View Full Version : Darkside

03-05-2009, 07:21 AM

est. on Lammas Day, August 1, 2007

"Kulizgu Burzhai~Kulizgu Ash"/"We are Darkside~We are One"


Emperor:Sicarii Darkhour
Proconsul: Mrsharpe
Triumvirate: Buggg
Praetorian: Kessner
Magistra: Curet
Praefectus Farbrum: Hushedo

Lord Martean~Lord Stinkybutt

Guard Betsyanne~Guard Bullphrog~Guard Cyrssalline~Guard Glisse~Guard Jolean~Guard Malcontented
Guard Nazzguul~Guard Pleazing~Guard Rexxlorre~Guard Torbuk~Guard Wranic~Guard Zerathustra.

Number of Members: 19
Guild Rank: 64
Guild Ship: Stormtempest Glory
Guild Symbol: Purple Dragon
Guild Weapons: Chaos, Anarchic or Deadly

Darkside is a casual theme-guild consisting of many different characters of many different levels. http://my.ddo.com/guild-argonnessen-darkside/.

While our player-base is mostly from North America, Darkside our guild is mullti-national with players hailing from Australia & India as well as spanning from the East to the West coast of the U.S. At anytime during the 24 hour day you will find several members on. Darkside members tend to be mature yet also have fun and enjoy the overall gaming experience in a mostly relaxed setting.

Playstyles range from casual light-play to uber-seeking greatness.

Members enjoy showing new players the ropes and how to best play their character, and to have fun while doing so.
Players are encouraged to play their character as they see fit.

This guild, depending on the players, enjoy doing all optionals, smashing all boxes, and killing all monsters.
The purpose is to get as much experience as possible out of a quest while also playing the game to its fullest potential.

Teamwork, tactics, flair & style are all encouraged in Darkside.

Darkside is the most richly flavoured theme guild of all the DDO guilds.This themed guild's fictional biography is that of an evil organization. Think Secret Society of Super-Villains or the Legion of Doom of DC Comics fame, or GI Joe's COBRA, or SPECTRE of the James Bond films.

This unconvential guild-theme can lend a creative hand in creating your characters and their biographies (which is encouraged in Darkside) whether they have origins of a "darker" variety or are of good alignment.

You have to keep in mind that "evil" is a culture.
Other fun things about Darkside (If you like role-playing games but are not about to start role-playing on DDO.)

Darkside encourages use of emotes such as "/salute" and "/sleep" when afk.
Darkside utilizes a multi-tiered ranking system with titles such as Guard (Member), Officer, Lord (Senior Officer/Councilmen), Triumvirate (Third in Command), Proconsul (Successor), and Emperor (Leader).
Darkside encourages the creation of character biographies.
Darkside encourages use of "/alias" to create catch-phrases for characters.
Darkside encourges equipping your Chaotic & Anarchic weapons when traveling through Stormreach.
Darkside encourges players to be either Drow, Warforged, or Half-Orc, to add to the flavor of the guild; yet all character types are welcome.
Darkside encourages players to change their guild chat color to Darkside purple .
Darkside Slogan(in the Black Speech) "Kulizgu Burzhai~Kulizgu Ash"/"We are Darkside~We are One"
Darkside web-site at http://guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=336805&TabID=2819208

Darkside is:

A cool guild name to accentuate your already cool character name.
Mature yet fun players.
International, offering play through the entire 24 hour global day.
Varying playstyles.
Encouraging the use of character biographies, emotes & aliases.
New Player friendly.
A guild with a fictional and flavorful background.
A founding member of a multi-guild organization known as the Alliance (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=2176813#post2176813). Member guilds include Eberron Dwarf Tossing League (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=181078), Noble Fist, Royal Bloodline, Samitra, Warrior's Soul, We Do Not Run Through Dungeons, Storm Shadow & The Thieve's Guild (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=215642) to name but a few.

While meant to have evil undertones, I find this guild to be charming and warm...everyone in this guild is sooooo helpful and just down-right FUN! Thanks to all in darkside...my new home in virtuaworld!

I've been in darkside for a couple weeks now and am having a blast. Lots and lots of really friendly and fun people.

I have been in Darkside for a year now and have allways found the members to be helpful and fun.
MrEd is a great leader and allways ready to help a new player.

Darkside on the other hand, is an older guild...
Your guild accomidates players across the spectrum of skill levels. It's not exclusionist, but a place where everyone can belong.

Darkside Commandments

1. Have Fun. (There is no point in being in a guild or even playing the game if you are not doing so.)

2. Play with your guildies. (A guild works best when all players make a point to play with all players.)

3.Write a Character Biography. (Darkside is a theme-based guild. The guild has its background as should your character.)

4. Equip Chaos & Anarchic weapons while traveling through-out Stormreach.

5. Join the Alliance! (Joining this chat-channel increases your chances of filling parties with quality people.)

6. /SALUTE when you see both Darkside & Alliance members.

7. Rename your chat windows from Guild to Darkside and Userchat to Alliance. Also change Darkside chat to purple & Alliance chat to blue.

8. Say "Hello" & "Goodbye" when you can on both Darkside and Alliance channels.

9. Ask guildies & allies first if they are interested in doing a quest or if they need your help before you LFM.

A guild is only as effective as its members are en conicerto with one another.

03-05-2009, 09:53 PM
New members are joining. Get in on the ground-floor of this guild!

03-06-2009, 08:37 AM
Not interested in the guild but curious as to what part of fl?

03-06-2009, 08:44 AM
im interested in what part of fl as well...

03-06-2009, 12:37 PM
South Florida, as I tell people I am "Tri-County", ie Broward, Dade & Palm Beach.

I do visit Orlando occasionally, and I have performed arachaeology in Okeechobee & Naples with a company out of Tampa.

Had a Hess commercial with me in it running in Tampa.

Got a friend in Cocoa.


03-06-2009, 12:38 PM
Oh and I volunteer at Save the Chimps, Fort Pierce, Florida.

03-06-2009, 12:55 PM
South Florida, as I tell people I am "Tri-County", ie Broward, Dade & Palm Beach.

bah thats not fl its north cuba.

actually I used to go to pompano everyfew month to maintenance the network equip at a satalite office. coolest thing I remeber about miami was the guy standing in the middle of the road selling chalupas 5 for $3 (I think) oh and moonthai jap/thai fusion restrurant.

03-19-2009, 11:28 PM
In the hopes to add some color and flavor to the game Darkside encourages its members to:

Change your guild chat-box to read "Darkside", and have the incoming messages colored "Darkside" purple.
Create a character biography.
Create character catch-phrazes via the /alias command.
Equip your anarchic & chaotic weapons when running through Stormreach.
Use emotes like /salute, and /sleep when afk.
Sure not every player does all of the above, either do I, BUT when we do...it does make the game a little bit more like....the old days...

03-22-2009, 09:20 PM
Welcome to all the new faces joining the guild.

Many of the newcomers seem eagar to work togther to make Darkside a successful guild.

If you are new to the server, this just may be the guild for you.

Also, if you and a friend have started a guild togther why not both of you join us?
Just a thought.

03-26-2009, 10:49 PM
Congrats to all (and their alts) that were promoted to the rank of Officer in Darkside.

There are many new players out there so all players should show them around Stormreach and help them out with tips, and equipment if possible.

If you as an officer of a guild enjoys the game experience you had with a player, and they are un-guilded, then I would definitly extend a TELL to them asking if they would be interested in joining a guild BEFORE sending a guild invite.

If you see characters that have a guild name that you do not recognize or if the name of the guild has the appearence of being a "guild of one", and you enjoyed running with this player, I would send a tell and ask if they would like to join an active guild of players building a "social network".

04-01-2009, 07:13 AM
Recruiting as of late, I noticed that un-interested players sometimes replied:

" No thank-you, I have had bad experiences with guilds."

" I do not like guilds, too much drama."

Well for one I would like to say that Darkside guild is mostly drama free.

Darkside is a guild whose sole purpose is to create a social network of players

Why is it beneficial to join a guild?


04-20-2009, 07:40 AM
Welcome Angr the Dwarven Tempest to Darkside.

Remember fellow Darksiders:
Make an effort to start groups with your guildies.
Hand-down old equipment you have grown out of for other guildies
/salute fellow guildies & allies.
Double-click on your guildies blue dot while in quest.
Represent the guild by displaying your Chaotic & Anarchic weapons.
Write a couple of aliases. Recruit, recruit, recruit!

04-20-2009, 09:56 AM
im interested in joining your guild

04-22-2009, 11:43 PM
I sent you a private message...I think...
Look for my character Drelco, or organize your WHO page by GUILD, and send a tell to Darkside member, or email me in-game.

04-26-2009, 10:20 PM
Welcome Buggg to Darkside!
A /salute to the three mid to high-level clerics that were promoted to officer, Fizzynip, Under, and Anzekor Congrats to Drelco for getting to level 15!
Help Kessner get to the double-digit levels!
Thanks to Hadgar for being so generous with equipment and relics!

04-30-2009, 09:37 PM
NEW GUILD SLOGAN: To better reflect the growing fraternity amongst the members of the Darkside guild.

In the Black Speech: "Kulizgu Burzhai~Kulizgu Ash" or "We are Darkside~We are One".

05-01-2009, 10:09 AM
how many members do you have now? i seen some of your guys running around, what's their main playing time?

05-01-2009, 10:49 AM
Yes, I have been aggressively recruiting.

My first qualifier is if I enjoy running with the player, and if I enjoy their playstyle.

I also have been extending an invite to the un-guilded or "home-guilded" character, somewhat as a service to new-players, and partially, because I do beleive that running a guild is partially a numbers game....the MORE the MERRIER!

Heck, sometimes I invite people because I like their name!

That being said Darkside is truly growing with experienced players and new players that seem to be enjoying the camraderie and assistence.
I think we may have at least 25 PLAYERS who all run several alts.

Again the MORE the MERRIER!
We play mostly weekends and early evenings.
We would love to have you and your guildies join us! ;)

05-11-2009, 07:32 AM
Welcome to Darkside! Four new recruits this weekend! Thanks for joining. I hope your time with Darkside & Alliance are fruitful!

05-26-2009, 07:32 AM
Welcome Orvalis to Darkside!

Congratulations to Buggg on his well deserved promotion!

Still un-guilded?

Join Darkside!

06-04-2009, 10:22 PM
Welcome Jannison the Ranger!

06-09-2009, 07:12 AM
85 characters in Darkside! Can we get 100?

06-11-2009, 07:18 AM
Darkside guild currently consits of 85+ characters and growing.

Get guilded.

Get on the Darkside.

06-16-2009, 09:00 AM
Sign me up!
Firehair name was open, will work on bio to fit into the guild.

06-16-2009, 12:42 PM
I may not be on until the late pm tonight if at all...

However, please go to your WHO list while on and look for a Darkside member. Tell them Sicarii has invited you to the guild, and either they will invite you or they will get an Officer to do so.

Welcome to the Darkside!

06-16-2009, 09:52 PM
Darkside guild currently consits of 85+ characters and growing.

Get guilded.

Get on the Darkside.

So you have 12 people in your guild? Hmmm, after consulting a few people maybe you only have 6 active people?

06-17-2009, 07:32 AM
So you have 12 people in your guild? Hmmm, after consulting a few people maybe you only have 6 active people?

Seriously what is your issue with me anyways? Do you look for conflict?

Play the game bro...

First I politley answer your questions about the Alliance and your perceived issue with some school-yard like drama.

Then you comment that 5 guilds or whatever does not make for an Alliance?

Now you are CONCERNED with the accuarate number of players/characters in MY guild?

Really? Get a life...

So whoever you "interviewed" would probably not be able to give you a true accuarate number anyways...ONLY I can do that.

Like your comment about the Alliance...what if WHAT IF...we only had 12 members....


06-17-2009, 05:14 PM
Seriously what is your issue with me anyways? Do you look for conflict?

Play the game bro...

First I politley answer your questions about the Alliance and your perceived issue with some school-yard like drama.

Then you comment that 5 guilds or whatever does not make for an Alliance?

Now you are CONCERNED with the accuarate number of players/characters in MY guild?

Really? Get a life...

So whoever you "interviewed" would probably not be able to give you a true accuarate number anyways...ONLY I can do that.

Like your comment about the Alliance...what if WHAT IF...we only had 12 members....


1) this is a public forum

2) i felt very strongly about all the above issues

3) Darkside is an Evil guild and i was just pointing out its many deceptions

I think that SO WHAT defines everything you have said so far :)

I have never heard Mr Ed get so angry in the TV show so you must be truly Evil.

06-17-2009, 08:33 PM
hi welcome

06-18-2009, 07:14 AM
1) this is a public forum

2) i felt very strongly about all the above issues

3) Darkside is an Evil guild and i was just pointing out its many deceptions

I think that SO WHAT defines everything you have said so far :)

I have never heard Mr. Ed get so angry in the TV show so you must be truly Evil.

What issues do you feel strongly about...go tell Oprah.

Please tell me why does it bother you how many people are in Darkside or Alliance?

I am picturing you as small child looking at my ice-cream saying "Is his ice-cream better then mine? It can't be? but what if his ice-cream is better than mine?"

How am I deceiving? Mr Ed does not lie...you are not important enough too.

...and yes I am truly evil, evil enough to hold your head under the covers while I pass gas.

Let's talk in game...

06-18-2009, 09:49 PM
What issues do you feel strongly about...go tell Oprah.

Please tell me why does it bother you how many people are in Darkside or Alliance?

I am picturing you as small child looking at my ice-cream saying "Is his ice-cream better then mine? It can't be? but what if his ice-cream is better than mine?"

How am I deceiving? Mr Ed does not lie...you are not important enough too.

...and yes I am truly evil, evil enough to hold your head under the covers while I pass gas.

Let's talk in game...

Who is Oprah?

Mmmm ice cream is good.

Liar liar pants on fire!

06-18-2009, 11:26 PM
I am pleased to welcome Tramsom and his alts to the Darkside! He and Kemodar had a great run with Nuradin and others in Tangleroot!

I look forward to future runs with the two of you.

06-24-2009, 07:44 AM
Interested in joining Darkside or the Alliance?

Darkside is currently engaged in an open recruitment policy; so if you are in need of a guild, this one is open to new-comers.

This open recruitment policy will continue until Eberron: UNLIMITED, at which time recruitment will occur only after guild members have become familiar with the prospective member.

If you are interested in joining Darkside please look for Darkside members via your SOCIAL PANEL and opening your WHO list, organize by GUILD and contact a Darkside member via a tell. They or another member will then invite you.

Tell them Sicarri sent you. ;)

06-24-2009, 11:28 AM
I tried to join last night, but there were only 3 darkside members online and they didn't answer my tells... :(

06-24-2009, 02:26 PM
Odd? I am surprised that no one answered your tells. Especially so, since I was one of the three on last night!

I am also Nuradin Abayad, and other players on include Stickertuya, Buggg, Kelln, Cratus or Stryler are frequently on besides others.

So , try again tonight perhaps.
Sorry. :(

06-29-2009, 10:38 PM
"Kulizgu Burzhai~Kulizgu Ash"/"We are Darkside~We are One"

I have seen many un-guilded characters out there on the server, so I thought I would put an invitation out there to the un-guilded to join our guild.

The guild is Darkside.

Darkside is a guild consisting of 111 characters played by over 33 mature players who are mostly from North America, and play through multiple time-zones.

Playstyle ranges from casual-play to uber-seeking greatness.
Players enjoy showing new players how to best play their character, and also, to have fun while doing so.

The guild's fictional biography is that of a evil organization. Think Secret Society of Super-Villains of DC Comics fame, or GI Joe's COBRA, or SPECTRE of the James Bond films.

This unconvential guild-theme can lend a creative hand in creating your characters and their biographies (which is encouraged in Darkside) whether they be of good alignment or have origins of a "darker" variety.

For example:

"Drelco Pathfinder, Human Ranger has sworn allegience to the Darkside guild until his blood-oath to the nefarious Sicarri Darkhour, Leader of the Darkside, is fullfilled."


"Nuradin Abayad is a strange Human Paladin from a far off-land, who has gone under-cover to infiltrate the evil Darkside guild."

Other fun things about Darkside (If you like role-playing games but are not about to start role-playing on DDO.)
-Darkside encourages use of emotes such as "/salute" .
-Darkside encourages use of "/alias" to create catch-phrases for characters.
-Darkside encourges equipping your Chaotic & Anarchic weapons when traveling through Stormreach.
-Darkside Slogan (in the Black Speech) "Kulizgu Burzhai~Kulizgu Ash"/"We are Darkside~We are One"

Darkside is:
-A cool guild name to accenduate your already cool character name.
-Mature players.
-Varying time-zones offering various playtimes throughout the day.
-Varying playstyles.
-Encouraging the use of character biographies, emotes & aliases.
-New Player friendly.
-A guild with a fictional and flavorful background.
-A member guild of the multi-guild organization known as the Alliance.

If you have enjoyed playing with such characters as Blodgettone, Bluebeard, Buggg, Drelco, Hadgar, Nuradin, Sargon, Stinkybutt, Stripe, Surething, Turtleson, Under or a host of others... Come join Darkside!

PS: The guild leader is an interesting character himself. He is an actor, archaeologists, bartender, and teacher. If any of those things interest you in the real world, drop me a line about them as well.

Updated guild-description above.

07-02-2009, 07:46 AM
Congratulations to Orvalis the Ranger, and Kemodar the Dwarf for the countless hours of dedication to both Darkside and the Alliance.

Your promotion is well deserved.

/salute to you my friends!

07-04-2009, 04:53 PM
July is not only the last month for open recruitment into Darkside but it is also Level 16 month.

So Darksiders get to Level 16 or get capped if you are Level 16.

Eberron Unlimited is coming!

07-23-2009, 07:40 AM
I want to welcome the new recruits to the guild do to the extensive recruitment drive as well as thank those Officers that did the recruiting.

I also want to welcome back to the fold some of our previous members & players.

Additionally, there have been recent promotions raising some of our members to the status of Officer. Congratulations.

Come join Darkside as we do what we do every night, try to take over the world!

07-29-2009, 10:06 AM
Now that my account is a full account, I want to thank Darkside for the guild invite. I am still on noob island, but looking forward to making some progress :)

Just like paper DnD I still wish I had a rogue in my pocket...locked chests make me /cry.

Also, seeing as I play 4th in 'RL', I have to keep reminding myself that it's 3.5 :)

07-30-2009, 02:44 PM
Great news! Be sure to stay in touch with guidies they will help you Corvak!

08-05-2009, 07:24 AM
I think this is my 666th post...?

Welcome Ceral Haze to Darkside, a long-time friend has now joined us.

Also, congratulations to Turtleson, a long-time Darksider and an experienced and well-liked player who has received a promotion to officer.

08-27-2009, 07:10 AM
Darkside will be returning to 7pm est static-group runs...
Usually there is room for others...look for us!

09-10-2009, 05:15 PM
Your fear-inspiring Leader of Darkside, Sicarii Darkhour, the One True Fighter-Wizard, is currently in the dimension known as The Dimension of Broken PCS!

Yeah, I finally had to bring it to somebody to fix... vid-card/heat issues.

I vow to return this weekend with a return of my Maximized Chain of Magic Force Missles to take down the last sliver of health bar any boss may have!

09-15-2009, 12:57 PM
Sicarii Darkhour should be on this evening EST...I hope...

09-25-2009, 02:33 PM
I would like to welcome the new players to the Darkside, mostly those from the F2P program.

Additionally, we have had several former players return to the fold.

Welcome to Darkside as Darkside strives to make itself one of the premiere guilds or Argonessen.

Sicarii is still waiting for the "evil" update...no such luck yet...Turbine store maybe?

09-28-2009, 12:35 PM
Additionally, Sicarii will be monitoring the new /joinchannel Roleplay to see if that is something Darkside could take part in.

See you in character!

10-04-2009, 03:59 PM
Many return players are coming back to the game...even some married couples!

Darkside continues to accept recruits!

Thanks in part to Darkside Officers and the dedication to help the un-guilded make the most of their gaming experience.

New characters include high-level Clerics & Sorcerers...the game's most valued classes.

If you are a Darkside member, remember to also use your Alliance chat.

Additionally, I need more members to take the iniative and start groups at a specific time of YOUR CHOICE. For example, Sicarii is on most nights at 7pm EST.

What will be your time-slot?

10-08-2009, 03:04 PM
two things:

1) Is there a required level range? I'm at 11 Wiz

2)to join do i contact you in-world or on here

10-09-2009, 07:37 AM
Darkside has one of the richest guild backgrounds on the game. Come help us make for a better guild!

There are no level requirements at the moment. The guild is full or characters of all level ranges.

Please locate a Darkside member via your WHO list in game to join.

10-20-2009, 12:41 PM
The Leader of the Darkside has leveled! Sicarii is now 10 Fighter & 10 Wizard!

On that note I will be playing other characters.

Look for me at 7pm est on one of my level 17 alts:

Stripe Darkhour: Mechanic-Archer

Richtorson Vendetta:Cleric-healer

or Ornbear Norte: Barbarian THF.

I will save my level 17 Paladin Shiel-bearer
and my Ranger-Arhcer for another time...;)

10-21-2009, 01:10 PM
Ed, I'm a returning player looking for a guild. Been playing PUGS for the last few weeks since I've been back and it's been hit or miss. I played with a guild when I was a pay player back in the day, so I'm familiar with the guilds.

8/1 Bard Sorc
6 Fighter
5 Ranger
10 Wizard (Forged)

At the time I'm F2P, but at some point may become VIP again.

How would I go about joining your guild?


10-22-2009, 07:01 AM
Thank-you for expressing interest in Darkside.

Your experience and desire to aid us in our quest to best we can is appreciated.

Please seek us out in-game for an invitation.

I look forward to questing with you!

10-28-2009, 09:58 AM

Just read al about the guild and it interest me,
I'm a ranger-->drow elf --> Trexxdia.

Greetz Trexxdia

10-28-2009, 10:08 AM

Just read al about the guild and it interest me,
I'm a ranger-->drow elf --> Trexxdia.

Greetz Trexxdia

Thank-you for your interest in the guild. Please look for us in-game via your WHO list. One of our officers will invite you and you will begin your Darkside experience.

10-28-2009, 11:29 AM
Thank-you for your interest in the guild. Please look for us in-game via your WHO list. One of our officers will invite you and you will begin your Darkside experience.

As soon as DDO is back on track i go and see for it.

greetz Trexxdia

10-30-2009, 08:40 AM
Welcome Trexxia to Darkside, I hope your experience is here is a dark one!

11-03-2009, 02:48 PM
Welcome Trexxia to Darkside, I hope your experience is here is a dark one!


Let the games begin you shall see who is evil>>>

11-04-2009, 09:32 PM

Let the games begin you shall see who is evil>>>

Darkside is a drama free-guild.

11-09-2009, 07:43 AM

"Kulizgu Burzhai~Kulizgu Ash"/"We are Darkside~We are One"

I have seen many un-guilded characters out there on the server, so I thought I would put an invitation out there to the un-guilded to join our guild.

The guild is Darkside.

Darkside is a guild consisting of 184 characters http://my.ddo.com/guild-argonnessen-darkside/ played by over 40 different players who are mostly from North America, and play through multiple time-zones through-out the 24 hour day.

Playstyle ranges from casual-play to uber-seeking greatness.

Players enjoy showing new players how to best play their character, and also, to have fun while doing so. Players are encouraged to play their character as they see fit.

This guild, depending on the players, enjoy doing all optionals, smashing all boxes, and killing all monsters. The purpose is to get as much experience as possible out of a quest while also playing the game to its fullest potential.

Teamwork, tactics, flair & style are all encouraged in Darkside.

The guild's fictional biography is that of a evil organization. Think Secret Society of Super-Villains of DC Comics fame, or GI Joe's COBRA, or SPECTRE of the James Bond films.

This unconvential guild-theme can lend a creative hand in creating your characters and their biographies (which is encouraged in Darkside) whether they be of good alignment or have origins of a "darker" variety.

For example:

"Drelco Pathfinder, Human Ranger has sworn allegience to the Darkside guild until his blood-oath to the nefarious Sicarri Darkhour, Leader of the Darkside, is fullfilled."


"Nuradin Abayad is a strange Human Paladin from a far off-land, who has gone under-cover to infiltrate the evil Darkside guild."

Other fun things about Darkside (If you like role-playing games but are not about to start role-playing on DDO.)
-Darkside encourages use of emotes such as "/salute" .
-Darkside encourages use of "/alias" to create catch-phrases for characters.
-Darkside encourges equipping your Chaotic & Anarchic weapons when traveling through Stormreach.
-Darkside Slogan (in the Black Speech) "Kulizgu Burzhai~Kulizgu Ash"/"We are Darkside~We are One"

Darkside is:
-A cool guild name to accenduate your already cool character name.
-Mature players.
-Varying time-zones offering various playtimes throughout the day.
-Varying playstyles.
-Encouraging the use of character biographies, emotes & aliases.
-New Player friendly.
-A guild with a fictional and flavorful background.
-A member guild of the multi-guild organization known as the Alliance http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=2176813#post2176813.

If you have enjoyed playing with such characters as Blodgettone, Bluebeard, Buggg, Drelco, Hadgar, Nuradin, Sargon, Stinkybutt, Stripe, Surething, or a host of others, give our guild a try! To see who else is a member of this guild go here: http://my.ddo.com/guild-argonnessen-darkside/. Come join Darkside!

PS: The guild leader is an interesting character himself. He is an actor, archaeologists, bartender, and teacher. If any of those things interest you in the real world, drop me a line about them as well.

The above is an updated description.

11-16-2009, 10:15 AM
Darkside guild-portal is up and running!


11-17-2009, 01:23 PM
Darkside now has over 200 characters in the guild!

Have all your alts joined?

Get them guilded!

12-01-2009, 09:00 AM
Howdy Ho! Ed, I got your reply to my recent posting about looking for a guild and I will look for one of your Darksiders in the game to see about a guild invite. Interesting reading about where you live and all. I was from the Tri-County area myself (up until 1989) living in Hollywood. I was first introduced to wargaming and Dungeons and Dragons back in 1977 at a store called the Complete Strategist on Stirling Road (or maybe Griffin, it WAS a long time ago :P), just on the west side of the bridge over the Turnpike. Wonder if it is still there...

12-01-2009, 12:17 PM
I never experienced that store and beleive that it has been closed for sometime.

I uses to go to Comics & Games on Oakland Park, that has since moved to University Dr. It is up the road from Tates Comics which had a satellite gaming store.

I also like Dragon's Lair on 441.

Looking forward to meeting you.

12-01-2009, 11:25 PM
Qext recruited me into the guild tonight. My main is Delphinidae (ranger/rogue elf), and I have a dwarf fighter named Ludvik that I try to get in soon. Also submitted a registration to the guild website and signed on your Ventrilo server. :)

12-24-2009, 08:07 AM
While meant to have evil undertones, I find this guild to be charming and warm! Being in this guild is like.....well...like being cuddled up in a nice warm snuggie while sipping hot cocoa by a glowing fire with a tv above it playing some Care-Bears cartoons for you..) Seriously though, everyone in this guild is sooooo helpful and just down-right FUN! Thanks to all in darkside...my new home in virtuaworld!

12-24-2009, 04:41 PM
While meant to have evil undertones, I find this guild to be charming and warm! Being in this guild is like.....well...like being cuddled up in a nice warm snuggie while sipping hot cocoa by a glowing fire with a tv above it playing some Care-Bears cartoons for you..) Seriously though, everyone in this guild is sooooo helpful and just down-right FUN! Thanks to all in darkside...my new home in virtuaworld!

Ditto to all Thorn said. I've been in darkside for a couple weeks now and am having a blast. Lots and lots of really friendly and fun people. :D

Happy Holidays!

12-30-2009, 04:36 PM
For the past few weeks I have been reading the post that some players have posted about Darkside and MrEd7.
I find it funny how people who are not in the guild and have never been in the guild think they know what Darkside is about. They take their information from players who, for what ever reason, have left the guild. Knowing full well they would have nothing good to say about Darkside. If you realy want to know about Darkside join!

As for me I have been in Darkside for a year now and have allways found the members to be helpful and fun.
MrEd is a great leader and allways ready to help a new player. Thorn has it right it's wonderful to be a Darksider.

12-31-2009, 10:29 AM
think i am gonna make a toon on that server and see if i can join?

12-31-2009, 11:43 AM
Hey Ed I heard that your sorcs in your guild need wisdom? Confirm/Deny?

01-02-2010, 11:43 AM
Conratulations to the Darkside Guard (Members) who have recently been promoted to the rank of Officer & to our Darkside Officers who have been promoted to the rank of Lord (Senior Officers) and are now members of the Council and sit with the very Emperor himself, Sicarii Darkhour.

01-07-2010, 01:28 PM
Just want to thank the memebers who were in the raid group on last Saturday night. Good run and great team work.


01-08-2010, 09:23 PM
I would like to thank all who are in Darkside for everything.
I have left the guild for my reasons, which I have explained to some of the Guild.

Please remember that I still walk the dark side.

Kinsi the Shadow

01-11-2010, 09:31 AM
Hey Ed I heard that your sorcs in your guild need wisdom? Confirm/Deny?

Sounds like somebody didn't get a item they thought they should get. Loot drops on your name and you get to decide what to do with it especially in PUG group. Not on your name then no say in the matter. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Oh see the complainer has been around for all of 4 months and is a member of the Elite Korthos Army!!

01-11-2010, 12:11 PM
I would like to thank all who are in Darkside for everything.
I have left the guild for my reasons, which I have explained to some of the Guild.

Please remember that I still walk the dark side.

Kinsi the Shadow

Sad to see you go Kinsi, your "appearances" via your character log-in and you online stories are inspirational to those of us who miss the role-playing paper and pencil days.

01-11-2010, 12:14 PM
Sounds like somebody didn't get a item they thought they should get. Loot drops on your name and you get to decide what to do with it especially in PUG group. Not on your name then no say in the matter. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Oh see the complainer has been around for all of 4 months and is a member of the Elite Korthos Army!!

I was wondering what that was about...thanks for clearing that up Polunius.

Yes, I too have seen people get indignant when a player keeps the item they received instead of giving it to somone in the party.

There are entire posts on the subject, BUT yes if it has your name next to it...its yours.

01-11-2010, 12:23 PM
yes if it has your name next to it...its yours.

Nice Policy. I like it when things are so cut and dry.

"Greed if you don't feel like Need"

its the new black!

01-11-2010, 12:42 PM
Nice Policy. I like it when things are so cut and dry.

"Greed if you don't feel like Need"

its the new black!

There is a whole post available to discuss this topic, or we can discuss in-game if you like.

Players can give items to their alternate characters who may NEED the item, or to NEEDY guild-members.

If items were bound to characters and not accounts, well THEN it would be pointless to take an item that one could not use. That would be wasteful.

Communication is key in expressing ones desires before a quest.

Then said griefer could have dropped group and gone to one where there policy is that all party members have a chance of being awarded all loot.

01-15-2010, 08:20 AM
Nice Policy. I like it when things are so cut and dry.

"Greed if you don't feel like Need"

its the new black!

Its not up to others to decide whether a person can use an item or not, especially with TR in place now. That is why they took away the leader being able to assign loot. If it has your name on it and there is no clear cut policy on a PUG raid then you decide how to deal with it. If you can use, then its yours no matter what some idiot wants. If I can't use I give it away without issue and have done so on many, many raids. Have given many +3 away in Reaver that I could not use plus tons of other raid loot. However, I certainaly will not give away to someone being an ass who feels entitled to roll on it, especially when their build is not based on that either. Bottom line, I decide its fate. If you harass someone you certainally get no chance for it. Being an ass eliminates your chance for the item. After playing 3 years I don't plan on having some noob who has only played for several months tell me how to play or assign loot. So if you want to be an ass monkey forget about having a chance for the item. This person was being that way.

01-15-2010, 01:08 PM
and is a member of the Elite Korthos Army!!


Are you guild-bashing???

Lol, Seriously???

01-15-2010, 01:53 PM

Are You Guild-bashing???

Lol, Seriously???

Hey Dont Make Fun Of Korthos Im Almost Guild Leader And Then Youll Payyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

01-15-2010, 01:59 PM
Hey Dont Make Fun Of Korthos Im Almost Guild Leader And Then Youll Payyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I wasn't the one making fun of them.

I just found it hilarious, considering who was :D.

01-15-2010, 02:29 PM
An Official Guild Statement as been issued by Emperor Sicarii:

Darkside has no issues with any guild as a whole. Players have issues with players.

Thank-you though for adding to the Darkside forums.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from us in the future.

Keep watching...as I am sure you will.

01-15-2010, 02:37 PM
Then Darkside should warn it's players about spouting off about Tags.

Especially, when in the eyes of most of the server population, their own guild afilliation places them at or near a level playing field as those they're trying to insult.

01-15-2010, 02:45 PM
Then Darkside should warn it's players about spouting off about Tags.

Especially, when in the eyes of most of the server population, their own guild afilliation places them at or near a level playing field as those they're trying to insult.

I haven't been paying much attention to where Pol ended up, but I don't think he's actually in Darkside. I could be mistaken tho...

01-15-2010, 11:46 PM
I haven't been paying much attention to where Pol ended up, but I don't think he's actually in Darkside. I could be mistaken tho...

To be honest Ish, I don't know Pol, who his toons are, or anything else about him.

But he was the one ragging off both here, and in the Alliance thread. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, most would assume it's a duck.

01-16-2010, 09:27 AM
Then Darkside should warn it's players about spouting off about Tags.

Especially, when in the eyes of most of the server population, their own guild afilliation places them at or near a level playing field as those they're trying to insult.

Thank-you Bandy for policing this thread.

Please turn-in your poll results for your "most of the server population".
How many are on the server anyway? Where did you get that number anyways?
Does "most" mean 51% of the server...'cuz that ain't bad.

...and I can not control what other players do or say.

Perhaps, we could discuss further in-game?

01-16-2010, 02:21 PM
In an attempt to be civil; I'll just spell it out bluntly here.

Pol himself cited one of the issues a lot of the server population has with Darkside in the alliance thread; There's a lot of new blood there.

You never know what you're getting when PuGGing a spot to them. Good player, decent player, or a complete waste of a party spot. Because frankly; Your guild contains all three.

Pol cites that they need time to learn, your vets need to get them trained, ect. And he's right.

KA is a newer guild, with an open recruitment policy. Most of their membership hasn't been at the game long enough to develop good skills, knowledge, gear, ect.

The same can be said of any newer guild who's membership is almost exclusively made up of newer players. And most will improve as time goes on.

Now Darkside on the other hand, is an older guild; But your totally open recruitment policy ( which has caused you problems in your alliance project in the past ) means that this will always be the case for your guild as well.

Now, I'm not saying this is a bad thing. Your guild accomidates players across the spectrum of skill levels. It's not exclusionist, but a place where everyone can belong.

But, it also places you in a position where you'll always have players who just haven't learned to play effectively, and who need training, gear, ect.

I'll also dare say, that several threads and posts from you ( 5/1, 11/1 ), have gone a long way in aggravating the problem. You've basicly told your guildies that it's perfectly fine to be gimp, and not worry about improvement, because the other memebers of the parties they join can simply carry them through. Not exactly a good way to increase your guild's reputation, if you follow me.

At the end of the day; No, you can't control what people say. Which is why my first post was directed to Pol. Not to you. Not to Darkside.

Have a nice day,

01-16-2010, 03:35 PM
Where to begin...

One, thank-you bandyman for being a member of the Darkside thread. I appreciate your comments and your interest in what we do.

In an attempt to be civil;
I would expect nothing else.

You never know what you're getting when PuGGing a spot to them. Good player, decent player, or a complete waste of a party spot. Because frankly; Your guild contains all three.

Thats too bad that your opinion thinks some players are a waste of a party spot.

Heresay really, and again, your opinion.

Now, I'm not saying this is a bad thing. Your guild accomidates players across the spectrum of skill levels. It's not exclusionist, but a place where everyone can belong.

Well said, again your opinion is well appreciated.

I'll also dare say, that several threads and posts from you ( 5/1, 11/1 ), have gone a long way in aggravating the problem. You've basicly told your guildies that it's perfectly fine to be gimp, and not worry about improvement, because the other memebers of the parties they join can simply carry them through. Not exactly a good way to increase your guild's reputation, if you follow me.

No, I did not "basically" say that it is ok to be "gimped" and not improve; you "basically" said that.

Which is why my first post was directed to Pol. Not to you. Not to Darkside.

I know, I know.

Why you feel the need to say...anything is what is perplexing.

BUT, please continue to keep abreast of Darkside going-ons.

Stay tuned true believers...

01-16-2010, 04:14 PM

01-16-2010, 05:08 PM
Where to begin...

One, thank-you bandyman for being a member of the Darkside thread. I appreciate your comments and your interest in what we do.

You're most welcome. Although, you'll notice, I didn't feel inclined to comment at all, untill an ally of yours attempted to verbally bash another guild.

I would expect nothing else.

As would I.

Thats too bad that your opinion thinks some players are a waste of a party spot.

/shrugs. Sometimes the truth is hard for people to hear. If they can't contribute to the team, might as well shortman it, right???

Heresay really, and again, your opinion.

Not heresay. Personal experience.

Well said, again your opinion is well appreciated.

Thank you.

No, I did not "basically" say that it is ok to be "gimped" and not improve; you "basically" said that.

Um; Yes. You did. I can do a quick forum search and post the links if you'd like.

As to where I said that it's OK to be gimp, and not worry about improvment; Please return the favor, and show us the links.

I know, I know.

Why you feel the need to say...anything is what is perplexing.

Not really. Like I said, it was in defense of attempted guild-bashing. From someone who's own affiliation really leaves them no room to point fingers at anyone to be quite honest.

BUT, please continue to keep abreast of Darkside going-ons.

Stay tuned true believers...

Will do.

01-21-2010, 12:00 PM

Are you guild-bashing???

Lol, Seriously???

Nope, just giving some smack back to somebody who decided to be a jerk. It was said person who took it to the forums and created issue in game. Me thinks you have not experienced the whole side.

Only problem is with said peson, as I play with KA all the time and have not had issues except this one person. As with any guild get some good members and some not so good. Most often though its no big issue.

Take my previous post in whatever context you want.

01-30-2010, 12:26 PM
While meant to have evil undertones, I find this guild to be charming and warm...everyone in this guild is sooooo helpful and just down-right FUN! Thanks to all in darkside...my new home in virtuaworld!

I've been in darkside for a couple weeks now and am having a blast. Lots and lots of really friendly and fun people.

I have been in Darkside for a year now and have allways found the members to be helpful and fun.
MrEd is a great leader and allways ready to help a new player..

Darkside on the other hand, is an older guild...
Your guild accomidates players across the spectrum of skill levels. It's not exclusionist, but a place where everyone can belong.

Some above comments from both guildies and other players.

01-31-2010, 10:14 AM


02-03-2010, 05:24 PM
An Official Guild Statement as been issued by Emperor Sicarii:

Darkside has no issues with any guild as a whole. Players have issues with players.

Thank-you though for adding to the Darkside forums.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from us in the future.

Keep watching...as I am sure you will.

Aren't you supposed to be an evil guild? Shouldn't that mean you hate almost everyone?

02-03-2010, 05:36 PM
Aren't you supposed to be an evil guild? Shouldn't that mean you hate almost everyone?

Oh the irony of it all! ;)

02-04-2010, 06:29 PM
Aren't you supposed to be an evil guild? Shouldn't that mean you hate almost everyone?

That all depends - Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral Evil
Wikipedia - Evil (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_%28Dungeons_&_Dragons%29#Lawful_Evil)

How do you classify Darkside?

02-04-2010, 06:34 PM
That all depends - Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral Evil

How do you classify Darkside?

Well when I think Darkside I think Starwars... No doubt that the Sith were Lawful Neutral in my book. People think they were evil, but they weren't, just ultra Lawful and truely neutral.

02-27-2010, 03:11 PM
Reminder, Darkside's Full Moon Party and Promotion Ceremony will be taking place on the balcony of House Deneith.

The party will then move to the Phoinex Tavern in the Marketplace.


03-11-2010, 10:22 PM

03-14-2010, 11:09 PM
Dark baby!

03-30-2010, 08:34 AM
Darkside will be hosting a Full Moon Promotion Party tonight atop of House Deneith at 7pm EST.

Join us for our promotion ceremony as members take their plunge into the Darkside.

Alliance friends will be in company, and Player vs. Player and Capture the Flag are sure to ensue!

04-10-2010, 08:36 PM
I have a light path monk level 9 that needs a guild.

Dont usually roleplay, but as shes lawful good, she could be trying to understand and change the evil ways of the guild or something of that sort.

On a serious note, i have been looking for an active guild to run with. I dont mind pugging, but it is becoming harder and harder to find groups that stay together for more then one quest. I have ran with several officers and members and officers of darkside and have no complaints. I wouldnt mind joining your guild if you want to give me a shot.


And my ingame toons right now are Hauteur, Idler, and Covetness

04-12-2010, 12:36 PM
Darkside is currently in a recruitment phase.

Interested members who wish to become part of the Darkside Guard should contact myself here in the forums, or direct your questions to one of our officers in game.

04-13-2010, 04:35 PM
Wow a "guard"? Should I ask or is that all guild members need-to-know info only? Sounds cool tho bro.

the thieves guild

04-13-2010, 09:41 PM
Remember at one point we were promised the ability as guild-leaders to change character rank?

Well in lieu of that my guild has come up with new titles for some of the ranks:
Members --> Guards.

Just adding more flavor. ;)

04-23-2010, 07:27 PM
hello im interested in joing your guild. how about would i go about do this? thx

04-24-2010, 05:09 AM
For flavor, add Tumeric.

Or maybe Rosemary.

Taragon even.


04-24-2010, 11:16 PM
have you considered merging with that POWERHOUSE guild tor on casual?


04-28-2010, 07:48 AM
April Full Moon Party tonight at 7pm EST in House Deneith.

04-30-2010, 09:08 AM
I'd like to join this fantastic guild (me and two other friend).
We play normally during the night and the weekend (gmt+1).
Great website!!!

04-30-2010, 09:24 AM
Just speak to an officer in-game.

You can reach me on Dranman, Dranmann, or Dranrebb.

04-30-2010, 10:21 PM

Darkside...because it takes all kinds.

05-20-2010, 11:30 PM
oh, i see how it is.

dran hasn't logged on for 5 or 6 days.

nobody has heard a peep from him...


he doesn't so much as log to check the AH for almost a week...

but does anybody care what has happened to teh dran?


it is as if the breeze stopped blowing - nobody notices.

well, to soothe your breaking hearts, your tortured souls,

dran undertook a quest to travel to the City of the Great Wind, to slay the Beast of he-that-manageth-risk-not, to sit in a boring, dank, dark cave for 9 hours a day, 5 days straight.

But lo, he shall return within the next 24 hours, and

Lo, though his guildies misseth him not and

Lo, though not a single soul in Eberron sayeth "Where the hell is Dran?"

He shall return, and he shall be-eth most ticked off, and he shall slayeth mightily.

Well, not quite mightily. Perhaps meekly. But he slayeth nonetheless.

And his guildies shall notice not the slightest difference. How sad.


hjeal meh, plz

05-21-2010, 07:36 AM
Actually I was wondering where you were Dran...


05-25-2010, 10:21 AM
Darkside's Full Moon Party and Promotion Ceremony occurs the 27th of May on Thor'd Day evening at 7pm est.

Interested parties can meet atop of House Deneith.

After the conclusion of the Promotion Ceremony, the party will continue in the Phoinex Tavern.

Be sure to equip chaos & anarchic weapons for party!

05-26-2010, 10:59 PM

05-27-2010, 10:54 PM

Trying to recruit this guy...Grimsword.

06-12-2010, 11:01 PM
Or you can join these guys...

darkside Thelanis
the darkside Sarlona
Darkside Assassins Thelanis
DarkSide Sarlona
Darkside of the Force Cannith
Dweller of the Darkside Sarlona
darkside Cannith
Darkside Assassins Thelanis
Darkside Smoothies Sarlona
'DarkSide' Ghallanda
The Darkside Khyber
Sect of The Darkside Sarlona
Something Something Darkside Argonnessen
Emperors of Darkside Orien
Prophets of the Darkside Cannith
The Darkside Khyber
Something something darkside Thelanis
Darkside Snipers Thelanis
Darksiders Thelanis
The Darkside Thelanis
darkside Orien
The Darkside Argonnessen
Darkside of the Moonwell Thelanis
Darkside of the Moon Argonnessen
The Darksiders Khyber
The Darksiders Sarlona
Darksiders Orien
Darksiders Cannith
DarkSider's Sarlona
Darkside Slayers Sarlona
DarkSiderz Gallandra

06-19-2010, 10:16 PM

Secret Bases coming soon!

06-23-2010, 10:07 AM
This Saturday is Darkside's monthly full-moon party & games.

Expect PvP and more.

Event starts at 7pm EST atop House Denieth and will continue in the Phoinex Tavern and elsewhere.

07-05-2010, 11:16 PM
Castor: Let's be honest Arudin, you're more evil than most of the villains we face.
Khagoth: Meaner too.
Arudin: I am not evil! I am just... colorfully pragmatic! —Dungeoncrawl Inc.

The thing with the Token Evil Teammate is that evil does not mean incapable of friendship. While they are usually out for themselves first, they will often have reasons to stay loyal to their team as a whole, or at least individual members. They'll (very) begrudgingly admit that they like their teammates, or at least find them less intolerable than others, and frequently they find their association either lucrative, entertaining, or even enjoyable.
From TV Tropes at http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TokenEvilTeammate

07-06-2010, 03:19 AM
Castor: Let's be honest Arudin, you're more evil than most of the villains we face.
Khagoth: Meaner too.
Arudin: I am not evil! I am just... colorfully pragmatic! —Dungeoncrawl Inc.

The thing with the Token Evil Teammate is that evil does not mean incapable of friendship. While they are usually out for themselves first, they will often have reasons to stay loyal to their team as a whole, or at least individual members. They'll (very) begrudgingly admit that they like their teammates, or at least find them less intolerable than others, and frequently they find their association either lucrative, entertaining, or even enjoyable.
From TV Tropes at http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TokenEvilTeammate

Welcome Back! Have a nice vacation?

07-06-2010, 07:32 AM

edit : Nvm gotta spread it around first.

welcome Back! Have A Nice Vacation?

07-06-2010, 10:15 AM
I have seen many un-guilded characters out there on the server, so I thought I would put an invitation out there for the un-guilded to join our us.

We are Darkside and we have but two rules:

Darkside Rules

1) Have Fun.
2) Play with your Guildies.

Darkside is a guild consisting of close to 500 characters http://my.ddo.com/guild-argonnessen-darkside/.

While our player-base is mostly from North America, Darkside our guild is mullti-national with players hailing from several different continents and representing many different nations. Because of the international nature of this guild up to 25 of our members can be found playing through-out the entire 24 hour global day .

Darkside members tend to be mature yet also have fun and enjoy the overall gaming experience in a mostly relaxed setting.

Playstyles range from casual light-play to uber-seeking greatness.

Members enjoy showing new players the ropes and how to best play their character, and to have fun while doing so. Players are encouraged to play their character as they see fit.

This guild, depending on the players, enjoy doing all optionals, smashing all boxes, and killing all monsters. The purpose is to get as much experience as possible out of a quest while also playing the game to its fullest potential.

Teamwork, tactics, flair & style are all encouraged in Darkside.

Darkside is the most richly flavoured theme guild of all the DDO guilds.This themed guild's fictional biography is that of an evil organization. Think Secret Society of Super-Villains or the Legion of Doom of DC Comics fame, or GI Joe's COBRA, or SPECTRE of the James Bond films.

This unconvential guild-theme can lend a creative hand in creating your characters and their biographies (which is encouraged in Darkside) whether they have origins of a "darker" variety or are of good alignment.

Other fun things about Darkside (If you like role-playing games but are not about to start role-playing on DDO.)

Darkside[/COLOR] is:


If you have enjoyed playing with such characters as Amancara, Blackstrap, Blodgettone, Bluebeard, Brassass, Buggg, Burnies, Drelco, Ekext, Hadgar, Jab, Harkonin, Kessner, Kizarny, Mansong, Meichong, Morlock, Mrsharpe, Nuradin, Ornbear, Qext, Richtorson, Sargon, Shufu, Soulbug, Stinkybutt, Stinkyfist, Stripe, Surething, Vornek or a host of others; give our guild a try! To see who else is a member of this guild go here: http://my.ddo.com/guild-argonnessen-darkside/

Ideal canidates: Mature players with voice chat.

Come join Darkside!

A guild is only as effective as its members are inconicertto with one another.

PS: The guild leader is an interesting character himself. He is a sometimes actor and sometimes archaeologists (tech), bartender, and instructor. If any of those things interest you in the real world, drop me a line about them as well.

Sicarii is on daily and available for conversation.

07-21-2010, 07:04 AM
Darkside has several events going on at the moment.


FULL MOON PARTY w/ Games, Promotions Ceremony & Special Announcement 7/27 @7pmEST.

Additonally, with deep regrets, the guild has been purged of inactive characters.
If you are a returning Darkside member please just ask for a reinvite back into the guild.

Your leader can currently be found running his Warforged sword & board fighter (lvl 15).

We are Darkside~We are One!

07-26-2010, 12:20 PM
Full Moon Party atop House Deneith.

Friends, Allies, Guildies and others are ALL welcome.

Witness the Darkside promotion ceremony yourself!

08-01-2010, 03:38 PM
I am at my job, but I just got word that Darkside reached 20...finally.

Nice work guildies.

08-03-2010, 01:47 PM
Full Moon Party atop House Deneith.

Friends, Allies, Guildies and others are ALL welcome.

Witness the Darkside promotion ceremony yourself!

I am at my job, but I just got word that Darkside reached 20...finally.

Nice work guildies.

No es Important...:rolleyes:

08-03-2010, 02:52 PM
No es Important...:rolleyes:

Wow dude...you had to respond to that.

Waiting perhaps.

I miss you too.

The comment I made was in reference to all the talk about Spanish in the other thread.

Thanks for going out of your way to get me back.

08-03-2010, 03:04 PM
Wow dude...you had to respond to that.

Waiting perhaps.

I miss you too.

The comment I made was in reference to all the talk about Spanish in the other thread.

Thanks for going out of your way to get me back.

I was simply referencing the Spanish members of the Alliance!


08-03-2010, 07:05 PM
I have seen many un-guilded characters out there on the server, so I thought I would put an invitation out there for the un-guilded to join our us, on your way to bigger and better things.

We are Darkside and we have but two rules:

Darkside Rules

1) Have Fun.
2) Play with your umm..........Guildies.

Darkside is a guild consisting of close to 500 characters 10 of which are real peoplehttp://my.ddo.com/guild-argonnessen-darkside/.

While our player-base is mostly from North America, Darkside our guild is mullti-national with players hailing from several different continents and representing many different nations. We have one Aussie, and 42 Plat farmers from the Asian Continent.Because of the international nature of this guild up to 25 of our members can be found playing through-out the entire 24 hour global day 21 of which are the before mentioned farmers on their shifts.

Darkside members tend to be immature yet also have fun and enjoy the overall gaming experience in a mostly relaxed setting. I play from the restroom, so I never have to stop playing. Talk about truly relaxing.

Playstyles range from casual light-play to uber-seeking greatness while never quite achieving such.

Members enjoy showing new players the ropes (we will miss David Carradine)and how to best play their character, and to have fun while doing so. Players are encouraged to play their character as they see fit as long as it fits within our cookie cutter guidelines.

This guild, depending on the players, enjoy doing all optionals, smashing all boxes, chasing our tails, picking our noses, and killing all monsters. The purpose is to get as much experience as possible out of a quest while also piking the game to its fullest potential.

Teamwork, tactics, flair, color coordination, flamboyance, & style are all encouraged in Darkside.

Darkside is the most richly flavoured (like a double mocha latte) theme guild of all the DDO guilds formed between 2 and 4 PM on the third day of the month.This themed guild's fictional biography is that of an evil pyramid scheme. Think Secret Society of Super-Villains or the Legion of Doom of DC Comics fame, or GI Joe's COBRA, or SPECTRE of the James Bond films, or Skeletor or Gargamel.

This unconvential guild-theme can lend a creative hand in creating your characters and their biographies in the creative style of Dr. Seuss(which is encouraged in Darkside) whether they have origins of a "darker chartreuse" variety or are of good alignment.

Other fun things about Darkside (If you like role-playing games but are too cool to start role-playing on DDO.)

Darkside is:


If you have enjoyed playing with such characters as Amancara, Blackstrap, Blodgettone, Bluebeard, Brassass, Buggg, Burnies, Drelco, Ekext, Hadgar, Jab, Harkonin, Kessner, Kizarny, Mansong, Meichong, Morlock, Mrsharpe, Nuradin, Ornbear, Qext, Richtorson, Sargon, Shufu, Soulbug, Stinkybutt, Stinkyfist, Stripe, Surething, Vornek , Ho Chi Minh, xrgffrogp, kaaargarg, Attila the hunny buns, Holyschnitz, Mr.T, Kevin bacon or a host of others; give our guild a try! To see who else is a member of this guild go here: http://my.ddo.com/guild-argonnessen-darkside/

Ideal canidates: Mature players with voice chat and no gag reflex.

Come join Darkside!

A guild is only as effective as its members are inconicertto (I can't even make fun of this, what is this word???)with one another.

PS: The guild leader is an interesting character himself. He really is! We just chose a random NPC from Korthos Island, and promoted him to leader. He is a sometimes actor and sometimes archaeologists (tech), bartender, male prostitute, and instructor. If any of those things interest you in the real world, drop me a line about them as well.


All fixes are in Royal Blue. Brought to you cause I know you can take it, by a member of Royal Bloodline.

08-04-2010, 03:07 PM
en concierto: In concert.

08-04-2010, 03:13 PM
Not to derail a thread or anything (I'm giving you a free bump) but what ever happened to Mr Ed(s) 1 to 6 (or 1d6)?

08-04-2010, 04:30 PM
The theory was known as 5/1.

Which purposes that as gimped as one toon may be...the other 5 members in the party should be able to complete the quest.

I have seen this echoed in other's sentiments in other threads.

08-04-2010, 05:39 PM
en concierto: In concert.

Thank you, I was wondering about that.

In all honesty, take it for what it is worth from a non-member. It's always been fun to run with your guild.

08-07-2010, 06:31 PM
Thank you, I was wondering about that.

In all honesty, take it for what it is worth from a non-member. It's always been fun to run with your guild.

Thanks that does mean alot. Its usuallly all we strive for.
For the record your guild entertains me with your (usually) good natured jibing. :rolleyes:

08-24-2010, 12:31 PM
Hello friends & foes:

Darkside is having a Full Moon Party tonite, starting at the guild ship and then moving on to quests & PvP.

The Emperor will NOT be in attendance.

Other going on's: Currently the Emperor is removing inactive toons due to the renown degrade that occurs due to inactivity.

If this happens to your toon please just send a tell to a member and we will get you back in.

Congratulations to Learned and Shouji of attaining the rank of Officer.

Dark Harvest is currently in effect as the last Imperial sanctioned recruitment phase.

08-24-2010, 06:08 PM
What is purple the international colour for again?

08-24-2010, 09:24 PM
What is purple the international colour for again?

Buh-bye now. Thanks for coming.

09-05-2010, 04:13 PM

Hail Darkside!

09-20-2010, 06:21 PM
Darkside is having its monthly Full-Moon Party Thursday September 23 at 7pm EST in conjunction with the holiday of Mabon.

The festivities will begin on Darkside's Airship with a Roster Purge and a salute to members no-longer with us.

The party will continue at Darkside's original guild house atop of House Deneith at House Deneith proper, here promotions will be announced with the accompanying ceremony.

From House Deneith we will head to the official Darkside watering-hole The Phoinex. Here at the tavern PvP will begin in various forms.

Other possible events include Seek! and trivia.

Prizes include some vorpals from the Emperor himself, who will make an appearance.

Darkside members are expected to equip chaos/anarchic weapons while attending.

09-24-2010, 07:02 AM
Congratulations to our new Lords (Senior Officers) of the Emperor's Council:

Lord Harkonin, Lord Kizarny & Lord Ronti


You are the foundation in which the guild is built upon.

09-24-2010, 12:28 PM
... you rebel scum ... :)

09-25-2010, 11:11 AM
Lord Kessner (Tarmrin, Kellrin) has been promoted to the new created rank & title PRAETORIAN.

Lord Kessner has served several years as my bodyguard and deserved a title.

/Salute to you!

10-06-2010, 07:25 PM

Silly but worth a look.

The villains evil looks is in sharp contrast to the protaganists.

10-29-2010, 06:04 PM
Darkside needs but one more member....

Could it be you?

Write Sicarii in-game.

12-21-2010, 11:32 AM

Lord Sicarii Darkhour, The One-True Fighter Wizard declares DECEMBER 21, 2010 as last of the Darkside Full Moon Parties this year.

As per usual the guild will meet at Guild HQ for a brief meeting.
Today's meeting will be followed by a re-initiation ceremony atop of the former guild headquarters, House Deneith proper.

All are expected to equip Chaos & Anarchic weapons, and to disengage "feather-fall" for this event.

After this jesture of symbolic birth the guild will head to their favorite water-hole The Phoenix Tavern, here the guild will engage in PvP with both themselves and others.

Lastly, the guild will wrap with some raid or questing.

Event starts at 7pmEST aboard the Darkside ship.

Kulizgu Burzhai~Kulizgu Ash!
We are Darkside~We are One!

The Emperor
Darkside is available for ALLIANCE's, role-playing cameos (we make the perfect foil for your RPG) and general questing.

12-27-2010, 08:45 AM
Darkside is looking for some new players to join our "Fellowship".

Ideal canidates are:

Have voice chat (while not mandatory, we feel VC adds to the "social" experience.)

We are looking for players who are not looking for a latch-key guild that they can just walk into, but rather proactive officers that will aid the guild in creating and supporting events such as raids, and recruitment drives.

Why join Darkside?
Darkside is foremost a casual, fun guild. Darkside recognizes that people have different play schedules, styles and goals.

Darkside's culture makes it the most richly themed guild of all the ddo guilds.
This includes official slogans, colors, and events like our Full Moon Parties.

If any of this interests you, send a tell to such players as MANSONG, ESCORPIUS, BLODGETTONE, MRSHARPE, TARMRIN or write in-game to the Emperor himself SICARII.

We look forward to our new Fellowship with you.

01-19-2011, 08:54 AM
As Darkside nears its 4 year anniversary, we will celebrate our first Full Moon Party of the year, TONIGHT!

The party will start at 7pmEST with members of the Darkside Guard and our allies from the Alliance meeting on the Darkside ship.

The Emperor himself, Lord Sicarii Darkhour, will be in attendance if you desired to meet him or other guild members.

The event will continue atop of the old Darkside Headquarters, House Deneith.
At House Deneith we will induct new members into our fold, and promote others to the Senior Officer position: Lord of the Council. Chaos & Anarchic weapons are recomended for this event, to show solidarity with our guild.

After House Deneith refreshments will be served at the Phoenix Tavern.

Quests and or a raid will wrap-up our first Full Moon Party of 2011.

01-19-2011, 01:00 PM
I enjoy a good picnic every now and then

02-18-2011, 08:59 AM
Darkside's monthly FULL MOON PARTY is tonight at 7pmEST.

Party will begin upon the Darkside guild-ship, followed by a promotion ceremony atop House Deneith.

After the completion of the promotion ceremony drinks will be served at the Phoenix Tavern with some pvp thrown in for fun.


Darkside shot


03-10-2011, 10:42 PM


04-06-2011, 10:46 PM
Currently in the month of April, Darkside has several static groups running and multiple Shroud runs through-out the week.

Much of these static groups are run by the Triumvirare (third-in-command) Mrsharpe/Stormwielder.

Monthly Full Moon Parties & Promotion ceremonies continue with one on the 18th of the month.

Darkside is celebrating Alliance Month with one last great recruitment push.

Interested in Darkside or the Alliance, or our sister-guild ORC, write to SICARII or MRSHARPE in-game.

Kulizgu Burzhai~Kulizgu Ash!
We are Darkside~We are One!

04-13-2011, 09:17 AM
Perfection has a darker side.

04-13-2011, 12:57 PM
kinda glad to see this guild still going ...

so i can do stuff like this

you rebel scum


04-13-2011, 01:38 PM
kinda Glad To See This Guild Still Going ...

So I Can Do Stuff Like This

You Rebel Scum


Gimmeh Your Scrolls!!!!!!!


04-13-2011, 02:35 PM
kinda glad to see this guild still going ...

so i can do stuff like this

you rebel scum


For April Fool's Day I posted on the guild MotD that we were changing our name to "The Competent Rangers" and that leadership was being transferred to Totmatcher!

True Story!

04-14-2011, 09:31 AM
For April Fool's Day I posted on the guild MotD that we were changing our name to "The Competent Rangers" and that leadership was being transferred to Totmatcher!

True Story!

i will gladly lead your guild for about 10 seconds

04-14-2011, 11:15 AM
i will gladly lead your guild for about 10 seconds

Maybe on December 21 2012 depending on the weather that day!

In other news! Darkside is having its monthly Full Moon Party Monday April 18th. The state of the guild will be discussed as well as the direction the guild is going in.

Festivities begin on the guild ship at 7pm EST.

Party will continue at House Deneith with a promotions ceremoney and the awarding of three medals to three of our Lords (Senior Officers).

The Full Moon Party will conclude with PvP & Capture the Flag at the Phoenix Tavern.

If you are interested in taking part, equip your chaos, anrachic, or force weapons and meet up with us Monday night at 7pm EST.

04-14-2011, 10:13 PM
The following is from Darkside's third-in-command the Triumvirate, Lord Mrsharpe(Stormwielder)

What to expect when you are expecting. True Reincarnation is like having a baby. You hope that you can learn from and avoid the mistakes you made in your life and do better for your new bouncing baby adventurer. Many adventurers go through their lives wishing they had done things differently... well this is their opportunity to make things right.

MrSharpe recently completed his first TR lvl'ing back up to 20 and is getting ready to TR again. This reporter caught up with this very active adventurer to ask him some questions. He graceously agreed to take time out of his busy schedule saving Stormreach from the latest Droam attack to speak with us.

Q: Mr Sharpe, what was it like to have your body thrown into Kruz's tree as an offering and being reborn into a new body.

A: Well I have to tell you the whole experience was a little unsettling at first, but you get used to the disorientation and begin to remember things about your past life that make it easier to navigate.When I first arrived in Stormreach a little over a year ago, I knew nothing about anything going on. Everything was truly a learn as you go experience. Thank fully I had help from a few valued friends and mentors. This time around I was able to create strong bonds and relationships with some great friends Buggg Moody, Curet and Carris have been a great support group and we have become a force to be reckoned with for the enemies of Stormreach.

Q: We have discovered that you are going to Reincarnate again at a ceremony this Saturday morning (April 9th, 2011) What has driven you to that decision.

A: It is all part of a plan. My new group of friends have all decided that we can be of better service to the community of Stromreach and the Darkside guild by becoming more powerful. As a group, I feel we have become ambassadors of the game and of the Darkside Guild and it's about setting a quality example to new guild members and to help with recruitment. Additionally, Buggg Moody and I have decided that we would like to sample life in all it's aspects, as long as Kruz will keep allowing us to sacrifice ourselves to improve the guild and help our members, we are willing to make the sacrifice.

Q: What's next for Sharpe, a champion of Stormreach, hero of the Coin Lords and Raid leader.

A: My plan is to live one more life starting this Saturday as a Ranger and then proceed to try my hand at being a Sorcerer, Favored Soul and Monk. I haven't thought much beyond that yet, but we'll talk more after I have had an opportunity to see how these go.

Q: Do you have any plans of retirement?

A: Not while I can continue to help new guild members and provide a quality example to newbies that need to see what can be accomplished when you believe in yourself and make powerful friendships with great people. After all Darkside Guild is all about fellowship.

Q: Any final words for our readers?

A: Get involved! Darkside provides an opportunity to create and maintain strong, lasting friendships. Take advantage of it. You get out of the guild and your freindships exactly what you put into it. Best of luck to Newbies and veterans alike.

Characters: Mr Sharpe Stormwielder

04-16-2011, 07:36 AM
Ok I should be there. I'll bring some of my fellow shadow people. I can't guarantee one of us won't turn into a werewolf tho.


04-24-2011, 07:44 AM
Darkside is the featured guild in the Eberron Chronicles.

Darkside is a guild on Argonnessen that is known for carrying their chaos weapons while moving around Stormreach, and for embracing the theme of a secret “evil” organization! This guild is a casual, Eastern time-focused guild of mature players with an airship and an interest in writing cool character biographies.


04-26-2011, 05:33 PM
hellow from Orien also darkside guild

04-27-2011, 05:00 PM
Another Darkside on another server? Isn't that illegal?



04-27-2011, 09:53 PM
Another Darkside on another server? Isn't that illegal?



Buggg has been ...busy to say the least!

06-15-2011, 06:18 PM
All things must come to an end, including my reign.

I will be stepping down as leader of Darkside after 4-years.

It has been a pleasure serving my guild and I hope to see Darkside continue to grow with the game.

We are Darkside~We are One!

06-16-2011, 01:05 AM
Sorry to hear that Sic. But your right, everything has to come to an end eventually I suppose. We'll miss ya!


08-01-2011, 11:56 AM
Happy 4-year Anniversary to the Darkside Guild!

Best wishes to Emperor Stinkybutt, Triumvirate MrSharpe, Praetorian Kessner & Lord Buggg and the others.

Alas, my subscription runs out in October and I may not return again!
Not playing any games now...kind of bored actually!

Anything is possible though I am getting a new PC and may want to see how the game looks on it!

Again, Happy 4-year Anniversary to you all who helped make what Darkside is today!

10-08-2011, 08:58 AM
Darkside is pleased to be receiving the small guild bonus (received when you have 16 members or less.)

If you do desire to join the guild we currently have certain requirements.

-mature players, sorry no kiddies

-voice chat, while not needed to play the game, we at Darkside feel that it furthes the experience and makes for greater camraderie.

-compatibility, one must be of a similar temperment to our players who are of a social sort

If you feel as though you meet these requirements, we will run some quests together and remove an inactive player to make room for yourself.

Sicarii Darkhour
Proconsul and second-in-command of the Darkside guild.

11-11-2011, 08:17 AM
Darkside update!

Darkside is currently run by Emperor STINKYBUTT and his Proconsul SICARII.

Day to day field-operations are run by our field-commander, and lord and Triumvirate MRSHARPE.
Darkside, a level 48 guild is currently running three different parties: (Levels 5-8, 12-15 & 17-20).

Other key players include: Praetorian KESSNER, Lord BUGGG, Lady CURET, Lord TZOO & Lord MANTORIAN.

Scheduled events include a weekly SHROUD RUN on Thursday nights at 9pm EST & a Sunday morning SLAYERS c. 9:30 am EST.
Also, monthly FULL-MOON PARTIES are encouraged.

Interested in meeting us? Drop us a line.

Maybe we will become friends, and that could turn into an ALLIANCE!

11-26-2011, 04:33 PM

Two of the members are real-life friends, bringing the total number of players I have introduced to DDO to 10!

11-30-2011, 08:07 PM
We are darkside we are one

11-30-2011, 08:08 PM

Darkside is currently not recruiting!
We're trying to hold on to our small-guild bonus!

12-15-2011, 10:03 AM
Congrats to all the Darksiders who helped their guild achieve level 50!

Nice work to you all, especially our core players:

Sicarii, Stinky, Shapre, Kessner, Curet, Buggg, Tzoo, and Marty!

See you 'roun town!

12-15-2011, 11:06 PM
Congrats to the Darkside!


01-09-2012, 08:15 AM
Darkside Full Moon Party tonight at 8:30pm.

Join us for some PvP, questing and DARK RITUALS!!!

03-25-2012, 10:53 PM
The Darkside guild is looking for a 2-4 new members to join its ranks. A small guild of friends could join us for the optimal level of fun.

We prefer players to have voice-chat and be mature men & women with a sense of humor.

The guild, while casual does have scheduled events and runs.

Write if interested.

03-27-2012, 10:12 AM
The Darkside guild is looking for a 2-4 new members to join its ranks. A small guild of friends could join us for the optimal level of fun.

We prefer players to have voice-chat and be mature men & women with a sense of humor.

The guild, while casual does have scheduled events and runs.

Write if interested.

I wanted to reitterate our current static groups.

Mon-Wed PM TR group levels 6-9
Thursday PM SHROUD levels 17-20
Friday PM WARFORGED 13-16
Saturday PM HIGH-LEVEL 17-20, EPIC
Sunday AM SLAYERS 15-20

03-30-2012, 10:08 AM
I wanted to reitterate our current static groups.

Mon-Wed PM TR group levels 6-9
Thursday PM SHROUD levels 17-20
Friday PM WARFORGED 13-16
Saturday PM HIGH-LEVEL 17-20, EPIC
Sunday AM SLAYERS 15-20

Not cool, man. You should open up your groups to more people than just Wizards. And what about Wizards who didn't take a PrE?

There are more than just Archmages and Pale Masters in the game, you know!

03-30-2012, 03:26 PM
Not cool, man. You should open up your groups to more people than just Wizards. And what about Wizards who didn't take a PrE?

There are more than just Archmages and Pale Masters in the game, you know!


05-03-2012, 12:43 PM

05-15-2012, 09:52 AM
Greetings citizens of STORMREACH it is I, Emperor Sicarii Darkhour, The One True Fighter-Wizard, Leader of the Darkside and Father to the ALLIANCE. I wanted to update the denizens of our fair city to the status of my beloved guild.

I will say this, that the city of Stormreach and its inhabitants look but like ants from this elevation of 550 feet above the city.

It is here where my crew of but a dozen loyal Darksiders plot and plan their next moves.
Our field commander Trimumvirate Mr. Shapre typically leads the attack on our enemies that pepper the city with their presence.

At Mr. Sharpe's side you will find the lovely and talented Lady Harmony the Bard.
Accompanying the two is Lord Carris, assistant to Praetorian Kessner and his company of imperial body guards.

In and out of the shadows is the technologically superior Lord Buggg. When Lord Buggg arrives in a group a sigh of releif can be heard amongst its members.

Be aware that Agent Kizarny has returned to infiltrate the parties of others and aid them with his unique fighting and slaying skills.

Also Lord Martean has found himself a new body & spirt via the wonder of reincarnation. He will burning and blasting his way from the Harbor quests and the Marketplace all the way to Cannith and Amarath.

If you are interested in joining a guild that is in the top 15th percentile of the server, contact me.

If things go well you will find yourself a member of the darkest guild of the server: DARKSIDE.
If not you will find yourself webbed at the tips of two khopeshes as acid rain and force missles rain down upon thee.

06-04-2012, 08:01 AM
Darkside (level 55), a 5 year old guild is in a state of recruitment.

Our biggest issue in finding viable recruits, is them having VOICE-CHAT.

The 9 current members of Darkside are all MATURE (relatively speaking) ADULTS with VOICE-CHAT, and we are looking for more of the same.

8 of the 9 players are on EST of the U.S.
5 of the 9 players are from Florida.
2 of the 9 players are women.

Motivated, experienced "leader" types of players are desired as well as new players to the game.

If interested, look for JRACONIS or HOGBREATH in game or drop us a tell.

Emperor Sicarii Darkhour

07-14-2012, 08:06 AM
Greetings Mabarians and Noobs alike!

Darkside is about to enter its 6th year of existence.
We will be a level 57 guild by that time!
The Alliance Channel, while quiet is still up and running for 4 years now.

Darkside's current focus is lead by our Field-Marshall, our third in command, the Triumvirate MRSHARPE. Sharpe is on his third life and leads the guild EST PM in ELITE quests. Currently the guild is running level 15 quests on ELITE with a level 17 party.

Emperor SICARII, leader of the Darkside is excited about the level cap increase and the ability to make XP again. He continues in his quest to be the best "true" fighter-wizard in the game. The new EPIC character content means his wizard spells are now considered to be 13th level spells.

There are still about 6 spots open for possible new recruits.
Candidates should be mature adults with voice-chat.
Questing is typically done EST PM and weekends AM & PM EST.

07-14-2012, 07:37 PM
Level 57!

08-18-2012, 09:40 AM
Darkside has reached level 58 after our 5 year anniversary on ARGONESSEN!

We have a regular group that plays c. 8pm EST EVERY NIGHT!

Other events include:

Recently we have included HUSHEDO, an AUSTRALIAN player, so we are back on INTERNATIONAL TIME and 24 hour PLAY!


08-23-2012, 10:15 AM

08-23-2012, 10:21 AM

10-03-2012, 10:06 AM
Darkside is LFM!

We would like 5 more members to aid us in our quest to reach the guild levels of 60+
More members would top us off at a population of 16 members and still allow us our small guild bonus.

We are a mostly static group of players on their 3rd lives. The guild is currently in the level 9-12 range with the party running level 10 quests on elite to keep a running xp streak.

If you are interested private message WOODWOES, my level 11 Druid for more information.

11-23-2012, 03:21 PM
It's the holiday season and DARKSIDE is busy!

We are running our static group 8:30pm-10:30pm nightly and all-day/all-night on the weekends!

Our current static group is levels 16-19 and is currently engaged in the Stealer of Souls series amongst all the new and wonderful content!

We are always recruiting mature yet fun players with voice-chat!

COLLAPSE your small guild and JOIN OURS!
It may be a long journey from level 63 to 80, and we will need YOUR HELP!

CONTACT me in-game (SARGON, Wf-F19 sword & board) or the second and command MRSHARPE or our third in command BUGGG!

Looking forward to running with you and...
See you 'round town!

11-23-2012, 04:34 PM
CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY: SARGON, Warforged Fighter. Bastard Sword & Tower Shield
Protector 5000 Model #IM666: Battlebot (Jason meets HAL)

Nickname: The Iron Door



Sargon was created as a Battlebot. His sole function is to destroy. This deep rooted program within him is tempered with a strong sense of right vs. wrong.

Sargon is by no means a beserk warrior. Sargon's programming includes Shield Walling, Door Blocking, & Fighting Withdrawl/Arcane Caster Protection Mode. Sargon's fighting style was programmed to mimick that of another Darkside member, Bluebeard Sixfinger.

Despite Sargon's knowledge of what is good; he is currently under the control of Emperor Sicarii Darkhour, the evil warrior-mage and leader of the Darkside guild.

Sargon's favorite songs inlude "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath and "The Sentinel" by Judas Priest. His favorite album is "Somewhere in Time" by Iron Maiden.

Sargon is influenced by the character Deathlok.

12-05-2012, 10:32 AM

Darkside just started a new TR group starting at level 1.

This is a great opportunity to run with Darkside and perhaps even join our fold.

The group will be on most evenings 6-8pm EST and later.

12-08-2012, 11:17 AM
Darkside Enforcer, Alliance Member, Bandit-King & Human-Slayer
Level 20 Dwarven Fighter, Dwarf Axe Kensai & Tower-Shield

Brother of Morlock Sixfinger the War-Priest

WEAPONS: Dwarven Axe & Tower Shield

TACTICS: Door Jamming & Shield Blocking, Tripping,
Spellcaster Protection, and general "Intimi-tanking"

Bluebeard was born into a life of banditry. His father was a highwayman who was notorious for his brutality, especially to those victims who were human.

Following in his father's footsteps, Bluebeard would rather take something by force than actually work for it.

Bluebeard sees humans as being in the way, and envisions a great race-war between Demi-Humans and Humans.

Bluebeard hopes that through the Darkside guild, he can finally wage his war on the milky-white, hairless surface-dwellars known as humans!

Bluebeard has contracted the Dueragar to assassinate Sicarii, leader of the <Darkside.

Bluebeard plans to rule the Dueragar as their Bandit-King.

12-11-2012, 10:51 PM


12-19-2012, 08:11 AM

12-22-2012, 09:38 AM

12-28-2012, 02:09 PM

Darkside guild's monthly full moon party takes place in 4 hours from this posting.
Join us for capture the flag and pvp.

01-02-2013, 08:19 AM
Looking for a static group to have fun with?
Try Darkside!

Darkside is currently running a levels 10-13 6:30pm-8:30pm EST & levels 7-10 8:30pm-10:30pm EST.

Both groups are TR groups and try to run ELITE only quests for the Bravery steak.

Additionally Darkside has weekly SLAYER SUNDAYS and monthly FULL MOON PARTIES with PVP, Capture the Flag and Raids.

01-12-2013, 10:10 AM


01-14-2013, 09:29 PM

Static Group Levels: 1-4, 9-12, 12-15, & 20-25

01-18-2013, 09:20 PM

01-21-2013, 07:56 AM

01-26-2013, 12:18 PM

Full Moon Party w/ Darkside!
Meet atop House Deneith for an initiation & promotion ceremony, followed by pvp, capture-the-flag, and a raid!

Monday, January 28th. midnight, GMT

01-27-2013, 05:00 PM

Left to Right
HUSHEDO 2xTR Drow Wizard-Rogue, Escorpius TR Human Fighter Repeater Kensai, Mansong TR Dwarf Fighter

Left to Right
Wildbug Halfling Druid, Nazzguul Human Sorcerer, Goodall Halfling Artificier

01-28-2013, 07:22 PM

Curet, title: MAGISTRA, Human Cleric, Sicarii title: EMPEROR, Drow Fighter-Wizard, Xiamaraa, title: LADY, Drow Artificier, Hushedo, title: PRAEFECTUS FABRUM, Drow Wizard-Rogue.


01-28-2013, 08:30 PM

07-06-2013, 11:41 AM
Emperor Sicarii here of Darkside. Darkside is currently running a static-group of TR toons at level 19.

Check with myself or one of Darkside's Lords (officers) for guild invites.
Proconsul (Successor): Mrsharpe
Triumvirate: Buggg

Darkside (level 67) prefers mature players with voice-chat. Ideal Darkside candidates are couples & groups of friends who can join Darkside together.

Darkside is a theme guild (Invest in some purple armor skins or hair-dye!) so bring your sense for flare & role-play to the table.

11-21-2013, 06:21 PM
Darkside is LFM.

Low level static group MONDAY NIGHT EST
High level epic group FRIDAY NIGHT EST

11-30-2013, 10:00 AM
I am on now (11:00 am 11/30/13) speaking with potential canidates.

02-01-2014, 02:18 PM
guild is pleased to still be flying above Stormreach for DDO's 8 year anniversary!

We are still a themed guild of Drow inspiration with our purples sails and purple energy ring!
We still encourage character biographies and team-play.

Darkside still hosts various events such as static groups and monthly Full Moon Parties.

Darkside is recruiting!
We are seeking out mature players with voice-chat did get us above the level 72 elevation of The Purple Dragon, our guild vessel!

Join Darkside TODAY!

07-31-2014, 11:04 PM
happy birthday darkside guild!
Seven years!

08-12-2014, 06:19 PM
Way to go on 7 years Sic.


01-01-2016, 04:59 PM
Happy 10 years of DDO to all.
I look forward to our anniversary in the next few months.

It only took 10 years but Darkside has finally settled to a group of 10 players who meet on a regular basis.

We have static groups every Wed & Thurs. pm EST.

Look for our team on Argo!