03-17-2009, 12:48 AM
13/6/1 Monk/Ranger/Rogue
Lawful Good WF
Strength 14 start + 6 item = 20 (+5) + 2 ram's might = 22 (+6)
Dexterity 16 start + 4 lvl + 2 enhancement + 6 item = 28 (+9)
Constitution 14 start + 2 enhancement + 6 item = 22 (+6)
Intelligence 10 start + 2 tome at lvl 1 = 12 (+1)
Wisdom 13 start + 3 enhancement + 6 item = 22 (+6)
Charisma 8 start + 6 item = 14 (+2)
Level up breakdown:
Level 1 (Rogue 1)
Feat: (Selected) Dodge
Level 2 (Ranger 1)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
Level 3 (Ranger 2)
Feat: (Selected) Weapon Finesse
Level 4 (Ranger 3) Dex.
Level 5 (Ranger 4)
Level 6 (Ranger 5)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Aberration
Feat: (Selected) Mobility
Level 7 (Ranger 6)
Level 8 (Monk 1) Dex.
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
Level 9 (Monk 2)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack
Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
Level 10 (Monk 3)
Level 11 (Monk 4)
Level 12 (Monk 5) Dex.
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Blocking
Level 13 (Monk 6)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Stunning Fist
Level 14 (Monk 7)
Level 15 (Monk 8)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 16 (Monk 9) Dex.
Level 17 (Monk 10)
Level 18 (Monk 11)
Feat: (selected) Skill Focus: UMD/Intimidate
Level 19 (Monk 12)
Level 20 (Monk 13)
AC Breakdown:
10 base
2 composite plating
7 dt docent
9 Dex bonus
6 wisdom bonus
2 tempest I
3 Monk centered bonus
1 dodge feat
2 chaosgarde
5 protection item
47 unbuffed
3 bark potion
3 chattering ring
1 armor ritual
5 Levik upgrade on DT docent
59 with "some" grinding
5 Pocket Pally aura
1 haste
2 full barkskin
2 shield clickie/wand
69 (+2 with +2 dex and wis tome, -1 when in fire/mountain stance)
48 6 ranger
6 1 rogue
104 13 monk
20 heroic durability
22 toughness feat
120 con bonus
10 dragonic vitality
330 basic
40 wf toughness
30 GFL
400 technical hp
-20 if in air stance
+22 more if wearing Minos Legen
+20 more with + 2 con tome or while in mountain stance
+40 more with + 2 con tome AND while in mountain stance
+60 more with + 3 con tome AND while in mountain stance
8/8/8 13 monk base
5/5/2 6 ranger base
0/2/0 1 rogue base
6/9/6 ability bonus
2/2/2 head of good fortune
5/5/5 resistance item
4/4/4 greater hero
1/1/1 alchemy bonus
31/36/28 (+4/4/4 if have access to +3 wis tome and highest water stance)
23 Base
2 cha bonus
2 head of good fortune
4 GH
5 seven fingered gloves
6 shroud item (if needed)
42 (+3 more if going Focus: UMD for lvl 18)
23 Base
2 cha bonus
2 head of good fortune
2 tenacious badger
15 item
4 GH
6 shroud item (if needed)
54 (+3 more if going Focuse: Intimidate for lvl 18)
Body: Dragontouched Docent (+5 resistance ; +5 Con/Wis/Str ; Levik's Defender)
Weapon: +5 Whatever Handwraps of weighted (hopefully 5%) // dual Kamas
Wrist: Chaosgarde
Goggles: Tharne's Goggles / Greensteel goggle
Cloak: + 6 cha cloak
Head: Minos Legen / + 6 wisdom helm / Intimidate helm
Necklace: +6 con/wis
Trinket: Head of Good Fortune (+1 resistance Ritual, mod fort, +2 luck bonus)
Belt: +6 str/con
Boots: Madstone Boots / 30% strider
Ring 1: TumbleWeed
Ring 2: Chattering Ring
Gloves: Seven Fingered Gloves
thinking about staying in Greater mountain stance most of the time for passive dr and blocking DR, don't know how the DR would work blocking while unarmed, but oh well :p
pretty decent saves, improved evasion, abundant step, REALLY fast movement especially with boosts, decently high AC without CE
probably should work on the intimidate a bit tho, seems a bit low for consistent intimidation
Lawful Good WF
Strength 14 start + 6 item = 20 (+5) + 2 ram's might = 22 (+6)
Dexterity 16 start + 4 lvl + 2 enhancement + 6 item = 28 (+9)
Constitution 14 start + 2 enhancement + 6 item = 22 (+6)
Intelligence 10 start + 2 tome at lvl 1 = 12 (+1)
Wisdom 13 start + 3 enhancement + 6 item = 22 (+6)
Charisma 8 start + 6 item = 14 (+2)
Level up breakdown:
Level 1 (Rogue 1)
Feat: (Selected) Dodge
Level 2 (Ranger 1)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
Level 3 (Ranger 2)
Feat: (Selected) Weapon Finesse
Level 4 (Ranger 3) Dex.
Level 5 (Ranger 4)
Level 6 (Ranger 5)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Aberration
Feat: (Selected) Mobility
Level 7 (Ranger 6)
Level 8 (Monk 1) Dex.
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
Level 9 (Monk 2)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack
Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
Level 10 (Monk 3)
Level 11 (Monk 4)
Level 12 (Monk 5) Dex.
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Blocking
Level 13 (Monk 6)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Stunning Fist
Level 14 (Monk 7)
Level 15 (Monk 8)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 16 (Monk 9) Dex.
Level 17 (Monk 10)
Level 18 (Monk 11)
Feat: (selected) Skill Focus: UMD/Intimidate
Level 19 (Monk 12)
Level 20 (Monk 13)
AC Breakdown:
10 base
2 composite plating
7 dt docent
9 Dex bonus
6 wisdom bonus
2 tempest I
3 Monk centered bonus
1 dodge feat
2 chaosgarde
5 protection item
47 unbuffed
3 bark potion
3 chattering ring
1 armor ritual
5 Levik upgrade on DT docent
59 with "some" grinding
5 Pocket Pally aura
1 haste
2 full barkskin
2 shield clickie/wand
69 (+2 with +2 dex and wis tome, -1 when in fire/mountain stance)
48 6 ranger
6 1 rogue
104 13 monk
20 heroic durability
22 toughness feat
120 con bonus
10 dragonic vitality
330 basic
40 wf toughness
30 GFL
400 technical hp
-20 if in air stance
+22 more if wearing Minos Legen
+20 more with + 2 con tome or while in mountain stance
+40 more with + 2 con tome AND while in mountain stance
+60 more with + 3 con tome AND while in mountain stance
8/8/8 13 monk base
5/5/2 6 ranger base
0/2/0 1 rogue base
6/9/6 ability bonus
2/2/2 head of good fortune
5/5/5 resistance item
4/4/4 greater hero
1/1/1 alchemy bonus
31/36/28 (+4/4/4 if have access to +3 wis tome and highest water stance)
23 Base
2 cha bonus
2 head of good fortune
4 GH
5 seven fingered gloves
6 shroud item (if needed)
42 (+3 more if going Focus: UMD for lvl 18)
23 Base
2 cha bonus
2 head of good fortune
2 tenacious badger
15 item
4 GH
6 shroud item (if needed)
54 (+3 more if going Focuse: Intimidate for lvl 18)
Body: Dragontouched Docent (+5 resistance ; +5 Con/Wis/Str ; Levik's Defender)
Weapon: +5 Whatever Handwraps of weighted (hopefully 5%) // dual Kamas
Wrist: Chaosgarde
Goggles: Tharne's Goggles / Greensteel goggle
Cloak: + 6 cha cloak
Head: Minos Legen / + 6 wisdom helm / Intimidate helm
Necklace: +6 con/wis
Trinket: Head of Good Fortune (+1 resistance Ritual, mod fort, +2 luck bonus)
Belt: +6 str/con
Boots: Madstone Boots / 30% strider
Ring 1: TumbleWeed
Ring 2: Chattering Ring
Gloves: Seven Fingered Gloves
thinking about staying in Greater mountain stance most of the time for passive dr and blocking DR, don't know how the DR would work blocking while unarmed, but oh well :p
pretty decent saves, improved evasion, abundant step, REALLY fast movement especially with boosts, decently high AC without CE
probably should work on the intimidate a bit tho, seems a bit low for consistent intimidation