View Full Version : New Spells in Module 9

02-28-2009, 08:47 AM
Discuss the upcoming Module 9 feature: new spells!

Here are the details, as mentioned in Kate Paiz's Letter To Players:

...spells that are going to be added in Mod9:

Acid Spray (Level: Sor/Wiz 1) A cone of burning acid shoots forth, damaging targets in the area of the spray for 1d4 damage per caster level (max 5d4). A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half.
Chain Missiles (Level: Sor/Wiz 3) A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d4+1 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, up to 10 missiles. After striking your target, the missiles explode outwards, striking other creatures near the primary target.
Prismatic Spray (Level: Sor/Wiz 7) A brilliant cone of multicolored light projects from your finger, blinding weak targets and producing one or more random effects.
Repair Critical Damage, Mass (Level: Sor/Wiz 8) Transmutes the structure of living construct allies to repair 4d8 +1 per caster level damage.
Meteor Swarm (Level: Sor/Wiz 9) Causes four 2-foot-diameter spheres to spring forth and streak in straight lines toward a target, leaving fiery trails of sparks. The meteors explode on impact, dealing fire damage to targets in the area. Unlike most other projectile spells, the caster can arc these meteors if they have no target selected.
Mordenkainen’s Disjunction (Level: Sor/Wiz 9) A powerful force disrupts magical effects on the target, removing ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check of 1d20 + your caster level (no maximum) versus 11 + the spell's caster level to remove a spell effect, and your target must make a Will save for each equipped item or all magical properties on them are temporarily disabled.
Power Word: Kill (Level: Sor/Wiz 9) A single word of power is uttered, instantly killing a target creature with 300 or fewer hit points.
Wail of the Banshee (Level: Sor/Wiz 9) A terrible scream kills creatures who hear it. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect.
Summon Monster IX (Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9) Summons a hezrou to fight for you for a brief time. Casting this spell locks out casting any other Summon Monster spell for 5 minutes.
Energy Drain (Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9) A black ray of crackling negative energy suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes, granting an enemy 2d4 negative levels. If the target has as many negative levels as its hit dice or levels, it dies. Each negative level gives a creature a -1 penalty on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level. Negative levels stack.
True Resurrection (Level: Clr 9) Resurrects the target, restores all of the target's hit points, and preserves current spell points.
Heal, Mass (Level: Clr 9) Casts Heal on multiple targets. Channels powerful positive energy into allies to wipe away injury and afflictions, restore 10 hit points per caster level (max 250hp), and remove ability damage and the conditions blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, and poisoned. Against undead this spell acts as Harm. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half.
Implosion (Level: Clr 9) You create a destructive resonance field around you, causing nearby corporeal enemies to collapse in upon themselves, killing them instantly. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. Every few seconds, an enemy within your aura will be affected by this spell, but you are free to perform other actions while it is active.

02-28-2009, 11:42 AM
Having a force and repair specced caster a lot of these spells are making me very happy. Especially since now I can target more then one wf in a raid when healing :) and the energy drain and wail of the banshee im still bouncing from seeing that one this is amazing ^_^ thanks for posting it Tolero I am liking what I see a whole lot.

02-28-2009, 11:58 AM
Having a force and repair specced caster a lot of these spells are making me very happy. Especially since now I can target more then one wf in a raid when healing :) and the energy drain and wail of the banshee im still bouncing from seeing that one this is amazing ^_^ thanks for posting it Tolero I am liking what I see a whole lot.

2d4, stackable drain ftw wahoooo...

okay, back to the cave..


02-28-2009, 11:59 AM
Having a force and repair specced caster a lot of these spells are making me very happy. Especially since now I can target more then one wf in a raid when healing :) and the energy drain and wail of the banshee im still bouncing from seeing that one this is amazing ^_^ thanks for posting it Tolero I am liking what I see a whole lot.

Dang right friend, looking forward to this

02-28-2009, 12:00 PM
No Black Blade of Disaster? *Sighs*

02-28-2009, 12:00 PM
some nice spells but no prismatic wall or sphere.... doh... guess its still firewall ftw

also note pls pls pls pls pls give us some kind of improved or greater or even superior combustion 9

02-28-2009, 12:07 PM
I predict that Mordenkainen’s Disjunction is going to cause massive, massive lag. Plus, there will probabally be an issue similar to the Sever bug, where the effects remain after the spell duration is up.

02-28-2009, 12:14 PM
Discuss the upcoming Module 9 feature: new spells!
Acid Spray: Trivial addition, doesn't hurt. Needed for the (later) sorcerer Acid Savant enhancement.

Chain Missiles: Good to get some more use out of purple blastiness. This spell is something I'd recommended. Note that it's important to boost the damage above what the D&D books give, because that spell's damage against secondary targets is laughably weak.

Prismatic Spray: Cool, flashy spell. The D&D version has the ability to send the target to a random plane, which hopefully will be present in DDO as a "Dismissal" effect that works regardless of the creature being extraplanar.

Repair Mass: This is something that was obviously needed for balance with Cure spells. It's additionally important because it allows sorcs to train Repair in their spell slots for lev 5, 7, or 8.

Meteor Swarm: Well, this is already in DDO as a greensteel clicky. The current version is too weak for a level 9 spell, because the fire damage is distributed in 4 chunks, quadrupling the power of Fire Resist buffs. It should be fixed by adding a component of bludgeon damage, like how Cometfall works. Additionally, the D&D rule could be followed to disallow reflex saves for characters directly hit. It's not clear what is meant by "arc these meteors".

Mordenkainen's Disjunction: As is well-known for games of this type, debuff spells are generally much more effective against players than against monsters (because the average monster is going to be killed in a short time regardless). Against spells this is little different from GDM, but the ability to turn off magic items is unique and new, and presumably will make Will saves important in a few special encounters (I cannot believe the devs would allow mobs to make wide use of this spell). Possibly there will be some raid bosses with gear-buffs on them that can be removed with Disjunction (it's been promised that the Black Abbot will suffer from it)

Power Word Kill: Following a pattern of broad uselessness with the other Power Words. Here is advice to fix them: Instead of a strict hitpoint cutoff, allow a save for targets above X hp, with bonuses on the save according to their further hps.

Wail of the Banshee: That was very predictable, except for how it conflicts with Weird. I'd have expected the devs to lean first towards providing Weird, which is a weaker mass instakill since it allows both Will and Fort saves. I thought they'd shy away from a true Mass Finger of Death equivalent, but maybe it's limited to only a couple creatures at once.

Summon Monster IX: Hezrou (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/alumni_hezrou.jpg) will probably continue the pattern of useful/useless of Summon Monster I-VIII.

Energy Drain: As a greater version of the existing Enervate spell it was very predictable. But what's significant is that it also goes to clerics, which removes a distinctive advantage of the wiz/sor classes: now someone else can repeatedly debuff a non-boss mob until he will fail all saves.

True Rez: Boring and predictable. Too bad it doesn't have some feature to reduce the duration of the death penalty you suffer.

Mass Heal: Unavoidably obvious. The interesting note is that it doesn't appear to have any special limitation, which some players speculated would be needed so that it isn't overpowered.

Implosion: Nice that it's delayed action, instead of being a direct clone of Wail of the Banshee. I wonder if Deathward will block it, though...

02-28-2009, 12:20 PM
Good points AD the only thing I slightly disagree on is the energy drain having a cleric I like seeing them give other options to help the party out besides being a heal bot and given the way the capstone will be for pure clerics anything I can do besides raise people and keep up health bars to enjoy a quest is greatly appreciated. Now I can go on elite raids and say hey I have energy drain loaded i'll cover this then spot heal like I do when im casting other debilitating and debuff spells.

And hehe yeah Gum I never mind being the healer of the wf in a raid and im looking forward to not just having to target one cause ive been on many raids where ive looked after 2-3 wf with reconstruct or repair and this will make it easier on Kal big time.

02-28-2009, 12:34 PM
Love all except Power Word Kill...

What monster in end game has less than 300 Hit points... Maybe the lil fire battys...maybe not

This hit point cap needs to be raised SIGNIFICANTLY

02-28-2009, 12:36 PM
Power word kill like other spells based on hitdice will be broken. SpellsSymbol of death, sleep, deep slumber are pratically useless off korthos island and need to be FIXED.
Now we have a useless level 9 spell, oh fear the great wizard that can kill 3 sickly kolbolds now on solo difficulty!

Like some of the stuff changed for the MMO environment, spells that effect a creature hitdice has to be reconfigured for the inflation to make those creature viable to real time mmo. So put a x20.

While looking at spells, check clickies that have broken spell levels thus breaking their duration. Lesser heigthen, lesser maximize, turn the page, titantic docent. 4 sec duration is silly when lag and caster time involved.

Acid rain spell needs to be lengthen

02-28-2009, 12:39 PM
Any chance of a force spell ABOVE LEVEL FOUR??

02-28-2009, 12:47 PM
expectedly short list. please add mass repair serious and moderate as well.

02-28-2009, 12:49 PM
Any chance of a force spell ABOVE LEVEL FOUR??

I believe there are two more force spells above level 4 that aren't in DDO.
I believe they were minor and major force bolts.

I'm starting to spec my wizard and sorc for force (and fire).

02-28-2009, 01:02 PM
expectedly short list. please add mass repair serious and moderate as well.

True didnt think about that anyone who uses these spells specially wf and all wf parties could use other mass repair spells definitely. Im hoping that like other mass scrolls for clerics that that mass repair critical will be available to purchase to. If not even my talents with helping my wf friends will be severely limited.

02-28-2009, 01:04 PM
I had 5 days on my subscription left, I has as I can log on again, I will have 6 months. I know this prolly doesn't matter in the grand picture, but seeing that prismatic spray has been put in, how can I not resubscribe?

02-28-2009, 01:05 PM
I had 5 days on my subscription left, I has as I can log on again, I will have 6 months. I know this prolly doesn't matter in the grand picture, but seeing that prismatic spray has been put in, how can I not resubscribe?

Don't resubmit your billing info. BAM. Not resubbed. :p:D

02-28-2009, 01:07 PM
When you say

"Unlike most other projectile spells, the caster can arc these meteors if they have no target selected."

Do you mean you can lob them like morters? That could be kinda cool. Except for the low ceilings in most quests.


02-28-2009, 01:10 PM
expectedly short list. please add mass repair serious and moderate as well.
Probably was forgot but will be in Module 9. Seems like a too easy addition to be skipped.

02-28-2009, 01:12 PM
Probably was forgot but will be in Module 9. Seems like a too easy addition to be skipped.

i wouldn't be surprised if this was an incomplete list, and the mod/serious types are hopefully in dev right now. turbine tends to release spells only after they have fully developed the spell, including mechanics and graphics.

02-28-2009, 01:14 PM
turbine tends to release spells only after they have fully developed the spell

02-28-2009, 01:16 PM
Cool cool. Will bards be seeing any new spells or abilities?

02-28-2009, 01:24 PM
i wouldn't be surprised if this was an incomplete list, and the mod/serious types are hopefully in dev right now. turbine tends to release spells only after they have fully developed the spell, including mechanics and graphics.

well since the letter says Some of the spells not All of the spells i'm sure there are more to be announced

Now, you already know that we are raising the level cap to 20 with this release, and we’ve been letting you know about a few exciting enhancements and abilities that will be coming. Check out the Official Discussions forum for a recap of what we’ve said already, and here is a preview of some of the spells that are going to be added in Mod9:

02-28-2009, 01:26 PM
i wouldn't be surprised if this was an incomplete list, and the mod/serious types are hopefully in dev right now. turbine tends to release information only after they have fully developed it, including mechanics and graphics.

Edited to be more encompassing.


Now, go grind more XP Asp!

02-28-2009, 01:27 PM
Edited to be more encompassing.


Now, go grind more XP Asp!

Not the boss of me.

02-28-2009, 01:34 PM
Not the boss of me.

I should be....



I'm already the Boss of Yaga, you will come around....

02-28-2009, 01:37 PM
i wouldn't be surprised if this was an incomplete list, and the mod/serious types are hopefully in dev right now. turbine tends to release spells only after they have fully developed the spell, including mechanics and graphics.

I agree, I really hope they add a couple more Acid/Electric spells for M9-10 for savant PrE's. Also, I wouldnt mind a couple more unique Bard/Ranger/Paladin(maybe since they already got a bunch) spells soonish.

Looking good Turbine!

02-28-2009, 01:52 PM
Also, I wouldnt mind a couple more unique Bard/Ranger/Paladin(maybe since they already got a bunch) spells soonish.
Useful level 6 bard spells should be a priority.

02-28-2009, 02:01 PM
Good preview, meteor storm sounds cool if I am reading it right. Adds a new dynamic to casting in certain situations.

02-28-2009, 02:12 PM
Useful level 6 bard spells should be a priority.

By "useful" do you mean spells that mobs dont have blanket immunities against? If so I agree :D

02-28-2009, 02:12 PM
Some new wall spells (Stone/Iron/Force) would be nice.

These are all fine, but basically the same tactics as the spells we already have.


02-28-2009, 03:20 PM
So is Mass Heal our Spontaneous cant Un-Mem it Cure spell?

02-28-2009, 03:25 PM
So is Mass Heal our Spontaneous cant Un-Mem it Cure spell?
Not according to the D&D rules. And since DDO has followed D&D on that point so far (with Heal not being auto-mem at level 6), it will do the same with Mass Heal.

There is no auto-mem level 9 spell.

02-28-2009, 03:33 PM
By "useful" do you mean spells that mobs dont have blanket immunities against? If so I agree :D

I'm looking here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spellLists/bardSpells.htm#sixthLevelBardSpells) and the only spells we don't have yet that could be useful in DDO are Geas (it could be like a Charm Person without a save or something) and Eyebite. Maybe instead of Eyebite being tied to HD the different effects could have different saving throws.

02-28-2009, 04:09 PM
The letter has this little tidbit taht Tolero's post did not

and here is a preview of some of the spells that are going to be added in Mod9

So this looks to be a partial list

02-28-2009, 04:11 PM
so wail of the banshee is a sonic*scream* spell and it is not on the bards list due to ...

02-28-2009, 04:17 PM
so wail of the banshee is a sonic*scream* spell and it is not on the bards list due to ...
nine being greater than six.

02-28-2009, 04:38 PM
the hezrou is on the right


interesting we get a demon as our lvl 9 monster

02-28-2009, 04:46 PM
Any chance we could see mass reconstruct? If you allow mass heal I don't see why mass recon shouldn't be on the 9 wiz/sorc list.

02-28-2009, 04:55 PM
Any chance we could see mass reconstruct? If you allow mass heal I don't see why mass recon shouldn't be on the 9 wiz/sorc list.

Can somone PLEASE tell me why we don't get improved invis, AND vampiric touch. These spells would allow a squishy caster some room to be more useful in the lower levels. Plus any Non-WF caster would love a vamp touch in their repetoire. There just seems to be SOOOO much that could be added or revamped. Please DEVS, revamp the power-words to reflect the power they were meant to have, and PLEASE modify ALL spells that are HD related. C'mon now.

I will say, KUDOS on the spells that are added....Can a drow get a mass-hold monster though? (do we have this and in a wine-stupor i forgot?)

02-28-2009, 05:09 PM
Power Word: Kill is scaled. link (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/powerWordKill.htm)
Just maybe not enough.

02-28-2009, 06:06 PM
By "useful" do you mean spells that mobs dont have blanket immunities against? If so I agree :D
What is there currently? Mass heal, Irresistible Dance and... oopps, nothing. :D

I'm looking here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spellLists/bardSpells.htm#sixthLevelBardSpells) and the only spells we don't have yet that could be useful in DDO are Geas (it could be like a Charm Person without a save or something) and Eyebite. Maybe instead of Eyebite being tied to HD the different effects could have different saving throws.
There are other books Turbine could use. Spell Compendium being one of them.

02-28-2009, 06:49 PM
Discuss the upcoming Module 9 feature: new spells!

Here are the details, as mentioned in Kate Paiz's Letter To Players:

* Mordenkainen’s Disjunction - Awesome. Now enemies get an even more powerful dispel (like they needed it) which is guaranteed to take all our buffs AND now equipment too. Thanks. Now if only WE had a use for the spell.
* Wail of the Banshee - Please tell me this has a decent range. I'm tired of having spells limited to the standard haste circle size.
* Energy Drain - So now we have to deal with enemies spamming this for a guaranteed -8 levels instead of the guaranteed -4 from enervation, while when we use it we get minimal neg levels on the monster.

02-28-2009, 07:02 PM
Awesome for the most part.

Meteor swarm would be niec to have some blunt damage in there.

Power word Kill - level 5 monsters have more than 300 hit points - so utterly useless as rendered. Scorching ray can kill stuff under 300 hit points too, and doesnt take up a level 9 spell slot. Make PWK do 1000 damage, no save, untyped. Anything under that hp will die, anything over....takes 1000 damage. That will make it a useful spell.

Prismatic spray - potentially a great spell if it does all the effects in the book - pretty lame is it just does 70 damage and blinds on a failed save.

More force spells = awesomeness, however something higher than 3/4 would be nice.

More acid/electric spells would be nice as well, something for every level or at least every other level.

More walls.

Implosion - my cleric is giddy over waiting for this spell. And no deathward should not protect because its physical, not a necromatic spell!

Summon monster - a good aligned monster would be nice.

Disjunction - as stated - like dispel magic it is far, far more griefing to players if monsters can cast it. Dispeling a monster is a waste of time when your fighting 200 monsters in a quest, however it is a deadly, deadly spell when those 200 monsters are ALL casting a major debuff on the players every 2 seconds with unlimited mana. So....unless very, very few monsters have access to it there are going to be a lot of painful quests, and angry players when faced with this.

Wait of the Banshee - sonic/death - make it a bard 6 spell too? Bards need some spell love. And yeah if the range is only the standard circle it will be a bit of a disappointment.

02-28-2009, 08:52 PM
I didn't see a duration listed for Implosion. Does this mean that spell lasts for the duration of the instance? :)

02-28-2009, 08:58 PM
I didn't see a duration listed for Implosion. Does this mean that spell lasts for the duration of the instance? :)
In D&D, it lasts up to four rounds.

02-28-2009, 10:29 PM
Discuss the upcoming Module 9 feature: new spells!

Here are the details, as mentioned in Kate Paiz's Letter To Players:
Mordenkainen’s Disjunction (Level: Sor/Wiz 9) A powerful force disrupts magical effects on the target, removing ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check of 1d20 + your caster level (no maximum) versus 11 + the spell's caster level to remove a spell effect, and your target must make a Will save for each equipped item or all magical properties on them are temporarily disabled.[...]

Does Mordenkainen's Disjunction also lowers spell resistance of the target by 10 for the duration of the effect and stacks with the -3SR from items and assassin's soul shattering?

02-28-2009, 10:37 PM
* Wail of the Banshee - Please tell me this has a decent range. I'm tired of having spells limited to the standard haste circle size.
In D&D there are two mass-death spells on the wizard 9 list: Weird and Wail of Banshee. (Or Mass PK and Mass Finger)
Weird is weaker because it allows both Will and Fort saves, so it'll need some boost to make it balanced in DDO. The natural way to improve it is for it to work on more targets, either by having a larger area or a higher headcount-limit.

03-01-2009, 05:16 AM
Implosion - my cleric is giddy over waiting for this spell. And no deathward should not protect because its physical, not a necromatic spell!

PK is illusion and deathward protects also against it. So I dont see why it wont protect against implosion even if it is not necromantic spell...

Wait of the Banshee - sonic/death - make it a bard 6 spell too? Bards need some spell love. And yeah if the range is only the standard circle it will be a bit of a disappointment.

I dont think that bards shoud get one of the most powerfull arcane attack spells. That would make wizard/sorcerors pretty much obsolete (bards having others usefull things. Wizard/Sorcerors just have their better offencive magic).

03-01-2009, 05:23 AM
* Mordenkainen’s Disjunction - Awesome. Now enemies get an even more powerful dispel (like they needed it) which is guaranteed to take all our buffs AND now equipment too. Thanks. Now if only WE had a use for the spell.
* Wail of the Banshee - Please tell me this has a decent range. I'm tired of having spells limited to the standard haste circle size.

Mord's agreed totaly though i gues sit would be HORRABLE in PVP... you know many tanks might have less then 300 hp with Zero magic items!!!

Well Since haste has 30 foot range in PnP betwene all members and Wail is like 60 foot or somthing similar, it should be a Heck of a LOT bigger then haste, weather it really will be remains to be determined.

03-01-2009, 05:23 AM
Meteor Swarm (Level: Sor/Wiz 9) Causes four 2-foot-diameter spheres to spring forth and streak in straight lines toward a target, leaving fiery trails of sparks. The meteors explode on impact, dealing fire damage to targets in the area. Unlike most other projectile spells, the caster can arc these meteors if they have no target selected.

I dont see how this is going to better than DBF unless it has blunt damage included and no save from direct hit?

03-01-2009, 05:28 AM
Mord's agreed totaly though i gues sit would be HORRABLE in PVP... you know many tanks might have less then 300 hp with Zero magic items!!!

I actually laughted when I read about disjunction. Wizard/Sorcerors are going to have good time in PVP ;)

03-01-2009, 12:44 PM
**Energy Drain (Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9) A black ray of crackling negative energy suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes, granting an enemy 2d4 negative levels. If the target has as many negative levels as its hit dice or levels, it dies. Each negative level gives a creature a -1 penalty on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level. Negative levels stack.

Of all the new spells I look forward to this one the most. I am not a big fan of enervation but since this one is 2d4 and that is an ave of 4 levels and will make a huge difference in chance to fail save.

It is hard to comment on most of the new spells since we don't really know what kind of hp/dps changes we will see in the new mod.

Thanks for the preview tho!

03-01-2009, 02:45 PM
my guess on weird and wail is this

wail will be a cone type effect reaching out from you (see cone of cold/fear spells)

weird will be a distance spell centered on the mob you select (see mass hold person)

03-01-2009, 07:01 PM
Mass heal - 250 max??? hmm... so much for clerics needing a devotion item... my poor lorriks set is nerfed lol...

Wail - im hoping this has a limit (say max 4 or d6 or something similar to chain lighting)
Wierd? - im hoping they add this with no limit.

Power word kill - I agree, all powerwords should have a save if the target is above the max allowed hp...

Acid/force spells good :D
Something to compare with Wall of fire and polar ray would be nice though....
Maybe have acid rain do 2d4 +1 per caster level?? ;)

03-01-2009, 07:48 PM
Useful level 6 bard spells should be a priority.

Mass hold monster?

I know they aren't on the bard spell list, but bards need some love :D

03-01-2009, 11:09 PM
* Energy Drain - So now we have to deal with enemies spamming this for a guaranteed -8 levels instead of the guaranteed -4 from enervation, while when we use it we get minimal neg levels on the monster.

There is a quest in necro that gives an item

03-01-2009, 11:11 PM
Mass hold monster?
Heal would be a nice Spellsinger III reward. ;)

03-01-2009, 11:49 PM
Heal would be a nice Spellsinger III reward. ;)

If I had my way the Bard PREs would go as follows:

Spellsinger: Focus on spellcasting, bonus healing spells like heal and maybe access to raise dead (couldn't think of other related healing spells, maybe the next cure mass)?

Warchanter: As currently, improvements to damage/attack songs, maybe access to more powerful combat buffing spells.

Virtuoso: Would focus on the other bardic music, facinating, maybe more on the debuff songs.

03-01-2009, 11:51 PM
Spellsinger: Focus on spellcasting, bonus healing spells like heal and maybe access to raise dead (couldn't think of other related healing spells, maybe the next cure mass)
I think we agree but just do clarify, you also include crowd-control spells?

03-01-2009, 11:57 PM
That would be where the CC would fit as well, I see spellsinger as healer/CCer, Warchanter as Buffer (both songs and spell buffing) as well as melee figher and virtuoso as expanding into the more powerful music (which we really haven't seen, the first tier bonuses really aren't as good as the other 2)

I am still hoping that my spellsinger gets *something* in MOD9 other than the capstone (or a +4 Str tome so I have the option of trying out warchanter, I'm sure the fighters/barbs/rangers would love me rolling on that and winning over them :D)

03-02-2009, 12:10 AM
Will Force Missiles also esplode now as per the original spell description?

03-02-2009, 09:16 AM
Good list, but I agree with the Power Word Kill/Symbol of Death issues. 300 HP is a joke once you start seeing CR 10 mobs.

Why would I want to waste SPs on PWK when I can PK or FoD for lesser spell points and a greater chance of working ???

03-02-2009, 12:41 PM
and we're still not getting our Mass Charm Monsters back?! :mad::mad::mad:

03-02-2009, 01:05 PM
Something I'm hoping they include:

Gate (Wizard 9, Sorcerer 9, Cleric 9)

You create an interdimensional gateway (same graphic as the Dimension Door spell, though with a different color to distinguish between the two). When created anywhere in the Prime Material Plane, the Gate leads to the Arcanaloth Fortress of Amrath. When created anywhere in the Outer Planes, the Gate leads to the ruins of the Marketplace Tent.

This will help significantly with the usual problem of gathering parties together for a raid quickly. It's even better than teleport, since it can be cast by both casters and clerics, and it creates a gateway that anybody else can use.

03-02-2009, 02:33 PM
Mass heal - 250 max??? hmm... so much for clerics needing a devotion item... my poor lorriks set is nerfed lol...

Both Heal and Heal, Mass cure 10pts/level. Heal is capped at 15th level - 150 pts, Heal, Mass is capped at 25th level 250 pts. All your metamagics and lorriks will work as normal on Heal, Mass... just the base healing of the mass spell will start out as more, per target even.... which might make up somewhat for not having superior devotion 9 or superior potency 9 items.... (yet).

Was kind of hoping they might have a new cleric offensive damage spell to improve upon blade barrier/cometfall in ways that Firestorm hasn't. Maybe some implementation of Storm of Vengeance (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/stormOfVengeance.htm). My cleric just doesn't have the feats/enh to heal well and add in spell penetration, which our non-damage spells will need to land against Shavrath foes.

03-02-2009, 02:36 PM
Both Heal and Heal, Mass cure 10pts/level. Heal is capped at 15th level - 150 pts, Heal Mass is capped at 25th level 250 pts. All your metamagics and lorriks will work as normal on Heal, Mass... just the base healing of the mass spell will start out as more, per target even.... which might make up somewhat for not having superior devotion 9 or superior potency 9 items.

swap out empower for empower healing and we looking at 350-ish non crit mass heals, without superior devotion itme, give or take? makes me feel little woozy actually lol.


03-02-2009, 02:59 PM
Acid Spray: Trivial addition, doesn't hurt. Needed for the (later) sorcerer Acid Savant enhancement.

Chain Missiles: Good to get some more use out of purple blastiness. This spell is something I'd recommended. Note that it's important to boost the damage above what the D&D books give, because that spell's damage against secondary targets is laughably weak.

That acid spray sounds suspiciously like a repurposed Burning Hands...though acid did need more options so it's probably a good thing.

I believe there are two more force spells above level 4 that aren't in DDO.
I believe they were minor and major force bolts.

I'm starting to spec my wizard and sorc for force (and fire).

This is good since fireball is less-than-useful in so many situations. Level 3 spells needed another option. Force needed this. (needs a higher level spell than Force Missiles too, but this is a good start)

When you say

"Unlike most other projectile spells, the caster can arc these meteors if they have no target selected."

Do you mean you can lob them like morters? That could be kinda cool. Except for the low ceilings in most quests.


That sounds exactly like what it'll be. Think kobold thrown flasks, but with us lobbing them instead. I can think of a few uses, though they're probably pretty limited situations. It's a nice mechanic to have available for future repurposing. Hope they'll break the breakables too. I can think of a few boredom-time games with that...

03-02-2009, 06:40 PM
Acid Spray (ok) - same as burning hands, nothing immune/resist fire at low levels anyway - fine for flavor and/or acid speced builds (although we are talking 10% by the time you give this up).

Chain Missiles (useless) - multy target low damage (50% of force missiles) aggro puller.

Prismatic Spray (useless) - blinds weak enemies (as in none we care about) and random effect will be inneffective mana sink.

Repair Crit Mass (ok) - for those all WF parties it will be nice.

Mordekain's Disjunction (useless to horrible) - unless we can effect new raid boss weapon (unlikely we can mak the DC or that he has one) nobody will bother using this. Horrible is that enemy casters using against us is going to suck.

Power Word Kill (useless) - Only effects < 300 HP targets, like those exist, or that we won't just use other non-limited insta-kills.

Heal Mass (very nice) - Twice as mana effecient as other mass heals, if like heal, empower heal (only meta for heal) will be required for all clerics. Does have the potential, unlike other mass heals that were incremental, of making any cleric without (16 levels or less) hopelessly gimped.

Wail of Banshee (very nice) - Mass Finger of Death, Necros are very happy.

Summon IX (ok) - likely not carried in favor of lower level scrolled, clicky versions.

Energy Drain (ok) - Twice as effective as enervate - probably not carried as enervate scrolls are cheap and level 9 slots limited.

True Ressurection (ok) - Nice for Combat Res'ing - some might not carry as Res is solid and clickies exist - but for pure healer's its solid.

Implosion (TBD) - huge unknown here (spell has been changing last few weeks). Key mechanics are spell duration and range, very short duration and "party" range (like haste) make it useless, long duration and "aura" range (like pally) make overpowered?

Meteor Swarm (useless) - even weaker version of already useless fireball / db fireball.

03-02-2009, 10:38 PM
I pray that is not all the spells that are comming out in this wait for ever mod

There are hundreds of spells that would not be hard to graphically add to this game so i hope all the wait isnt for 8 new lvl 9 spells and a couple low level ones.

hope there are at least 15-20 new spells and these are just the tease

03-02-2009, 11:27 PM
Summon monster - a good aligned monster would be nice.


My good aligned wizard just doesn't feel right summoning Hell Hounds, Fiendish Trolls, Evil Effriti, demons (herzou), and the like.

This spell would be better if we had a list of 'monsters' to chose from for each level.

03-03-2009, 12:10 AM
and we're still not getting our Mass Charm Monsters back?! :mad::mad::mad:

Personaly I am glad about that, rather kill the beasts then have them charmed most of the time as charming slows things down sometimes.

03-03-2009, 12:15 PM

My good aligned wizard just doesn't feel right summoning Hell Hounds, Fiendish Trolls, Evil Effriti, demons (herzou), and the like.

This spell would be better if we had a list of 'monsters' to chose from for each level.

Sort of like Summon Planetar from Baldur's gate? They have two versions of that spell in that game one for good guys and the Dark Planetar for evil people. That would have been a nice addition but I dunno if they would want to mess around with the animation of a near angelic or fallen angel like being. Would be cool though.

03-03-2009, 12:18 PM
On one note I disagree about everybodies disparranging of the power word kill spell. If done right, it still works as it is based on actual hit points NOT hit dice. so if your fighters beat it down to less than 300 points then you use the spell, it dies. Being a DM in the PnP game I find it is a good way to prevent the game breaking destruction of the boss in one spell. So you can't instantly destroy the end boss, your not SUPPOSED to.

03-03-2009, 12:45 PM
On one note I disagree about everybodies disparranging of the power word kill spell. If done right, it still works as it is based on actual hit points NOT hit dice. so if your fighters beat it down to less than 300 points then you use the spell, it dies. Being a DM in the PnP game I find it is a good way to prevent the game breaking destruction of the boss in one spell. So you can't instantly destroy the end boss, your not SUPPOSED to.

Uh yeah you realize that when a mob is down to 300 hit points he will be dead in about .5s more max right, assuming a couple of people are beating on it.

Most melee of any salt will be hitting for 300 damage per second by level 20 with current gear.

So you wasted spell points on a spell to kill a mob that was almost dead.

03-03-2009, 12:50 PM
On one note I disagree about everybodies disparranging of the power word kill spell. If done right, it still works as it is based on actual hit points NOT hit dice. so if your fighters beat it down to less than 300 points then you use the spell, it dies. Being a DM in the PnP game I find it is a good way to prevent the game breaking destruction of the boss in one spell. So you can't instantly destroy the end boss, your not SUPPOSED to.

So... if a Ranger is approaching 200 damage per second... and you have 2 in the group... you just saved your party about .75 seconds of time...

Nice power for a lvl 9 spell!

03-03-2009, 01:58 PM
Personaly I am glad about that, rather kill the beasts then have them charmed most of the time as charming slows things down sometimes.

Or makes it much faster, and easier. The problem isn't the spell, its the people casting the spell.

03-03-2009, 02:30 PM
On one note I disagree about everybodies disparranging of the power word kill spell. If done right, it still works as it is based on actual hit points NOT hit dice. so if your fighters beat it down to less than 300 points then you use the spell, it dies. Being a DM in the PnP game I find it is a good way to prevent the game breaking destruction of the boss in one spell. So you can't instantly destroy the end boss, your not SUPPOSED to.

You have a recent join so you may not know that end game mobs in DDO have thousands of HP so the 300 hp limit is very low. You ar right that tat is why the limit in PnP exists, but that limit is not relevant in DDO.

03-03-2009, 10:03 PM
You have a recent join so you may not know that end game mobs in DDO have thousands of HP so the 300 hp limit is very low. You ar right that tat is why the limit in PnP exists, but that limit is not relevant in DDO.

Good limit in DDO would be more like 5,000 HP

03-04-2009, 03:45 AM
Good limit in DDO would be more like 5,000 HP
Maybe you should test how much HPs have before throwing out a number like this one... maybe.

03-04-2009, 04:05 AM
Maybe you should test how much HPs have before throwing out a number like this one... maybe.

A level 9 kill spell should take out most things that are not immune to it. So this # is about right. Bosses will be immune, and any non uber trash will die if it fails its save. Just like it should be with a level 9 spell.

If it's not a boss and its 1 on 1 and you see it first almost nothing should be able to stand up to a caster. They horrible broke this game with hp and its about time it got fixed.

03-04-2009, 09:47 AM
A level 9 kill spell should take out most things that are not immune to it. So this # is about right. Bosses will be immune, and any non uber trash will die if it fails its save. Just like it should be with a level 9 spell.

If it's not a boss and its 1 on 1 and you see it first almost nothing should be able to stand up to a caster. They horrible broke this game with hp and its about time it got fixed.

You do realize Power word Kill has no saving throw right? Personally I think it should be bumped to around 400 hp that should kill almost all arcane casters type mobs.

03-04-2009, 10:38 AM
Devs please can you include THIS spell..

Lightning Ring
Evoc[electricity], VSM(glass ring, fur), 1 round per 3 lvls lasts 60secs per round can be extended,empowered,maximized

A ring of electricity circles the caster with the following benefits:
a) gain Electricity Resistance 50
b) each round, the ring generates three Lightning Bolts or one Chain Lightning that strikes the closest targets

03-04-2009, 12:11 PM
Add Righteous Might to the game...

03-04-2009, 06:55 PM
Since my main is a cleric I just wanted to say, Implosion will rock. A death spell that last a number of rounds and makes you a walking aura of death even if its only a number of rounds, oh god thats going to be the best thing ever. Thank you Turbine :)

03-05-2009, 04:15 AM
You do realize Power word Kill has no saving throw right? Personally I think it should be bumped to around 400 hp that should kill almost all arcane casters type mobs.

HM cheasy level 3 fireball with max empower and a potency item will do that for the same sp and do it aoe style. Level 9 spell should not kill only things that a level 3 spell will kill on a failed save

03-05-2009, 06:04 AM
HM cheasy level 3 fireball with max empower and a potency item will do that for the same sp and do it aoe style. Level 9 spell should not kill only things that a level 3 spell will kill on a failed save

Max, emp, superior pot and all enchaments lvl3 fireball does around 250 normal damage (~500 when critting). Also it can be saved against and mobs can have resist or immunity against it. Powerword Kill just kills things that have less than 300hp(deathward protects against it) without save. Altought it still seems little weak (IE DBF does around 250hp with save and if target dont have evasion).

Tought it will still have some uses ;) (IE in PvP after disjunction)

03-06-2009, 12:00 PM
As many have already replied, these spells were very predictable and most are a waste of time such as, Power Word Kill.

Let's be real, who would spend the Spell Points and Spell Slot for this spell when it cannot kill a high CR monster. Spell Casters will spend less mana on a Firewall they can use Superior Focus Items and Elemental Enhancements to cause far more damage and to other opponents at the same time.

One of the main aspects of D&D are the spells. They give diversity and versatility to players. I do understand there are hundreds of spells and not all can translate to DDO but I feel there has not been much of an effort to even persue it.

Improved Invibility
Why is this not added? The current spell already exists. You could simply make it stay active for the duration unless dispelled.

This is just one spell that could be easily added...

To make a long story short... I am not impressed with the effort being put into Module 9 for Spells.

03-06-2009, 02:16 PM
Nice to see some classics finally being implemented but please for the love of the game, Bigby's Hand spells!

BTW, giving Implosion to the clerics... Good move. The healbots who try to stay back needed a little extra protection especially in places like that **** gnoll quest out to the vale. Sooner or later a gnoll whose aggro wasn't nailed down would get behind the party and go for the cleric. Any shielding you can give them is good.

03-06-2009, 02:20 PM
As many have already replied, these spells were very predictable and most are a waste of time such as, Power Word Kill.

Let's be real, who would spend the Spell Points and Spell Slot for this spell when it cannot kill a high CR monster. Spell Casters will spend less mana on a Firewall they can use Superior Focus Items and Elemental Enhancements to cause far more damage and to other opponents at the same time.

One of the main aspects of D&D are the spells. They give diversity and versatility to players. I do understand there are hundreds of spells and not all can translate to DDO but I feel there has not been much of an effort to even persue it.

Improved Invibility
Why is this not added? The current spell already exists. You could simply make it stay active for the duration unless dispelled.

This is just one spell that could be easily added...

To make a long story short... I am not impressed with the effort being put into Module 9 for Spells.

I think it has been stated in the past that spells are one of the most time consuming things for the developers and as such I think this list is good enough for the time being because of all the other things devs have to do for this level cap increase to level 20. I fully support the continued addition of spells in mod 10 and 11.

03-06-2009, 06:25 PM
Improved Invisibility -- consider the design consequences for a second here...

03-06-2009, 06:30 PM
Improved Invisibility -- consider the design consequences for a second here...

If you're going to put that in you may as well put in Fly...

03-08-2009, 03:08 PM
Some of the spells seem interesting....that said, I really hope that this isnt the entire list. I was horribly disappointed in the level 8 spells for the most part....I mean my Sorc took polar ray and uses it in one or two quests, max. I thought Sunburst was gonna be cool as well as horrid wilting....uh not.

the dysunction spell seems like a waste except for the devs to be able to give it to enemy casters and for PvP. Banshee and Mass, heal, mass repair are nice. Power Word Kill is useless. By the time I get level nine spells, if I am fighting mobs with 300 or less hp, I am only favor running for some unknown reason. Its just like undeath to death which I have yet to get to work in any quest higher than deleras and not even always then and the other power word spells...never loaded and in general not even inscibed on my wizzy.

Powered up ennervate...pretty cool, but it may be overshadowed by the lower cost ennervate.

03-09-2009, 12:41 PM
If you're going to put that in you may as well put in Fly...

Fly should be available to players too.

And Yes, it will cause a major game play issue but regardless it should be worked in.

I chose Improved Invisibility as an example. Invisibility is already in the game so the animation would not have to be created thus saving time and money for the developers.

Mobs have See Invisibility which is the counter to this so no big deal for the higher lever quests.

If the duration is the concern then the Dev's can make it like Focusing Chant and set it at a maximum of 1 minute, extended to 2.

My point to all of this...

The developers have had 7+ months to plan and design for module 9 and only came up with a few spells. The effort is lacking.

Will Teleport have additional destinations, like the Gianthold or the Reaver's Refuge?

The Prismatic line of spells, will there be Prismatic Wall or Sphere? Why just Spray?

and let's not forget the "True" name of the Disjunction Spell... It is Mordekainen's Disjunction. Which means they are neglecting Mordikainen's Dancing Sword.

Mordikainen's Dancing Sword animation could be the swirling blades that slice and dice us up in the Shroud. Treat it like a Summon Monster 9 Spell.

To End With:
It would be nice to have a selection of "Useable" spells greater than 5 for each spell level. It would make the caster's different as we all won't have the exact same spells becaused we know the only spells worth memorizing.

03-11-2009, 01:52 AM
Disjunction is going to throw a serious wrench into a lot of min/max builds. It'll be funny to see what those 8 wis pally/rangers do when their wis item gets disabled lol.

Or disjunction + ray of enfeeblement = helpless wiz/sorc

Good times all around. I hope the mobs AI recognizes this as one of their most effective spells and use it accordingly. It'd make even the most trivial quest just a bit more unpredictable and exciting.

03-11-2009, 01:59 AM
Disjunction is going to throw a serious wrench into a lot of min/max builds. It'll be funny to see what those 8 wis pally/rangers do when their wis item gets disabled lol.

Or disjunction + ray of enfeeblement = helpless wiz/sorc


maybe for the wiz but any Drow sorc that has force of personality will be damm near immune to this spell.

03-11-2009, 02:11 AM
put in Vampiric Touch. When arcanes are that close with the ridiculously inflated enemies, if may not kill them, but the temp HP is a LIFESAVER!

No matter what tactics are used, sometimes the baddies DO get to you.....this helps keep the arcanes alive then.

The graphics work the same as chill touch/shocking grasp, and the temp HP work like a lifeshield item (among others.)

*Joins the group of supporters for this spell.*

03-11-2009, 12:08 PM
put in Vampiric Touch. When arcanes are that close with the ridiculously inflated enemies, if may not kill them, but the temp HP is a LIFESAVER!

No matter what tactics are used, sometimes the baddies DO get to you.....this helps keep the arcanes alive then.

The graphics work the same as chill touch/shocking grasp, and the temp HP work like a lifeshield item (among others.)

*Joins the group of supporters for this spell.*

/signed oh man I would love to use this spell I forgotten all about it.

03-16-2009, 08:04 PM
I'm surprised no ones commented on just how much disjunction tips the scales in favor of monks on raids.

Are monks going to be the defacto tanks when everyone else loses their greensteel? And are masterwork weapons going to be a requirement just in case other tanks get hit with it?

03-17-2009, 05:17 AM
I'm surprised no ones commented on just how much disjunction tips the scales in favor of monks on raids.

Are monks going to be the defacto tanks when everyone else loses their greensteel? And are masterwork weapons going to be a requirement just in case other tanks get hit with it?

Masterwork weapons arent that much better than weapons hit with disjunction ("normal" weapons), so I dont see them becoming requirement.

03-19-2009, 12:27 PM
What I forsee...

In the next module as monsters use Disjunction on player characters, I see buff's and magical affects being stripped making arcane and divine enhanced players weaker. Then the casters will need to counter by using Break Enchantment or Greater Dispel Magic. Then Disjunction is hits the players again and the cycle continues.

The affects will be felt greatly during the end Boss as they tend to last the longest.

Imagine fighting the Pit Fiend (Harry) and he uses Disjunction on you, there goes your Poison and Disease Immunity along with your Fire Resistance and Protection. You'll be forced to back up and wait until a caster can restore you before continuing the melee.

Now let us flip this...

Can we use the Discjuction spell on Harry?

... Makes me want to mem that spell (Sarcasism Inserted)


03-19-2009, 01:30 PM
Can we also add protection from lag?

03-19-2009, 02:49 PM
What I forsee...

In the next module as monsters use Disjunction on player characters, I see buff's and magical affects being stripped making arcane and divine enhanced players weaker. Then the casters will need to counter by using Break Enchantment or Greater Dispel Magic. Then Disjunction is hits the players again and the cycle continues.

The affects will be felt greatly during the end Boss as they tend to last the longest.

Imagine fighting the Pit Fiend (Harry) and he uses Disjunction on you, there goes your Poison and Disease Immunity along with your Fire Resistance and Protection. You'll be forced to back up and wait until a caster can restore you before continuing the melee.

Now let us flip this...

Can we use the Discjuction spell on Harry?

... Makes me want to mem that spell (Sarcasism Inserted)


That depends how disjuction will work. Is it "debuff" that supress all magic that you carry (and that can be dispelled)? Or it is more like in PnP (In PnP it will destroy magic in your magic items permamentally) where your magic items are supressed for a certain time (from few seconds to minutes) no matter what you do.

03-19-2009, 03:02 PM
interesting we get a demon as our lvl 9 monster

to got othe plane of demons with hmmmmm

03-19-2009, 03:26 PM
What I forsee...

In the next module as monsters use Disjunction on player characters, I see buff's and magical affects being stripped making arcane and divine enhanced players weaker. Then the casters will need to counter by using Break Enchantment or Greater Dispel Magic. Then Disjunction is hits the players again and the cycle continues.

The affects will be felt greatly during the end Boss as they tend to last the longest.

Imagine fighting the Pit Fiend (Harry) and he uses Disjunction on you, there goes your Poison and Disease Immunity along with your Fire Resistance and Protection. You'll be forced to back up and wait until a caster can restore you before continuing the melee.


I hope that monsters disjunct players - this rewards good players who pay attention to buffing. I am fortunate to run with some awesome arcanes and bards who when you die and get raised buff the snot out of you.

03-20-2009, 02:35 AM
*Zombie eating brains of spellcaster that has no tactics, goes to Lightning Cone and says*

"Send more Spells."

03-23-2009, 09:17 PM
Improved Invisibility -- consider the design consequences for a second here...

Displacement is currently already in the game and the effects as written are the same for DDO as what improved invis would be. Unless the description changed from DND 3rd ed.

I'd LOOOVE to see improved invis IFF the duration was the same as blur.....

03-23-2009, 09:19 PM
put in Vampiric Touch. When arcanes are that close with the ridiculously inflated enemies, if may not kill them, but the temp HP is a LIFESAVER!

No matter what tactics are used, sometimes the baddies DO get to you.....this helps keep the arcanes alive then.

The graphics work the same as chill touch/shocking grasp, and the temp HP work like a lifeshield item (among others.)

*Joins the group of supporters for this spell.*

I think I have about 6 threads advertising for VT. I am sooooo happy that others are jumping on the band-wagon for this spell. It's nice to use in conjunction with false life and GH. It will lose it's effectiveness as one increases in level but will be a life saver from levels 5-11.

04-03-2009, 03:34 PM
Any new bard spells?

04-09-2009, 03:47 PM
I would really like to see windwall put in as well. We need something to help against some of the archer madness we see right now. I can't believe the range some of these things have.

04-10-2009, 02:41 PM
"Power Word: Kill (Level: Sor/Wiz 9) A single word of power is uttered, instantly killing a target creature with 300 or fewer hit points."

devs, at level 18, what monsters is this spell going to affect other than the kobolds in the harbor & the hobgoblins in tanglefoot?

please get a clue & make useful spells


04-10-2009, 02:45 PM
Displacement is currently already in the game and the effects as written are the same for DDO as what improved invis would be. Unless the description changed from DND 3rd ed.

I'd LOOOVE to see improved invis IFF the duration was the same as blur.....

It's not the same actually. Invisible creatures can more easily avoid detection or avoid being targeted which makes certain content trivial. That's why a number of caveats occur in the game such as removing invisibility when activating a switch or door. And that's why we won't see improved invisibility.

04-10-2009, 02:46 PM
devs, at level 18, what monsters is this spell going to affect other than the kobolds in the harbor & the hobgoblins in tanglefoot?

Any monster being DPSed should pass below 300 hit points at some point. ;)

04-10-2009, 02:56 PM
Any monster being DPSed should pass below 300 hit points at some point. ;)
True but there are far better ways to use the SP this spell costs.

04-10-2009, 02:58 PM
True but there are far better ways to use the SP this spell costs.

No way, man. Impossible.

04-15-2009, 06:53 PM
Any monster being DPSed should pass below 300 hit points at some point. ;)

If a person(s) can inflict good DPS, then they only have to keep swinging a few more seconds in order to do 300 hit points.

It would be like waiting until a Barbarian is close to killing his prey then swooping in with a Phantasmal Killer at the last second.

It is a waste of spell points and a huge irritant for the person fighting.

04-15-2009, 07:07 PM
I would really like to see windwall put in as well. We need something to help against some of the archer madness we see right now. I can't believe the range some of these things have.

Wouldn't really help, they would just lob the arrows over the top :D

04-15-2009, 07:13 PM
"Power Word: Kill (Level: Sor/Wiz 9) A single word of power is uttered, instantly killing a target creature with 300 or fewer hit points."
please get a clue & make useful spells
How to make it useful:

Power Word: Kill (Sor/Wiz 9)
A single word of power is uttered, instantly killing a target creature with 300 or fewer hit points. Creatures with more hitpoints are entitled to a Fortitude save to survive, and those with more than 600 hp gain a +1 save bonus per 50 additional hp, and do not automatically fail on a natural 1. Effects that increase the damage of negative energy (such as Potency) increase this spell's hitpoint thresholds proportionately.

The current PWK spell is almost humorously broken, because it's mostly inferior to Finger of Death- a lower level spell. (Hypothetically if the game involved dangerous mobs with high Fort and low hp, it could be good... except that any creature with under 300 hp can be simply killed with fire)

04-16-2009, 01:06 PM
I'll comment on the 2 spells I have used so far with my 17th lvl wizard. Summon Monster 9 is nice. Sceenshot of demon:

http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/5104/screenshot00071.th.jpg (http://img524.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot00071.jpg)

I took the guy into the new explorer zone for the twilight forge. He easily destroyed the scorpions. He would not follow through the doors or black zone thing to the next area.

I also took him into Storm cleave elite. He easily slayed all the kolbolds. Had to re-summon him at the bottom after I sled down because he would not follow. I used wail of the banshee on the dogs and killed all but one. Fingered the last dog and moved on to the 2nd pack of mutts. I used banshee again on the dogs and got all but one. After fingering the last mutt, I moved on the the big fight againt the minataurs.

I hung back and let the big guy do the work. He is cr14 with teleport, some type of freezing attack, horrid wilting, boulder throw, the hammer graphic spell, and regular smack attacks. His mana bar droped to 50% but his health was 90% after the fight.

He killed everything after the 2nd dog pack up to including the 1st giant by himself before his 5 minute timer expired and his was at 85% life. He would not go in the 1st cave though.

Maybe when we summon him you could put his soul stone in our backpack so that he will teleport to use if we go though portals.

It did feel like the monsters in storm cleave had fewer hp than normal. I'll compare on the regular servers.

04-20-2009, 02:28 PM
PK is illusion and deathward protects also against it. So I dont see why it wont protect against implosion even if it is not necromantic spell...

Actually only the will save part of the spell is illusion, the necromantic part is the dying from fright. PK is both illusion and necro thus one saving throw to believe an illusion (will save) and one to avoid dying of fright (fort save). Deathward protects from the necromantic half of the spell.

04-22-2009, 09:26 AM
Actually only the will save part of the spell is illusion, the necromantic part is the dying from fright. PK is both illusion and necro thus one saving throw to believe an illusion (will save) and one to avoid dying of fright (fort save). Deathward protects from the necromantic half of the spell.

No it is only illusion according to d20srd:

Phantasmal Killer

Illusion (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with), then Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

You create a phantasmal image of the most fearsome creature imaginable to the subject simply by forming the fears of the subject’s subconscious mind into something that its conscious mind can visualize: this most horrible beast. Only the spell’s subject can see the phantasmal killer. You see only a vague shape. The target first gets a Will save to recognize the image as unreal. If that save fails, the phantasm touches the subject, and the subject must succeed on a Fortitude save or die from fear. Even if the Fortitude save is successful, the subject takes 3d6 points of damage.

If the subject of a phantasmal killer attack succeeds in disbelieving and is wearing a helm of telepathy, the beast can be turned upon you. You must then disbelieve it or become subject to its deadly fear attack.

There is nowhere said that it uses necromancy. Fear effect is because you believe something(illusion which is what this spell does) to be true, not from spell itself.

04-22-2009, 11:20 AM
No it is only illusion according to d20srd:

There is nowhere said that it uses necromancy. Fear effect is because you believe something(illusion which is what this spell does) to be true, not from spell itself.

Agreed, PK is not necro

04-27-2009, 02:00 PM
After spending a little time on the Tri-Lamda server I am more prepared to give proper feedback regarding the new spells for Arcane Casters and how usefull they are. Rather than giving details to the pro's and con's I will give a simple usefull rating.

Acid Spray - Usefull

Chain Missiles - Usefull

Prismatic Spray - Usefull

Repair Critical Damage, Mass - Usefull

Meteor Swarm - Not Usefull

Mordenkainen’s Disjunction - Not usefull

Power Word: Kill - Not Usefull

Wail of the Banshee - Usefull

Summon Monster IX - Usefull

Energy Drain - Usefull

A Not Usefull rating does not mean it should not be used but rather I expect the majority will opt to skip on memorizing these spells.

P.S. Can someone give me a stick to scrape The Cube from the bottom of my sandle?

04-29-2009, 05:26 AM
Change Power Word: Kill to do damage instead. Have it do 300 damage, let that dmg be able to be maximized, empowered etc. You now have a good spell that costs a bit more than disentergrate but we still will get decent dmg from it. Those few times we Crit will be extra nice. Figure that a lvl 6 Disentergrate @ lvl 20 will be 40d6 dmg so 40-240 dmg. This would be in line.

Give nukers, and even wizzies a new direct dmg spell. Instead of a useless spell.

04-30-2009, 02:10 PM
After spending a little time on the Tri-Lamda server I am more prepared to give proper feedback regarding the new spells for Arcane Casters and how usefull they are. Rather than giving details to the pro's and con's I will give a simple usefull rating.

Acid Spray - Usefull

Chain Missiles - Usefull

Prismatic Spray - Usefull

Repair Critical Damage, Mass - Usefull

Meteor Swarm - Not Usefull

Mordenkainen’s Disjunction - Not usefull

Power Word: Kill - Not Usefull

Wail of the Banshee - Usefull

Summon Monster IX - Usefull

Energy Drain - Usefull

A Not Usefull rating does not mean it should not be used but rather I expect the majority will opt to skip on memorizing these spells.

P.S. Can someone give me a stick to scrape The Cube from the bottom of my sandle?

How do you play your castor and what server do you play on? I mean, are you a zerging powergamer or a more traditional player of D&D?

06-14-2009, 04:02 PM
So, I'm not sure if I'm reading this right...is Implosion pretty much Wail of the Banshee, only as a duration AoE during which you can be spamming any other spells you want? Unless the duration and range on this is ridiculously short, then this spell seems to be even more ridiculously over powered.

06-16-2009, 02:29 PM
So, I'm not sure if I'm reading this right...is Implosion pretty much Wail of the Banshee, only as a duration AoE during which you can be spamming any other spells you want? Unless the duration and range on this is ridiculously short, then this spell seems to be even more ridiculously over powered.

Try the spell out. It's quite different.

Wail - everything near you that is *ALIVE* has to make a save, now.

Implosion - ONE creature near you that has a *BODY* has to make a save, now. It's uncommon to land this on many targets unless you're swarmed, it does not last very long, but it's ability to work on say skeletons and other such stuff with bodies is nifty.

06-16-2009, 02:44 PM
Implosion - ONE creature near you that has a *BODY* has to make a save, now. It's uncommon to land this on many targets unless you're swarmed, it does not last very long, but it's ability to work on say skeletons and other such stuff with bodies is nifty.
Interesting. That'll be the third time (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/implosion.htm) DDO has violated the D&D rule that undead are immune (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#undeadType) to any effect that offers a fortitude (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fleshToStone.htm) save (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/symbolOfPain.htm), unless the effect is harmless or works on objects (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/disintegrate.htm).

I can't say it's really a bad thing for the list of spells which work on undead to grow a little.

11-11-2009, 08:55 PM
I wish they would add Evard's Black Tentacles. Is is really that hard? Come on Atari, you did it in NWN...

Honestly dont see why they just dont add as much from dnd as they can into these kind of games.

11-11-2009, 09:03 PM
Lucian, meteor swarm is one of the few spells that will damage Raiyum on epic.

11-11-2009, 09:07 PM

12-14-2009, 09:44 AM
Any new spells for update 2?

06-01-2010, 05:22 PM
I know this is an old topic, but I was wondering if there's any chance that my all-time 1st-level arcane spell 'Chromatic Sphere' will join the DDO ranks someday?

It's a nice spell with effects that follow higher levels, with the included save (incentive for SP and the like).

IMO A true roleplaying spell which has the capability of adding some fun here and there.