View Full Version : What Spells should I be using - Cleric lvl 7

03-20-2009, 05:56 AM
Hi All,

As the title describes, what must have spells should I be using - I like to play a healbot/cc type character.

I currently use Soundburst, command and sometimes hold person for CC.

Mass aid, sheild of faith and protection against evil (mass version) for party buffs.

This is my first cleric (and character in general), so any suggestions welcome. If you could even recommend/describe when certain spells might be useful, that would be great, as I dont really know what all the spells do.

Feats taken so far are: Extend, Spell Pen and Mental Toughness (I think).

Thanks in advance,

03-20-2009, 06:52 AM
Deathward, FoM when needed. Holy smite is still nice. Restoration to remove levels, but you can use scrolls if you like to spend money. Sheild of Faith, mass is nice and Recitation is great beff just before fights.

But Deathward and Rstoration are thetops.

BTW, you can now raise dead off of scrolls, recomend buying some and use wisely.

03-20-2009, 11:38 AM
What she said.

Also add Searing Light for undead bosses.

And I would drop Extend & Spell Pen for either Heighten [for Commands], Empower or Maximize. Just watch your mana if you take the last two.

03-20-2009, 11:53 AM
What she said.

Also add Searing Light for undead bosses.

And I would drop Extend & Spell Pen for either Heighten [for Commands], Empower or Maximize. Just watch your mana if you take the last two.

I agree on the spell pen, but not so much on extend. If I were to drop extend it would be for empower heal at this level. Empower and Max at level 7 is just a waste of mana since clerics don't get thier real damage spells until 11+.

On all my clerics, I generally go:
MT (1)
EMP Heal (3)
IMT (6)
EXT (9)
MAX (12) but only use it when soloing with BB - also Swap EMP Heal for EMP
Either Quicken/Heighten/Enlarge/spell pen at 15 (depends on the cleric)
Also, once I get the cleric to 1700+ sp, i'll generally swap out IMT for one of the others mentioned in the lvl 15 group

03-20-2009, 12:11 PM
I see where you're coming from on Emp & Max. I'm dishing about 150+ damage at 9th with SL, but using it only for certain circumstances because of the mana cost.

But try to sell me on Extend. My experience is that most groups are hitting the next shrine within 7-9 minutes anyway. So I don't understand why some consider it so useful?

03-20-2009, 12:16 PM
Thanks for the all info, will make some adjustments this weekend.

03-20-2009, 12:18 PM
Protection from Elements, Mass (always nice cause you give out temp HP against elemental damage)
Spell Resistance, Mass (nice also cause you don't have to worry about most of the spells mobs use)
Resurrection (nice but as it restores HP as well as bringing someone back to life)
Greater Restoration (for those that take multiple neg levels, anything else use a regular restoration)
Symbol of Stunning (good CC for a cleric, but placement is key)
Spells to stay away from
Summon Monster VII (at higher levels summons are not as good as a charmed or dominated mob)
Symbol of Weakness (most fighter types carry str damage weapons if they can pry the vorpal out of their hands)
Restoration, Mass (not really as useful as it seems. Most parties get 1-2 people who take damage, not all)
Iffy spells
Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass (Good for dropping HP of non-undead non-construct groups but will grab some agro)
Destruction (Clerics finger of death)
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (I only use it if the group is in trouble and close togeather, or fighting undead. A good group will only need spot healing during the whole quest)

03-20-2009, 12:40 PM
On your feats, I would reconsider the Spell Pen at those levels. There are very few mobs with SR you will routinely encounter until you get to higher levels. On a capped cleric it can be very useful (if you are casting spells at enemies), on a level 7, not so much.

as for spells, you are obviously locked into the core healing ones.

I usually keep a few staple spells and have at least one slot a level for "flavor" and adapt the choice to match the quest. In undead quests, Death Ward can be a savior IF your group does not have enough Flesh Render Visors. In melee heavy quests, the Hold Person will land on enemy tanks nicely, but not as often on enemy shamans/casters.

One thing that can really help selection is to keep any and all wands that create level independant effects, like a Remove Curse wand, or a Remove Blindness wand. Frees up slots for level affected spells.

The mass versions of Shield of Faith and Prot Evil might be a waste depending on the gear of your party members. Resistence and Deflection bonuses also come on items of Resistence and Protection and do not stack. Worthwhile to check, might free up slots.

Elemental Resists are a must at level 7 since you now get 20 point versions. I do like Mass Aid as a HP buffer on everyone. Freedom of movement is vital if you are facing enemy casters who will be casting Hold Persons. (Often occurs on the hard setting of many of the midlevel quests, while the normal and elite versions tend to employ other spells more often.)

Since you only have 2 spell choices (the third is locked into Cure Crit) at forth level, I would suggest pulling from Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Panecea (it fixes a lot of things nothing short of HEAL will touch, review that list:eek:), Recitation and or Restoration).

For level 3 you have three slots to play with, (I always work downward when selecting - go figure), Mass Aid is nice, Protection Elements (in an element rich quest like Taming the Flames), Searing Light (virtually nothing is immune to it) and some undead are vulnerable (purple damage), Magic Circle against Evil and Prayer if the group would get real benefits (see above).

For second level you have four choices. Resist Energy is a no brainer, Spells like Bulls Str and or Bears Endurance might be useful depending on the gear your team has, Hold Person is a good option, Lesser Restoration (if you did not take Restoration as a 4th level spell, but wands of this are around as are pots, semi optional), Seek Eternal Rest if you are going against Undead will REALLY help you odds of turning undead and Soundburst is an excellent spell to selectively use as is Command at first level.

First level spells, got 5 choices/slots. Bless to offset Bane effects is nice, (if you do not have a clickie of it, easy to get on Korthos Isle), COmmand, Nightshield (to protect you from Magic Missiles), Remove Fear (if no wands or clickies) and I often fit in MSI for the celestial Hound. Those dogs spot things extremely well and will often get initial aggro of the mobs, while you and your allies get to flank and team up on them. Casting one MSI can often avoid having to cast any number of healing spells, since those dogs have WAY more HP than many lower level characters do and you never have to worry about healing them.

On a related tack, have you taken any of the Divine Healing, Divine Vitiality, Divine Cleansing enhancements. They can offer you an excellent way to augment your abilities using what ever Turn Undeads you already have, and that are all but useless in any quest without undead in them. Divine Healing can affect party members that would otherwise be out of reach of spells. Like thru closed doors and gates, around corners, etc. Each DH1 will heal around 30 points of damage (DH2 = 60 and DH3 = 90), which if you convert those to potions or wand charges or even spell points for Cure Spells will add up. Lets assume you have 4 or 5 Turns as is (3+effective Cha bonus so you can wear items to increase your number of turns). That would be over 120 points of healing with just DH1 and 4 turns at 30 a pop. That would be like drinking 5 Cure Serious Wounds potions (costing 750 gold each), or 5 charges from a Cure Serious Wounds Wand. At lower levels and without rich high level toons to twink you, this is a way to serious extend your resources and finances as a cleric and healer.

03-20-2009, 12:41 PM
Protection from Elements, Mass (always nice cause you give out temp HP against elemental damage)
Spell Resistance, Mass (nice also cause you don't have to worry about most of the spells mobs use)
Resurrection (nice but as it restores HP as well as bringing someone back to life)
Greater Restoration (for those that take multiple neg levels, anything else use a regular restoration)
Symbol of Stunning (good CC for a cleric, but placement is key)
Spells to stay away from
Summon Monster VII (at higher levels summons are not as good as a charmed or dominated mob)
Symbol of Weakness (most fighter types carry str damage weapons if they can pry the vorpal out of their hands)
Restoration, Mass (not really as useful as it seems. Most parties get 1-2 people who take damage, not all)
Iffy spells
Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass (Good for dropping HP of non-undead non-construct groups but will grab some agro)
Destruction (Clerics finger of death)
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (I only use it if the group is in trouble and close togeather, or fighting undead. A good group will only need spot healing during the whole quest)

Ummm, good advice but not to useful for a 7th level cleric...:)

03-20-2009, 03:36 PM
I see where you're coming from on Emp & Max. I'm dishing about 150+ damage at 9th with SL, but using it only for certain circumstances because of the mana cost.

But try to sell me on Extend. My experience is that most groups are hitting the next shrine within 7-9 minutes anyway. So I don't understand why some consider it so useful?

Not everyone rests at every shrine. I'm relatively new to the Cleric world, but my experience on my 6th level Cleric is that I can start out by giving everyone extended buffs. Then at the first shrine I can rebuff anyone that needs it, but usually not everyone does. Then I can rest up at the shrine and be close to top mana (after rebuffing myself). To me this seems like a more efficient use of shrines. Also, I hate it when someone's buff wears out and if said person didn't rest if the buffs aren't extended they could wear out in a big fight.

03-20-2009, 04:02 PM
I see where you're coming from on Emp & Max. I'm dishing about 150+ damage at 9th with SL, but using it only for certain circumstances because of the mana cost.

But try to sell me on Extend. My experience is that most groups are hitting the next shrine within 7-9 minutes anyway. So I don't understand why some consider it so useful?

At low levels it does make a significant difference - can be swapped later.

However, it is useful on a lot of CC spells like command, grt command, BB as well. Also, divine favour and divine power have very short durations, if you decide to melee at all, those spells are required and extend make a lot of sense.

03-21-2009, 04:48 PM
Ummm, good advice but not to useful for a 7th level cleric...:)

Ack I looked up 7th level spells... I feel like such a noob >_<

7th LEVEL there aren't many spells available for a pure heal bot

Cure Critical WoundsGreat for bringing fighter's HP back up, or getting an arcane caster to full from incap
Restoration Removes multiple stat damage, and 1 neg level, and everything else of Lesser (use wands for lesser, same effect and no SP cost)
Shield of Faith, Mass As above good deflection bonus buff, only really useful if half the party does not have protection items on
Death Ward Makes non-wf like wf and wf immune to finger of death and PK
Freedom of Movement No more being held, web, or anything that isn't a mind effect that reduces movement (command keeps you in place, but it is a mind effect)
Panacea Removes a lot of effects, acts as lesser restore, remove blindness, cure light (max mod +20 not +5), confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, and poisoned.
Symbol of Flame Good crowd damage spell, though it tends to grab agro
Recitation Good short buff to run give a party right before a fight, or that person that can't seem to make a skill check. +2 luck bonus so ask if they have a luck item on
Poison Does stat damage, but odds are it wont live long enough to feel the effects that make it worth the SP
Dismissal Finger of death for outsiders
Summon Monster IV Good addition for range support and can temporarily stop mobs with web, a little to big to fit some places.
Chaos Hammer/Holy Smite/Unholy Blight/Order's Wrath They are alright spells in their own, but only effective against their opposite alignment
Divine Power For a Battle Cleric

Cure Critical Wounds, Panacea are two first spot choices I would make. Restoration, it might be easier to grab scrolls. Shield of Faith, Mass cause I rarely encounter someone with a +3 deflection bonus at level 7

03-23-2009, 03:04 AM
Thanks for all the info. Haven't had much time to play this weekend, so I must still sort out all my spells, but I have changed my feats to Extend, MT, Empower Heal.


03-23-2009, 03:40 AM
Ack I looked up 7th level spells... I feel like such a noob >_<

7th LEVEL Bad
Chaos Hammer/Holy Smite/Unholy Blight/Order's Wrath They are alright spells in their own, but only effective against their opposite alignment
Divine Power For a Battle Cleric

Order's Wrath vs. chaotic creatures is incredible if the party has strong warriors or arcane casters in it. On a Cleric with a decent Wisdom score, you would be surprised at how many Ogres, Orcs, Minos, ect. fail their save and become fodder from one casting of this spell without meta's active due to it's long daze duration. It also ignores SR completely as do Chaos Hammer , Unholy Blight & Holy Smite.

Chaos Hammer is useful as well because of it's Slow effect on targets. (Having enemies Slowed while someone Hastes the party makes for a cheap night out.)

I use both of these ( Chaos Hammer & Order's Wrath) on my Cleric with great results. I would rather use one of these than a few Heal spells or Mass Cures. Most quests are composed mainly of one alignment anyway so it is easy to decide to prep one or both. I also got Divine Cleansing III as soon as I could. It is superior to the Panacea spell at that tier and even a low charisma cleric can get enough uses to make it worthwhile. This ability works through walls and doors as does Divine Healing.