accomplish this. If you look at the account they are both on the same cc and everythin if we can move characters to a new world we should be able to move them to another account. This is not like i am trying to see a character or anything.

please let me know if something can be done.

Robert Nealand

I have heard of some people Emailing turbine directly to split accounts.. They said that they were allowed to do so but it is not an offered service.... and I am sure that another sub is welcome and they sure should be doing this so they can make more moeny off you :D

03-25-2009, 11:17 AM
I have heard of some people Emailing turbine directly to split accounts.. They said that they were allowed to do so but it is not an offered service.... and I am sure that another sub is welcome and they sure should be doing this so they can make more moeny off you :D

Intriguing thought.
Got a LOTR account that would be very handy for....


03-25-2009, 05:41 PM
My son just recently got his own account and he wants to move the character on my account to his own account is there a way to accomplish this. If you look at the account they are both on the same cc and everythin if we can move characters to a new world we should be able to move them to another account. This is not like i am trying to see a character or anything.

please let me know if something can be done.

Robert Nealand

I am sorry but I'm afraid this is not something we can do for players at this time.