View Full Version : Vacuum / Trap the Soul Question

03-08-2009, 11:17 AM
With the Paladin Capstone making all your weapons good-aligned, I've started looking at the lesser used Green Steel weapons.

I have no casters, and information on the forums is a little sparse about Trap the Soul and Vacuum weapons.

From what I understand, Trap the Soul turns a bad guy into an essence if they fail a will save and are under a certain HD.

Does anyone out there have a vacuum weapon? Does it proc a lot? What's the will save on its Trap the Soul? What HD cap is it at? Does it work on every type of monster (not rednamed of course)? Does it make a good fun killing weapon or is it mostly just used as a cheap alternative to get essences?

Thanks in advance.


03-09-2009, 01:06 PM
From what I read it's equivalent to a 20 HD version of the spell. Can't really tell more about it. It's unlikely to be really useful for anything but soul gem collecting though.