View Full Version : Is this a known bug?

03-02-2009, 01:39 AM
Im leveling my warchanter, just hit 10, and since I've never played a bard before I am paying close attention to the different Bard threads. As such, since Im moving into GH and my AC aint that good when I S&B it (35 self buffed with bark and SoF pots) I thought I would get an outfit and just use my songs and spells for damage mitigation. So I go to the AH, and grab a Deathblock of Axeblock outfit, thinking that would do well with my Ironskin chant for a total of 10DR/slash. I go into Pheonix, equip and check my stats....here's a pic.


So, is it the listing that is on my Stats page that I need to believe? If so, do I need to go back to the AH and look for a Hammerblock outfit in order for me to get DR/slash??

Yes, I know that DR/pierce ain't a bad thing, but this warchanter is an "in-your-face" tw fighter, not a stand-in-the-back repeater build.

Altho I have been playing DDO for 2 1/2 years, this is actually the first time that I have tried to equip an Axeblock item, thus my title question "Is this a known bug?".

03-02-2009, 01:51 AM
its saying what will get past it not what it blocks


03-02-2009, 01:54 AM
yup the dr is 5 and the /pierce, bludgeon is what will bypass the dr.

03-02-2009, 02:04 AM
yup the dr is 5 and the /pierce, bludgeon is what will bypass the dr.

piericing and bludging will get past it 5 will be taken away from slashing dam

also i havnt played my bard in a while but i dont think the dr stacks

03-02-2009, 02:14 AM
Ahhhh ok....So I am just reading the stat page wrong. Thnx ya'll for posting and setting me straight :D

lmao even an old dog like me has much to learn ;)

03-02-2009, 02:25 AM
also i havnt played my bard in a while but i dont think the dr stacks


So, Hobgoblin, what ur telling me is when im wearing the outfit I will have 5 slash DR, and when I cast Ironskin chat I will have 5 physical DR, but that the 2 5' donot = 10 DR. That makes sense to me now. Thnx for the info; this is a game mechanic I have not experienced before: good to know :D.

Again, thnx all for the clarifications.

03-02-2009, 02:27 AM
it may stack and you have dr 5 vrs pierce and bludgn and 10 vrs slash but i dont think so

03-02-2009, 03:50 AM
With the outfit and Ironskin Chant you should have DR 5/ Bludeoning, Piercing and DR5/Adamantine. So if something hits you with and axe, 5 points would be blocked. The DR overlaps, it doesn't stack. You just take the highest. Now if that was an adamantine axe, it bypasses your Ironskin, but your axeblock will still block 5 points.

If someone hits you with a rapier of mace, your outfit won't protect you at all,-- but your Ironskin will block 5 points of damage. However, if those were adamantine rapiers or maces, nothing would block them and you would take full damage.

03-02-2009, 05:21 AM
With the outfit and Ironskin Chant you should have DR 5/ Bludeoning, Piercing and DR5/Adamantine. So if something hits you with and axe, 5 points would be blocked. The DR overlaps, it doesn't stack. You just take the highest. Now if that was an adamantine axe, it bypasses your Ironskin, but your axeblock will still block 5 points.

If someone hits you with a rapier of mace, your outfit won't protect you at all,-- but your Ironskin will block 5 points of damage. However, if those were adamantine rapiers or maces, nothing would block them and you would take full damage.

whew......good explanation. Thnx :D

03-02-2009, 06:11 AM
Now if that was an adamantine axe, it bypasses your Ironskin, but your axeblock will still block 5 points.
Ironskin Chant is DR 5/- which means nothnig can bypass it.

If you are able (and willing) to keep Ironskin on all the time, the Axeblock robe is a waste.

03-02-2009, 07:24 AM
Ironskin Chant is DR 5/- which means nothnig can bypass it.

If you are able (and willing) to keep Ironskin on all the time, the Axeblock robe is a waste.

Thanks, I was under the impression that it was a lesser version of Stoneskin. I'm pretty sure it is in NWN2.

Sorry for causing any confusion. Just disregard the Adamantine part for Ironskin, but keep it in mind when using Stoneskin wands which are 10/ Adamantine. (I'm sure about that one.)