View Full Version : Master Blaster : WF Sorc with Melee backup

02-28-2009, 11:04 PM
This is my first attempt at a melee type caster and if I am totally screwing this up any input is appreciated.

My build name is from the use of "Masters Touch" for martial weapon profeciency to melee and the builds ability to deliver very nice nuking power as well. I know I am using (3) +2 Tomes but anyone with a couple capped characters should have that readily available.

My goal with the build is to be able to nuke everything in sight and to be able to finish off things with DPS if it is a necessity as well as self-heal and solo a little if I want. I have tried to arrange my spells accordingly for damage and self survivability. Obviously some of the spells will be traded out as I level but I only put the end-game selection there.

I know the planner is so last mod but it is the easiest way to come up with a basic plan for me to get critiqued.

So what did I miss or do I need to change some things around?

End stats are going to be this before any buffs and after main buffs and equipment.

24 Str +2 Rage = 26
14 Dex
24 Con +2 Rage = 26
10 Int
12 Wis
31 Cha +3 Shroud = 34

Hp breakdown: (If I miss calculated please correct)

166 Base
40 Racial Toughness
30 GFL
45 Shroud Item
48 Con Item
18 Toughness Feat
18 Minos Helm
10 Argo Favor
16 Rage
391 Fully Raged

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.00
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

Level 16 True Neutral Warforged Male
(16 Sorcerer)
Hit Points: 206
Spell Points: 1755
BAB: 8\8\13
Fortitude: 9
Reflex: 4
Will: 8

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 16)
Strength 16 18
Dexterity 8 8
Constitution 16 18
Intelligence 8 10
Wisdom 6 6
Charisma 16 25

Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 1
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 1

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 16)
Balance -1 -1
Bluff 4 7
Concentration 3 19
Diplomacy 4 7
Disable Device n/a n/a
Haggle 4 7
Heal -2 -2
Hide -1 -1
Intimidate 4 7
Jump 4 4
Listen -2 -2
Move Silently -1 -1
Open Lock n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 0 0
Search 0 0
Spot -2 -2
Swim 4 4
Tumble n/a n/a
Use Magic Device 6 16.5

Level 1 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness

Level 2 (Sorcerer)

Level 3 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell

Level 4 (Sorcerer)

Level 5 (Sorcerer)

Level 6 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell

Level 7 (Sorcerer)

Level 8 (Sorcerer)

Level 9 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell

Level 10 (Sorcerer)

Level 11 (Sorcerer)

Level 12 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Mental Toughness

Level 13 (Sorcerer)

Level 14 (Sorcerer)

Level 15 (Sorcerer)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Mental Toughness

Level 16 (Sorcerer)
Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Empowering I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Empowering II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Maximizing I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Lineage of Elements III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma III
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I

03-02-2009, 03:08 PM
I have a few suggestions for ya:

1 - If you are going to put points into CHA every four levels, drop the mental toughness feats

2 - If you drop the mental toughness feats, add in Power Attack and Improved Critical (Slashing I'm guessing, based on the STR score)

3 - Consider your AC. I always suggest this to battlecasters. Even though your spells can create the illusion of AC (blur, displacement, stoneskin), it takes one break enchantment/dispel to ruin your buffs. A solid standing AC really helps long term, and in quests such as Coal Chamber, where dispelling is common, you'll thank me. I'm not saying sacrifice everything for a 65-70 AC, but shoot for a 48-50 if you can. It's definitely doable with little to no raid equipment, especially if you have unlocked 32pt builds. You would be really surprised just how high AC can go if you really work on it.

03-02-2009, 03:53 PM
hace one like this at level 3...have you considered 2 levels of pally? That would affect your casting but help in other ways...still trying to get my head around the best way to do what I'm after, great casting, great smacking enemies in firewalls.

I looked at Oddlived's starting stats and so on...trying to figure out the dex on it...and how to optimize it for something I could do well personally...not everyone can hit like Derek Jeter or run like Carl Lewis, even if they start out at the same level...

03-02-2009, 04:38 PM

03-07-2009, 01:28 AM
On the ac....since lvl 20 (and additional feat) is coming (sooner or later) I would look at takeing mithral body for the boost to ac unless your planning on AC bracers. With just 2 tiers of inscribed armor you can negate the spell failure and add 5 to your ac. Not sure what your planning for gear or how this factors in to you long term build but it an option.

03-12-2009, 10:55 AM
So far AC hasnt been a priority or a concern even. I use Stoneskin, Displacement, and Haste like a 2$ Hooker.

I am currently at lvl 14 sitting at 276hp 1648sp and having more fun than I have had in the last year of playing. :D I have been basically doing nothing but casting if I am in a group, but it is quite nice to be able to buff up scroll a tensers and knock the **** outta stuf while soloing!

03-13-2009, 10:06 PM
who run barter town?

03-14-2009, 04:54 AM
As you know, I made one just like this. I hit level 9 and am LOVING this build. So fun...love it.

03-14-2009, 05:25 AM
who run barter town?


03-14-2009, 05:26 AM
As you know, I made one just like this. I hit level 9 and am LOVING this build. So fun...love it.

Ya it is way to much fun...I just got finished Demon Queen flaggin solo lol :D Also just pulled a Wiz VI item and have 1747sp now...goodtimes!

03-16-2009, 09:20 AM

Level 15



Too much fun! :D Blasting and killing like crazy :D

04-21-2009, 01:58 AM
Just a quick update. Uncle's been capped for a bit. 264 hps pure sorc 1960 sps 34 charisma. Bought a docent of quickening for 50k gold (LOL I know) and with spell pen feat all spell pen enhancements I almost always land my fingers. Almost too much fun to be allowed and in shroud part 1 confirmed to outdps (with melee) an unnamed dex based ranger. Will work towards vod items dt armor and greenblade. I will probably remain pure sorc even though 2 pally levels would be quite nice for saves and martial proficiency without spells. Working on my list of soloed quests and it's really, really a blast.

04-21-2009, 02:13 AM
For future reference, ignore AC on a WF caster. You won't get it high enough to matter.

Farm like crazy for a docent of defiance though - those things are amazing.

A WF sorc with melee capability (decent STR, master's touch) is in my opinion the easiest class in the game to play.