View Full Version : Stone of Change - Resistance Ritual - Questions

03-23-2009, 11:13 AM
The Resistance Ritual adds a +1 competence bonus to saves using, according to posts, a jewelry accessory, 4 Lightning-split Soarwood, and 22 Funerary Tokens.

If the item used is not the resistance item (usually a Cloak of Resistance) that we typically wear - will the resulting +1 resistance bonus stack with the Cloak?

Is the Resistance Ritual limited to jewelry - can it be used on a clothing item, such as a cloak?

Sorry if the questions have been asked and answered already - but Lightning-split Soarwood is hard to come by. Does anyone have a suggestion as to source?

03-23-2009, 11:17 AM
I reckon a cloak is considered jewelry. I think the term 'jewelry' is anything not armour, weapon, shield, or helmet but not sure.

Yes, the +1 will stack though. It is termed as to be a different bonus, lese there would be little reason to have such a ritual. My lowbies seemed to pull a lot running some of the low level quests. The cabinet in TR serves my memory as being a good spot to get it(the one in the first big room just before the spider area). You can use the ritual on any item, not limited to a resistance item.

03-23-2009, 01:32 PM
I'm also pretty sure you can do it on any clothing/jewelry accessory.