View Full Version : "The QA Lodge" is now "The House of Errors"!

03-06-2009, 04:02 PM
NOTE: The QA Lodge has a new home and a new name! Please visit my.ddo for the QA House of Errors (http://my.ddo.com/404error/)!

Welcome to the QA Lodge! This is the place to ask whether something is a bug or not when you're not entirely certain. It is also a place where you can ask about the status of a known bug and if/when it can be expected to get fixed. Remember, this is not the place to report bugs, you'll still need to continue reporting them through the bug reporting system in game.

We ask that visitors to the Lodge please check the Known Issues (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=150534) list before entering the discussion.

QA Lodge Links:

Q&A with QA (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1773394&postcount=3) - Common questions and common mistaken bugs sent to the QA department with answers!
Rules for Lodge Guests (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1773397&postcount=4) - It's important to follow the rules of the Lodge if you'd like to continue to enjoy your stay!
The Known Issues List (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=150534) - Remember to stop by the Known Issues list before diving into the discussion!
A Short Guide to the Bug Reporting System (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=93871) - An explanation of how, when, and why to use the bug reporting form.

03-06-2009, 04:04 PM
Here we will cover common questions asked about QA in DDO. We will also cover common reports on "mistaken" bugs - things that are not bugs, but can easily be mistaken for bugs by people not that familiar with the game rules.

(updated 1/20/09)

Gameplay Issues

Q: My Ranger has a Spot of 30+ but I still can't spot most traps. I know Spot is working since I notice secret doors fine. Why are Trap DC's so high that I can't find them?

A: In our adaptation of the Pencil and Paper rules, we have expanded the Rogue's Trapfinding ability to affect Spot as well as Search. That means that you need to have Trapfinding in order to Spot traps with a DC higher than 20.

Q: I've got an item that claims to give me damage reduction against slashing weapons, but my character sheet is telling me I have DR against piercing and bludgeoning instead. Why are Axeblock items broken?

A: They're not, it's working fine. Here's the description of Damage Reduction paraphrased from the D&D Player's Handbook:

"The number in a creature's damage reduction is the amount of hit points of damage the creature ignores. The information after the slash indicates the type of weapon that overcomes the damage reduction. Some damage reduction, such as that of a barbarian, is not overcome by any type of weapon."

This means that a DR rating of 5/piercing, bludgeoning is telling you that you will ignore the first 5 points of damage from any physical attack except those delivered with a piercing or bludgeoning weapon. In other words, you are protected from the first five points of slashing damage.

Q: I just completed a raid and my quest counter didn't increase. I'm almost to my 20th completion, but now the counter stopped working. Am I going to lose my reward for 20 completions?

A: You've capped your experience points, haven't you? And you’re looking at your Experience Report, aren’t you? The part that says, “You repeated this quest # times,” right?


That counter only records the amount of times you’ve repeated a quest for purposes of calculating the XP penalty for that quest. If you’ve done the quest too many times, you start getting penalized. This also means that if you have capped your XP this number will no longer increase, so you don’t get penalized when you’re not actually getting any XP for completing the quest.

Please use the '/quest completions' command in the chat bar. This will give you the actual times you’ve completed a raid so you know when you’re nearing the 20th mark.

Q: I took the second level of Arcane Fluidity but my Arcane Spell Failure chance is still only reduced by 5%! Is the enhancement broken?

A: The Enhancement is working correctly. The first level of Arcane Fluidity reduces the Arcane Spell Failure by 5% while wearing Light armor. You may have noticed that it has no effect on you while wearing Medium or Heavy armor. The second level of Arcane Fluidity reduces the ASF chance by 5% while wearing Light and Medium armor. This does not stack with the first enchancement, it just allows the 5% reduction to apply while wearing medium armor.

Stacking rules are pretty complex in DDO and the variety of enhancements only complicates things. Please be sure to read each enhancement carefully before spending any Action Points on them.

Q: I'm trying to level my character and the trainer won't let me select a Feat. I can't finish training without picking a Feat, but none of them work. What gives?

A: This is mostly from Rangers trying to train 15th level, but is more understandable from 3rd level characters just multi-classing to a first level Ranger. The problem is that the trainer wants you to pick a Favored Enemy Feat, but the Favored Enemy list is collapsed so that you aren't noticing that those Feats are yellow. Click on the button to expand the Favored Enemy list and select one of those Feats to continue training.

Q: Why am I not getting my full Dexterity bonus to Armor Class?

A: Aside from standard game rules reasons (such as wearing Armor that limits your dex modifier) this is commonly a problem with your encumbrance. Dexterity bonus to AC is capped to 3 when carrying a medium load and 1 when carrying a heavy load. If your AC isn't adding up, check your encumbrance level.

Q: My attack bonus is in the negatives, even though it should be +whatever due to my Base Attack Bonus, Feats, weapon, etc... What gives??

A: Please make sure Defensive Fighting, Combat Expertise, or any other "Combat Mode" isn't activated as they provide a penalty to your attack bonus. Remember that these abilities can be turned on, even if you've dragged them off your hotbars. Remember to turn off abilities when you move them off your hotbars to avoid confusion.

Q: I'm not getting favor for a quest I just completed. What gives?

A: There are two possible causes for this. One is that you're too low a level for the quest to show up in your Adventure Compendium (the star on your menu bar in game). You generally can't see a quest that's more than 2 levels higher than you. Rest assured that the favor is being added, and you'll see it once you gain a few levels. The other possibility is that occasionally with certain quests the favor does not appear right after you complete the quest, even though it is being awarded correctly. You will likely have to log out and back in for any visual change to take place.

Q: An Enhancement isn't available, even though I have all the prerequisites.

A: Are you multi-classed with another class that gives the same enhancement? If you already have it from another class, you can't select it twice.

Bug Reporting

Q: How do I report a bug? Should I report it here on the forums?

A: To report a bug, you'll need to use the help panel in game, and select the option "Report a Bug." Alternatively, you can click on the "Submit a Bug" link towards the top of this page to arrive at the same reporting tool. Be sure to fill out as many details as you can to help us understand the issue. Don't rely on the forums to report your bugs. Using the bug-reporting tool ensures that the bugs are brought to the attention of the QA department. For more information on how to report bugs, there is a very informative article available here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=93871).

Q: How many bug reports should I send? Should I send a bug report each time the bug happens or just the first time?

A: Once per issue is usually sufficient. The only times a second report would be useful is if you have discovered new information that could help us identify the precise problem, or after a release in which we claim to have fixed the problem. Clearly if we think we fixed it but it's still happening, we need to hear about it again.

Q: How do I know if my bug has been received - do I get a response?

A: When you submit a bug report, you'll receive a confirmation screen that your report went through. On rare occasions, you may be asked for more information, but only if you've provided a contact email address or some other means to reach you. This is only done if the bug you've submitted is extremely difficult for our QA department to reproduce, and we need more details to determine how it is occurring. If you're curious about the status of a bug you submitted, you can check the Known Issues list, the Release Notes, and even the QA Lodge for news and updates. Please keep in mind that not all bugs will be listed in these places, but that does not mean we have not received your bug report.

03-06-2009, 04:05 PM
We ask that visitors to the QA Lodge please adhere to the following Lodge rules:

- DO post about actual bugs in the game, not design decisions.
- DO post asking whether an issue is intended or is, in fact, a bug.
- DO post about old issues that seem like they’ve been around forever. There’s no retirement age for issues that interrupt your play experience.

- Do NOT say anything negative about another poster.
- Do NOT use the QA Lodge as a substitute for reporting bugs in game! The reporting tool is still the best and most reliable way to get your issue looked at.
- Do NOT try to argue about how something is implemented. If we say that it’s by design, you can discuss it in the rest of the developer discussion forum, in a constructive manner.
- Do NOT demand responses to your posts. Don’t be surprised if a few days go by between official posts as QA has lots of other things that need to get done before spending time on the forums.

Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay!

03-06-2009, 04:45 PM
Restarting the Lodge here to clear up some quirkiness the forum makeover created.

And to prove I'm not on Moderation anymore, it's Renee.


03-06-2009, 04:46 PM
Sweet, first!

Any progress on fixing Warforged brute fighting to work with rage? :)

03-06-2009, 04:51 PM
And to prove I'm not on Moderation anymore, it's Renee.
LOL, well good to know.

03-06-2009, 05:00 PM

03-06-2009, 05:02 PM
Slithe -

Welcome to your new spot. May Renee keep you here.

I have had recent trouble on Korthos island (bug reported in game) where I was unable to recall. Recall would dial up and finish, go to loading screen, and then close without transporting and I would still be in the island instance. I then would walk to the gate and try to enter the town that way and the game would crash and my computer re-booted. Never seen anything like it.

Happened multiple occasions, different days.

Upon re-loading, my character would be wrecked on the island being asked if I wanted to take the tutorial or not. Gave a 1,000 xp each time too.

I did not see this is as a known issue.

03-06-2009, 05:09 PM
Is there a location we can look to find a list of known Bugs and other issues.

What I am looking for is things like reported ladders connection spots, stuck spots, traps you can't find the trap boxes, things that aren't stacking properly?

03-06-2009, 05:10 PM
Slithe -

Welcome to your new spot. May Renee keep you here.

I have had recent trouble on Korthos island (bug reported in game) where I was unable to recall. Recall would dial up and finish, go to loading screen, and then close without transporting and I would still be in the island instance. I then would walk to the gate and try to enter the town that way and the game would crash and my computer re-booted. Never seen anything like it.

Happened multiple occasions, different days.

Upon re-loading, my character would be wrecked on the island being asked if I wanted to take the tutorial or not. Gave a 1,000 xp each time too.

I did not see this is as a known issue.

Yes, we do know about it. Working to get it fixed in Mod 9.


03-06-2009, 05:42 PM

Tolero's middle name....

03-06-2009, 05:53 PM
Any chance this is a bug?


Barrier in Redemtion Korthos

03-06-2009, 06:23 PM
I have had recent trouble on Korthos island (bug reported in game) where I was unable to recall. Recall would dial up and finish, go to loading screen, and then close without transporting and I would still be in the island instance. I then would walk to the gate and try to enter the town that way and the game would crash and my computer re-booted. Never seen anything like it.

This bug has been fixed in M9. I've never heard of the crashing issue associated with it before, however.

03-06-2009, 06:32 PM
Do we have a general hireling feedback thread? Or just use the Dec - Tell the Team thread?

As to a bug question... In Mod-9 can you hit Alt-Z, M, mouse-look rotate and have your on screen map cartwheel around for you?

03-06-2009, 07:07 PM
Wonderful new thread. I will soon resubmit the placement issues for the arch in Phoenix Tavern, the one at the front, it's floating off the lip of the floor slab. And that the bar across the pit floats a touch.
I've PM'd about the collision box out by the Market(Ex-tent) Fountain, right behind it. Too the right of the Rogue trainer. It trips you up running through that little slip.
And a funny one I did not see for more than a year, the first stair(on the floor)of the bank is missing it's rise(texture) the whole flight floats. And I never saw it until 3-4 weeks ago. ;)))! I normally have a radar for that junk...!
I posted them as Puddle on Thelanis at one point last year after bumping into Keeper on CA.
All of I can think of right yet.


03-06-2009, 07:28 PM
Are the collection quests being looked at in the shroud? I'm talking about the 4 quests you get in meridia once you've done the shroud at least once. They each ask you to return 100 items, 2 of which do not drop in the shroud, the other 2 only advance your quests if you are the one who got the kill, which means an average person can only complete these every 9 years or so.

In addition, any chance we could get norm-elite unlocked for the solo-only quests? None of them have exp worth farming, nor items, and it looks ugly on our favor log when you sort by completion, as solo shows up between none and normal. Also, thwarting the threat is showing up in favor logs, even though you cannot get this quest anymore.

03-06-2009, 07:35 PM
Thank you both. Yeah, the crashing issue was very ... strange. I don't have the issue with any other app and I have never had some of the "load" issues players complain of here on the boards. Perhaps my cpu is allergic to Korthos? :D

Yes, we do know about it. Working to get it fixed in Mod 9.


This bug has been fixed in M9. I've never heard of the crashing issue associated with it before, however.

03-06-2009, 07:36 PM
Q: Why am I not getting my full Dexterity bonus to Armor Class?

A: Aside from standard game rules reasons (such as wearing Armor that limits your dex modifier) this is commonly a problem with your encumbrance. Dexterity bonus to AC is capped to 3 when carrying a medium load and 1 when carrying a heavy load. If your AC isn't adding up, check your encumbrance level.

Any chance we can get a icon on our screen to tell us we are moderately encumbered? This makes a huge difference in AC on a rogue or monk and there are no icons until you become heavily encumbered.

03-06-2009, 08:28 PM
This is really a repost of the same thing I've been asking for a while. I haven't seen response to this as yet, thought its possible I could have missed it.


Been seeing this for a while, have reported it a few time, but haven't seen any comment on it. I think this bug has been around since I started playing (March 2006). Please fix this, since it has persisted for so long, it has become my number one annoyance with the UI.


The 'lock toolbars' under the UI options menu doesn't work as I'd expect it should.

When enabled, toolbars should be totally locked, meaning that all the items in the toolbar are locked into their spots, and the toolbar is locked to a fixed screen location.

There are a couple different ways that this seems to be a bug.
1) Toolbars can be moved when the option is enabled. One edge of the toolbar remains selectable to drag the tool bar around. On horizontal bars this is the bottom edge. On vertical bars this in the right edge (I believe).
2) Items in the toolbars can be moved once. If the item has been moved (mouse dragged) it becomes locked after it has been released. This is at the items origin and destination locations. These now locked locations seem to persist across multiple log-outs and log-ins and changing characters. Reloading the client resets these locked locations to unlocked.
Wishful thinking:

Allow locking the entirety of the UI, so that nothing can be moved around.


12-19-2007, 12:34 PM
07-03-2008, 12:36 PM

03-07-2009, 05:38 AM
There are a couple different ways that this seems to be a bug.
1) Toolbars can be moved when the option is enabled. One edge of the toolbar remains selectable to drag the tool bar around. On horizontal bars this is the bottom edge. On vertical bars this in the right edge (I believe).
2) Items in the toolbars can be moved once. If the item has been moved (mouse dragged) it becomes locked after it has been released. This is at the items origin and destination locations. These now locked locations seem to persist across multiple log-outs and log-ins and changing characters. Reloading the client resets these locked locations to unlocked.[/INDENT]

I thought I read a response to part one, sometime in the past. This is a design feature, rather than a bug. Good or bad design, but not a bug?

03-07-2009, 05:41 AM
Inactivity log out was broken, then fixed, now broken again. I do not see it in known issues, and have reported it, again. Why would something like this not show in the known issues thread?

03-07-2009, 12:31 PM
Mummy in tomb of the shadow king can be killed immediately instead of taking it across the dungeon to use the light source.

Lesser heighten(4 sec), lesser maximize(4sec), turn the page(6 sec)
By the time this clicky is activated and a target is targeted for using a spell under this effect, lag and the clicky duration makes it surprisingly hard for anyone but a sorc to make use of it, in some cases a sorc withquiken to get off more then one spell. Other classes might not even have a chance to get off a single spell before the duration is over. Is it truly design this way or is the durations a bug because the clickly are not regular spells. Titanic docent (15 secs) is another clicky where durations is annoyingly short for what it is being used for.

Been asking for this to be looked at, sorry for being a broken record and repeating the question on the forum so much :(

03-07-2009, 06:27 PM
Just a reminder the holy aura spell says it will blind attackers, but it has never worked. Not many good cleric spells at this level, so it would be great if the spell worked as the description indicates. Thx.

03-07-2009, 08:43 PM
I've been meaning to ask this for a long time. I'm not sure whether it's intended or not, but I find it increadibly annoying.

To start off, I play with a game pad. I try to map movement, attack and commonly used clickies like healing potions and smites to gamepad keys. However, I don't have enough keys to bind everything. So since I started in March 2006 I've put weapons and equipment on the hotbar and switched using the mouse to select them manually. This worked almost flawlessly until mod 2, when melee was reworked.

When mod 2 was put on Risia, I went to try it out and jumped in one of the new PvP pits where I was promptly killed without even being able to swing a weapon. As much at I clicked attack, I just stood there doing nothing. I might get a couple of swings off, but pretty soon I would quit attacking. I almost quit over this. I submitted bug reports and made posts on the forums asking what was going on. Finally, some other players mentioned that having your mouse pointer over any part of the UI locks out attack. I usually left my pointer over my weapon sets to allow faster switching. All I had to do was continue moving with my left hand, then switch my right hand to my mouse, move it a couple of centimeters and click on the new set. Then I could switch back to the gamepad and start attacking. It took less than a second.

But once this change was implemented I had to make sure that the mouse pointer stays off the UI at all times. I still use the mouse to switch weapons, but It's much slower. I have to move the pointer from the middle of the screen to my weapons, then move it back to the center. If I leave it too close to a hotbar, attack is locked out. If I move it too far and it ends up over the quest objectives, attack is locked out. I've lost count of how many times I've run into a melee only to realise a few seconds later that I haven't been attacking.

So my question is, is this intended? Is this a bug? And if it is intended, why was it changed? And finally, is it possible to change this to make it a little more player friendly? Thanks for your time.

03-10-2009, 03:57 PM
Is the massive lag spikes that are as predictable as spring rain (at least on Thelanis) on anyone's radar as a problem? Is there a theory as to what causes them? Any solutions in the works?

In the past three months or so, it's gotten really difficult to enjoy the game during peak hours.

03-10-2009, 07:09 PM
I thought I read a response to part one, sometime in the past. This is a design feature, rather than a bug. Good or bad design, but not a bug?

Hmm... yep, draging the bars is likely "by design".

The thing that really bothers me is pulling icons off one bar and dropping them onto other bars... then I have random stuff all over replacing stuff I want to use. Very annoying when you're healing and drag Heal, or a Mass Cure off the bar. :-P

03-12-2009, 06:46 AM
Lag on Thelanis continues to (apparently) get worse.

Is it a known issue?

03-19-2009, 07:20 PM
In most attack type special moves such as Trip and Sunder, and most monk special attacks such as Unbalancing Strike and Fires of Purity if you use them on an attack in your chain where you would get 2 attack rolls(with two weapon fighting) you get the effect twice. However with Fists of Light you only get one attack roll rather then 2 when you should get 2 rolls on that attack in the chain. Is this intended or is Fists of Light bugged? An unarmed monk with all TWF feats gets 2 attacks on every attack on his chain so using Fists of Light always decreases your attack count currently.

Is the fact that doing nearly anything while charging a finishing move as a monk, including but not limited too: switching items, grabbing a ledge or ladder, attempting to use a finishing move you don't have ki for, attempting to use a finishing move while tripped, and many more, resets the finishing move counter a bug? I certainly hope so.

Improved Feint's Description calls it: A melee attack which also Bluffs enemies, enabling sneak attacks for a short period of time.
But you get no attack roll when using it. It also doesn't fit into your attack chain like most melee combat abilities. Is it bugged? Just forgotten about back in Mod3 when they revamped sunder & the like to fit into your attack chain?

When i resist a spell with Spell Resistance my combat log says "Spell Penetration Success". That sounds very backwards to me. Is it bugged or is it just some non-obvious thing like the way DR is listed?
For that matter i'm pretty sure when my Caster gets through Spell Resistance it says something like "Spell Resistance: Success". Been a while since i played my caster but i remember it being rather backwards as well.

03-22-2009, 01:24 PM
Paladins and rangers only get 2 SPs at level 4, when they should get 5.

03-22-2009, 05:01 PM
Why fireballs dont explode when they reach their max range (like they are supposed in PnP)?

03-22-2009, 06:11 PM
Why fireballs dont explode when they reach their max range (like they are supposed in PnP)?

You just made me realize that I have yet to have any caster capable of casting Fireball. ;(

Which also reminds me of something else. The non-display of Scribed spells. I for one have long thought this was a much needed tool.

Some people would say this is not a necessity, but I beg to differ. There is no possible way for me too remember what spells Hauler has Inscribed in his book. Almost two real life years ago. I find that a bit off putting. Seems like a small function. I wish it was as simple as it seemed. This was one of the gems of being a wizard, and drawbacks. Not incorporating this or merely not implementing it fully it a loss of the basis of the game. Integrating the function of spells usable, and known seems incredibly straightforward to me. Or some context within the game. Or give us a better character sheet. How can this game be a facet of D & D, when there is no character sheet. I seriously do not understand the stalwart argument some have for not implenting what is such a rewarding tactile aspect of the game. I feel the payback would be immense.

guh/rant off.

03-25-2009, 02:43 PM
3 DX10 bugs I've seen - have reverted back to DX9 due to the last one:

1) For myself and at least a few others, if you run in full screen mode, in many cases on the initial client launch during D3D initialization, the client dies. A relaunch always works. I have not seen this if the default mode is windowed.

2) Sometimes instead of running at the normal 80-100 fps (using my GTX260), the frame rate will drop down into single digits and stay there until a new zone in or an alt-enter. Doesn't happen that often... but annoying when it does. Happens mostly in public instances that I've noticed..

3) Phase tiles for one wearing the phase goggles don't show their red/green phase animations in the Abbot - they just appear/disappear instantly.

Any of these fixed for Mod 9?

03-27-2009, 02:36 PM
1) For myself and at least a few others, if you run in full screen mode, in many cases on the initial client launch during D3D initialization, the client dies. A relaunch always works.

I have had this issue for the last few/several weeks (that's also a reflection on my memory ability :o ) but I am still running XP (on an old computer). I didn't report it b/c the game hasn't started yet, and I'm eager to log on and play. Maybe this is not a DX10 issue?

04-03-2009, 01:33 PM
What happened to the "Pierce the Heart" abilty on bows?

I swore around the time of the Abbot release there was a named bow that would have this feature. It was the bow equivilent of Vorpal.

04-03-2009, 02:00 PM
I ran into something new(well, new to me anyway) yesterday...

I'd just finished a hound raid, and after shrining and zoning out, noticed that my 14/2 cleric/monk didn't have his wisdom bonus to armor class being applied.

I tried a few things to fix it, and the "fix" was to take my dragontouched robe off and then put it back on again.

04-08-2009, 11:32 AM
Any chance this is a bug?


Barrier in Redemtion Korthos

I wondered if this was a bug as well. There is also a door on the ceiling in that last room. The door is selectable, but not reachable! I won't tell you how long I spent trying to devise a way to get up there and open that door!!

05-22-2009, 12:21 PM
Looks like a future expansion place myself... it's supposed to be a cannith development lab.. So a storyline probably involves coming back to heyton's place (maybe if the class Artificer comes in, or some wizard - enhancement )

So i'd say that that barrier in korthos is removed at some point and you can either jump down to here from above or climb up.

As for fireballs exploding at their max range instead of just fizzling, yep I agree that should happen. (even though it will make the fireball spammy fire elementals even tougher)

Lightning bolts should also ALWAYS continue to maximum spell range (not just the target of the spell) or a surface whichever comes first.

06-17-2009, 05:20 AM
Quicky question here, since searching didn't turn anything up.

In the new starting area (well, new to me...just came back to DDO lol...), are the Sahuagin Warriors suppose to have only 3 AC? The Devourer Minions also have a really low AC, making it almost impossible to miss.

I don't see critters in other quests beyond that with such low ACs, think the lowest I ever saw was 9. Just a bit curious if that was intentional or not, or if someone forgot to put a 1 in front of it, heh, since such low ACs render having an attack bonus rather pointless, even if only for the first area of the game.

06-19-2009, 06:27 AM
Q: When i'm trying to buyout an armor or a weapon at the auction it won't let me because I don't have that kind of gold, But when I looked at the buyout price on low-level weapons or armor it said 5,000 gold pieces?

06-25-2009, 10:24 PM
I've just had it further explained to me that most of the fixes we're doing (and have already done in Mod 8 and it's patches) won't fix existing handwraps without you putting them through the Stone of Change. They just make sure all new handwraps that drop work correctly.

If you are having a problem with a handwrap that has dropped since the latest update, please send me a PM with details and I'll make sure it's being addressed.


Hey silthe,
While handwraps are being fixed what about other effects that affect melee? Specifically, I am wondering if the destruction effect I have on my DT armor will start working with handwraps in Mod 9?

06-25-2009, 10:31 PM
Hey silthe
Good luck with having Silthe respond.

His name is not longer yellow and his last activity goes back to 03-17-2009.

06-25-2009, 10:54 PM
Good luck with having Silthe respond.

His name is not longer yellow and his last activity goes back to 03-17-2009.

Want to wish me luck for getting a reply on the PM i sent Kommunity Kobold last year about exploits too? :rolleyes:

06-25-2009, 10:58 PM
I have a bug for you, the Abbot is broken.

08-31-2009, 06:40 PM
Is there a way to reset my feats beacause I took the path of the dark blade and do not like the feats it had me take?

09-28-2009, 12:51 PM
Is it a bug for Mordenkainen's Disjunction to flag items as broken beyond repair and permanently make them unrepairable, or is that working as intented?

Issues are:
- losing items in the Abbot raid
- losing items in PVP
- bugged unrepairable items circulating on the AH
- bound items becoming permanently damaged when they should be immune

I submitted a detailed bug report 2 weeks ago (and apparently it was submitted by someone else even before that), but it has not yet been listed in the known issues thread.

Two threads on the topic:

404error replied to this issue on the 27th! (but in the broccoli thread)
Thanks 404error!

Oh Oh, Eladrin too, just now.
Thanks Eladrin!

10-05-2009, 11:39 AM
What i know:
you start with 28 point builds
you unlock drow and drows can start with 32 point builds

the question:
If you buy a class from ddo store does it start 32 point or 28 (assuming zero favor)


10-24-2009, 12:46 AM
I don't know if this is a bug or a "working as intended" but...

In the past when I've been soloing with a hireling and die, I can run back to the dungeon within 5 minutes and pick up from where I've left off. But today when trying to do that, I've found that the dungeon's reset even if I get there well within 5 minutes.

The only thing I can think of that would make this any different is that I'm in 3 barrel cove and re-summoning my hireling right outside the tavern and not inside the dungeon.

So, is this an issue, or am I just doing something wrong?

11-07-2009, 09:23 PM
Regarding thrown item "Chill Shard" - previously reported to Gm in game, but directed to forums.

The item has become damaged, but no vendor will recognize this for the purpose of repairing - in short, it cannot be repaired. I have no engaged in any brawls or pvp, nor have I ever been hit with mord's disjunction (to the best of my knowledge).

Moreover, the item cannot be bound using the stone of change; my memory could be faulty, but I thought that I had done so in the past.

Bugs, or by design?

11-19-2009, 04:45 PM
This one just got brought to my attention today, and after testing it with a couple different characters, it seems to be confirmed -

The Alignment drop-down box seems to be missing from character creation now, resulting in the game auto-assigning alignment to new characters rather than allowing players to choose alignment. Tried making both custom rogue and preset path ranger, and they ended up Lawful Good (rogue) and Chaotic Good (ranger), with no way to change it.

Further data collection on this one: First 2 characters were both elf female, one on Orien, one on Cannith. Neither was 32-point or veteran. Next tried a veteran drow on Argonnessen, and the menu for choosing alignment appeared normally - made a True Neutral sorc.

edit again - apparently this bug is related to the order you do things in character creation - going back and choosing "Custom" after doing a later step seems to cause the alignment choice option to fail to appear.

11-25-2009, 11:14 PM
Any word or progress on the Master's Touch bug (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=2074100#post2074100) that Borror0 reported in the last Lodge thread?

11-27-2009, 04:47 PM
I was told I could buy Veteran Status on an account. It is an old account, but all of my high favor toons have been deleted prior to mod 9. When I visit the DDO Store, there is no option to buy Veteran Status. A friend told me he bought VS on a new FTP accoun t jsut a few dasy ago. Am I missing something? Can someone help please?

Thanks in advance.

12-21-2009, 09:59 AM

02-07-2010, 09:47 PM
Ok, I have reported particular bugs on this, but I'm gonna post something general about it here.

Casual mode is not working properly.

Long version now:

If you don't have a quest done before, and do casual mode and complete it, even if you complete normal, hard or elite after that, you will just get casual favor, and won't ever be able to open hard or elite, EVEN after having completed elite.

I've heard that doing casual AFTER having normal doesn't cause this issue, but doing casual the first time you do a quest will prevent you from getting any more favor or opening any other difficulty.

Steps done to cause this:
1.- Run quest X for first time in casual mode and complete
2.- Run quest X for first time in normal mode and complete

02-26-2010, 09:35 AM
Since the launch of my ddo ive been reporting bugs, posting etc... that 5 of my toons are just having the quest completions actualized.

All the stats, level , items do not appear insted of this appear a message that my toon have not logged recently what you can easily check on the quest completions that is not true.

This is not in the know issues.

And realy apreciate at least to understand why.
Most all the people have myddo working and mine is not.

Toon with the problem all in thelanis


Can you pls at least look at the problem?

03-18-2010, 04:07 PM
Whenever I'm using an attack or boost with a cooldown and I lag immediately before or after activation I still have to wait for the cooldown though I never "used" the ability. I'm afraid when I make an intimitank or some other central role toon I'll be yelled at when my effect does not work and I have to wait for cooldown causing chaos in raids.

07-06-2010, 08:25 PM
I have reported as a bug (per in game support's advice) the fact that I canot level my wizard from 12 to 13, I can proceed thru the entire set of screens (skills,spellselection, etc.) but when I hit the finish button I get the respose "invalid achievement data". Any feedback on how to fix this in game or a response how long my character is unplayabe would be appriciated.

09-07-2010, 02:07 PM
Guild Level 24 unlocks lesser con shrine, store lists as Lvl 31, unavailable
Guild tab shows lesser constitution and lesser dexterity shrine unlocks at 24 renown, but store lists item as renown 31 and not available, only mailbox small hook available.

10-23-2010, 02:59 PM
according to the Update 7 changelog, directional spells are no longer casting in a crazy direction when the enemy is really close to you. Whatever was changed, I think it broke something else. I was using greater shout a lot today on ice and other giants in stealer of souls and it either wasn't working correctly or drawing correctly. I'd be plenty far away from a target I have selected and it would cast WAY off to the side. At one point teh animation flew left and two giants on the right got stunned when clearly it didn't cast that direction although I had one of them on the right selected.

So naturally I hopped in kobold assault on elite to test it :P and started hard-selecting kobold targets instead of auto or soft selecting them. Hate to say it but it doesn't work real well. Basically the direction it fires is completely random a good portion of the time.

If the targetted monster is very close but about 45 degrees to the right or left, it will just fire the spell off straight out from whatever direction I'm facing and not even hit the one I targetted. I assume THAT was the intended change and is kinda nice I guess. But for farther away targets, it wasn't always casting in their direction either. It seemed completely random. A target could be what looked like about 20 feet away and it would still cast far enough away from their direction to not hit them and instead hit a line of other monsters in the crowd at a different angle.

EDIT: I retried with ice giants and the spell takes an absolute 90 degree left turn for no reason almost every time when firing it at a giant that's about medium distance away.

11-02-2010, 11:32 AM
I'm wondering if these little annoyances are meant to be the way they are right now. If I'm a pale master III and use shroud of the wraith, it will remove the icon for death ward if it has been cast on me but I remain immune to negative energy and cannot heal myself.
Also, if I have my pale lavender ioun stone on in wraith form and cast death aura, it will drain it at 4 charges per time that the death aura would heal me until it falls below 4. If it has 0, 1, 2, or 3 charges, it will stay at that level and death aura will start healing me. That doesn't seem to make any sense. Is that some purposeful addition to the game to stop pale masters from being too powerful? I mean with displace + incorporeality + 50 spell absorbtion charges, NOTHING is going to hit me lol. That's kinda the point though so is this on purpose or is it going to be fixed?

01-19-2011, 10:01 AM
Any chance this is a bug?


Barrier in Redemtion Korthos

my bet on that, after lot of looking (and never getting a guinea pig party member to try it out) is:

alternate entrance to heyton, once the sahuagin attack and bar off the "normal" route.
that should be easy to test though.

01-22-2011, 11:32 AM
that barrier has always been there

my question, can i TR even if i have not reached level 20?

and: how much xp does a 4th life take to cap?

03-08-2011, 12:13 PM
Epic Ring of the Buccaneer :
Swim +15
Dexterity +6
Underwater Action
Dexterity +7
Upgradeable - Tier 3
Empty Green Augment Slot
Good luck +2

Where is the +5 AC ? Why Dexterity +6 & +7?

03-08-2011, 12:30 PM
think what i have posted may contravine this threads guidelines . Ill move it elsewhere .

03-08-2011, 12:36 PM
Epic Ring of the Buccaneer :
Swim +15
Dexterity +6
Underwater Action
Dexterity +7
Upgradeable - Tier 3
Empty Green Augment Slot
Good luck +2

Where is the +5 AC ? Why Dexterity +6 & +7?

gaw, how many times did I see that question in general chat.


04-27-2011, 02:15 PM
With the new update changes shouldn't

"After using the 'Cleave' feat there is a visible pause in animation."

Be removed from the known issues list.

Oh and shouldn't the website now show that U9 is here - not just coming soon?

08-09-2011, 06:45 AM
When you "twitch" using a 2-handed weapon, using the shorter animation time for the first attack in the attack sequence in order to get more attacks in per minute, are you in fact short changing your own to-hit? The first attack in a round is the one with the lowest To-Hit, unlike PnP where you usually start with the highest To-hit from full round action attacks. So could this be called a Greater Power attack where you at high level accept that all your attacks are at -10 To-Hit but instead get a speed boost of around 10-15% which is a nice trade off, if your To-Hit is capped even with a -10?

Or have I completely misunderstood the mechanic or the balance aspect of twitching with a 2-hander?

Just trying to figure out what build I should start with and a 2hw wielding barbarian looks like a good candidate, but I don't understand the twitching part yet.

10-19-2011, 11:19 PM
Are purple nameds supposed to be immune to Wrack Construct?

11-04-2011, 01:05 AM
Are purple nameds supposed to be immune to Wrack Construct?

This. Please. Other kinds of debuffs appear (destruction, etc), but not this ... is it WAI, or not? Please help, as the answer will greatly decide where several APs are spent on my rogue ...

01-17-2012, 12:28 PM
Is there a bug with drops? I have seen several drops in places they arent supposed to be in (other people) and in Lordsmarch Plaza, I have run most of the quests more than 10 times each and have only ever received 1 Mark. Just wanting to know if it's a bug or if Im just unlucky and others are lucky.

Edit: Figured out half- Lordsmarch plaza apparently only drops marks in the quest arc end reward.

03-05-2012, 09:38 AM
my bet on that, after lot of looking (and never getting a guinea pig party member to try it out) is:

alternate entrance to heyton, once the sahuagin attack and bar off the "normal" route.
that should be easy to test though.

No, it was a part of the old quest (REALLY OLD TUTORIAL QUEST) when DDO was in the early stages. Iirc, its called: "Steal the Healing Elixer". Its been blocked off.

03-07-2012, 03:01 PM
Oh, been meaning to ask this for a while.
The dual-weilding Blood Tide pirate "rogue" hobgoblins in the Sentinels chain sure seem to get two attacks with their "base" animations and three attacks (or more) with their later animations. Hard to say it is a bug as it could be a design decision, but it's bordering on rule-breaking if it really is 100% off-hand chance and three attacks later, and also makes them a lot nastier than other CR7-ish hobgoblins who otherwise look the same but for the pirate hats. :)

04-22-2012, 02:28 PM
Finally, ha, got around to investigating this again.

The Blood Tide Pirates in The Tide Turns are getting a quadruple attack with their double-swipe animation. Really?

07-02-2012, 10:45 PM
The problem is DDO nitpicks the D@D Ruleset and uses just what they want to use,I don't see how they can still claim to call it D@D myself.

More like "DDOS" (Dungeons and Dragons Online Somewhat

Thier slogan should be "plays a little like the Dungeons and Dragons Pen and Paper game".

07-31-2012, 06:46 AM
Hello a GM referred me to this thread to post my bug (aside from the bug report). Yesterday i have used my free reincarnation, i did not do this before because of all the problems it was having, i waited a nice long time just to be sure. While LRing my tomes did not get added to the stats, sadly i did not discover this in time so i botched up my feat plan..after relogging the tome bonusses suddenly appeared. After a lot of swearing, broken glass, tears and blood i came to terms with the new build i figured id go with it. I run to my fatespinner to get all my destinies unlocked (quite eager and moderately happy regardless of my previous DDObug) i look..nothing...i look again...still nothing. I relog and nothing. Yes i did ALL epic destinies i unlocked all necessary twists etc but they dissapeared. All the grinding i did for the epic destinies (and thats AFTER ddo kindly hit the exp farm quests with the nerfstick) gone. I asked for several GM's 2 out 3 didnt seem to care and were quite happy to ship me off with the usual automated message. 1 GM made a valiant effort in talking like a humanbeing but he wasnt able to resolve anything either. I know someone else has posted something similar about the free reincarnation eating away his destiny exp but i cant seem to find that thread again (surprise??). Now i like to hear that this issue is KNOWN, and WHEN it will be resolved. Like a many other i invested a lot of time and money in this game. I chose to NOT do the BETA because i simply wouldnt buy a car without wheels, imagine my frustration when ddo simply launched an exact copy of the beta pretending it was the life finished product. Now after having to deal with a lot of issues already, my previously mentioned issue is a gamekiller. Please reply

07-31-2012, 07:02 AM
Hello a GM referred me to this thread to post my bug (aside from the bug report). Yesterday i have used my free reincarnation, i did not do this before because of all the problems it was having, i waited a nice long time just to be sure. While LRing my tomes did not get added to the stats, sadly i did not discover this in time so i botched up my feat plan..after relogging the tome bonusses suddenly appeared. After a lot of swearing, broken glass, tears and blood i came to terms with the new build i figured id go with it. I run to my fatespinner to get all my destinies unlocked (quite eager and moderately happy regardless of my previous DDObug) i look..nothing...i look again...still nothing. I relog and nothing. Yes i did ALL epic destinies i unlocked all necessary twists etc but they dissapeared. All the grinding i did for the epic destinies (and thats AFTER ddo kindly hit the exp farm quests with the nerfstick) gone. I asked for several GM's 2 out 3 didnt seem to care and were quite happy to ship me off with the usual automated message. 1 GM made a valiant effort in talking like a humanbeing but he wasnt able to resolve anything either. I know someone else has posted something similar about the free reincarnation eating away his destiny exp but i cant seem to find that thread again (surprise??). Now i like to hear that this issue is KNOWN, and WHEN it will be resolved. Like a many other i invested a lot of time and money in this game. I chose to NOT do the BETA because i simply wouldnt buy a car without wheels, imagine my frustration when ddo simply launched an exact copy of the beta pretending it was the life finished product. Now after having to deal with a lot of issues already, my previously mentioned issue is a gamekiller. Please reply

Woh, talk about an old thread, why a GM would refer you here puzzles me. I'm not sure if this is still monitored, however I highly doubt it. I run the current 'QA/Known Issues' list, though as I don't work for Turbine I'm not always up to date with them. You can find my Update 14 Broken ‘Things’ Master List (MotU Edition) (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=4543865) by clicking on that link.

As for your question, yep, I've heard of it a fair bit, though it still seems somewhat isolated. Unfortunately I haven't heard of anyone having the issue resolved, and I'm not sure if Turbine are aware of the issue, though I believe they would be.

08-31-2012, 02:22 AM
so i lost 47 epic destiny levels from the free tr bug, what are my chances of getting that experience back?

03-22-2013, 07:24 PM
On Lammania I created a throwing axe build with the following abilities focused on ranged attacks.

Rapid Shot: (ranged bonus to attack speed unknown)
Quick Draw: (ranged bonus to attack speed unknown)
Shiradi Champion Tier 3: Whirling Wrist: Ranged attack speed +60%
Fighter Capstone: Ranged attack speed +10%
Ranged Alacrity/Haste: Ranged attack speed +10%/+15%
Fighter Haste Boost IV: Ranged attack speed +30%

The problem comes from when I did the actual testing, wanting to see how fast I could throw axes. I popped the Fighter Haste Boost IV and counted how many axes I could throw during that 20 second window; 29 axes. Then I counted how many axes I could throw in a 20 second window without the Fighter Haste Boost IV; still 29 axes. I checked my effects log and none of the effects didn't stack as far as I could tell.

All of this leads to my actual question; Is there a cap on the amount of ranged speed one can have at a time?

05-04-2013, 03:14 AM
I am a lv 12, and I'm trying to Respec feats on Fred but only show up the last feat. Is this how it's supposed to work?


05-04-2013, 04:52 AM
Aside from the fact that I loathe the new combat system, it doesn't seem to work like I thought you said it would. I was under the impression that you only "missed" on a natural 1, while only "non-hit" on 2+ was a "grazing hit" (as long as you use weapons that you are proficient with). This is not (always) the case. My TWF paladin (using khopeshes he's proficient in) regularly gets misses on 2-5. What's up with that?

05-05-2013, 04:47 AM
Seems like this thread is getting some attention again.

Is it currently working as intended for Barbarian Rage to toggle off the Precision Combat Stance? I understand that Combat Expertise and the Stalwart Stance will dispell all rage effects, but have not seen this listed on Precision.

Thanks, and if it is not working as intended, I will file a bug report on it.

05-05-2013, 10:12 AM
Seems like this thread is getting some attention again.

If by attention you mean someone necroed a thread that hasn't had an official response or update in 4 or 5 years. ;)

08-22-2013, 12:04 AM
I have two rare encounters that I can't seem to get to work. Don't know if they are bugs are I am just doing them wrong.

1. Kings Forest When you find the lost villager. I run them all the way back to the entrance to Eveningstar but they just stand they. They won't go in and the quest doesn't complete. Even if I teleport into eveningstar and back out again. They are still just standing there asking me to take them to Eveningstar. Is this encounter completable?

2. Storm Horns - I was just out there and got the Poaching for the Poacher encounter. I ran off and shot a deer, got some venison, shot a couple foxes and grabbed a couple fox tails. I get back to the poacher but the dialog just starts over as if I am talking to him for the first time. He never acknowledges that I have the venison and tails in my inventory. Once again am I doing something wrong or is this one broken too.

3. Why is the text dark gray on light gray, I can't see what the **** I am typing so if there are typos, blame whichever dark person designed this web layout. Someone jump in the css and change the background color of the composing box please!!!

10-21-2013, 04:11 AM
If by attention you mean someone necroed a thread that hasn't had an official response or update in 4 or 5 years. ;)

Thread should be unstickied or locked then. There's no such thing as necroing a stickied thread.

10-21-2013, 12:45 PM
Ok I know this thread is ancient but is it to late to call this thread House Erroneous to fit it with the other Stormreach houses :P