View Full Version : Test Build: IntimiMonk, feasible?

03-17-2009, 12:48 AM
13/6/1 Monk/Ranger/Rogue
Lawful Good WF

Strength 14 start + 6 item = 20 (+5) + 2 ram's might = 22 (+6)
Dexterity 16 start + 4 lvl + 2 enhancement + 6 item = 28 (+9)
Constitution 14 start + 2 enhancement + 6 item = 22 (+6)
Intelligence 10 start + 2 tome at lvl 1 = 12 (+1)
Wisdom 13 start + 3 enhancement + 6 item = 22 (+6)
Charisma 8 start + 6 item = 14 (+2)

Level up breakdown:

Level 1 (Rogue 1)
Feat: (Selected) Dodge
Level 2 (Ranger 1)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
Level 3 (Ranger 2)
Feat: (Selected) Weapon Finesse
Level 4 (Ranger 3) Dex.
Level 5 (Ranger 4)
Level 6 (Ranger 5)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Aberration
Feat: (Selected) Mobility
Level 7 (Ranger 6)
Level 8 (Monk 1) Dex.
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
Level 9 (Monk 2)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack
Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
Level 10 (Monk 3)
Level 11 (Monk 4)
Level 12 (Monk 5) Dex.
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Blocking
Level 13 (Monk 6)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Stunning Fist
Level 14 (Monk 7)
Level 15 (Monk 8)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 16 (Monk 9) Dex.
Level 17 (Monk 10)
Level 18 (Monk 11)
Feat: (selected) Skill Focus: UMD/Intimidate
Level 19 (Monk 12)
Level 20 (Monk 13)

AC Breakdown:

10 base
2 composite plating
7 dt docent
9 Dex bonus
6 wisdom bonus
2 tempest I
3 Monk centered bonus
1 dodge feat
2 chaosgarde
5 protection item
47 unbuffed

3 bark potion
3 chattering ring
1 armor ritual
5 Levik upgrade on DT docent
59 with "some" grinding

5 Pocket Pally aura
1 haste
2 full barkskin
2 shield clickie/wand
69 (+2 with +2 dex and wis tome, -1 when in fire/mountain stance)


48 6 ranger
6 1 rogue
104 13 monk
20 heroic durability
22 toughness feat
120 con bonus
10 dragonic vitality
330 basic
40 wf toughness
30 GFL
400 technical hp
-20 if in air stance
+22 more if wearing Minos Legen
+20 more with + 2 con tome or while in mountain stance
+40 more with + 2 con tome AND while in mountain stance
+60 more with + 3 con tome AND while in mountain stance


8/8/8 13 monk base
5/5/2 6 ranger base
0/2/0 1 rogue base
6/9/6 ability bonus
2/2/2 head of good fortune
5/5/5 resistance item
4/4/4 greater hero
1/1/1 alchemy bonus
31/36/28 (+4/4/4 if have access to +3 wis tome and highest water stance)


23 Base
2 cha bonus
2 head of good fortune
4 GH
5 seven fingered gloves
6 shroud item (if needed)
42 (+3 more if going Focus: UMD for lvl 18)

23 Base
2 cha bonus
2 head of good fortune
2 tenacious badger
15 item
4 GH
6 shroud item (if needed)
54 (+3 more if going Focuse: Intimidate for lvl 18)

Body: Dragontouched Docent (+5 resistance ; +5 Con/Wis/Str ; Levik's Defender)
Weapon: +5 Whatever Handwraps of weighted (hopefully 5%) // dual Kamas
Wrist: Chaosgarde
Goggles: Tharne's Goggles / Greensteel goggle
Cloak: + 6 cha cloak
Head: Minos Legen / + 6 wisdom helm / Intimidate helm
Necklace: +6 con/wis
Trinket: Head of Good Fortune (+1 resistance Ritual, mod fort, +2 luck bonus)
Belt: +6 str/con
Boots: Madstone Boots / 30% strider
Ring 1: TumbleWeed
Ring 2: Chattering Ring
Gloves: Seven Fingered Gloves

thinking about staying in Greater mountain stance most of the time for passive dr and blocking DR, don't know how the DR would work blocking while unarmed, but oh well :p

pretty decent saves, improved evasion, abundant step, REALLY fast movement especially with boosts, decently high AC without CE
probably should work on the intimidate a bit tho, seems a bit low for consistent intimidation


03-17-2009, 04:21 AM
What's the rogue level giving you?

And what's the point of 6 ranger levels?

I just think this is a case of trying to do too much with no focus.

What does ranger give you to boost defense that you can't do through pots? How about rogue what does that supplement on your intomi-monk?

03-17-2009, 05:06 AM
What's the rogue level giving you?
Intimidate, lol

03-17-2009, 05:34 AM
Intimidate, lol

and full UMD too.

03-17-2009, 02:50 PM
What's the rogue level giving you?

And what's the point of 6 ranger levels?

I just think this is a case of trying to do too much with no focus.

What does ranger give you to boost defense that you can't do through pots? How about rogue what does that supplement on your intomi-monk?

1 rogue => intimidate and UMD as class skill
6 ranger => twf and itwf, ram's might, tempest, dex enhancement

03-17-2009, 03:05 PM
I actually built an Intimimonk that sure seemed to be working through level 7, but I abandoned him mid-stream because I decided I liked my Intimirogue idea considerably better! For ideas (not to say these are better than what you've proposed):

my intimimonk: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=162442

my intimirogue: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=171456

Aside: I'm not the sort who focuses on one character. In fact, I'm the polar opposite -- I usually have 6-10 active experiments who are between levels 4 and 11. But since I built my intimirogue recently, I've been on him almost 100%. As much as I sure *think* he maps to an uber end-game character, the only thing I can say for sure is: MAN IS HE FUN.

03-17-2009, 03:08 PM
Here is an intimimonk (http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4923445&postcount=303) for ideas.

03-17-2009, 03:13 PM
Here is an intimimonk (http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4923445&postcount=303) for ideas.
Why fighter? Rogue seems so much better. Not like you need any extra feat.

03-17-2009, 03:14 PM
Addressing this build more directly:

- Intimidate score seems a bit low. You may be forced to somehow invest more toward that (e.g. higher start CHA, SF: Intim, Bullheaded) to reliably Intimidate?

- AC looks a touch low for all-aggro-all-the-time, but I think that's only because you're missing a few things: Most critically Combat Expertise. Surely you want that for any Intimitank? (It's even a Monk Bonus Feat.)

- Saves, Improved Evasion, and WF immunities look very strong for magic defense.

03-17-2009, 04:14 PM
as it stands now i'm focusing on dps with power attack so i didn't focus much into the ac section, i guess i can swap out two weapon blocking and stunning fist for CE and take up both Skill Focus: Intimidate and UMD
i'm not to sure how much DR i'm gonna have while blocking with fists though =\

EDIT: bleh, if i take off of con, i won't be able to get greater mountain stance =\
drop more str? =(

anyway, what if i take off some Con and shove them into cha?

oh, and apparently some people like to compare other people's build with theirs that assumed a lot of stuff (like guarenteed +4 tomes and stuff)
so let's see what happened when this build goes hyper O_o

13/6/1 Monk/Ranger/Rogue
Lawful Good WF

Strength 14 start + 6 item + 4 tome= 24 (+7) + 2 ram's might = 26 (+8)
Dexterity 15 start + 5 lvl + 2 enhancement + 6 item + +4 tome= 32 (+11)
Constitution 15 start + 2 enhancement + 6 item + 4 tome = 27 (+8)
Intelligence 11 start + 2 tome at lvl 1 = 13 (+1)
Wisdom 13 start + 3 enhancement + 6 item + 4 tome= 26 (+8)
Charisma 8 start + 6 item +4 tome = 18 (+4)

Feats and lvlups:

Level 1 (Rogue 1)
Feat: (Selected) Dodge
Level 2 (Ranger 1)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
Level 3 (Ranger 2)
Feat: (Selected) Weapon Finesse
Level 4 (Ranger 3) Dex.
Level 5 (Ranger 4)
Level 6 (Ranger 5)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Aberration
Feat: (Selected) Mobility
Level 7 (Ranger 6)
Level 8 (Monk 1) Dex.
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
Level 9 (Monk 2)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack
Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
Level 10 (Monk 3)
Level 11 (Monk 4)
Level 12 (Monk 5) Dex.
Feat: (Selected) Skill Focus: UMD
Level 13 (Monk 6)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Combat Expertise
Level 14 (Monk 7)
Level 15 (Monk 8)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 16 (Monk 9) Dex.
Level 17 (Monk 10)
Level 18 (Monk 11)
Feat: (selected) Skill Focus: Intimidate
Level 19 (Monk 12)
Level 20 (Monk 13)Dex

AC breakdown:

10 base
2 composite plating
7 dt docent
11 Dex bonus
8 wisdom bonus
2 tempest I
3 Monk centered bonus
1 dodge feat
2 chaosgarde
5 protection item
5 CE
56 unbuffed

3 bark potion
3 chattering ring
1 armor ritual
4 Insight upgrade on DT docent
67 with "some" grinding

5 Pocket Pally aura
1 haste
2 full barkskin
2 shield clickie/wand
4 bard song
2 Recitation
83 +1 more with either Air or Water Stance


48 6 ranger
6 1 rogue
104 13 monk
20 heroic durability
22 toughness feat
160 con bonus
10 dragonic vitality
370 basic
40 wf toughness
30 GFL
400 technical hp
45 Shroud Item
-20 if in air stance
+22 more if wearing Minos Legen
+40 more with Mountain Stance


8/8/8 13 monk base
5/5/2 6 ranger base
0/2/0 1 rogue base
8/11/8 ability bonus
2/2/2 head of good fortune
5/5/5 resistance item
4/4/4 greater hero
1/1/1 alchemy bonus
32/38/30 (+4/4/4 if in water stance)

To Hit:

+15 BaB
+4 Flurry of Blows
+11 Dex bonus
-2 TwF
-8 Power Attack
+5 weapon
+25 to Hit while under full Power attack
+4 more from GH
+1 more while in air stance


23 Base
4 cha bonus
2 head of good fortune
4 GH
5 seven fingered gloves
3 Skill Focus
6 shroud item (if needed)
47 (+3 with ranger boost II)

23 Base
4 cha bonus
2 head of good fortune
2 tenacious badger
15 item
3 Skill Focus
4 GH
6 shroud item (if needed)
59 (+3 with Ranger boost II)

03-17-2009, 04:20 PM
PS: wonder if the Rogue haste Boost I will stack with Tempest I and Greater Air Stance alongside with Haste :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
sure hope so :D

03-17-2009, 06:22 PM

03-21-2009, 09:53 PM
Are you using Kamas or Unarmed Combat?

The reason I ask is because you have Tempest and Two Weapon Defense. Those abilities will not work if using Handwraps. That leaves you with kamas to gain the benefit of TWF extras and monk stances.

03-21-2009, 09:55 PM
I actually have, right now, an exceptional item for this build: improved potency I helm of intimidate 13, rr wf .. improves healing ki and gives you your intimidate in one spot

kinda cool, but no one on ghall plays wf or monks, much less both, and no one will buy it.

03-22-2009, 12:40 AM
Are you using Kamas or Unarmed Combat?

The reason I ask is because you have Tempest and Two Weapon Defense. Those abilities will not work if using Handwraps. That leaves you with kamas to gain the benefit of TWF extras and monk stances.

aye, i was actually thinking about going unarmed first, but found out that twd doesn't work with it, so i guess i'll be replacing it with something else (like CE, look at second version)
i left it open

I actually have, right now, an exceptional item for this build: improved potency I helm of intimidate 13, rr wf .. improves healing ki and gives you your intimidate in one spot

kinda cool, but no one on ghall plays wf or monks, much less both, and no one will buy it.
lol, trying to make your sales here eh :p

03-22-2009, 01:09 AM
Anyway, on a side note, I'd probably try an intimonk as a Dwarf or perhaps a Human. Halflings take a penalty to intimidate requiring more feats to boost it up. WF limits your AC to at most 7. Any other race can get 8 Armor and Icy Rainments.

03-22-2009, 01:43 AM
aye, i was actually thinking about going unarmed first, but found out that twd doesn't work with it, so i guess i'll be replacing it with something else (like CE, look at second version)
i left it open

lol, trying to make your sales here eh :p

was just a random comment becuase the item made me think 'hum, i wonder if there is such thing as a wf intimi-monk', and lo and behold, here are people designing one.

03-22-2009, 08:40 PM
Anyway, on a side note, I'd probably try an intimonk as a Dwarf or perhaps a Human. Halflings take a penalty to intimidate requiring more feats to boost it up. WF limits your AC to at most 7. Any other race can get 8 Armor and Icy Rainments.

8 armor bracers (really expensive and hard to get)
4 dodge bonus off Icy (pain in the arse to grind)
+1 armor ritual
totalling 13

limit to 7? =P
2 base off composite
+7 off DT docent right off the bat
+2 dodge off chaosgarde
+4 insight off DT upgrade (or +5 insight if levik's set really does give +5)
totalling 15
same 2 slots, but wf have it easier to "grind" (except for the stupid docent lottery)