View Full Version : Any interest in another PvP tournament Ghallanda?
03-06-2009, 02:58 PM
As some of you may or may not know, I have hosted a number of these events and was thinking about the possibility of hosting another. If it happens or not is of course entirely up to you guys.
This is a fun for all event with a little good natured trash talking involved. It is also something to pass the time while waiting for the new mod to come out. Also, it might help to line your pockets if you do well.
In the past I have done;
1vs1 - Fight to the Death (No entrance fee and no payout)
Guild vs Guild - Fight to the Death (No entrance fee and no payout)
Guild vs Guild ( - Capture the flag (No entrance fee and no payout)
1vs1 ( - Fight to the Death (25k Plat buy in)
I am hoping to get your thoughts and ideas about if you want an event, which would you choose? Any of the above, or does somebody have a new idea to put forward?
is this something I can pyke through? :D
03-06-2009, 03:57 PM
The problem I have is the gear. If you want to somehow come up with a fair and balanced PVP match, then I am all game. No crafted gear of any kind, +4 ac or dex or str or any type of guard whatsoever. No stoneskin clickies. No heals of any kind (Palys have over 1,000 hps with loh - not very fair at all) I say make it basic gear like simple +5 weapon and simple armor too.. make it based on skill and I am in.. Not sure how to do this but thats my 2 plat .
03-06-2009, 04:52 PM
Ya, I hear ya man. I was thinking something along the sames lines. Maybe no damaging guards at all and no shroud weapons. Stoneskin clickies I have no problem with, those can be over come with Adm or Trans weapons. Lohs are fine imo as are dragon marks since they dont regen. Healing spells for melee are not though, since mana regens. Neither are scrolls, wands or pots.
Those are my opinions at least but I am open to ideas. I ultimately want there to be a set of rules that everyone agrees upon as fair without compromising the fun factor of the event.
03-06-2009, 04:52 PM
is this something I can pyke through? :D
Well, you pike through everything else so.....NO ;)
03-06-2009, 05:06 PM
my moneys on Aztar.
03-06-2009, 05:11 PM
my moneys on Aztar.
Aztar? Who's that? :)
lol just messin'...Aztar for sure.
03-06-2009, 05:23 PM
Aztar, win? If he joins, he might.... Without Maui playing much anymore anyways :D But I know a few other melees that will give him a good run for his money.
03-06-2009, 08:49 PM
From not having really participated in these on a large scale before - who usually wins? It seems like a w/p wielding 70+ AC toon is pretty much going to destroy anything else out there and make player skill pretty irrelevant. I know from "drunkfest" brawls (friends bored latenight just jumping on melees and hacking at each other) that AC is pretty much king in melee-only over any amount of DPS potential.
Although, since you didn't actually specify melee only, which leaves clerics and WF casters pretty much in a contest of who fails a save / hits a crit first - and everyone else dead in the water.
PS I used to like duking it out with Transgression back in the day and generally enjoy PvP as a "when bored" distraction, but due to RL scheduling am unable to commit to any date or time ever :D If you post, and I'm around, I'll come!!
03-07-2009, 12:24 AM
From not having really participated in these on a large scale before - who usually wins? It seems like a w/p wielding 70+ AC toon is pretty much going to destroy anything else out there and make player skill pretty irrelevant. I know from "drunkfest" brawls (friends bored latenight just jumping on melees and hacking at each other) that AC is pretty much king in melee-only over any amount of DPS potential.
Although, since you didn't actually specify melee only, which leaves clerics and WF casters pretty much in a contest of who fails a save / hits a crit first - and everyone else dead in the water.
PS I used to like duking it out with Transgression back in the day and generally enjoy PvP as a "when bored" distraction, but due to RL scheduling am unable to commit to any date or time ever :D If you post, and I'm around, I'll come!!
w/p is next to worthless against a decently high ac character who can move well with the blessing of the silver flame. Also, AC doesnt always equal effectiveness in pvp against other melees. It certainly helps but against some, ac alone, will not be enough.
Melees can't compete against casters in most cases.
The low ac characters with lots of dps and gaurds should be in their own class as should the higher ac charcters because of how unblalanced everything is.
To make pvp fun, I usually try to seek other similar builds and negotiate whatever rules they want to pvp by to keep things competitive. It's great to kill time and meet others.
03-07-2009, 06:00 PM
Ya, I hear ya man. I was thinking something along the sames lines. Maybe no damaging guards at all and no shroud weapons. Stoneskin clickies I have no problem with, those can be over come with Adm or Trans weapons. Lohs are fine imo as are dragon marks since they dont regen. Healing spells for melee are not though, since mana regens. Neither are scrolls, wands or pots.
Those are my opinions at least but I am open to ideas. I ultimately want there to be a set of rules that everyone agrees upon as fair without compromising the fun factor of the event.
LOH fine? umm.. Tlows has 1050 hit points with his 4 LOH ... vs 490 on my fighter.... how is that fair in any way? lol
03-07-2009, 06:12 PM
I think the guild v guild would be fun,,,,,, hmmmm wonder if I can talk Scissors into it. LOL
03-07-2009, 06:13 PM
Like Aztar said, you need to split it up into class-ish fights, example, rangermonk vs. another rangermonk or Pally vs other pally.
03-07-2009, 06:33 PM
LOH fine? umm.. Tlows has 1050 hit points with his 4 LOH ... vs 490 on my fighter.... how is that fair in any way? lol
I respectfully dissagree with you kruc. You may be the most skilled person I've seen in terms of mobility and a good character builder; however, In my experience with fighting Tlows on my 28 pt build fighter, he would have 0 chance without his loh's against me. Both of us have pretty much the same gear. He actually uses a better weapon against me than what I use on him too. He needs them to keep competitive.
03-07-2009, 08:34 PM
LOH fine? umm.. Tlows has 1050 hit points with his 4 LOH ... vs 490 on my fighter.... how is that fair in any way? lol
Okay how about paladins can't use LoH's, but fighters can't use their bonus feats or weapon specializations either.
03-07-2009, 09:53 PM
From not having really participated in these on a large scale before - who usually wins? It seems like a w/p wielding 70+ AC toon is pretty much going to destroy anything else out there and make player skill pretty irrelevant.
i dunno. [with very little pvp experience] my cleric had problems with a high ac monk until i realized all i had to do was shield block and cast the right spells.
03-09-2009, 11:20 AM
Here is the deal folks. If we can get enough people to enter, then I would be MORE than happy to split the tournament up into as many different classes/brackets as was wanted/needed. The problem though is that not enough people join for that to happen. How can I match up a monk/ranger build with another like build if only one joins? I need all of the people interested to pass the info on by word of mouth. Not enough people come on the forums anymore and the more we get to join, the more fun the event will be.
I need to get names and classes of those interested and then I can start to figure out what brackets we need.
03-09-2009, 11:29 AM
Okay how about paladins can't use LoH's, but fighters can't use their bonus feats or weapon specializations either.
then palis cant use their bulwark, barbarians cant use their rage, monks cant use their ki, and rangers cant use favored enemy.
lol seriously?
lets just roll lvl 1 toons and pvp on them
**** you all
03-09-2009, 11:45 AM
Love to enter my ranged rgr, wondering what category you want me in though.
03-09-2009, 11:54 AM
then palis cant use their bulwark, barbarians cant use their rage, monks cant use their ki, and rangers cant use favored enemy.
lol seriously?
lets just roll lvl 1 toons and pvp on them
**** you all
lol, settle down bro. Each class has its benefits and no class benefits should or will be restricted in pvp. All that Thriand is saying is that it is unrealistic to take away a pally's LOH's because its part of their class abilities, they should be able to use them, just like every other class should be able to use their abilities without restriction.
03-09-2009, 11:55 AM
im not riled up just trying to stir the pot.......
now if altiear is there i get first dibs on his corpse :)
03-09-2009, 11:57 AM
LOH fine? umm.. Tlows has 1050 hit points with his 4 LOH ... vs 490 on my fighter.... how is that fair in any way? lol
Ya man, like Aztar says, a pally without being able to use LOH's has zero chance in a match against a decent pvper. You cant take away one of the major abilities of one class and do nothing to any of the other classes.
03-09-2009, 11:59 AM
Love to enter my ranged rgr, wondering what category you want me in though.
There would have to be a ranger class bracket. Maybe both ranged and melee brackets if we get enough interest bro.
03-09-2009, 12:00 PM
im not riled up just trying to stir the pot.......
now if altiear is there i get first dibs on his corpse :)
hehe, he's all your dude
03-09-2009, 01:22 PM
lol, settle down bro. Each class has its benefits and no class benefits should or will be restricted in pvp. All that Thriand is saying is that it is unrealistic to take away a pally's LOH's because its part of their class abilities, they should be able to use them, just like every other class should be able to use their abilities without restriction.
Glad someone got what I was saying
03-10-2009, 10:09 AM
So Ghallanda, would you rather have a guild vs guild pvp match where we have teams of 6 squaring off against each other in a deathmatch? Or would you rather have 1 vs 1 matches?
03-18-2009, 05:27 AM
Just keep me in the Loop I would love to watch one of these fights
03-18-2009, 10:28 AM
i would love to go on my 15/1 wiz rouge or my 14 ranger 1 wiz 1 bard :) keep me posted on stuff
03-18-2009, 03:54 PM
lol I think that the Guard clerics will own the cleric bracket :)
03-18-2009, 04:00 PM
So Ghallanda, would you rather have a guild vs guild pvp match where we have teams of 6 squaring off against each other in a deathmatch? Or would you rather have 1 vs 1 matches?
6 Guard members on a team :eek: the power!
03-18-2009, 06:16 PM
Much interest in Capture the Flag, everthing else is for mouth breathers. ;)
03-19-2009, 12:11 AM
Much interest in Capture the Flag, everthing else is for mouth breathers. ;)
This is what i would interested in premade teams/guilds what ever, the arena they have is pretty nice and spacious. I think the tactics involved would be a nice touch. I like tavern brawling but i never get to use my tiger uppercut :P.
03-19-2009, 01:34 AM
This is what i would interested in premade teams/guilds what ever, the arena they have is pretty nice and spacious. I think the tactics involved would be a nice touch. I like tavern brawling but i never get to use my tiger uppercut :P.
I think tavern brawls are the lowest form of PvP possible. Why are the people who focus on tavern brawls so affraid of CTF?
03-24-2009, 03:25 AM
The problem I have is the gear. If you want to somehow come up with a fair and balanced PVP match, then I am all game. No crafted gear of any kind, +4 ac or dex or str or any type of guard whatsoever. No stoneskin clickies. No heals of any kind (Palys have over 1,000 hps with loh - not very fair at all) I say make it basic gear like simple +5 weapon and simple armor too.. make it based on skill and I am in.. Not sure how to do this but thats my 2 plat .
your restrictions arent really fair not allowing heals nerfs alot of some characters power unfairly while not hurting others that much. gear I can see restriciting but not powers.
I think tavern brawls are the lowest form of PvP possible. Why are the people who focus on tavern brawls so affraid of CTF?
I would be up for CTF myself but nothing else
03-24-2009, 10:22 AM
I have been going over in my head how to best put on a tournament that would be fair to all parties while still being fun. To be honest, I dont think it will be possible so far as combat pvp is concerned. I think that a CTF tournament would have the best turnout by far. Also, I think it will be the most fun.
So, if we are going to do a CTF tournament, we need some guidelines. Each guild is allowed a team of six players. If they can fill out two teams of six, that is fine as well. I think it would be a good come up with a set group makeup for the tournament. For example, each team is allowed 3 melee and 3 casters. A caster can count as a cleric, sorc or wiz. A melee is obviously all the other classes. I think this is necessary to keep it uniform for all the groups involved.
What are your thoughts/opinions?
Any other party makeup ideas?
03-24-2009, 10:51 AM
From not having really participated in these on a large scale before - who usually wins? It seems like a w/p wielding 70+ AC toon is pretty much going to destroy anything else out there and make player skill pretty irrelevant. I know from "drunkfest" brawls (friends bored latenight just jumping on melees and hacking at each other) that AC is pretty much king in melee-only over any amount of DPS potential.
Although, since you didn't actually specify melee only, which leaves clerics and WF casters pretty much in a contest of who fails a save / hits a crit first - and everyone else dead in the water.
PS I used to like duking it out with Transgression back in the day and generally enjoy PvP as a "when bored" distraction, but due to RL scheduling am unable to commit to any date or time ever :D If you post, and I'm around, I'll come!!Check the Khyber PvP video from a few weeks ago - Strakeln the barbarian vs Futs the Ranger Exploit build. Futs even swapped out favored enemies, giving him a 78 AC vs Strake. Strake won with a lucky vorpal, but if you watch the match, it's clear that it was nothing even close to a shut-out.
03-27-2009, 08:57 PM
Make sure to keep me informed on this as it sounds like a great event. Screenshots and videos are a good idea too, if anyone thinks about doing it! I like the concept of re-registered groups, like a team, ya know. Doing CTF. In an arena. cool!
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