View Full Version : Buff All button

02-20-2009, 11:36 AM
What would be crazy awesome would be a hotbar 'feat', a ...recipe or macro if you will.

You select the icon, add a bunch of buffs to it, then drag the 'macro' to your bar somewhere.

When you click on it, it either chain casts, or all at once casts ALL the buffs in the recipe/macro on the selected player.

A rather large part of the game is spent standing around for buffs, and a caster clicking through half their bars on every player for quests that require a lot of buffs.

It wouldnt have to be an 'all at once' kind of deal, to make players still wait if they wanted buffs, but just being able to save the many clicks once you know what buffs you want with one cast/click would be super, super nice.

02-20-2009, 11:50 AM
FIrst, you can easily do this with a programmable keyboard like a G5/15 Saitek, Or any number of other keyboards.

Second, Simultaneous buffs are horrible for lag, and the animation interaction can cause client crashes. we NEED the time delay.

Third, there are very few quests that "Require" a lot of buffs. It cracks me up every time some starts randomly throwing out buffs to everyone. My rogue often gets hit with Extended FIre resist, True Seeing, FOM, and neu Poison even though I wear a Greater resist cloak, Tharns Googles, PaP Belt of GFL, and I am an Acrobat.... How many wasted spell points is that? and thats just 1 of 6 or 12.....

Dont waste time throwing out buffs. Sure, if your below level and its likely the characters arent fully equipt yet, they can be helpful, but at end game.. sheesh, many folks are very self sufficent and dont need em...

02-20-2009, 11:54 AM
Dont waste time throwing out buffs. Sure, if your below level and its likely the characters arent fully equipt yet, they can be helpful, but at end game.. sheesh, many folks are very self sufficent and dont need em...

It's easier to buff everyone than examine them to see what they already have, or have them order buffs a la carte in the chat window. Especially when you know your ETS (Estimated Time to Shrine) is short or you can just hop out and regen real quick.

I just wish they had separate coding for things to Mass buff people and just charge me spell points on a sliding scale. Mass Resist Energy...it hits 12 people, charge me 12 x <some number of spell points> and let's get on. I know there's a certain balancing aspect to having to cycle through buffs, but it very rarely comes into play...really only like Shroud 5 after you all res...

02-20-2009, 12:02 PM
It's easier to buff everyone than examine them to see what they already have, or have them order buffs a la carte in the chat window. Especially when you know your ETS (Estimated Time to Shrine) is short or you can just hop out and regen real quick.

I just wish they had separate coding for things to Mass buff people and just charge me spell points on a sliding scale. Mass Resist Energy...it hits 12 people, charge me 12 x <some number of spell points> and let's get on. I know there's a certain balancing aspect to having to cycle through buffs, but it very rarely comes into play...really only like Shroud 5 after you all res...

Actually, its WAY easier to say or type "if ya NEED a buff please ask" and get going.

02-20-2009, 01:15 PM
True it is only a time saving thing and not required or game breaking or anything.

But esp when pugging shroud say - its generally easier just to lay out a bunch of buffs, than ask ppl what they need, and half the ppl dont reply, then some player not listening starts asking for buffs he should have had when fighting the pit fiend.

"Oh I died from poison?"

Most quests there is often a group of buffs people lay out - just think how much play time could be saved ....

02-20-2009, 03:41 PM
True it is only a time saving thing and not required or game breaking or anything.

But esp when pugging shroud say - its generally easier just to lay out a bunch of buffs, than ask ppl what they need, and half the ppl dont reply, then some player not listening starts asking for buffs he should have had when fighting the pit fiend.

"Oh I died from poison?"

Most quests there is often a group of buffs people lay out - just think how much play time could be saved ....

People dont listen because they are used to babysitters. If they arent paying attention, then they dont need buffs....

Tell me.. What buffs are actually NEEEDED for Part 1 of the shroud? GH is nice for Fear immunity since the trogs spam fear.... Get a Gird, Get a Helm of Freewill or a Reaver Ring... Fire and acid for Burning blood? Carry a Pot..... Bard songs and go......

In a Pug shroud theres usually 5+ Minutes in between Prt 3 and 4 and spell points arent an issue since you shouldnt have used much in pt3. Buff away if it makes ya happy. Ya got the time and mana.