View Full Version : Suggestion: Move rusty nail vendors outside
02-25-2009, 09:44 AM
it's been a while since the market tent got toasted, and it's not really missed.... but how about the poor displaced vendors go into the market area near cydonie agent of argonessen. Theres stalls everywhere there.
Maybe there is speed issues, but it'd be great to see a hustle and bustle in the marketplace trading with vendors out in the open air.
02-26-2009, 08:09 PM
I agree. The lack of "seeing people" in the main instance is a huge downer for this game, and the first thing I noticed coming over here from COH three years ago.
A Reconstructed "Vendor Deck" where the tent used to be makes the most sense.
FURTHER, and this may cause some controversy-
Take the House K and House D Vendors and either put them together in one spot, or bring them out too. Any other game I play in has their vendors together for best use and advantage for the players, not artifical ways of setting up travel time.
02-26-2009, 08:20 PM
Not a bad idea, if only to skip two useless loadings. Moving the other brokers there would be cool too. Less walking.
Maybe the non-resetting of the brokers could be problematic?
02-26-2009, 08:24 PM
Not a bad idea, if only to skip two useless loadings. Moving the other brokers there would be cool too. Less walking.
Maybe the non-resetting of the brokers could be problematic?
Yeah, you would have to have a forced reset "The clock strikes one am, and all the items gone"....
The other problem is when you have multiple instances and you can see different stuff at different instances with the same vendor (I have only seen this happen ONCE, when someone was giving away their stuff in House D).
I figured that may be the reason to seperate K+D from the others, but still, no reason to have the two of them apart other than to torture us. Put them all in House P near the AH, and I would be just as fine with it.
Just say the rain flooded the vendors and they had to move to higher ground.
03-02-2009, 08:28 PM
Actually, we will be moving the vendors outside in Mod 9. We just wanted to make a spiffy place for them to set up shop before asking them to move.
03-02-2009, 08:48 PM
I just forgot that the MUSIC from the tent is gone, will you guys post that out with other music, since I can't listen to it anymore. Arrgh I so forgot how much I <<<<<3333'd that little piece. It was grand, one of the first things about the game I fell in love with.
I really miss it.
I really, really do!!
03-02-2009, 09:45 PM
We just wanted to make a spiffy place for them to set up shop before asking them to move.How much do these vendors kick back to you to get such treatment? These vendors are robbing the general population blind.
I've got plat, let's cut a deal. You into real estate?
03-02-2009, 10:34 PM
Actually, we will be moving the vendors outside in Mod 9. We just wanted to make a spiffy place for them to set up shop before asking them to move.
What are the odds of spawning copies of the vendors in House D and K. I'm pretty sure whatever reasons that you seperated them are long since gone... and it'd be nice to have them all in a spot again... seeing as usage of them is pretty low.
03-03-2009, 06:44 AM
Actually, we will be moving the vendors outside in Mod 9. We just wanted to make a spiffy place for them to set up shop before asking them to move.
Nooooooooooo! I *love* having all of those vendors centrally located and in a tavern! Boo! Hiss!
03-03-2009, 08:47 AM
I wonder if we will now see the giant's market from the pnp version of Stormreach?
03-03-2009, 11:48 AM
I just forgot that the MUSIC from the tent is gone, will you guys post that out with other music, since I can't listen to it anymore. Arrgh I so forgot how much I <<<<<3333'd that little piece. It was grand, one of the first things about the game I fell in love with.
I really miss it.
I really, really do!!
Agreed! I miss the tent music too! Generally I miss the tent as well, since I get horrid lag trying to shop in the Nail. Darn those devils and their tent-blowing-up ways!
03-03-2009, 12:36 PM
Nooooooooooo! I *love* having all of those vendors centrally located and in a tavern! Boo! Hiss!
I agree - no more running all over town to sell different items!
Also, I noticed last night that some nice low end Jewelry and Clothing is ALWAYS available as that Tavern is a very happening place! No more resetting and clearing of their inventory lists...
I hope the new home is just as happening :D.
03-03-2009, 12:41 PM
I just forgot that the MUSIC from the tent is gone, will you guys post that out with other music, since I can't listen to it anymore. Arrgh I so forgot how much I <<<<<3333'd that little piece. It was grand, one of the first things about the game I fell in love with.
I really miss it.
I really, really do!!
I third this!! Just like iamsamoth that catchy beat was one of the first things about the game that captivated me. I would afk in there for nothing other than the tunes.
Give us an mp3! :D
Actually, we will be moving the vendors outside in Mod 9. We just wanted to make a spiffy place for them to set up shop before asking them to move.
We getting a WALMART??? Hurray!!! Always the low Price!!! ALWAYS !!!!
03-03-2009, 03:20 PM
Actually, we will be moving the vendors outside in Mod 9. We just wanted to make a spiffy place for them to set up shop before asking them to move.
Pssstt ... hey buddy ... don't let ms. p catch you giving out mod 9 sneak peaks ...
*shifts glance*
... ya know, there might be, consequences.
But more serious, with the vendors outside I imagine a heavier server load not only with respect to the additional players but also inclusive of the actual lists of itmes maintained by the vendors - does this additional overhead 'hurt' the market instance?
Yes I know that the Market can spawn new instances but am concerned that still the Market itself will be impacted at in some way...
I for example know that the smart folk @ Turbine have defined their 'vendors' statically so that there's only one instance of each active at any given time so, even if there are multiple Market instances :)
But wondering how the 5 minute loot purge rule will still apply since at any given time there's almost always someone in the Market... Would the 5 minute rule still be in effect and based on a particular instance of the Market or instead on a counter based system so that, as long as at least one instance of the Market is active, the 5 minute rule doesn't come into play?
03-04-2009, 05:01 AM
never liked the tent actually, but setting up on the stalls near cydonie would be perfect. Auction right near, trainers up the stairs.. Now if only the post box had a duplicate near the rusty nail...
03-04-2009, 05:12 AM
I would just be happy with a wand/scroll and ammo vendor in Meridia.
... one can dream, can't they?
03-04-2009, 01:49 PM
I third this!! Just like iamsamoth that catchy beat was one of the first things about the game that captivated me. I would afk in there for nothing other than the tunes.
Give us an mp3! :D
Are you serious???? Really the market tent music was the main reason i turned my music volume down, and you want a mp3??
I wouldnt let any of your bud's find that on your ipod!
i dunno... tent jamz might make a good ring tone :)
03-05-2009, 11:24 AM
I think you'll be happy with the vendors in 9 (but we'll talk about that later :D). I actually am in the process of trying to get you the tent music to go along with all the other music available. The tent song was my favorite one too! That catchy lil drum beat...
03-05-2009, 11:26 AM
Vast? Unknown.
Mysterious? Check.
03-05-2009, 11:33 AM
Vast & Mysterious has no quantity measurements associated with it. It is a term associated only with that which I can't yet (or won't yet) say, with no definitive terms. It can be anything bigger than a bread box, smaller than a freight train...or to put it in DDO terms, bigger than a cookie type, smaller than the planes of Eberron. Or...whenever I feel like using it in reference to something unknown. Currently the contents of my lunch are also vast & mysterious, as well as dinner.
03-05-2009, 11:36 AM
Currently the contents of my lunch are also vast & mysterious
...that sounds pretty spooky. :eek:
03-05-2009, 11:43 AM
Vast & Mysterious has no quantity measurements associated with it. It is a term associated only with that which I can't yet (or won't yet) say, with no definitive terms. It can be anything bigger than a bread box, smaller than a freight train...or to put it in DDO terms, bigger than a cookie type, smaller than the planes of Eberron. Or...whenever I feel like using it in reference to something unknown. Currently the contents of my lunch are also vast & mysterious, as well as dinner.
Like announcing Vast and Mysterious 'soon', you will update us on the contents of your lunch right?
Communication is key...
03-05-2009, 11:55 AM
Are you serious???? Really the market tent music was the main reason i turned my music volume down, and you want a mp3??
I wouldnt let any of your bud's find that on your ipod!
There was, and maybe still is, a link to all the music. I have it on my iPod. and It is awesome.
03-05-2009, 12:15 PM
Vast & Mysterious has no quantity measurements associated with it.Then why use the word "vast"?
Definition of "vast":
very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extent or range <vast knowledge> <a vast expanse>
You could have gotten away with "Vastly Mysterious", but "Vast & Mysterious" says "large and unknown".
03-05-2009, 12:23 PM
I think you'll be happy with the vendors in 9 (but we'll talk about that later :D). I actually am in the process of trying to get you the tent music to go along with all the other music available. The tent song was my favorite one too! That catchy lil drum beat...
Gosh, I hope the vendors are merged so that you could buy any level item from any vendor. It would greatly increase their usage among players.
If not, I'd at least love to see broader levels grouped, something like this:
Lvl 1-6
Lvl 7-12
Lvl 13-20
03-05-2009, 12:29 PM
Actually, we will be moving the vendors outside in Mod 9. We just wanted to make a spiffy place for them to set up shop before asking them to move.
Can we call it Quijimart?
03-05-2009, 12:35 PM
Vast & Mysterious has no quantity measurements associated with it. It is a term associated only with that which I can't yet (or won't yet) say, with no definitive terms. It can be anything bigger than a bread box, smaller than a freight train...or to put it in DDO terms, bigger than a cookie type, smaller than the planes of Eberron. Or...whenever I feel like using it in reference to something unknown. Currently the contents of my lunch are also vast & mysterious, as well as dinner.
Cthulian Scooby snacks?
03-05-2009, 01:58 PM
There was, and maybe still is, a link to all the music. I have it on my iPod. and It is awesome.
Yup, music is still available on the site (! It's under downloads -> audio if you're using the navigation panel at the top
03-05-2009, 02:02 PM
Then why use the word "vast"?
Definition of "vast":
You could have gotten away with "Vastly Mysterious", but "Vast & Mysterious" says "large and unknown".
Ah because they are never used as "vast" and "mysterious" individually, it is "vast & mysterious"... like how dog and house can be an animal and a dwelling, but a doghouse is somewhere you go when you're in trouble... or steam and punk vs steampunk or... rock and lobster vs rock lobster from the B 52s or....other made...up...stuf...*amnesia dust in the face!*
03-05-2009, 02:11 PM
Ah because they are never used as "vast" and "mysterious" individually, it is "vast & mysterious"... like how dog and house can be an animal and a dwelling, but a doghouse is somewhere you go when you're in trouble... or steam and punk vs steampunk or... rock and lobster vs rock lobster from the B 52s or....other made...up...stuf...*amnesia dust in the face!*
made up stuff? (AKA a rock lobster) :D
03-05-2009, 02:45 PM
made up stuff? (AKA a rock lobster) :D
Rock Lobster! (
03-05-2009, 05:02 PM
I really like the vendors in the Rusty Nail. I like getting my clickies back as I sell to vendors and throwing gh on any that don't have it. Please can you make the tent a tavern?????
03-05-2009, 11:52 PM
The vendors being in rusty nail, makes it not reset so often thus being empty when I arrive.
I am still looking for that Periapt of Wisdom :p
03-06-2009, 12:00 AM
Tolero.. completely off-topic.. or at least obtusely to the topic. The music that plays in Meridia when your up on that Ridge is AWESOME! It seems so out of place there but I love it! Gonna add that to the site?
03-06-2009, 12:03 AM
Tolero.. completely off-topic.. or at least obtusely to the topic. The music that plays in Meridia when your up on that Ridge is AWESOME! It seems so out of place there but I love it! Gonna add that to the site?
is that the same music you get when you enter the Reaver raid...?
03-06-2009, 12:09 AM
How much do these vendors kick back to you to get such treatment? These vendors are robbing the general population blind.
I've got plat, let's cut a deal. You into real estate?
i LoL'ed :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
03-06-2009, 12:24 AM
Actually, we will be moving the vendors outside in Mod 9. We just wanted to make a spiffy place for them to set up shop before asking them to move.
****. If only Bob ( would have waited just a little longer before trying make the trip to Meridia... :(
Timing, it's everything.
03-06-2009, 09:06 AM
Rock Lobster! (
What that? A vid from their local club days? Very cool if it is.
03-06-2009, 12:22 PM
ahhh.... Kate Pierson.... Love that voice... specially Candy...
I really like the vendors in the Rusty Nail. I like getting my clickies back as I sell to vendors and throwing gh on any that don't have it. Please can you make the tent a tavern?????
I'm with you... Having to run from Meridia to the Market to the Fair Trade then to the Armour Shop is so time consuming - and without clickie recharge to 'assist' with bargin pricing makes the ordeal even more tedious.... Will add another leg to the journey if the vendors have a space outside of what is essentially a 'rest area'.
Now if WALMART moves in and the vendors setup shop within, can stop off for some fries before we do business !
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